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Playing Games (Endgame Series Book 3)

Page 18

by Cara E Holt

  “All good. My cars sold.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “I hate that you had to sell your car.”

  Grayson’s shrugs his shoulders as his arms wrap around my waist. “It’s just a car Ev, and it’ll pay for my next set of college fees.”

  I nod. “I know, I just hate that he’s put you in this situation. Its not fair.”

  Grayson laughs. “When has my dad every done anything fair or right in his life?”

  “You can drive my car,” I tell him, looking up into his eyes.

  Grayson laughs. “No way am I being seen driving a Beetle. It’s a girls’ car.”

  I gasp in fake horror. “How dare you insult Gretta.”

  He shakes his head, smiling. “You’re just going to have to chauffeur me everywhere from now on.”

  “Oh, really?” I ask, arching a brow. “And what do I get in return?”

  He smirks as he leans into my ear. “How about two orgasms before breakfast every day?”

  I flush red and my core pulses, very much liking this idea. “Three,” I counter back with a bite of my lip.

  “Three it is.” He agrees, leaning down and pressing his lips to mine.

  “Stop mauling poor Everly and get in this water, St. Clair!” Owen shouts from the pool.

  Grayson reluctantly pulls away from my lips and with a wink he leaves me and he makes a run to the pool where he dives in and dunks Owen under the water.

  The next day Grayson and I have some quality time together, leaving the others at the villa. We drive for about twenty minutes until we reach the main resort. During the day it is quiet and sedate, but at night it has a different vibe. My head is still recovering from our night out last night. Grayson parks up and I follow him out of the car we walk for about three minutes until he comes to a stop in front of a bar that back’s onto the beach.

  “What do you think?” He asks, looking from me to the bar in front of us. It’s on two floors and the upstairs floor has a balcony all the way round the side and to the back. From here I can see that there is a large pool.

  “It’s a bar.” I state, giving him a blank look. I’m not sure what he’s brought me out here for.

  “I’m going to buy it.”

  I blink and do a double take. “Sorry, what?”

  Posh smiles. “I said I’m going to buy it. Come on, come and take a look.” He holds out his hand and I slip mine in his and allow him to guide me inside.

  “It needs updating. It doesn’t have the look I’m aiming for and I’ll need to attract some decent DJ’s, but it has potential.”

  My forehead wrinkles as I look at him, dumbfounded. “This is your plan? Instead of uni, you’re going to run a bar, here, in Ibiza.”

  He nods. “Well, I am if you’ll come out here with me.”

  “Me?” I repeat. Is he serious here?

  Chuckling, he reaches for my other hand and pulls me into his body, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Yes, Manchester. With you. My mum’s inheritance gives me enough to buy this and get it refurbed and there’s a house attached for us.”

  I blink and look around me. “But you’re not eighteen for another two months. What if it sells?”

  He shrugs. ”Then I’ll find another bar.” He studies my face. “What are you thinking in there, Manchester?”

  I scoff. “I’m thinking my boyfriend is crazy. You really are serious about this, aren’t you?” I ask.


  “But what would I do?” I ask, suddenly wondering where I fit in all these plans.

  “You could help me run it or you could still go to university online, or you could set up that online home interior business you’ve daydreamed about.”

  I nod. He is right, university has always just seemed the obvious path after college, but do I really want to spend another three years of my life studying? Or do I want to get out into the world and find adventure?

  Grayson fishes in the pockets on his shorts, and he dangles a set of keys. “Lets have a look around inside.”

  I follow him inside and the bar is larger than it looks. It needs work, but the pool area out back that backs onto the beach is amazing and has so much potential. Grayson leads me down a dark corridor into what must be the private quarters of the property. There’s an open plan living kitchen area that backs out onto a small patio. Upstairs there are two bedrooms. We walk into the master and I blink. The master looks out across views of the sea. It is stunning. Grayson wraps his arms around me from behind as I admire the view.

  “Can you picture it, baby? Waking up wrapped in my arms and looking out at that view.”

  I lean my head back against his chest and just soak up the view and the sun beaming through into the room and filling it with light. I am already thinking of furniture and colour schemes.

  “You have an eye for interiors. You could help me design the bar. It could be our little piece of paradise.”

  I sigh, closing my eyes and picturing the life we could have here. “Are we too young for this?”

  Grayson turns me in his arms until I’m facing him. “Who gives a fuck? So we’re young. I know you’re it for me, Manchester. I want to build a life here with you. Let’s take the plunge and live for today.”

  I chew on my lip and look back at out at that view before I turn my attention back to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and smiling in nod my head. “Let’s do it. Let’s move to fucking Ibiza.”

  Grayson blinks as if he’s unsure he heard me right before a massive grin breaks out on his face. “You’re in?”

  I nod and he lifts me in his arms and spins me round, making me yelp in surprise. He carries me over to where an empty table sits in the kitchen area and he lays me down. He yanks his top over his head and he undresses my body with his eyes.

  “Gray, we can’t. It isn’t ours yet,” I weakly protest, transfixed when he drops his shorts.

  He crawls over me until his face is above me and grinds his hips into mine, making me forget every word of protest I had ready.

  “You were saying?” He says with a smug smirk.

  Glaring at him, I reach down and grasp his manhood in my hands. “You better finish what you started Posh.’

  He grins as his fingers work to untie the sarong around my waist. “Always so demanding.”

  WE ARRIVE BACK AT THE villa a couple of hours later. After Grayson had rocked my world, we had taken a stroll along the beach and then stopped off at a small seafood place for lunch. We’d agreed for now that we’d keep it between us. Grayson’s money didn’t come through for another eight weeks, and we have to be realistic and be prepared because the bar could sell before then. My head is in the clouds. I am already there in that place. I truly believed we could be happy there. Coming here today and planning our future together has also helped me decide about my house back in Manchester. It is time to put it on the market and let it become someone else’s home. To let the next generation make their memories there. Maybe a young couple would buy it and it would be their first home together and one day they’d mark their children’s heights on the wall as they grow, just like my mum had done with me. As soon as we return home, I will ask my dad to get the ball rolling. Selling it will be hard, but I will have the memories of the times I shared with my mum in that house forever, they will never fade.

  As I settle down beside Izzy on my lounger to soak up the rays, I honestly feel like nothing could dull my happiness. Boy was I wrong.

  Later that evening the sun is setting, and it is a beautiful warm night on the island. The boys have been out to the local supermarket and brought back meats and salads. They fire the barbeque up and Owen and Dom are arguing over who gets to be in charge of the grill. We’ve all made an effort to dress up, and I am wearing a strapless fitted denim mini dress and heels. We are going to have some drinks here and then head to the bars in the resort. I am sitting on Grayson’s knee sipping at my cocktail when the doorbell rings.

  “Did someone order takeaway because they knew
Owen was manning the Barbie?” Jacob laughs as he jogs inside to go answer it.

  Owen’s response is to give him the fingers as he flips a burger on the grill and grins delightedly at himself.

  “Honestly, what does my sister see in him?” Grayson says with a chuckle as we watch him attempt to flip a second burger and it lands on the floor.

  “Don’t be cruel,” I laugh. “Owen is funny and kind, and he’s actually quite sensitive under all that bravado he gives off.”

  Grayson looks at me like I’ve gone soft and I nudge him with my shoulder. “He is, trust me, and he adores your sister. She could do a lot worse.”

  Grayson nods as he takes a drink of his beer. “Yeah, she could still be with that tosser.” He grunts, referring to Andrews.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I know Andrews was an arse, but I think Lottie’s good for him. You have to admit he’s changed since he’s been with her.”

  Grayson sniggers. “He’s just pussy whipped.”

  I tug gently on a piece of his hair at the back of his neck.

  “Violence, baby,” Grayson says as he nibbles as my neck. “When can I peel you out of this dress?”

  I roll my eyes, but if I’m honest, I shiver with desire. “Down boy, the nights only just beginning.”

  I feel his smile against my neck. “I’d rather start and end the night between your legs.”

  “You’re insatiable,” I say in exasperation, but really I love that he can’t get enough of me.

  “Only for you baby,” he tells me as his wandering hand strokes up my leg and I playfully slap it away. He groans and rests his head against the side of mine. “Tease.”

  “Well, isn’t this nice?”

  I look up and do a double take. I’ve only seen her in photos, but I recognise her straightaway.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” I whisper in surprise.

  Grayson tenses underneath me. “Fuck if I know.”

  Imogen Hilton stands at the patio doors. Her blonde hair is perfectly blow-dried, and she’s wearing tiny denim shorts and a white cropped crochet top that barely holds in her cleavage. Her toned and tanned legs go on forever in those high heels.

  She scans the pool area until her eyes fall on my man.

  “I see the northern slut took you back then?”

  I flinch. Did she really just call me a slut? “What did you say?” I hiss.

  Grayson squeezes my arm. “Baby, let me deal with this,” he whispers into my ear.

  I hold up a hand to silence him as I stand to my feet. “I asked you a question,” I remind her, and she folds her arms across her chest, glaring at me.

  “You,” she hisses, looking at me like I’m shit under her shoe. “Why couldn’t you just take the hint and fuck off. You’ve ruined everything.”

  I smile, a cold and deathly smile.

  “Uh-oh,” I hear Owen exclaim.

  Before I can stop myself, I storm around the pool to where she is standing. She towers over my small frame in her heels, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let that intimidate me. Thank fuck I have my heels on as well tonight.

  “Who do you think you are?” I ask her with a sneer. “Turning up here uninvited and hurling abuse at me. You don’t know the first thing about me,” I snigger. “Oh, but I know all about you. Imogen Hilton, desperate wannabe who will throw herself at someone else’s guy because her daddy tells her to.”

  “How dare you talk to me like that,” she snipes, looking at me with abject disgust. “Why don’t you go back to where you came from, you poor little orphan.”

  Okay, that did it. I am so done. I pull my arm back and punch her square in the face. She screams and staggers backwards, clutching at her nose. Blood streams from between her hands. “You broke my fucking nose, you psychotic bitch.”

  “I’ll break more than your plastic nose if you slag me off again.”

  She roars and charges at me and I grab both her arms to stop her scratching at my face. She fights to free her hands, all the while screaming at me. This is one unhinged girl. Trying to stop her assault, I push her with some force and she staggers back. It’s almost like it happens in slow motion. She stumbles and falls backwards into the pool with an almighty splash.

  I hear applause from behind me and turn to find Izzy and Molly and the girls clapping and grinning. Imogen comes back up to the surface, coughing and spluttering. All her eye make-up streaks down her face. Owen whistles as he flips his burgers as if there hasn’t just been a showdown right in front of him.

  “Burgers are up if anyone’s hungry,” he announces, and as if nothing has happened, and Ben and Jacob rub their hands together and descend like vultures on the hot food.

  Grayson comes up behind me and places an arm at my waist. “You okay, Manchester?”

  I nod, watching as she angrily stalks to the edge of the pool and climbs out. She points at me, waving her finger, shaking with anger as her other hand clutches at her bloody nose. “You haven’t heard the last of this. You assaulted me, I’ll have you arrested.”

  Grayson steps around me and slowly walks towards Imogen. She looks at him tensely as he nears, as if she’s unsure what he will do. He stops right in front of her and he says something to her in a low and quiet voice. So quiet that I can’t make out what he says. Whatever it is, she instantly pales and takes a step backwards. Her chest heaves as she struggles to control her frustration. With one last withering glare my way, she storms out through the side gate of the villa.

  Owen breaks the silence with a long, slow whistle. “Damn, Taylor, you throwing that punch was all kinds of hot.”

  I chuckle and wink at him.

  “He’s right,” Grayson says into my ear as he comes back over to me and wraps his arms around me. “Your violent side gets me horny.”

  I cock a brow. “You’re such a typical male.”

  “Now if you too had made out after the fight, that would have been the things dreams are made of,” Owen says with a sigh and a cheeky grin.

  “Owen!” Izzy growls in exasperation. “You’re such a dirtbag.”

  “I’ll tell my sister on you,” Grayson says to Owen with a cunning smile and Owen pales.

  “Come on, man. I was just messing. You know I only have eyes for Ems.”

  Grayson gives him a pointed look before he turns his attention back to me. “Are you really okay?”

  I nod and look up at him. “I’m fine, it’s just words. She’s bitter and jealous.” I smile up at him and he shakes his head, smiling.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You’re just fucking amazing. If ever there was a girl that was meant for me, it was you. You broke her nose, baby with that punch, I’m super proud.”

  I grin at my man. “It was a pretty mean punch, wasn’t it?”

  He nods his head. “Remind me never to piss you off. I like my nose how it is.”

  The rest of the night passes as if it has never tarnished by the arrival of Imogen Hilton. We eat and drink and then head to the resort to dance and drink some more and we stumble home in the early hours and fall into our beds.

  I groan and cover my ears with my arm as Grayson’s phone rings persistently. It’s our fourth day at the villa and we’d all partied hard last night.

  ‘Grayson,’ I groan, reaching out and hitting his arm to wake him up. ”Shut your damn phone up. My head can’t take it.”

  Grayson grumbles and rolls over. How could he sleep through that ringing?

  Huffing and puffing, I reach over his body and grab the phone off the bedside table.

  “Hello,” I answer gruffly, making no bones about my unhappiness at being woken up at this time of a morning.

  “Hello, can I speak to a Mr Grayson St. Clair?”

  I sit up straight in bed on hearing the authoritative sounding voice at the other end of the phone.

  “Who is this?”

  Grayson rubs his eyes and sits up in bed, still half asleep. “Give it here.”

  He takes the phone from me, and I lie ba
ck down and snuggle into my pillow.

  “I’m Grayson,” he tells the man on the phone. “When?” I hear Grayson ask. “I see. Was it self-inflicted?”

  I sit up and listen in. Something is wrong.

  “I’ll arrange a flight home now. Has anyone spoken to my sister?” He listens to the man and nods his head. “I think I should be the one to tell her. I’ll call her school now. Thank you and I’ll be in touch.”

  Grayson puts the phone down and stares into space for a few seconds. “My dad’s dead.”

  “What?” I ask, paling.

  He turns and looks at me, his face unreadable. “He’s been found dead in his study, with a single gunshot wound to the head.”

  “Oh, shit.” I pull him into my arms and hug him. “Oh Grayson, I’m so fucking sorry.”

  I don’t know what to say. What do you say to that news?

  I pull back from him and cup his face in my hands. “Are you okay?”

  He nods and strokes his thumb across my cheek. “It’s just a shock you know.”

  Nodding, I drop a soft kiss on his lips, wanting to comfort him. “We need to book flights home.”

  He runs a hand through his hair, looking lost.

  “I’ll call my dad and get him to sort us some flights. You get showered and dressed.”

  He nods and silently leaves the bed and takes himself off into the bathroom.


  I call my dad and it takes a few rings before he answers.

  “Everly, is everything okay?” I hear the anxiety in his voice and then I remember that it’s two hours behind at home and only five o’clock in the morning. “Dad, Mr St. Clair is dead. The police just called. Can you sort us flights home?’

  “What? He’s dead. How?”

  I run my hand through my hair. “I don’t know much. I think Grayson’s in shock. He just said that he was found in his study with a single gunshot wound to the head.”

  “Jesus,” my dad exclaims. “I’ll get online now and sort you both flights.”


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