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Nature's Twist

Page 6

by Ayoola Olafenwa


  Exactly two years after the famine began, rain fell in the animal kingdom and it was heavy. It was like a miracle that the animal kingdom could still experience rainfall. However, the great damage that had been done in the kingdom was irredeemable. The famine had led to cannibalism among animals and the death of several animals. The animals that were still alive were jubilant that rainfall finally came. Even the savage animals were very happy about the rain, but their appetite for other animals still persisted. Their main happiness was that they will get water to drink. Within some months, the animal kingdom had began to return to normalcy, crops had begun to bloom, giving the animals the chance to feed properly again. As they were going out to get their meals, the savages seized the opportunity to kill and feed on the weaker animals. The animals started moving in groups when going to feed. Whenever they sited the savages, they abandoned their food and ran away for their life.

  Donny, the tortoise was still in the cage for the sin he had committed two years before. It is absolutely right to assume that the tortoise had been forgotten in the prison because of the trauma in the animal kingdom. Amazingly, he was still alive despite he hadn't eaten for two years. It is not surprising that he had a comprehensive knowledge of what was going on in the animal kingdom concerning the strong wild animals feeding on other animals as he could always watch from his cage, as other animals ran away from the savage animals. He also knew well that the rainfall had returned to the animal kingdom as he was always battered with rain drops falling from the sky into his cage. His cage was made up of strong wood with medium sized round holes to allow the flow of oxygen into it for the respiration of the animal. Through it, Donny sees the outside. A small door is located in front of the cage which is only possible to be opened from the outside. Donny had tried uncountable times to open it but to no avail. He longed so much to be out of the cell so that he will be able to eat. He always watched animals in group eating from the crops that have bloomed since the arrival of the rain and often animals moving in groups used to pass beside his cage. On a particular occasion Pomana and other elephants were passing beside his cage. Out of terrible hunger he was forced to ask Pomana to give him some food. Pomana laughed jocosely and told Donny that hunger will kill him in his cage for being cunny. Pomana and her friends bruised off Donny's request without any pity for his condition inside the cage. On a particular day, Donny saw a group of antelopes running desperately, he later discovered that they were being pursued by lions. Donny was always sad when he saw weaker animals running away from the savage animals. This is because, he thought of what will befall him when he gets out of the cage, wondering if he will not end up as lion's meal. He always comforted himself with the thought that he had the wisdom to defend himself from any savage.

  Some weeks later, Danny and other antelopes were passing by Donny's cage. Donny called Danny and asked what was happening in the animal kingdom and why other animals used to run away from the savage. Donny asked the question in such a way that anyone would think that he was a novice of what was going on in the kingdom. Danny gave him a clear explanation of what was going on in the kingdom, explaining that during the famine, the savage animals became cruel and began to eat other animals and even after the famine, they still continued their cruel act. He further explained that recently the lions had killed three of them. Donny really felt sorry for Danny and other antelopes. Donny thought that he should ask Danny to give him food but he thought Danny would discover that he is feeling concern for him because of the food he wants to eat. He therefore decided to advice Danny on what to do to save them from the savages . "I think this is what you are supposed to do to save yourself from the lions. When you and other antelopes go to eat, an antelope should be stationed to monitor the environment and whenever he sites the lion afar of, he should raise alarm and everyone would run into hiding.” Danny thanked Donny for his concern and advice. The next day that they went to eat, Danny stationed himself monitoring the environment as others were eating. Soon , he saw the lions faraway and he alerted everyone and they packed some food along and began running desperately. This was done three times consecutively and they were happy that they were able to find a solution to their problem. Danny and his fellow antelopes went to Donny to thank him for the advice he gave them on how to protect themselves from the savage. Out of their recompense for Donny they released him from the prison. Donny was extremely happy that he had been able to use his wisdom to regain his freedom. Donny was extremely pale and feeble. He was a figure of his skeletal system, a shadow of his former stature and his bonny body showed the extent of his starvation Seeing tortoise, one will be amazed and forced to wonder how it was possible for him to survive, when he should have starved to death. Every one therefore concluded that tortoise must be a strange creature with an extraordinary body system that does not breakdown easily. Danny and his fellow antelopes pitied Donny and they decided that they will take good care of him. Donny was so weak that he was unable to walk and they had to carry him to their habitat.

  Danny gave Donny a lot of food and he ate and ate throughout the day. Donny continued to live with the antelopes and the only thing for him to do was to eat and sleep. The antelopes decided to bring a lot of food to the habitat because of Donny. He always finished all the food, the antelopes were never angry with Donny's gluttony because of how he had helped them and the period of time he had been denied food. Donny was very happy with the kind of life he was living, feeling overjoyed. He felt like a man upon an elephant enjoying the praises of people admiring him. Donny loved entertaining the antelopes with his tales about life. The tales were usually full of how he had lived in the past and how he used his wisdom to play tricks on other animals in order to make life easier for himself. He told a lot of imaginary stupefying stories. Since Donny's liberation from prison, he had not come outside to stroll around the animal kingdom. One of the main reasons was that he was afraid of the savage animals. On a particular day when the antelopes had gone to hunt for food, Donny felt like he should come out to view his environment. In his slow gait, touring round the kingdom. After walking about 2km, he sited a pride of lions walking towards him. Donny's heart immediately felt cold, a stream of fear flew through him but the fear was counteracted by another thought which assured Donny that the lions will not hurt him. Donny did not run away but stayed calm and put his head under his shell. As the lions approached Donny, one of the them asked hysterically. "Is this not tortoise, how did he release himself from the prison? " he used his leg to hit Donny's shell but he did not pull up his head. "A mischievous creature, " they all chorused. "Feeding on an animal like tortoise is ridiculous, a horrible creature, " another said irritably. Out of anger they all turned their back and returned back to where they were coming from. Tortoise was extremely happy that he was able to use his wisdom to protect himself from lions. He returned back to the antelope's habitat feeling overjoyed and he decided to keep this event a secret from the antelopes.

  The Savages did not allow the antelopes to enjoy a free life for so long. The antelopes that went to eat rushed back home and they reported to Donny that the lions bumped into them unawares and killed two of them. Danny, the watchman didn't notice the lions afar off until they reached them. The antelopes begged him to teach them a more effective way to protect themselves from the lions. Donny told them to give him all the food remaining in the habitat and he assured them that after eating he will think over it and give them an advice on it. They all watched Donny eating all the food that ought to be managed by all the antelopes. Many of them were not happy with Donny but Danny and few others did not feel angry because they thought that Donny is an animal with great wisdom that should not be questioned. Donny was really hungry and didn't allow the misfortune of the antelopes to stop him from eating. Donny cared only about himself and nobody else. Donny ate all the food without leaving a damn for anyone else to eat. " By tomorrow I will follow you to get food." "And if you follow us tomorrow what are you going
to do to protect us from the lions?" one of the antelopes asked angrily. Donny laughed and kept quiet for long and he finally blurted out, "I cannot blame you for that kind of question you asked me because you are a greenhorn, it's not of the fool to know the path of the wise. ..." Danny interrupted "Don't be angry Donny, we all know how you have been able to use your wisdom to help us." No problem, I will make sure I find a solution to the incessant trouble of the savage animals." Donny replied Danny. After then, Donny gave all the antelopes a lengthy lecture about philosophy concerning wisdom and how it can be used to solve the world's problem until they all slept off forgetting that they had not eaten any food.

  The next morning, Donny followed the antelopes in their hunt for food. When they got to a large field with abundant food crops, Danny informed Donny that this is their food supply. "This is what we used to say concerning wisdom, I am sure that this place is not the only place with abundant food, the lions know well that this is where you always come to get your food and therefore take advantage of it. " Donny said irritably. "Okay what shall we do, do you know any other place with abundant food?" Danny asked wearily. "Don't worry I will take you to another place." Donny replied. Donny intended to take them to a particular place he had sited when he went out unknown to the antelopes. The place is relatively far and they had to walk very carefully in order to avoid the lions. They got to their destination and they were very happy because it had more food crops. They ate and ate. Donny decided to be the watchman and when his legs began to ache he decided to climb a nearby tree where he sat viewing the whole surrounding like a tourist admiring the beauty of the great works of nature. This will enable him to easily see any savage that might appear. After the antelopes had fed their stomach with what it desires they packed a lot of food home for tortoise. When they returned home, they thanked tortoise so much and tortoise was overjoyed. This magnificent life for tortoise and the antelopes continued for long and tortoise continued to be their watchman. On a particular day as tortoise was on the tree viewing everywhere while the antelopes were busy on the field. He saw a pride of lions moving towards them, the lions were moving so slowly with their feet touching the ground gently, steadily and producing no sound of stamping feet. He quickly alerted the antelopes from the tree and they all began to run for their life. The tortoise himself remained on the tree, the lions at this time began to run. "Why must you trouble yourself running after these antelopes?" Donny shouted. Donny's question startled the lions and they looked around to see who was questioning them, they were astounded to see Donny on top of the tree. Donny continued, "stop being savage, only the fools will be happy to be savage." "What! What the hell are you doing here? Come down here and I will kill you." One of the lions replied harshly and they continued their race after the antelopes that had run so far. Donny was taken aback by the lion's reaction towards him and he concluded in short that the lions’ cruel heart is completely hardened and cannot be changed. Donny waited on the tree till it was dark, he was afraid that the lions might come back to deal with him. He came down from the tree and walked gently to the antelope's habitat.

  When he got to his destination the antelopes were exceedingly happy to see Donny because they thought that he had been killed by the lions. "We are very happy to see you, we thought that the lions might have attacked...." "You mean the lions might have killed me." Donny cut them short "Only the unwise that lack wisdom will throw himself into the trap of the callous.” Donny was given a lot of food for his great work for the hapless antelopes. For many days, luck continued to work for Donny and his friends as Donny continued to be the watchman. Recently, Donny started complaining that the amount of food given to him is too small to sustain him. Despite the fact that the antelopes continued to increase the quantity of food given to him. Nothing in this world can satisfy the uncontended creatures. On a particular day as the antelopes set on their usual journey of getting their food, Donny told them to be going and he will come and meet them later. The antelopes did not see Donny appear and Danny decided to be the watchman. When they returned back home they asked him why he didn't turn up. “Donny why didn’t you show up, we have been worried about you?” Danny asked him. Donny laughed and kept quiet without speaking. “What is the problem? Another antelope asked anxiously. ” Donny was prodded for so long before he finally spoke out, “I should not be surprised by your character, the wise is never surprised by the stupidity of the fools.” The antelopes were taken aback by this shocking statement of Donny. Donny continued, “You these ungrateful animals never appreciate the good work of the wise. ” “We always give you enough to eat and will forever appreciate you in our heart.” Danny told Donny. Donny did not give any reply to Danny, he stayed calm. Danny and his fellow antelopes made up their mind that they will try their best to make tortoise comfortable in order for them not to incur his anger again since they found him indispensable in their lives. “Don’t worry Donny, we shall always make sure that we make you comfortable by any means possible. ” Danny assured Donny. They promised Donny that they will give him double portion of his meal the next day, but this wasn't enough for Donny, the next day he refused to follow the antelopes lying that he was feeling tired. The antelopes went in search of food feeling unhappy that Donny refused to follow them. Anyway, Donny wasn't happy that the antelopes went out everyday to get food without him and were able to protect themselves from the lions, proving wrong his claim that the antelopes do not have enough wisdom to protect themselves from the lions. He expected them to have come back home panting that the lions have attacked them. The antelopes returned home safely and they were unable to fulfill their promise to Donny on the excuse that they do not have enough strength to bring home double portion of his food. They told him that if he were able to follow them he will be able to assist them in bringing home the food. This intensified Donny's fury. Donny decided to hide his anger and he assured them that he will follow them the next day.

  On the next day, he fulfilled his promise and the antelopes were very happy. He sat on the tree as usual viewing the whole place and when he saw that the antelopes were busy on the field, he gently came down from the tree unnoticed by any of the antelopes. He walked quietly away, moving from one place to another, he saw a pride of lions afar off and he walked gently towards them. "What are you doing here? Let's kill this stupid tortoise and I will use you to feed my babies.” One of the female lions said. "If truly you are wise enough you will know that there is a special reason why I have come to visit you." Donny told them. "Okay what's the reason? " "If you can assure me that you will not kill me I will take you to where the antelopes are feeding and you will be able to attack them easily." The lions laughed at tortoise, "Do you think you can play tricks again upon us." "OK If I fail to take you to the antelopes, you should kill me instead." Donny said sharply. The lions followed Donny and they told him that they will for no reason spare him if truly he is lying. Unfailingly Donny fulfilled his promise and he took them through a way that will not enable the antelopes to detect that their death trap is on the way. The lions bumped into them without any notice. However the Lions were only lucky to get one of them, other antelopes had sped into different directions like the exploding seeds of an oil bean pod. This one antelope wasn’t enough for the lions, nevertheless they devoured him. Donny decided to show them the way to the antelope's habitat as this will give them the best opportunity to fill their stomach with food. While Donny remained with the crops, eating voraciously without anyone disturbing him, he was sure no one was around to see him. It was indeed the most terrible day in the life of antelopes, only few of them were lucky to escape from the wrath of the lions. Donny however did not return to the antelope's habitat, instead he built a habitat for himself near his food supply.

  The few antelopes that escaped ran away to a distant place from their habitat which they used as a temporary habitat. They were very sad and they thought that Donny too might have been killed. A young antelope came to meet them and they were surprised that he
was alive. The young antelope narrated to them that Donny was responsible for what happened. It happened this way; when the lions attacked them, this young antelope quickly hid in a nearby bush. From his hiding place, he saw Donny talking to the lions, explaining to them the way to their habitat. The antelopes were exceedingly astonished and they swore that they will find Donny and avenge their dead mates. But their quest to find Donny was not really possible because they were afraid of the lions and they choose to remain in their habitat. After about a week they began to feel hungry as food crops were rarely available at their new habitat. They decided to go out to search for food. Donny usually used to go out to tour the kingdom since he was sure that no lion will attack him. As they were going out they came across Donny. They pounced upon him without allowing him the chance to concoct anything in order to defend himself. They beat him mercilessly. They used large stones to hit his shell. The shell was hard, it cracked and some parts broke. They carried him deep to a marsh area and threw him away. One might conclude that Donny was dead but he was still alive feeling weak and sorry for his action. Donny learnt to realize in the hard way that it is not good to be cunny, greedy, malevolent and wisdom is a gift to be used for the good of everyone and not to be used for cheating or riding anyone. Donny found it hard to walk because he had been wounded and he had to live with shame and regret for the rest of his life.


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