Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance

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Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance Page 11

by Corin Cain

  With Xeres believing I’m his partner, I can finally get the hard evidence against him that no one else has been able to before.

  It's just so hard to think with this gorgeous wench around me – her body fertile and willing, despite her anger at me.

  I only wish she and I were bonded – that at the first touch of Juliana’s lips to mine, we’d have felt our minds mingle. It’s a brutal shame, because Juliana’s the first and only human I’ve seen worth mating with.



  I slip off the counter, my legs wobbling as I land.

  I’m trembling with arousal, my nipples painfully hard and wetness glistening on my thighs… But, apparently, our encounter is at an end.

  Korgath wants to show me something else, instead.

  Cautiously, I follow him into his secret office – and my jaw drops when I see the board laid out on the wall opposite.

  Suddenly, everything I think I know about this brutal, infamous criminal is flipped onto its head.

  “You’re… You’re an agent? An Aurelian Officer?”

  Korgath turns to me and nods.

  “Yes - though only one other man knows I’m truly on the side of the law: My handler, Wraith. I’m deep undercover. So deep… So deep that even the rest of the Aurelian Law Enforcement would do anything to lock me up, and if they caught me for the crimes I’ve committed, no one would save me.”

  I thought my problems couldn’t get worse.

  I thought I was going to have to deal with being spanked and whipped by a huge, dominant alien.

  Now I realize the horrific truth. If Korgath finds out my true identity, it’s not just a spanking I’ll have to contend with. If he knew my real name wasn’t Juliana, but Ella Donburry – the young rebel who freed a hundred maximum security prisoners – Korgath would clap me in irons and send me to Aurelian Law Enforcement faster than I could blink.

  The Aurelians are a cold species. Their laws are unforgiving. No Aurelian judge or jury would care that I was just trying to free my friend. Aurelian Law Enforcement doesn’t care that what happened next was an accident.

  Fuck. Fuck!

  I can’t believe my luck – or lack of it.

  I was only 18 when it happened - when my best friend got caught up in a human rebellion against an Aurelian-ruled settlement. She was captured and put into a maximum security facility. I broke her out, using a mining beam I was still unfamiliar with, and I accidentally set free nearly a hundred other brutal criminals in the process.

  It was the worst breakout in history. It had been a terrible mistake, but I didn’t stick around to explain it. I got my friend free, and then I got away. I tried not to listen to the news reports of what those horrific criminals I’d set free ended up doing.

  The Aurelians view me as a criminal mastermind, who freed countless criminals – including Rav’nok the Planet Killer. He’s still on the loose – and every death he’s caused since is my fault. Every time I see one of his victims on the news, it makes me wonder if I even deserve to be alive.

  I’m responsible for every death. All the guilt floods back into me – all the repressed feelings that I’d long ago buried in the back of my head, hiding them away so I didn’t have to deal with what I’d done.

  But then it hits me…

  …an Aurelian Officer can’t keep a slave.

  The law against slavery is one of their most-strictly-enforced.

  “If you’re an Aurelian Officer,” I look up at Korgath boldly, “then let me go free! You can’t keep me as a slave – it’s against the very laws you’re supposed to be upholding!”

  Korgath looks at me as if my question surprises him – as if the idea that I might have a problem with getting sold and bought at a freaking alien auction house should just be forgotten.

  I sense disappointment in his gaze.

  It’s distracting that he still has that clearly throbbing cock distending the front of his pants, and that it’s so obvious his body is still hungry for mine. I shudder with my own need, trying to swallow down the desire for his muscled, god-like physique.

  Breathlessly, I try to focus on the problem at hand.

  At least it’s much easier to let myself think about Korgath without a deep sense of shame now. Now I know that he’s an Officer of the law, it’s not as unforgivable to desire him so much.

  It was shameful and humiliating when I was turned on by the idea of being the toy of a brutal criminal mastermind.

  And yet, does this change anything about him? Korgath is still a brutal killer, who took down two crime families single-handedly to cement his rule as the boss of Titus. He still owns most of the real estate on this fringe planet, and it’s not a stretch to claim he’s more powerful than even the elected governor.

  Korgath looks at me coldly.

  “If you want to go, then go,” he says flatly, and I bite my lip – not sure how to respond.

  The deep guilt over the criminals I set free fills me. I feel the urge to run, to flee before Korgath learns about what I did, and I have to face the consequences of it.

  And yet, at the same time, I have this burning desire for atonement. I know the evil that Xeres represents. I know he’s responsible for slavery at a grand scale. Maybe…

  I look up at Korgath:

  “Just like that? You’d let me go?”

  He nods. “As you said, I’m an Aurelian Officer. It is forbidden for me to keep slaves.”

  “Do… do you want me to go?” I was terrified of his answer, whatever it might be.

  Korgath studied me coldly.

  “I misjudged you. I thought you were a fighter. If you’re not, then you’re not worth my time.”

  He’s trying to get a rise out of me now, I can tell.

  Curse my pride - it works.

  I bristle: “I almost killed you, you bastard. How’s that for fighting?”

  He suddenly reaches out, with that impossible speed of his. He grabs my arm, gripping it tightly and staring down at me with those powerful, flint-grey eyes.

  I stare up at them, trembling. Looking at the slate-like color of his cold eyes, I have to wonder if I just imagined seeing them flash a brilliant silver earlier – when Korgath was poised to bury that enormous cock inside me.

  His hand is like a steel vice around my arm. I’m suddenly reminded of how powerful he is, and how helpless I am in his remorseless grasp. Law officer or not, he could force me to do anything right now, to take me in any way he wanted.

  I gasp, glancing down and staring at the bulge of his huge, throbbing cock, tenting out the front of his expensive dress pants.

  I gulp, wondering if Korgath is about to lose control and take me – hard.

  “You will not call me names. Understand?”

  I blink.

  “I-I’m sorry?”

  “Names,” Korgath snarls again. “Like bastard.”

  I nod weakly. He didn’t look like the type to take offence. Hell, in the absence of bonded females, Aurelians like Korgath were born in pods in a laboratory, so weren’t they all technically bastards?

  Nevertheless, I look up at him and nod.

  “I understand… I’m sorry.”

  I hate myself for bowing down so easily – and that hate soon boils over. As I rethink my words, I bristle - my eyebrows furrowing as I look up at the towering Aurelian with defiance.

  “No!” I snap.

  He barely reacts, but I can see he’s surprised at my anger.

  “No!” I repeat. “That’s not fair! You fucking bought me. You can’t treat me like this and still expect respect from me!”

  He doesn’t say a word. Korgath simply tightens his steel grip on my arm, reminding me how small and powerless I am compared to him.

  “Maybe you are a fighter – but I was still wrong about you. Even if you wanted to help me stop Xeres, you could never pose as a slave. You’re too proud and headstrong.”

  My cheeks redden: “Tell me your plan. I do want to stop that bastard.”
  I make the life-changing decision in a split second.

  He already told me I could leave – if I wanted to.

  If I wanted, I could leave the building, find passage on the first spaceship off this rock, and go back to living on the run. Only I’d be back to square one again – no ship, no crew. Just me trying to work my way all the way up from the bottom again.

  But I’m done running. I can never truly run away from what I’ve done. I owe so much for the horrors I unleashed, letting all those brutal criminals out of prison.

  I know deep in my heart that the only way I’ll ever be able to stop running – the only way I’ll ever forgive myself – is to make atonement. To do something to balance out what I did wrong.

  This is that opportunity.

  I need to take down Xeres. To save my own soul.

  At least, that’s what I tell myself. And it’s half true.

  But the other half is something a little more shameful. It’s the fact that I’m already addicted to this powerful, sexy alien. There’s a presence about Korgath that makes me feel like I’ve never felt before. Shy. Ashamed. Powerless in front of him.

  I’ve been a fighter my whole life. Even when I was in that dark, cold cell on the slaver’s stolen mining hulk, with my throat parched from thirst and my stomach gnawing with hunger, I could still fight.

  I fought not just the slavers, and others like them – but I’d fought for respect my whole life. From my crew and coworkers, for the dismissive merchants I did business with.

  I’d fought for so long that the idea that shyness, shame and powerlessness actually turning me on is more foreign and alien to me than even the literal alien towering in front of me.

  Korgath seems to sense my internal conflict.

  “Follow me,” he says, cocking his head. It’s an invitation this time – not an order.

  Korgath walks out into the living room and sits down on the huge leather sofa. I follow him, but remain standing, uncertain – forcibly reminded of how I look, dressed in that slutty pleasure slave outfit, my body clearly on display and my state of obvious arousal still humiliating in front of this powerful man.

  Korgath looks up at me, his marble face like a mask.

  “Over my knee. Now, slave.”

  He orders me flatly, but underneath his emotionless voice is an edge of lust.

  I gasp: “I am not your slave!”

  He stares into my eyes. “If you want to come tonight, you need to prove to me that you can swallow your pride and act the slave. If I need to punish you – right in front of him – I need to know that you’ll be obedient; for both our sakes.”

  I can’t help it. I’m so fucking wet for him. The gossamer of the pleasure gown teases my nipples, and I ache for him to touch me – for his huge, powerful hands to grope and explore every inch of my body.

  Despite my aching pride, I pad over to him softly, and position myself over Korgath’s huge knee.

  He grabs me effortlessly, lifting me and holding me easily in place. One massive hand can hold me down, as firm as a bolder crushing me to his lap.

  With the other hand, Korgath lifts the hem of my dress, exposing my bare ass and eager pussy to him.

  This is too much.

  My cheeks are red with the shame of lust, as I feel his huge cock pressing into my stomach.

  “You’re ashamed,” Korgath says coolly. “You don’t have to be. It’s normal for your species to enjoy this. Allow yourself to enjoy being my possession… slave.”

  I moan as I hear him add that final word, and my cheeks burn even hotter with shame.

  ‘Normal’ for my species. He says such things as if he’s stating facts. I wish he was acting. I wish he was just pretending, merely playing the part of the character that he thinks he needs to be to take down Mr. X.

  But now I understand his words are spoken sincerely – that Korgath truly believes them. He really believes that human females were born to serve Aurelians – that I am typical of my kind, and won’t ever be truly happy until I’ve submitted myself fully to him.

  I hate that I’m starting to believe him.

  Then his hand comes down.


  If before he spanked me to show me my place, now he’s spanking me to punish me. The crack of flesh-on-flesh rings out across the room.

  “Oh, my Gods!” I cry out in pain.

  Korgath doesn’t react to my cries. He just brings his huge palm down again across my bare ass. I wriggle, trying to fight free, but it’s like trying to move a statue. He’s too huge. His grip is too firm.

  As I lie pinned to his lap, Korgath brings his hand down once again across my buttocks – painting them red, inflaming them with heat. I moan out in pain – pain, and a deep, dark lust that I don’t understand.

  All my life I’ve been fighting for the respect of rough men. All my life I worried they’d dismiss me as a slut or a feeble woman if I ever gave them an inch. I’d fought hard to earn my place in the sexist industry of asteroid mining.

  But now the man – no, the alien – who has ignited my darkest desires has me moaning in pain and fear across his knee – disciplining me hard.

  Korgath spanks me again, on the same spot as before, and lightning pain shoots through me.


  “I need to know you can handle this without breaking character,” growls Korgath. His hand comes down hard again, and his cock surges with the blow. I realize with horror that he’s enjoying spanking me – that each slap of his palm against my ass fills him with primal lust.

  My horror turns to a strange, twisted pride.

  The most powerful man in Titus is aching for me. My body, my mind, and my soul are inflaming him with uncontrollable desire.

  Then, Korgath’s huge, fat finger slides against my wetness. I’m soaking for him. My entire body shudders and shivers as he teases my opening, and I ache so badly for him. I want him to order me to my hands and knees – or better still, just force me there. I want to kneel on the carpet, ass raised, while he mounts me and penetrates me – his huge, powerful hips thrusting that too-big cock deep inside me.

  “Your species cannot help but crave the dominance of an Aurelian. There’s no shame in it. Say it, slave. Tell me how badly you crave submission.”

  I shiver at his words, my cheeks burning red with shame. A tear rolls down my cheek. It isn’t from the pain. It’s from the overwhelming sensation of letting go.

  All my life I’ve been fighting for control. Fighting to dodge an asteroid that could end my life, fighting to get around authorities, or fighting to stay one step ahead of my competition.

  Here, I don’t have to fight. I don’t have to pretend to be anything I’m not.

  But if I let myself experience everything to the fullest, I have the horrific fear that I’ll lose control of myself – that I’ll lose my mind in the ecstasy and shame of filthy submission.

  My lips open, and suddenly I can’t stop the words pouring out of my mouth:

  “I… I want you to punish me,” I gasp.

  “Master.” He says flatly, his finger grazing my clit.

  “Please… Punish me… Master.”

  I moan, and he brings his hand down harder and harder against my ass, spank after spank, until I’m a shivering, shuddering pool of submission.

  I tell myself I’m only doing this because I need my act to be convincing, if we’re going to fool Mr. X…

  I tell myself that I’m just playing a part, merely acting – because my life depends on it.

  I keep telling myself, over and over, that this isn’t real…

  …but the truth is, I’ve never felt like this before. Each spank on my bottom makes me crave Korgath’s dominance even more.

  The instant I don’t think I can handle it any longer, he stops – and rubs the aching flesh of my buttocks with a tenderness that so sharply contrasts with the brutality of his spanking.

  As I quiver in his lap, he spreads my asscheeks, his huge finger grazing my a

  …then sliding against my sopping wet cunt.

  I’m soaking. It’s all the proof he needs that I’m utterly turned on.

  “Kneel in front of me.”

  Korgath helps me up. My knees buckle, and I would have landed on my face if he didn’t hold me up and help me to my knees in front of him.

  I’m so tiny compared to this towering Aurelian, but looking up at the massive, muscled alien, he looks even bigger. My eyes widen at the sight of the huge, throbbing member tenting out the front of his dress pants, snaking down the left leg like an anaconda.

  “You ache to suck my cock,” Korgath murmurs, looking down at me. “You’re a true submissive, slave. Your greatest pleasure is to please me.”

  I shudder, my eyes fixated on the outline of his dick. I hate that the scrappy, free-spirited rebel seems to have disappeared. I can barely remember trying to plunge the letter opener into his neck any more.

  Korgath is right.

  I am right where I need to be.

  “Hands behind your back.”

  Instantly, my body responds – before my mind can even process his command.

  With my hands behind my back, my breasts are thrust forward – my hard, desperate nipples aching to be touched and teased. A tiny string of saliva drips from my open mouth, and my cheeks redden when I realize I can’t use my hands to even wipe it away.

  I shrug, wiping my mouth against the straps of my dress, and the movement causes the material to brush against my aching nipples – turning me on even more.

  I’m so turned on it isn’t fair...

  I hate that I want to reach forward and undo the zipper of Korgath’s dress pants – to pull out his enormous dick, and eagerly suck it.

  I hate even more that I’m not allowed to. That I have to keep my hands behind my back while he looks down at my aroused body, enjoying the sight of it, knowing that he can take his pleasure with me at any moment. Knowing that I depend on his commands.

  He’s in total control.


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