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The Love Between Us

Page 3

by Max Hudson

“I came to see you.”

  Chris groaned. He didn’t want to talk to Violet. Their marriage had left a nasty taste in his mouth. He swiveled his chair around and started tapping away at his laptop.

  “Go away. I’m busy.”

  “You’re not busy. Everyone’s gone home now.” There was a rustling of a skirt, and Chris could hear Violet’s heels clicking across the floor. “Can’t we talk?”

  “What about?”

  Chris tensed when Violet put her hands on his shoulders. Her fingers brushed at his neck.

  “Us. What else?”

  “There is no us. We got divorced.” Chris shrugged her hands away and stood, putting the chair between them. He glared at her. “Are you trying to get back with me again because your recent squeeze didn’t work out?”

  “Why do you always assume the worst of me?”

  “Because you made me assume the worst.” Chris folded his arms. “I’m not taking you back, and I’ve said that every time. You seem to have a very short memory when it comes to what I say, Violet.”

  Violet smiled.

  “That’s because you love me.” She purred. “You know you still love me.”

  “I did love you. Once.” Chris narrowed his eyes. The woman just wouldn’t take a hint. “Do you enjoy tormenting people, Violet? Do you like men running around after you?”

  “I don’t need to do anything. They like to run around after me.”

  “Not all of them.”

  “Oh, trust me, all of them do in the end.”

  “Certainly not your brother.” Chris snorted. “I saw you two arguing on the monitors. He didn’t seem particularly happy to see you.”

  Violet rolled her eyes.

  “John is never happy to see me. He’s always been jealous of me and what I have.” She stroked her hair and smirked. “I’ve always got what I wanted and he’s still wishing for something that he can never have.”

  Chris had no idea what she was talking about. And he didn’t care to know. He took her arm and guided her toward the door.

  “Violet, I haven’t got any time to converse. I’m meant to be working. Get out of here.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Violet pulled her arm away and pressed a hand to his chest. “I missed you.”

  Chris had to resist the urge to burst out laughing. He couldn’t stop the smirk as he looked down at the raven-haired beauty practically pressing herself against him.

  “Did you miss me when you were in Cancun?” He challenged. “Did you miss me when you were in bed with other men? I do wonder what I was on when we met, because I wouldn’t have tolerated this had I known at the start.”

  Violet grinned.

  “I was everything you needed.” She whispered against his mouth. “That’s why you stayed.”

  “No, you weren’t.” Chris grabbed her and set her back before Violet could kiss him. “It just took me a while to figure that out.”

  “Chris?” One of his colleagues had appeared in the doorway, looking curiously between them. “Anything wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Chris let go of Violet quickly and stepped away. “Alex, could you escort Miss Coyne back to her car. Make sure she actually leaves the premises. I don’t want to see her back here.”

  “Of course.” Alex beckoned at Violet. “Come on, Miss. Let’s go.”

  “In a moment.” Violet waved Alex away, still staring up at Chris. “Mr. Bayliss and I have a few things to discuss.”

  “No, we don’t.” Chris snapped. “Now, leave. I won’t be nice next time.”

  Violet’s smile started to waver. It seemed to be finally getting into her head. She sighed and stepped back, blowing Chris a kiss.

  “See you later, Chris. You know how to get hold of me.”

  Then she walked out, her hips swaying as she left the room. Alex glanced at Chris, who scowled and turned away.

  “Get her out of here. And next time she comes in, she’s to be forcibly removed.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Alex disappeared, and Chris let out a growl, kicking over the trash can.

  “Stupid bitch.”

  Chapter Five

  Chris circled the mat, keeping on the balls of his feet, his hands up ready for the attack. Across from him, Nick Houghton did the same. Neither rushed into anything. They merely waited.

  He could only hope that Nick was as worn out as he was. The other man was pushing sixty, but he was fitter than Chris could ever hope to be. And Nick didn’t look like he was about to give in anytime soon.

  Chris could see Nick waiting for that chance to move in and deliver a killer move, one that would have Chris on the floor. But Chris kept moving, just out of reach. Then he darted in, grabbing at Nick’s shoulder. Nick knocked his hand away and caught hold of Chris’ lapel, pulling Chris off-balance. He executed a throw over his shoulder that made Chris’ head spin.

  His foot hit the floor first and his ankle twisted out from under him. Chris emitted a yell as he sprawled on the mat, one that was cut short as the air was knocked out of his lungs.

  “You okay, Chris?”

  Nick knelt beside him. Chris rolled onto his back with a groan.

  “I think so.” Chris sat up slowly. His ankle was throbbing. “You took me by surprise.”

  “That’s the idea.” Nick sat back on his haunches. “I think it’s time to finish the session.”

  “I paid for an hour.”

  “And it’s fifty minutes. I’ll let you have the next session at a discount.”

  Chris made a face. He had managed to find some energy for a private judo class, but he couldn’t even manage that. He flopped onto his back in a huff, staring at the ceiling.

  “What’s the matter with you, Chris?” Nick settled beside him, stretching his legs out in front of him as he began to lean toward his toes. “You’re not normally this distracted.”

  “I…” Chris sighed. “I’m just not with it right now.”

  “No shit.” Nick grunted. “Last time you were like this, Violet had been bothering…” His voice died away and he sat up. “She’s bothering you again, isn’t she?”

  “She came to my work last night. Said she wanted to get back together.”

  Nick stared.

  “And you didn’t give in, did you?”

  “Of course not! What do you take me for?”

  Nick had seen it all first-hand. He had been Chris’ best man, and Chris had done the same at Nick’s wedding. Nick had not been Violet’s top supporter, but he had been at Chris’ side regardless. Now Chris wondered how many people actually thought he and Violet were not meant to be and didn’t tell him.

  “It’s been two years.” Nick shook his head. “Doesn’t she understand a divorce means a divorce?”

  “Apparently not. Violet is a manipulator. She loves to have men running around on her.”

  “I thought you didn’t.”

  “I don’t. Which is why she keeps coming back.” Chris wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and sat up. “She had me before so she thinks she has prior claim.”

  Nick snorted.

  “She’s a fucking psycho.”

  “I wish I’d known that before.” Chris grumbled. “John should’ve warned me. Hell, everyone should’ve warned me.”

  “Would you have listened back then?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Exactly. No point in trying to warn you off if you were going to listen with the wrong brain.” Nick went back to his stretching. “You need to do your cool-down, Chris, or you’re going to be knotted up later on.”

  Chris hated stretching. It seemed more painful than the rest of the workout. But he shifted his legs into a wide split and reached down to one foot, easing his head toward his knee.

  “How John and Violet are related, I have no idea.” Nick commented, pushing himself to his feet and touching the floor with his hands, his legs straight. “They’re like chalk and cheese.”

  “Violet’s just cut from a completely differen
t cloth, that’s all.” Chris muttered. “One that doesn’t seem to be anywhere near her family’s.”

  “The parents are saints to have put up with her.” Nick paused. “You know she tried it on with me as well?”

  “What?” That had Chris sitting up. “When was this?”

  “Just after you two got married. And then again just after your divorce was finalized.” Nick shuddered. “I told her to fuck off both times. Even if I wasn’t married to Tess, I wasn’t getting myself involved with that mess.”

  Chris had had no idea about this. But he shouldn’t have been surprised; after catching her actively cheating in his bed, several others including some close friends had come forward to admit Violet had tried it on with them. A couple had even admitted they had slept with her when she was meant to be faithful to him.

  Needless to say, those people who had succumbed weren’t friends anymore.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

  “Would you have believed me had I said it years ago?” Nick queried.

  He was right. Chris wouldn’t have believed him. At that time, Violet had him under her spell. Nick’s words would have gone over his head and their friendship would have ended.

  “She’s messed up, Chris.” Nick went on as he dropped into the plank position. “You’re better off without her.”

  Chris couldn’t argue with that.

  Chapter Six

  John finished making the cup of tea and carried it through into the lounge. Katherine was sitting in her favorite chair, her feet up on the ottoman. John smiled at her as he handed her the cup.

  “There you go, Mom. Get that down you.”

  “Thanks, John, darling.” Katherine took the cup and gave John a brilliant smile. “You’re such a good boy.”

  “I do my best.”

  John sat on the couch and watched as his mother took a sip. He had taken to coming up to his parents’ home every weekend so David could get a break. Neither of them was willing to hire a caregiver, so John visited them whenever he could and took over for a while until his father got back from the shopping or from an afternoon to himself. It seemed to be relaxing his father more being on his own. And Katherine was delighted to see her son.

  This weekend was one of her good weekends. She was in a very good mood, and she was laughing and joking with her son. John enjoyed it when Katherine was in a good mood; she was a lot of fun.

  He missed it when they had that all the time without the fear of when her mind was going to go on a wander and his mother would forget even the simplest of things.

  “This is fabulous.” Katherine declared. She took another sip and put the cup to one side on the table at her elbow. “I wish you could come over more often, John. But I do know work is busy and that needs to come first.”

  “You come first, Mom. You know that.”

  “You’re too sweet.” Katherine sighed. “Just don’t let me get in the way of your life or your job. I don’t want to hold you back.”

  “Oh, Mom.” John smiled. “You’re not getting in the way of anything. Don’t think of yourself as a burden.”

  “I don’t want to, but there are times when I think I have been a burden to you.”

  “How do you make that out?”

  “Well, you’re forty-three now and unmarried.” Katherine’s eyes glinted. “You haven’t brought a boyfriend around at all. I haven’t heard you talk about anyone special, either. It’s like you’ve put your love life to one side to focus on your work.”

  “I just don’t…” John stopped. What had his mother just said? He thought he had misheard her. He stared at Katherine. “What did you say? Boyfriend?”

  “Yes, boyfriend.” Katherine laughed. “Don’t look so shocked, John. I may be losing my mind, but I’m not stupid. I’ve known about your preference for years.”

  John’s mouth opened and closed. He had purposefully not told his mother about his sexuality so she didn’t feel upset that her son wouldn’t be able to give her grandchildren - Katherine did love children - but where had he slipped up?

  “I... What... How…”

  Katherine was still giggling.

  “You want to know where I found out? I told you, I’m not stupid. And I did see you with another boy holding hands when you were about sixteen. It didn’t take much to put two and two together.”

  John sat back, staring at his mother.

  “And you never said anything?”

  “Of course not. I knew it was a sensitive subject, so I wanted to wait until you brought it up. Which you never did.” Katherine shook her head. “Why didn’t you feel brave enough to talk to me about it? And does your father know?”

  “He caught me kissing someone when I was at university. It’s not something he brings up.” David was a traditional man, and while he accepted John as who he was, it was tough to discuss. “And I didn’t say anything to you because I didn’t want you to be shocked. Embarrassed by me.”

  “Why would I be embarrassed?”

  “You’re a very traditional woman, Mom. Nothing out of place from the norm.”

  Katherine gave him a soft smile, reaching out to him.

  “Oh, love, come here.”

  John sat forward and took his mother’s hand. Katherine squeezed his fingers, her expression warm. “You’re my son. I love you. You would never embarrass me. Besides,” she added as she made a face, “you can’t be as embarrassing as your sister is right now.”

  John had to concede that. Violet had been the apple of her parents’ eyes at a little girl, but as she got older she took advantage of that. Now she simply drove her parents to despair, and she didn’t seem to care. It was no surprise that she was doing something embarrassing right now.

  “What’s Violet been doing now?”

  “A lot of bad things.” Katherine’s smile was fading. She released John’s hand and placed it in her lap. “She’s been coming over since getting back from her vacation. As soon as your dad’s out the room, Violet tries to get me to sign power of attorney over to her.”


  “She has the papers ready to go and everything. It just needs my signature.”

  John stared. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. But he shouldn’t have been surprised. Violet loved money and would do anything to get it. Katherine and David’s jobs had been quite lucrative, and they were sitting on a nice nest egg. John knew they needed it now after Katherine’s medical bills started escalating, but Violet wanted her inheritance right now.

  “She can’t do that, can she?”

  “She can’t, but she’s trying.” Katherine grunted. “Violet claims that my mind is pretty much gone and that your father is struggling himself, both physically and emotionally. We need someone to take care of both of us and to deal with our finances.”

  John snorted.

  “That’s bull. I know Dad needs someone to help take care of you so he doesn’t burn himself into the ground, but he doesn’t need someone to be power of attorney over him. His mind is sharper than mine.”

  “I know that and I told Violet that.” Katherine sighed. “My illness is in its early stages, and I’m not completely ga-ga.”

  “I know that, Mom. You don’t need to confirm it for me.”

  “There are times when I need to confirm it for myself. And I’ve told Violet that I will not let her have power of attorney over me. Not when I know she doesn’t have our best interests at heart.”

  John was glad that his mother was still relatively sharp. She was stubborn, much like the rest of the family. But she was getting more and more vulnerable as her illness took hold. It wouldn’t be long before Katherine wouldn’t be able to cope at all. John didn’t want it to go that far, and he certainly didn’t want Violet in charge of it.

  “I’ll speak to Dad.” John promised. “I’ll make sure the two of you are covered. Make sure something is in place in your will or something like that which makes sure Violet won’t take advantage.”

we’re way ahead of you. David’s at Trevor’s office today sorting it out.”

  That made John feel a little better. He didn’t want to think how David must have felt to hear his own daughter was trying to go over his head to take charge of his wife. David was still of sound mind and he would take care of Katherine as long as he was able.

  John couldn’t understand why anyone would want to be mean and greedy. Then again, Violet was someone you could never completely understand. She was off in her own little world where she was in charge and nothing could touch her.

  “Oh, dear.”


  Katherine sighed.

  “I don’t want to speak ill of my daughter, John. I love her, yes, but she’s not grown into the lovely woman I wanted her to be. She’s thrown everything away to follow the money trail and more exciting lives.” She bit her lip. “She wasn’t one to be tied down. I’m surprised Chris lasted as long as he did. Such a patient man. And so sweet.”

  “Chris, sweet?” John snorted. “I wouldn’t call Chris sweet.”

  “I would.” Katherine’s eyes glinted, her lovely smile curling at her mouth. “He visits me sometimes, bringing me cake his mother makes. He’s good company while David goes out to do the shopping. I enjoy our conversations. The man is an absolute saint.”

  John stared. How had he not known about that? David would have said something to him as well. Maybe Chris had got him to promise not to say a word. It was out of character for Chris, and perhaps he didn’t want his ex-wife to know he was still in good contact with his former in-laws. Violet wouldn’t have been happy about that.

  He wouldn’t have wanted to be seen as a softie.


  John jumped. Katherine was frowning at him. He cleared his throat.

  “Sorry, Mom. Miles away.”

  “I noticed.” Katherine waved her hand at the TV remote on the couch beside John’s hand. “I think Golden Girls is going to be on in a minute. Watch it with me?”

  John smiled and picked the remote up.

  “Of course.”

  Chapter Seven

  The weather was starting to get worse as John left his parents’ home. Rain was pattering briskly on his windshield, causing John to put the wipers on. Up in the hills, whenever it started raining the towns would suffer. It wouldn’t be a surprise if the place ended up partially flooded.


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