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The Love Between Us

Page 10

by Max Hudson

  John found himself smiling. That sounded like a perfect plan. He squeezed Chris’ fingers.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  Chris smiled back. But there was still something going on behind his eyes. John could sense his mind was wandering elsewhere. After what had happened the night before, he couldn’t blame Chris. But John found himself sitting up.

  “John,” Chris tried to ease him back onto the pillows, “You shouldn’t be getting up.”

  “Screw that.” John shrugged Chris’ hands away and tapped Chris on the head. “There’s something going on in that head of yours, Chris, and I want to know what’s going on. What’s troubling you?”

  “Why should I have anything wrong?”

  “Besides the fact I’m lying here with a broken arm? Chris, I know you. I can tell something’s wrong.”

  Chris let out a heavy sigh. Then he slid his fingers through John’s hair and rested his forehead against John’s. That made John’s head hurt even more, but he didn’t want to pull away.

  “I’m still trying to get over the fact my ex-wife was so determined to get me back that she thought getting rid of the competition would do the trick and have me crawling back to her.”

  “You know Violet. She’s never been able to take things unless she had some form of control. If it wasn’t on her terms, in her eyes it didn’t matter.” John kissed him softly. “You divorced her, Chris. You pushed her away, and she couldn’t handle that.”

  “She accepted the divorce, John.”

  “Only because her lawyer advised her to do so. Violet wanted to have a husband and several boyfriends, anyone who could give her what she wanted.”

  “Which was attention.” Chris said grimly. “She may have wanted lots of people to love her, but I prefer to be just the one.”

  John smiled and cupped Chris’ bristled jaw in his palm.

  “So do I. You won’t have to worry about that.” He sighed. “I’m still sorry you have to be involved with a mad family.”

  Chris returned his smile before he returned John’s kiss.

  “Don’t apologize. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chris swam to the end of the private pool and stopped, propping his arms on the side. John was still sitting on the sun lounger, his head bent as he read his book. The man had been reading since he had come out an hour before. How could one person be so intent on just one book? This was meant to be a vacation.

  “Aren’t you going to get in now?” he asked.

  John barely lifted his head as he answered.

  “Once I’ve finished this chapter.”

  “You said that ten minutes ago,” Chris laughed. “Get in on your own or I’m getting out and bringing you in. And the book is coming in as well.”

  John sighed and put the book aside, placing his reading glasses on top.

  “You order me around too much,” he complained with a smile.

  “And you love it.”

  “God help me, but I do.”

  John stood and walked toward the pool. Chris watched as his lover strolled toward him. Even after six months together, the intensity of his love for John was still there. Just the sight of him was enough for Chris to get hard. Especially while they were in the Bahamas, where they spent most of the time sitting by the pool in their private villa in just their swimming trunks. And Chris’ mouth watered whenever John walked around in his trunks. They certainly left little to the imagination.

  John was certainly looking more confident. It had been six weeks since he had had the cast taken off, the only thing left of his escapade being a long red scar down his forearm. Physio was going well, and Chris had decided to celebrate by booking a vacation for them, bringing David and Katherine along as well. His in-laws were delighted to get away from home for a while.

  At least it would take their mind off what would happen when they got back. Violet had refused to take a plea and she was going to trial. Everyone thought it was ridiculous for her to even think she could get away with what she had done, but Violet was sure she would walk out the courthouse a free woman. She was being held without bail on charges of assault and attempted murder. She had called Chris so often that Chris had had to let the prison know that he wasn’t accepting calls from her anymore.

  She hadn’t learned her lesson. He wasn’t mad, and Violet was certainly mad if she thought Chris would be waiting for her after everything she had done.

  It had taken a toll on John’s family. A break was what they needed. All of them.

  John went to the steps at the shallow end and stepped into the water, sitting on the top step so the water washed over his lap. Chris swam over to him and crawled up the steps. John opened his thighs and Chris slid his body against his lover’s, kissing him deeply. John sighed and slid his arms around Chris’ back.

  “You taste delicious,” he said against Chris’ mouth.

  “Always.” Chris could feel John’s erection pressing against his belly. He reached down and rubbed John’s cock, swallowing John’s moan into his mouth. “What time did your parents say they would be back?”

  “Huh?” John looked a little dazed. Then his eyes re-focused and he sat back, resting his elbows on the side of the pool. “Dad said he would take Mom out to lunch. They won’t be back until two, he said.”

  “About three hours away.” Chris grinned as he tugged at John’s trunks. “Let’s not waste it.”

  John grinned back. He lifted his hips and allowed Chris to tug his trunks down.

  “Sounds like an idea,” he purred as his cock sprang free, almost touching his belly-button.

  Chris stroked John’s cock, feeling it twitch in his hand. John let out a sigh, his head falling back as Chris started stroking his balls. Chris could feel his own cock pressing against his trunks, and he groaned as the friction built his arousal.

  “Suck me, Chris,” John panted. “Suck my cock.”

  Chris smiled.

  “Impatient, are we?”

  “Always.” John thrust into Chris’ hand. “Just suck me.”

  Chris lowered his head, taking John’s cock into his mouth until the head of his cock bumped against the back of Chris’ throat. Then Chris tightened his mouth and swallowed. John let out a low, louder moan, the moan rippling down Chris’ spine as he licked his tongue along the underside of John’s shaft, swirling his tongue around as he raised his head, sliding his lips along John’s cock.

  He lapped and sucked at John’s cock with gusto, his hands cupping John’s hips to hold him still. Chris just couldn’t get enough of John. Then John was pushing at him, nudging him away.

  “Your turn,” he said sharply. “Get naked. Now.”

  Chris wasn’t about to argue. He pulled away, giving John’s cock one last lick, and pushed his trunks down, allowing them to float away. Then John slid into the pool, pulling Chris into a kiss as he pressed against him. As he stole kiss after kiss, sucking Chris’ tongue into his mouth, John grabbed Chris’ legs and lifted him, wrapping his legs around John’s waist. Chris tilted back and moaned as the blunt head of John’s cock pressed against his anus.

  “Still eager.” John grinned. He squeezed Chris’ buttocks in his hands and drew his cheeks apart. “Let’s not leave you hanging.”

  He jerked his hips, and Chris gasped as John’s cock slid in easily, his hips bumping against Chris’ thighs. Even after six months of making love to the man and John never failed to make Chris feel close to cumming like it was his first time. It just felt too good.

  John wasn’t gentle. Still gripping onto Chris’ cheeks, he hammered his hips, thrusting his cock into Chris’ ass. Chris’ legs tightened around John’s waist, clutching his shoulders as he hung on. John lowered his head and sucked on Chris’ neck before he bit down. Hard.

  Chris let out a cry, his orgasm hitting him hard. Lights exploded behind his eyes, and he shuddered in John’s arms. Then he was spinning, aware that John was getting into shallow water. John laid him on
the steps and spread Chris’ legs, still pistoning his hips as he fucked Chris’ ass. His body was starting to tense up, his face tightening in his arousal. Chris loved to watch him like this.

  He tilted his hips, taking more of John’s cock into him. That had John shuddering and he jerked, almost falling over Chris. Chris could feel his release inside him, John’s cock twitching in a way that made Chris’ dwindling climax build up again. He moaned and tugged John down in for a kiss. John sighed, sinking into his arms. Then he lifted his head with a dazed smile.

  “That never gets boring,” he whispered.

  “Glad you think so.” Chris kissed him. “I think you’ve wrung me out.”

  “You wanted me to come into the pool.”

  Chris sat up with a grin. “Wanna go skinny-dipping?”

  John smiled back, pulling Chris into deeper water.

  “Sounds like a good idea.”




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