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Match Me Perfect

Page 20

by Jessica Ames

  Sadie grips my leg under the table, offering silent support as we chat and I start to relax once her parents ease up a little on me. By the end of the evening, I’m almost certain her stepfather may actually even like me a little.

  The evening seems to go off without a hitch and after the meal is finished (the food was divine), the lights are dimmed and a band starts playing.

  Dancing isn’t my thing, but I dance with Sadie and I keep an eye on her fuckhead ex as I do. Henry, it seems, has less control than I do because eventually he storms over to him and has words—after which Richard disappears and isn’t seen again for the rest of the night. I’m glad. It allows Sadie to relax and let go fully. The fact she’s having a blast means I have one too and for the first time in a long time I let myself enjoy something.

  And Christ, does it feel good.



  I’m buzzing. Literally, I’m on cloud frigging nine right now. And it’s not the Champagne I drank during dinner—although that definitely is helping with the warm and fuzzy glow I have going on—it’s all about the man standing next to me, pressing the button to bring the lift to the foyer.

  Callum was nothing short of amazing tonight. He handled Richard, he handled the combined attack of my parents and he even dealt with my sister. And between all that he was attentive and sweet to me as well.

  He may just be the perfect man.

  At least, he’s the perfect man for me. And God does that realisation make me happy.

  Moving on after Richard was never going to be easy but Callum makes it easier. Everything feels good with him. He allows me to be Sadie, not some version of Sadie the world wants or expects to see. And I hope I do the same for him. Because that is what a good partner does—they bring out the best parts of you and cherish them, help them to grow. They don’t stifle or smother them out of spite or jealousy.

  The lift pings and the doors slide open. Callum grabs my hand and pulls me into the lift car. He quickly hits the door closed button before anyone else comes along and the moment the doors slide shut, he pulls me against him and attacks my mouth as he backs me against the mirrored wall. His lips trail down my neck, sucking and nipping that sweet spot where my neck and shoulder meet and I can’t stop the groan that leaves my mouth. I know we should not be doing this in the lift, especially considering a lot of the guests from tonight—some of which are big investors—are staying here, but I don’t tell him to stop. I can’t. I don’t want him to.

  I rub my thighs together, trying to create some friction between my legs as he palms my left breast through my dress. Then he dips inside and finds my nipple.

  “No bra tonight?”

  “Couldn’t wear one with this dress...” I pant out as he thumbs my nipple hard enough to send a jolt of electric need pulsing to my pussy.

  “I approve. It makes it easier for me.”

  The lift suddenly pings and the doors slide open. Callum and I break apart at lightning speed, just in time as an older couple step onto the lift. The man gives Callum a strange look—probably because he looks like he went ten rounds with a heavyweight boxer and lost and he now has rumpled hair to match. Discreetly, I straighten my dress and bite my bottom lip as I glance at Callum and try not to giggle. I feel like a naughty teenager, caught in the act.

  As soon as we get out of the lift on our floor, Callum grabs my hand and all but drags me up the hallway towards our suite. Anticipation sings through my belly as I open my clutch bag and pull out the keycard for the hotel suite.

  I expect him to push me against the wall and devour me as soon as we enter the room, but he doesn’t. To my surprise he releases my hand and walks through the suite, his eyes roving around the space as he goes. He stops at the huge floor to ceiling windows in the living area and glances out over London. The dark skyline is lit up like a Christmas tree and it’s beautiful in its own way.

  “Jesus, this place…” He glances over his shoulder at me. “Should I have taken my shoes off?”

  I snort. “Of course not. Unless you want to.” I move over to the wine cooler sitting on one of the tables. “Do you want a glass?”

  He nods and moves over to me. His fingers ghost over my left shoulder and I go still, my breath catching in my throat as he moves closer to my back. Then he sweeps my hair over my shoulder, exposing my neck.

  “You looked beautiful tonight.”

  “You didn’t look half bad yourself,” I tell him, twisting my head to the side to expose my throat to him.

  His hands come to my hips and slide around the front to rest on my stomach. Then his mouth presses a soft kiss to the nook between my neck and shoulder. I gasp and my eyes close as his lips brush over and over the skin there.

  I can’t help but roll my head to the side and forwards as he continues to move over my neck. His hands stay on my stomach, tantalisingly close to that sweet spot that I really want him to touch.

  But he doesn’t. He just keeps kissing my neck, and I’m a panting mess. Unable to stand it any longer, I place one of my hands over his and drag it lower, under my dress.

  “Hmm… you want me to touch you?” he whispers and I nod because forming words is not possible. “Then tell me.”

  “I want your hands on me.”

  He nips the shell of my ear and his hand cups me before his fingers pull my underwear aside. I nearly lose all traction in my legs as his fingers stroke through my folds, skimming over my clit with each pass. His other hand moves up my body and across my chest. He slides the strap of my dress down, even as he continues to nip and suck on my neck and the combined sensations are a heady mix that has me coming out of my body.

  The cooler air hits my nipple as he exposes my left side and his hand grazes over the bud. I jolt at the touch, my breath catching. I don’t know what to focus on: the hand between my legs, the one on my breast or his mouth on my neck. I can feel my orgasm starting to collect momentum and if he continues this I’m going to come. Fast.

  He slips a finger inside me and I lean back into him. It’s only his grip on me that keeps my feet from going out from under me. He gives me only a couple of seconds to get used to one finger before he adds a second and I feel the stretch down there. Then he starts moving his fingers, back and forth, his pace slow at first before picking up speed.

  I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to focus on him, on what he’s doing, on standing up but I can’t. I just let go and as soon as I do, I go over the edge. Pulsing waves of pleasure fire through my pussy as my orgasm bowls over me. I let out a garbled wail and sag in his arms.

  He kisses the side of my face as he pulls his hands away from me. And I whimper at the loss of his touch. Then he turns me in his arms and kisses my nose.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m better than all right.”

  This time I kiss him and my hands fumble with the lapels of his suit jacket. I push it off his shoulders and reach for his shirt, tugging it free of his trousers. He kicks his shoes off and gets to work on his belt as we continue to kiss.

  Once he’s free of his trousers and shirt, he pushes the other strap down on my dress and I step out of it, leaving me only in my thong and heels. Then he hoists me into his arms. Wrapped around him like this I can feel the heat of his body against mine and he is so warm it makes me hot too.

  He doesn’t give me time to think as his hand tangles in my hair while his other supports my weight. I’m acutely aware of the feel of his hard cock pressing into my bum as he walks us towards the bed and gently lays me on the bed.

  I manage to get up onto an elbow to watch him push his underwear down his legs and his dick springs free. He stops for a second to grab his wallet from his jacket pocket and takes a condom from the back. I watch, my mouth dry, as he takes it out of the packet and slowly rolls it down the length of him. I’m twitchy with need and anticipation so I beckon him.

  “Get over here.”

  His mouth kicks up into a cocky smile as he moves over to the bed and pulls my
bum to the edge of the mattress so it’s slightly hanging over. Then he runs a hand up my belly and up to my tits, palming them with a callused hand—hands that are worn from working on the boat for years.

  I reach between us and get my fingers around his dick as he leans down to explore my mouth. It’s an awkward position but I manage to pull my hand up and then down in a slow motion, adding a small twist. He makes a rumbly sound deep in his chest, pulling away from my mouth and burying his head in the crook of my neck while trying to keep most of his weight on his hands.

  “Fuck…” he grinds out and I pick up my pace. “Babe, stop, or I’m going to end this before I get inside you.”

  I stop immediately. A thrill runs through me at his words and I gaze up at him through heavy lidded eyes and for a moment I see a hint of uncertainty that makes my body freeze.

  I wonder what he’s thinking, whether there is a moment of guilt about moving on with another woman, whether he doesn’t want to do this tonight—or any other night. Whether he’s just as nervous as I am about being intimate with someone new.

  “We don’t have to do this, if you’re not ready,” I tell him softly.

  He closes his eyes for a moment and when he reopens them, he shakes his head.

  “I’m ready. Are you?”

  I am ready. Truthfully, I’ve been ready to have sex with Callum since the boat, but I didn’t want to push him. His circumstances are complicated, his feelings probably more so and I wanted him to feel comfortable about us connecting this way.

  So I nod. “More than ready.”

  He kisses the side of my face and reaches between us. Then he guides his cock to my entrance. He rubs the tip through my wetness and I twitch a little, moaning at the sensation. Everything feels hypersensitive down there and I have the sneaking suspicion I’m going to come undone the moment he enters me.

  He pushes forward and I feel a slight pinch as my pussy stretches to accommodate his girth. There is an intense feeling of fullness as he stops, waiting for me to get used to the intrusion. Then he pulls back, dragging his cock over all the sensitive nerve bundles as he goes. I gasp and groan as he pushes back into me with a purposeful slowness that has everything down there pulsing.

  As he moves inside me, he keeps his eyes locked onto mine and I keep his gaze too. The intensity between us is so strong I can hardly draw breath. And when I go over the edge I do it looking at him, even as my back arches off the bed.

  “Fuck,” he groans as his hips stutter and he empties into the condom.

  Then he sinks on top of me, kissing my neck and my face and anywhere he can reach, his body a furnace against mine.

  After a moment, he drags free of me and rolls onto his back on the mattress next to me, his arm flopping over his eyes.

  “Jesus,” is all he murmurs.

  I share that sentiment. I feel washed out and boneless. “I don’t think I can feel my legs.”

  I laugh. I don’t know why but I find that amusing. “Me neither.”

  He turns his head on the mattress so we’re both looking at each other. “Are you okay?”

  I nod. “Are you?”

  He nods this time. “I’m perfect.”



  The night of the gala could not have gone better. I had the most amazing night with Sadie—even with the brief Richard issue. That guy is a dick. Although I’m grateful he is because the thought she could be married to him right now instead of dating me is not a happy one.

  Leaving her was hard though. It’s getting harder each time, but this time was the worst. I feel more connected to her after we made love and I hate that I had to go in the morning. It felt disrespectful and is not something I would have ever done if she’d been in my bed at the cottage. I would have made her breakfast, had a shower together and taken her home. That I hadn’t been able to do that does not sit well with me at all, but there was no choice; I had to catch the train so I barely managed to fit in a shower before heading out.

  I don’t want her to feel used or cheapened, although she seemed fine when we video called that evening. In fact, she seemed better than fine.

  The next few days are torture. I yearn for her with an unpleasant need that feels like a physical pain. I hate not being able to kiss her or hug her when I want to. I hate it so much. This distance thing sucks, and truthfully, I’m considering uprooting everything and moving to London with her because I can’t do this forever. I don’t think I can even stomach it short term.

  After Mara, I never thought I would find another woman I could love, but Sadie is quickly filling that empty space in my heart left by Mara’s passing. She is quickly becoming the very air that I breathe and my need to have her with me is consuming all my thoughts.

  There was a brief moment when we were about to have sex when I felt a guilt move through me at moving on. It wasn’t a feeling of guilt about cheating or anything else in that vein but more a feeling of shame that I felt so good in that moment when Mara would never feel anything again. I hate that Sadie saw that, and I hope it didn’t cast doubts into her mind because the one thing I don’t have a single doubt about is my need to have her in my life.

  As I step onto the dock, I can already see a figure waiting by the boat. Mace. Great. The last thing I need is another showdown with my former brother-in-law. I do not have the time nor the patience to deal with him today.

  I ignore him as I approach the Scarlet Rose and toss my bag over the side onto the deck.


  I stop, scrubbing a hand over my jaw and turn back to him. “I thought I told you to get the hell off my boat. I’m not sure what you’re doing here.”

  He shifts on his feet at my words, wincing a little. “Yeah, about that…”

  I meet his gaze, folding my arms over my chest as I eye him. “You here to say sorry?”

  “Fuck no.” He winces again and looks a little sheepish. “Well, kind of. I shouldn’t have hit you, but my head just… I saw red, okay?”

  “No, not okay.” I tell him.

  “She’s my sister. What would you have done?”

  “I’d have been understanding about the amount of courage it took for me to even contemplate moving on again.”

  “Yeah, that’s what Mum said.”

  I knew there was a reason I always liked Loretta. “So, if you’re not here to apologise, why are you here?”

  His hand goes to the back of his neck. “I shouldn’t have hit you.”

  “That we both can agree on.”

  “But it took me by surprise that you were talking about moving on. I felt like you’d disrespected her.”

  I understand that, even if I don’t agree with his methods of getting his point across, I do understand it. “I waited six years, man. You don’t think I gave Mara the respect she deserved?”

  “Look, I am sorry for what happened and I wish I hadn’t done it but I can’t turn back the clock—none of us can—but I don’t want us to fall out over this.”

  I consider him. I’ve known Mace his whole life and most of that time I’ve been his friend. I don’t want to lose that but I also meant what I said on the boat—get on board or get off the boat.

  “At some point I’m going to bring Sadie here. You’re going to have to be okay with that, Mace.”

  His lips twist a little before he looks resigned. “And I will be.”

  “You’d better because that woman hasn’t done anything wrong and she’s dealing with her own past traumas. She doesn’t need your shit as well.”

  He nods. “Yeah, I’ll be good.”

  I’m not sure if he will but I take his words at face value. “Good.”

  He straightens and flicks his brow slightly. “Well, all righty then. I best get going.”

  I let him take a couple of steps back up the dock walkway before I speak, “Mace?”


  “I’ve still got a spot for you on my crew if you want it.”


��Yeah.” I turn back to him and shift my shoulders. “Spot’s open if you want it.”

  “I want it.”

  I nod. “Then it’s yours.” I hesitate then add, “But me and you are going to talk about this trawler business once we get done on this trip.”

  His brows contracts together. “How do you know about that?”

  “Alex is a nosey fucker.”

  He sighs. “It’s just an idea; I’ve not done anything with it yet.”

  I study him for a moment, then say, “If you’re serious about it I’ll help you find a good vessel and a reliable crew.”

  “You will?”

  “Yeah, I will.” I toss my head in the direction of the boat. “Let’s get the lockers filled.”



  It’s been a fortnight since the gala. A fortnight since I last saw Callum in the flesh and it feels like it’s been an eternity. We’ve spoken on the telephone, by text and we’ve done nightly video chats, but it’s not the same. I want him with me, snuggled up against my side while we watch television after work, or in bed with me in the morning when we’re waking up. I miss him every minute of every day and that both thrills and scares me.

  Waiting for our next meeting to come around feels like it takes forever. I’m desperate to see him so I’m thrilled when I get off the train and he’s waiting for me.

  I told him I’d meet him at the ferry port, but he insisted on coming down to meet me, so when I step off the carriage, I see him leaning against the wall of the platform.

  He looks good. Amazing, really. His dark blond hair is a little longer than the last time I saw him in person and is unruly as always. He’s shaved and I find I miss the stubble I’ve become used to seeing in our video calls. He’s wearing worn looking jeans and a shirt with a white undershirt. On his feet are boots that aren’t beat up but are getting close to needing replacing.


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