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Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance

Page 19

by Corin Cain

  That’s what makes submission such a taboo – especially for a woman like Ella. You have to surrender to it. That’s why it feels wrong to her. It feels naughty, and shameful, and humiliating – but I can sense through our bond that it feels like all those things in a good way.

  She’s torn, and conflicted, and I’m going to tap into all that angst to bring her to heights of pleasure Ella has never experienced before.

  There is business to be concluded first, though.

  “She’s bruised,” Xeres narrows his red eyes. “It looks like they were rough with her.”

  It’s true. Ella’s skin is bruised around her nipples, plus other places across her body that I don’t even remember squeezing. In the throes of mating, all I cared about was filling my mate with my seed.

  She’s bruised, but unbroken, though. Play-acting the part of the obedient slave, Ella kneels beside me, her hands behind her back, demure and submissive.

  She has a scent to her now. Instead of the intoxicating sensation of a layer of white snow, unblemished, she now has the scent of a sprouting tree – a verdant spring.

  There is only one smell and feeling more potent to an Aurelian than the intoxication of virginity.

  Claimed virginity. The ownership of being her first.

  “She’s fine,” I have to pretend to sound nonchalant, like I couldn’t care less. I turn to Xeres. “Now, let’s talk business. Human females are one of the most cost-effective products to ship by weight. I’ve set up three ships with cryo-chambers. Slaves could be frozen to avoid detection, and thawed deep inside Aurelian territories. We can sell them to humans, Toads – even Aurelians, if they’re so inclined.”

  In the early, shameful days of the Aurelian Empire, slavery was common. There are some Aurelians who believe it should still be.

  Xeres nods, but says nothing. I need him to agree – to say anything incriminating; something that will allow me to think of my next move: Breaking down all his security and bringing him to justice.

  “Three… Three ships might be getting a little ahead of yourself.”

  I narrow my eyes.

  “No, don’t look so disappointed, Korgath,” Xeres reassures me. “I’m not one to enter business at a large scale too quickly. My assistant, Tort, will give you more details.”

  I narrow my eyes. “It is disrespectful to me, to conduct business through a middle man.”

  Xeres nods. “You’re right - but it’s a disrespect you’ll have to endure if you want to do business with me at all.”

  He stands, and I do as well. Xeres extends his hand, and I’m reluctantly forced to shake it. His one good red eye stares into mine, curious and guarded. Then he leaves, and the gaunt Aurelian sits in his spot.

  The one Ella calls the accountant – whose name we’ve just learned is really Tort.

  It’s all I can do not to snarl in frustration. Xeres left before he could incriminate himself.

  Just like I didn’t taste the whisky, even thought I knew it would be safe, Xeres wouldn’t let himself say anything incriminating. He’s guarded, even with a criminal kingpin who has done evils that would make any normal man quake.

  I can’t blame him, though. Both he and I didn’t get where we are today by doing anything different.

  “We have a small shipment,” Tort says cold. “Two hundred virgins, destined for planets within the Empire.”

  I study Tort coldly. I can tell he has few vices – but as a lieutenant in a slave-trading empire, no virtues.

  Two-hundred? He considers that a small shipment? By the Gods, the scale of evil this man is responsible for.

  I know my device is still recording, but it’s recording the wrong man. Tort is just a henchman – an underling. I need the real deal. I need to hear these details from Xeres himself.

  “Two hundred?” I snort disdainfully. “That will fit on a single ship.”

  Tort nods.

  “Good,” he says coldly. “You will pick them up from Xeres’ personal ship. These are valuable products, and he’ll be there personally to oversee the transaction.”

  Before, I had to hide my frustration. Now I have to hide my jubilation. I know Ella can feel it too, and I’m proud that she conceals the intensity of my emotion.

  What a turn of events, though. If Xeres is there in person – right in the midst of a slave sale - I’ll finally be able to get what I need on him. I’ll get everything I need to bring him to his knees, before an executioner’s axe.

  Xeres, the most powerful criminal in the universe, will be brought to justice by me.

  The last two-hundred years of bloodshed and violence will be worth something, at last.

  Why something only now? Because they were two-hundred years wasted – because Ella did not exist for the majority of them.



  The poor souls in front of me cower. I secretly record them, knowing that we’ll finally have the evidence we need to bring Xeres to justice.

  “These virgin slaves will go for ten thousand times the price inside the Aurelian Empire,” Xeres grins, surveying the hundreds of terrified women lined up before us. “Your cut will be 100,000 a head, Korgath. You will be a rich man – or, at least, a richer man.”

  I reach out to shake his hand. Xeres looks at me with knowing eyes, and grips my hand in his. His grip is strong.

  Tort’s hands are steady on the controls of Xeres personal ship, as the gaunt Aurelian pilots us out of the atmosphere and into lawless space. I have my recording device in my ear for security. No matter what happens, I can simply move the micro muscles in my ear canal in a specific way, and my entire army of men will be called to our location. This close to Titus, my reinforcements would take less than three minutes to arrive – weapons primed and strike teams ready.

  Tort pilots the craft into dark space, towards a looming mothership. The enormous bulk of the ship dwarfs us, and I lick my lips in anticipation. The mobster in me would be proud that he had the chance to work with Mr. X. It’s an indication that I finally made it in the underworld – that Korgath, the crime lord of Titus, is finally powerful enough to do business with the most feared criminal in the universe.

  But that version of me – the one I pretended to be for two centuries – seems so far away now.

  Ella has taken that carefully constructed character and unraveled him. Now, my only thought of the future is her. I had to convince myself to come to Xeres ship to see the enslaved women in the first place – that’s how strong my bond with Ella is. Coming here is a risk. A risk that doesn’t seem right, not with a prize like Ella waiting for me.

  I’d have given up two-hundred years of careful undercover work in an instant, just for her.

  There’s always risk when you deal with a character like Mr. X. For two centuries I could think of nothing else but bringing him to justice. Suddenly, that reward pales in comparison to the risk of potentially losing Ella.

  Tort docks the ship, and we step into the cargo hold of the looming mothership. The Accountant does not leave Xeres ship. As the mothership embarks, he simply follows behind us.

  We were not the only ones to disembark from Xeres’ ship, however. There are two-hundred terrified, trembling human women in slips of robes, all with chains attached to their collars.

  Mr. X stands in front of them, his hands wide open. It’s as if he’s showing off the merchandise in a spacecraft showroom – not line after line of terrified, human traffic.

  “Welcome, my new partner,” Xeres beams at me as I approach. “Welcome to where it all happens. Are you ready to make some money?”

  I nod. “I will send a ship over to take possession of the women immediately. Tell me, where did you source them?”

  He laughs. “From your very home world of Titus. Have you been so focused on your business not to see the news? The reports of kidnappings increasing?”

  My fingers flex. I was not allowed to bring an Orb-Blade on board, and I suddenly feel the absence of my weapon keenly. How dare h
e source women from my planet.

  I calm myself. I’ve got it on tape, and the voice is unmistakably that of Xeres. This time is different to his manor, though. In addition to the sound recorder, a tiny implant under my eye is working to record video as well – so there can be no mistake in bringing him to justice.

  “I’ve kidnapped two-hundred thousand virgins in total, Korgath,” Xeres boasts, unaware he’s incriminating himself still further. “I’ve taken them from their homes, their schools and their places of worship, and turned them into pleasure slaves. I spit on the Aurelian Empire, and its stupid interdiction on slavery. I, Xeres, am the greatest criminal mastermind ever to exist – and I bring the people of the Empire what they truly want.” His thin lips part in a grimace.

  My instincts tell me this is all wrong.

  He’s handing himself to me on a silver platter. He’s giving me all the information I need to convict him – more than I need. It’s as if knows I work for the Aurelian Enforcement, and he has a plan…

  …then I feel it. Suddenly. The sense of pure terror in Ella’s mind.

  There’s violence and bloodshed in Arok and Brutan’s auras, too.

  It’s a trap.

  I reach for Xeres’ throat, when suddenly his guards turn and aim their blasters at me.

  “What have you done?”

  He laughs. “I have men in the Aurelian Authorities, under my pay. They revealed your true identity to me.”

  But how? Only my handler knew!

  “I had my men access the DNA records. You were a recruit, once. Then, before you officially joined the Authorities, you quit to become a kingpin. It doesn’t add up. You were clearly sent undercover, to try to stop me.”

  I swallow hard. I could rip his throat out, but I’d just die trying. Worse, Ella would be killed. The panic in her aura clearly meant that Xeres had done something with her.

  “You have spent two-hundred years becoming a crime boss,” Xeres scoffs. “The truth is, you’re now more kingpin than police officer. The Aurelian Authorities cannot forgive human trafficking, even if you are undercover. Do this deal with me, and your name will be as hated as mine. Despite your undercover work. Despite your badge, and your title. You will have truly become a criminal – and they will not forgive you.”

  Xeres looks at me very seriously.

  “You have no choice, Korgath. The only way I can be sure of trusting you is if you cross a line even the Aurelian Law Enforcement will not forgive you for. So, make this deal with me. For both our sakes. Do it, and once we have completed our business, I will let your slave woman go free.”

  I can do nothing. The blasters are trained on me, ready to end my life if I go for Xeres’ throat. The reality of the situation hits me.

  All the things I’ve done to this point now can be forgiven, as long as I take Xeres down. In the eyes of Law Enforcement, bringing him to justice would erase all of the killings that I’ve had to do during my undercover operations.

  But to willingly participate in slavery?

  Slavery is unforgivable in the eyes of Aurelian law.

  I would become as wanted as Xeres is.

  But what choice do I have?

  Xeres has more than a dozen guns trained on me. He has my fated mate.

  I look at the two-hundred poor, unfortunate souls he has kidnapped and enslaved.

  I hate myself for it, but I’d make the choice in an instant.

  I’d burn the whole fucking universe down – men, women and children – if it meant keeping Ella safe.



  I’m still getting used to the feeling of having Korgath in my mind. His presence is faint, fainter yet as he flies away from me, but it’s there. I’ll never be alone again – not for the rest of my days.

  We’re in his penthouse, Brutan and Arok lounging in the huge spread of the apartment. A huge floor-to-ceiling window showcases views of the shimmering city beneath us, and the stars of the night sky high above.

  I think it’s idyllic – especially after a rough life mining asteroids – but Brutan shakes his head in disgust.

  “Too much opulence. Korgath always wanted to be a showoff.”

  My interest in piqued. These are the only two people in the universe who know the real Korgath – the Korgath before he went undercover, and created his violent, brutal persona.

  “What was he like? Before he went undercover.”

  Arok snorts. “He was just the same. Going undercover didn’t change him – it just brought out the more brutal elements in him. Just like the bond won’t change who you fundamentally are, he is nothing now that he didn’t always have lurking inside him.”

  I shudder. I already got my first taste of what the bond does. I can feel Korgath in my mind. My body craves his. Somehow, sensations of pain are now mixed sinfully with pleasure.

  Maybe I won’t change – but the bond has changed the way I experience everything.

  Brutan looks at me with hunger, and I know he still aches to sate himself in me. I barely know the two Aurelians, but it’s as though our very DNA is compatible. I feel safe in their presence.

  Brutan stands above me. “You will be bonded to us as well. I know this, Ella.”

  I’ll be bonded to them both the moment they claim me.

  I’m already coming to terms with having one alien presence in my mind. Three? That seems too much to handle. And yet, being alone with the two men, I already feel comfortable – as if I’ve known them for years. Brutan extends his huge hand, and I take it. He pulls me to my feet and looms above me.

  “Korgath will never own you, Ella. You are free to do whatever you like.” His eyes flashed. “Even with us.”

  Arok approaches, another big, powerful force. I feel so tiny next to the two huge Aurelians.

  Part of me judges myself. It’s unnatural to be turned on by not one, but two massive, handsome men – especially brutal warriors, who you’ve just witnessed battling against unfathomable odds.

  But the other part of me?

  It makes me stand up on my tippy-toes. Brutan lowers his head and kisses me.

  Korgath’s kiss was dark and passionate. In contrast, Brutan’s is insistent – like he can’t hold back. He pulls me close, groping my bottom as Arok moves behind me, his hands roaming up to my breasts.

  A crashing shatter fills the room, and the floor-to-ceiling windows of the penthouse suddenly shatter.

  Dozens of Aurelian soldiers burst in.

  At first I think it’s the Aurelian Law Enforcement, finally caught up to me.

  Then I see the accountant, Tort, in his ship – however outside our penthouse, watching through the safety of his cockpit screen.

  Aurelian soldiers are everywhere. I reach for a knife, but my fight is over before it even begins. There are just too many of them. They knock out Brutan and Arok, leaving their lifeless bodies slumped on the floor as two, huge Aurelians grab me and drag me to the shattered window.

  I gasp, as the ground looms up beneath me – hundreds of feet above the teeming city streets.

  As I hang on the precipice, Tort brings his ship closer – and I’m calmly tossed through the open hatchway.

  Moments later, the vessel is soaring away.

  Tort sits at the controls, calmly piloting the vessel. He’s thin, by Aurelian standards – but even I know there’s nothing I can do against him; not without a weapon.

  “What is the meaning of this!” I demand.

  The accountant turns in his chair, and smiles thinly at me.

  “Do you really take us for fools?” Then he turns to one of his henchmen, emerging from the rear of the ship. “Shut her up.”

  An Aurelian henchman scoops me up and gags me. A bag is thrown over my head. I’m thrown to the cold, hard floor of the cruiser, and I feel the bulkheads shudder as Tort engages the thrusters.

  I have no idea how far we fly before I’m dragged from the ship, and hauled bodily down some corridor. Finally, I’m thrown into a room, trapped in darkne

  I don’t know where I am. In some cell, underground, I guess.

  But they have underestimated me.

  I’m in a tough spot. I know it. But beneath the bag, I smile.

  There is one thing Mr. X doesn’t know. One thing that he overlooked.

  He can’t hide me away in some basement. The bond allows Korgath to track my every movement. I know that being saved is an inevitability.

  Only… Part of me doesn’t want to be saved.

  Part of me wants to prove to those cocky Aurelians that I can take care of myself.

  Formulating a plan, I wait patiently, not moving, feeling no fear. The gag is restricting my breathing, and suddenly I realize it gives me the key to my escape.

  I clutch my hands to my throat, as if the gag has gone too far down my throat and I’m dying. I collapse to the floor, kicking, and go limp.

  I lie there lifelessly for what seems like forever – but I imagine it’s just enough time for whoever is guarding me to start to suspect I might not be faking.

  I hear the door to whatever cell I’m in open, and then I hear muffled curses. The bag is suddenly pulled from my head, and I open my eyes to see the accountant looking down at me with fear, scared that he accidentally killed the only leverage his boss has over Korgath.

  I don’t waste a second.

  I strike.

  My fingers plunge upwards, into the Aurelian’s eyes. I feel them splatter under my thumbs. He screams out, clutching his face, and I roll to the side.

  Thank the Gods they were too arrogant to tie me up – thinking I was just some helpless slave girl.

  The Aurelian screams, flailing blindly. His hands slam into the ground as he tries to hit me.

  I reach for his holster, and yank out the hilt of an Orb-Knife he keeps at his side. I finger the button and it hums to life. Tort freezes when he hears the familiar, terrifying noise – but it’s too late…

  … I jam the blade against his throat.

  I could have slashed his jugular open. The Orb-Knife in my hand vibrates, almost as if it’s thirsty for me to do exactly that.


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