Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance

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Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance Page 12

by Corin Cain

  Korgath slowly unbuttons his dress shirt, as if he has all the time in the world. I can’t stop staring as he pulls off the luxurious cotton, revealing a body muscled beyond my wildest dreams. He has eight-pack abs, each one as defined and clear as if it’s chiselled out of stone. His body is like a beautiful statue, one that would give any woman inappropriate thoughts if they walked by. The only thing spoiling the illusion is a single drip of sweat that rolls down his pecs and traces his abs.

  I have the horrific, humiliatingly erotic thought of licking it up, and shudder at the depravity of my own imagination.

  Korgath reaches down and slowly unzips his dress pants. I realize my mouth is open in anticipation, and when he pulls out his huge dick I gasp with need.

  Then it hits me.

  I’m like all the women I scorned. The women who let themselves be dominated and controlled by Aurelians. The women who traded their self-respect for lust.

  His cock throbs in front of me, pulsing, and a drop of pre-cum glistens at the tip.

  I ache so badly to taste it.

  I may want this desperately, but that doesn’t change anything. The words of the Aurelian slaver echo endlessly in my mind:

  Your species is truly a submissive one.

  I’m not going to let my body betray me. Korgath is the most brutal, powerful Aurelian in Titus, and I will not have him look at me like some desperate wench eager to be added to his harem

  “No,” I say, and stand slowly. His eyes flash at my defiance.

  I stand, shaking – forcing myself to meet his gaze.

  “I won’t, Korgath. I’m… I’m not just another weak-willed female, begging to join an Aurelian harem.”

  Korgath studies me. His face is impossible to read.

  “When… When I was about to be sold, the slaver – he said that our species can’t help but be submissive to yours…”

  My voice starts weak, but grows stronger. My lust is filling my mind, and my pussy tingles in his presence. Every instinct in my body tells me to get on my knees and wrap my lips around Korgath’s huge dick. I have to fight for control of myself.

  Korgath’s hands form into tight fists. He bares his teeth for a moment, looking more beastly than ever before. Then, with a shuddering breath, he regains control.

  “The slaver… Did he touch you? If he did, he’ll die… And shortly before the auctioneer.” His voice is hard and cold.

  “No. He… He just grazed my chin with his hand… He made me strip, Korgath. He told me I’d be sold to a brutal alien...”

  I wish that Korgath would put away that thing between his legs. If only he would button his shirt back up so I don’t have to look at his delicious abs and impossibly chiselled muscles.

  “That man will die by my hand,” Korgath promises, “but you know the lie in his words, yes? Was he alone with you?”

  I nod, keeping my eyes up. It doesn’t help. I can either stare at the hard, hungry cock, his muscled, powerful body, or his masculine, chiselled face. Each option only makes my lust stronger.

  “You were alone, naked, with an Aurelian. Did you feel submissive to him? Did you want him to take you?”

  Anger rises in me. How dare Korgath suggest such a thing.


  He nods. “Then you are not submissive to all Aurelian’s. But you are submissive to me. I can taste your arousal, Juliana. I can see your utter need. You piloted your own mining ship. You killed two men who tried to take you. You tried to put a blade in my own throat. You are not some weak-willed slut to be used and discarded.”

  He stands, towering over me. “There is no shame in this, Juliana. I will not respect you any less for admitting your desires. The only thing you can do to make me look down on you is to pretend that you don’t want what your heart and body are craving. You are mine, Juliana, and I will have you.”

  He pauses, eyes flashing.

  “Now. Drop to your knees.”

  I shudder, staring up at the huge man.

  Could it be true? Could he dominate me, use me, pleasure me…

  …and still respect me?

  I take a step back.

  “Korgath… no,” I gasp, and step back again.

  He moves forward. Every step I take back he follows, until my back bumps against the wall and the huge alien is towering over me. He takes my chin in his hand, forcing me to look up and meet his eyes.

  “You will learn, Juliana. I am no slaver. I will not force you. But soon, you will submit to your desires. You will submit to me.”

  He growls, and it takes every ounce of my self-control not to get on my knees and take him in my mouth right now.

  Instead, I brush past him, my stomach grazing his throbbing cock as I escape to the bedroom and slam the door behind me. I want to cry and smash my hands against the bed – not with anger at Korgath, or at the words he said, but at myself for knowing how – deep down – they’re true.

  If I’d stayed a moment longer with that dominant, powerful alien, I’d have lost control of myself.

  How can I keep my identity? How can I be myself, if deep down I crave submission more than anything else?

  I grit my teeth and stand, looking at myself in the mirror. I might feel small and submissive when I’m with Korgath, but there’s still fire in my eyes.

  I understand the reality. Deep down, there is something I crave more than submission.


  Korgath is my path to erasing the guilt that plagues me, day after day. The last thoughts before I sleep at night are never anything but horror – at all those criminals I let loose, and all the horrible things they’ve done since I freed them.

  The dreams that follow are equally filled with the screams of innocents…

  I need to atone for what I did. I have to stop Xeres. I’m resolute. My lust fades in the minutes that pass, and when the door opens, I am ready for Korgath.

  He stands at the doorway, letting his eyes drift up and down my body. “I must leash you. My assistant is coming to prepare you for tonight.”

  Without a word, he tosses something from his hands. It’s a small bar, one packed with dense nutrition. I open it and bite it down in a few gulps, settling my stomach. My hunger satisfied, I look up at him.

  I nod. “Very well. You may leash me.” My pride is returning. I’m ashamed at the thought of being seen by anyone in such slutty, submissive clothing – but if his assistant is coming, I need to keep up the act.

  At least, that’s what I tell myself.

  It’s an act.




  Korgath stands, helping me up, and then he moves quietly into the kitchen.

  He comes back with the collar and leash. That hated Orb-Collar. I shudder when I see it.

  Yet, I don’t protest as he puts it around my neck. I have to do this.

  Then suddenly, with a quick movement, Korgath rips the shard of Orb from the collar with his bare hands.

  Now it cannot hurt you.

  I think the words, and I can’t tell for a moment whether Korgath said them, or I just thought them.

  A mid-thirties, professionally-dressed woman enters the penthouse, wearing towering heels and a skirt that’s just a little too short for her. She’s holding a clipboard, and studies me curiously as she enters.

  “Ah, I see you found a suitable slave for yourself. Very good.” Her eyes don’t leave me. “Did it help with making inroads into Xeres’ business?”

  The woman speaks as though I don’t exist. There’s a slight edge to her voice, and then I realize there’s something in her eyes when she looks at Korgath. It isn’t just lust, which would be normal for any woman seeing the gorgeous, naked, muscled alien. He still hasn’t put on clothes since he had me kneeling in front of him, and he’s utterly unashamed of his nakedness.


  It’s something deeper.

  She’s infatuated by him.

  Shame tinges my cheeks as the new arrival looks at me,
my hair disheveled and sweaty from the obviously brutal discipline I’d just received.

  Korgath addresses her:

  “Yes. Xeres invited me to bring her to his casino tonight.” Then he turns to me. “Eyes down, slave.” His voice is harsh, and I look down instantly – and I’m not sure if I’m acting or not when I do so.

  “She still needs some training, clearly,” the woman snaps coldly. “And she’s filthy. Covered in sweat. I’ll have to clean her up for tonight.

  “Yes. Clean her up,” Korgath nods, casually throwing her the leash.

  It feels like a slap in the face, to be handed over to a stranger so casually. I have to keep reminding myself that this is an act.

  But this woman doesn’t know this. She catches the leash easily, and suddenly the chain at my neck rankles. It felt right around my neck when Korgath held the chain, but when this woman holds my leash, it’s like a nest of spiders dropped down my back.

  “You removed the Orb, sir?”

  Wow, nothing gets past her.

  Korgath gives the woman a long, blank stare – as if he’s unsure whether she’s asking a question or stating the obvious.

  “I do not need an Orb to control her.”

  The woman licks her lips slowly, as if imagining the punishment that has apparently made me so obedient. Then she glances at me. I lower my eyes instantly. The woman looks back towards Korgath.

  I can see she’s uncertain – nervous at being handed a slave she has no way to control.

  “I… I’m not you, Korgath. She’s a new slave and…”

  Korgath puts his hand up. “She will obey. Slave, tell Dorothy you will obey her commands.”

  I swallow my pride. “I-I’ll obey you,” I nod.

  The worst part? Every time Korgath makes me say or act like I’m his property, the more naturally it comes to me.

  “Very well,” Dorothy says haughtily. She turns to me. “This way.”

  I follow without question, playing the part of the obedient slave.

  She leads me into the huge bathroom. “Strip.”

  I notice she doesn’t even look at me, as if I’m something beneath her. I know that even a moment’s hesitation will be viewed as dissent, so I brush the straps of the pleasure slave’s robe from my shoulders and let it slither from my body.

  As I stand there, naked, I ache for someone to talk to. Anyone.

  “I’m glad to be out of that,” I say, not liking the way the pleasure gown always teases me, even when I’m a serious situation.

  Dorothy raises her eyebrows. “Speak when spoken to, slave. I’ll have to tell Korgath to spank you for that outburst. Apologize. Now.”

  My eyes widen, and I feel a sudden surge of hatred for this woman.

  Then I gulp down my anger. I might not like her, but I understand her. She’s obsessed with Korgath, and he has no idea. She doesn’t hate me – she’d have hated whatever slave he came home with.

  “My apologies. I’ll tell Korgath I need to be punished.”

  “Good,” Dorothy nods, and while I can tell she’s trying to stay professional, I suspect she secretly loves the idea of me being in pain. If she knew how much it turned on my master to discipline me, I’m sure the smile would be gone instantly from her face.

  “Get in the shower and wash off,” Dorothy orders.

  It rankles to do what she orders, but I remind myself I have a part to play. I step into the luxurious shower, imagining what would have happened if it had been her up against me while I still had that letter opener clutched in my fist.

  That makes the rancor at having to obey her slightly less disquieting. I know she wouldn’t have been strong enough or fast enough to stop me. I’d have killed her dead.

  I still could, if I needed to.

  That thought makes me feel less shame at obeying her commands, and instead I focus on the sensation of the luxurious water washing over me – the heat filling my bones and washing away the sweat from the brutal spanking Korgath delivered.

  As I let the water wash over me, Dorothy watches me with obvious jealousy.

  “Now,” she barks when I’m finished. “Use this. It will wash you and give you an enticing scent.”

  She reaches into the shower and hands me a bottle of purple liquid. I put a tiny drop on my hand, gauging her reaction, then add a little more.

  The water deluges down and I step beneath it once again, using the drops of liquid to soap myself up. On contact with water the liquid immediately lathers up, into a gushing pile of suds and bubbles.

  I soap myself, watching Dorothy’s disdainful sneer. I want to tell her I know how to wash myself, thank you very much – but I know that such words from my mouth will lead to trouble.

  I can’t tell if Korgath didn’t realize that Dorothy would treat me poorly, or if he did and simply didn’t care. Despite the connection we’d made, I still can’t think of the handsome, powerful Aurelian as anything other than an enemy.

  He works for the goddamned Aurelian Law Enforcement! The second he finds out your true identity, your head is going to roll!

  I wash myself, thinking of how I always knew the law would catch up with me eventually. You can change your face enough to fool the scanners, but you can’t change your DNA – and even out here, on the fringes of the galaxy, the AI sentinels working for the Aurelian Empire are always around, sniffing about.

  The last of the soap floods down the drain, and I reluctantly emerge from the shower to dry off. After drying myself with a luxurious towel, Dorothy motions to a row of lipstick, makeup, and other feminine products – tools of a trade that I haven’t worn in over a decade.

  I’ve always been a tomboy – well, until I was forced to get dolled up by slavers, that is – and I’m pretty sure I’ll just make myself look like a clown if I try to put makeup on myself.

  “May I speak?”

  Dorothy looks annoyed. “Yes. Go ahead.”

  “I… I don’t exactly know how to use all this. I was an only child, ma’am. No mother, and my father was a miner. I never had any of this stuff growing up.”

  Dorothy sniffs, clearly annoyed. Then she walks me through the process step by step. She might hate me, but she is a professional – and she knows that a slave to such an important member of society should look their best at all times.

  I follow Dorothy’s instructions to the letter, and when she’s done, I look at myself in the mirror in wonder.

  I barely recognize the scrappy mining ship pilot of just a week ago.


  Xeres won’t recognize who you are either. Use your image to your advantage.

  Dorothy hands me a bright, coral-colored pleasure robe, and I have to fight a groan as I imagine the too-soft material teasing my body. Nevertheless, I put it on, and my cheeks instantly flush red as I look at myself in the mirror.

  In that damned gossamer microfiber, you can see every curve of my body, even the darker circles of my nipples right through the material.

  I turn, and bite my lip in embarrassment, seeing how the thin material hugs my ass and clearly shows every succulent curve of my buttocks.

  Even worse – through the fabric you can even make out a huge red, handprint – still fading.

  I look like a wanton slut.

  There’s an inner turmoil in my head, as I war with myself over whether my behavior is still an act, or if it’s no longer a pretense of reality. The intensity of how I felt with Korgath shocked me. I never knew that I had a side of me like that. I’ve been in control of myself for so long that I have no idea how to submit…

  But he simply demands obedience. And my body demands to submit to him.

  “One last thing,” Dorothy snaps, and applies a coat of red lipstick to my lips. I look in the mirror and can’t help but imagine what Korgath will think when he sees them – so red and inviting.

  Every time Korgath sees my lips, he’ll remember owning them, pressing his own lips against mine with crushing intensity.

  “You look… Present
able,” Dorothy admits reluctantly, envy in her eyes. I’ve never felt envy from a woman before. When you’ve got your hair in knots and you’re covered in grease, most ladies look down on you. I feel so naked without the layer of grime protecting me. I know when I look at myself in the mirror that I’m now an object of desire – and that makes me vulnerable to powerful men like Korgath, who are used to simply taking without asking.

  “Come,” Dorothy snaps, looking at me disdainfully. I follow her into the living room. Korgath is showered, fresh from one of the many bathrooms in his penthouse suite, and he’s already dressed in another dark tailored suit that contrasts deliciously against his pale, ivory skin. His flint eyes devour me as I walk into the room.

  “I did the best I could with her,” she says dismissively, as if I still look like a greasy waif, when even I can see how gorgeous she’s made me.

  Korgath can see it too – and he says nothing, mute as he drinks me in.

  “I said, I did the best I could with her,” Dorothy repeats, annoyed at his silence. Korgath shakes his head slightly, as if rousing from a trance.

  “Good job, Dorothy. Very good job. She looks good enough to eat.”

  I shudder at Korgath’s words. Aurelian’s are big everywhere. Huge, massive muscles, powerful, throbbing cocks, and – I know, after making out with Korgath – a big, slick tongue that could cover my entire pussy.

  I shiver. My left nipple still aches from where he pinched it, and both of my areola harden at the thought of Korgath effortlessly lifting me up into the air and lapping that massive tongue against my wetness – devouring me until I screamed out in pleasure.

  Careful, Juliana. He’s got a cruel streak to him. Once you take down Xeres, you need to get away – before he starts really thinking he owns you.

  A shiver of lust runs down my spine.

  I know, logically, that I should high-tail it out the moment our mission is over.

  But logic can’t compare to the beast of a man that stands before me.



  I barely hear Dorothy’s words. Juliana looks… Exquisite. She’s small, feisty, and yet so sweet and innocent.


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