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Carried Off

Page 6

by Raven Willow

  “What is your rush, my dear? We’ve only just risen.” He chuckled as he moved over to her side where she huddled in a ball, ignoring her nudity. Alistair brushed her hair from her face, which was a convenient way to hide her from him.

  “I-I am indecent! You mustn’t look!”

  Alistair calmly but firmly rolled her body to meet him, prying her hands from her face and holding her wrists above her.

  “Sweetheart, you need not fear being exposed to me. I have laid eyes on you at your most vulnerable, and believe me, I have no intention of stopping. But if you attempt to keep me from gazing upon what is mine, you will force my hand. I will tie you down with your legs spread and devour that cunt until nightfall if that is what it takes for you to see.”

  Her eyes went wide as she made a move to bring her thighs up, which he put a stop to by straddling her and waiting until she was through fighting. Some moments later, her nostrils were flaring and her lip quivered in frustration. Riona nodded and allowed her body to go limp beneath him.

  “Good girl.”

  Riona looked away as he loomed over her, forcing her to spread her thighs wide as he lowered his body closer to hers.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I am wishing my new bride a good morning. Is that not what is done?” He smirked as he dipped his head to her throat, pressing his lips against her pulsing vein.

  Riona’s skin was like the finest silk. It was so unlike the roughness of the rest of him. She felt like everything delicate and pure in the world, which Alistair would corrupt with his touch and his kisses. It grew hotter when he worked a hand between their bodies to stroke her engorged clit.

  “Oh! N-no... I can’t...” Riona squirmed.

  “Is something wrong, my lovely?” He pressed harder against her pleasure bud, sending shockwaves of bliss throughout her body. The feeling transferred to his own, forcing his cock to stand to attention.

  “You cannot what? Take this?” He slipped two fingers inside her abused pussy, Riona’s face contorting in brief pain as her body adjusted to the intrusion. It would swiftly turn to pleasure as her newly wanton body accepted his touch.

  “Shhh. Relax, precious one. Just let it happen.”

  The rest of the morning was filled with the tiny gasps of pleasure as Alistair worked his fingers inside her, thoroughly enjoying the sounds that echoed throughout the room as he took more and more orgasms from his mate.

  * * *

  Later that day, he sat her down at his dining table, dressed in a gown that Elspeth had kindly given to him for her to wear. It was appealing on her, for being much too long. Riona was shorter than Elspeth’s towering height, and smaller in the waist. So she had been loaned a sash to cinch the waist so she could wear it somewhat comfortably; however the sleeves still went far past Riona’s hands. It would do for the time being, but Alistair made a mental note to have more dresses made. In truth, he could not help but chuckle at the sight of his mate in such a large garment.

  “Don’t worry, it is only temporary. However I would be lying if I said I am not enjoying watch you move about in that dress, trying to cover up.” He gestured to the plunging neckline, causing her to reflexively pull the dress up more.

  “I—” Riona began to speak, but remembered herself. She frustratingly exhaled as he set down a plate, which consisted of bread and cheeses with dried pieces of meat. Riona shook her head, but Alistair could hear her stomach growling.

  “I am not hungry.” She pushed the plate away and crossed her arms.

  Stubborn little thing.

  “Yes, you are, mate. Eat now. It isn’t much but your transition must be gradual. Soon, you will eat properly as we do, Riona. You will not be able to tolerate the human morsels that you are used to, but your body will grow accustomed to it. For now, you may eat as you wish. You need only ask, and I will acquire whatever you like.” Alistair leaned in close to her face, taking one hand.

  “Understand, you will eventually hunt with your mate and relish it. Your body will desire it and you can’t fight it, Riona. You must trust me to make a safe metamorphosis.”

  “I cannot believe what I’m hearing.”

  It was all too much to take in, Alistair knew. The overwhelming urge to throw the plate entered both their minds, which Alistair was prepared to stop. Instead, she began to bolt from the chair, the table rattling as she pushed herself away to flee from him, but he was much too quick. Alistair effortlessly twisted one arm behind her back, holding it there while the other pressed her to his front; Riona bared her teeth and wrenched free almost just as fast. He was surprised; she was growing stronger than he had anticipated.

  “Get back here! So help me, Riona, I will restrain and force feed you if I must!” Alistair took her by the arms and pulled her close.

  “Yield, mate!” Alistair matched her expression, baring his own canines and allowing his wolf to just barely peek from his internal cage. He would show her who the alpha was, either now or when he bent her over his knee for her defiance and shamelessly delivered her a sound spanking.

  The adrenaline raced through their bodies as her anger bubbled up to the surface. The pain of his grip on her arm had to have become numb, because the only act his mate could conjure up was a quiet snarl as he felt her muscles flex in his fist. When he tapped into her mind, the immediate thoughts that echoed were ones that involved wanting to hurt him. To cause him unspeakable pain she had likely thought only she could conjure up.

  And yet, her eyes are mesmerizing.

  Alistair did not let go of his mate. He would establish his dominance and wait for her submission. When she began swaying, he felt her dizziness. The room would have been spinning, and he heard her heart began thumping louder and faster than it had before. Her delicate features sharpened as she looked up at him. Riona was enraged.

  The snarls grew into growls as her pink lips curled back. Her teeth would come soon, and she would be able to cause grievous harm if she wished it. After several minutes, her body temperature went down, and she relaxed in his grip. She had happened to glance in the mirror adjacent to them, and witnessed another change in eye color. Her horrified expression signaled tears he could see welling up in her eyes.

  “You must listen to me when I instruct you to do something, Riona. I know you do not see it now, but I know what is best for you. Whether you like it or not, you are my predestined mate, and you cannot resist it much longer.”

  Alistair purred as he held her in place for what must have been several minutes before he finally released his hold on her when he was sure she had calmed. He couldn’t hide the frustration laced in his words.

  As much as she obviously despised it, she could not mask the ache that tormented her deep in her belly whenever he spoke to her. She could not close her eyes and put her mind from it when she felt his hands on her. Riona’s own body was betraying her every time they interacted.

  Alistair gently took her by the shoulders and sat her down in the chair then took his place beside her. He watched her survey the food, knowing soon she would have no choice but to eat. They would not leave here until she had cleaned her plate.

  Eventually, he saw her nimble fingers fiddle with the bread as she took small bites, which eventually turned into a frenzied feast.

  “Do not lie to me, my dear. I will always know.” She looked up at him innocently, as if her little tantrum had not just happened. Alistair couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like in a shift, her new appetite growing for the forbidden taste. They would feast together, luxuriating in the feeling of the hunt.

  He imagined she had had a taste for the flesh in her life. It would have been a natural curiosity, given who she was destined to be. Of course, her home was not his home, and she likely would have been chastised for trying to find out exactly how it tasted.

  “I told you you were hungry.”

  Riona glared at him as she swallowed the last bit of food.

  “I must feed soon. It has been quite a few days and I cann
ot go on much longer. Tomorrow you will be coming with me on my hunt.” Riona’s head shot up.

  “What! No! I will not watch you kill an innocent animal!”

  “You have no choice. Until I can be sure I can trust you to remain here on your own, you will accompany me when I hunt. You must be taught our ways; defending yourself, basic skills one of our kind needs to survive. Of course I will always protect you, but in the event you must be able to protect yourself on your own, I want you prepared. However, you are safer with me now than you were on your own. I will not lock you away, Riona. You will be an active member in this pack as the alpha mate. But it should come quite naturally to you.” Alistair casually sipped his wine as she listened fearfully.

  “I-I can’t! This isn’t—I-I cannot kill an innocent creature, I cannot spar, and I cannot... take care of a pack!” Riona frantically begged him, but Alistair was immovable.

  “You are more than welcome to starve yourself of what your new body will crave. But try it for a week. I promise you, you will be crazed and uncontrollable. And do not think you will walk these woods ignorant on how to defend yourself, Riona.”

  He hated lying. Alistair would not reveal the true reason why he was so adamant about teaching her their ways so quickly. Yes, she would adapt to it and it was merely how they lived, but what he feared most was Cinead. He would never admit his fear, for he was good at concealing it. But Riona was so small, so helpless in the delicate state she was in now; not yet a wolf, but not entirely mortal anymore. She would never be able to detect him in the event he did locate her, or worse, she would not be able to fight back if he claimed her. Cinead, for all his faults, was a skilled hunter. If he already had her scent, finding her would be an easy task for him. He could be days or even hours within Alistair’s den searching for Riona. If he remembered anything about Cinead, it was that when he wanted something, he never stopped.

  “I’m afraid refusing is not an option. But for the rest of the afternoon we will spend it with the pack. I wish for you to become socialized with your new family.”

  Chapter Seven

  Alistair hooked his arm in hers as he marched them out of his home. It was a beautiful day. The slight breeze carried his masculine scent back to Riona, instantly relaxing her.

  “Oh, look, there they are!”

  A small blonde-haired woman called from the table where she and another group were congregating. She smiled while who appeared to be her mate waved and got up.

  “Alistair, good morning. And good morning to you, alpha mate.” The male smiled kindly while he leaned his head to where she was now hiding behind Alistair.

  “Come out now, do not be shy, it’s a beautiful day. Let us enjoy it. You can meet my mate and our little ones.” He searched Alistair’s face for what seemed to be approval, which he gave in a curt nod.

  “Come, Riona.” Alistair took her hand and led them to a large table where a good number of people had been eating and talking. Riona kept her head down.

  “Has everyone else gone hunting for the day?” Alistair inquired to the red-haired man Riona had noticed earlier. He reached out and helped himself to some fruit that sat in a bowl in front of them.

  “Yes, but they were told not to stay out too long or stray too far.” The man shot Alistair a knowing look, raising his eyebrows and cocking his head toward the forest discreetly.

  What did he mean?

  “Say hello to Ceardach, mate. He is our beta.” Alistair gently lifted her chin with a finger. She didn’t resist.

  “Hello,” Riona barely whispered, wishing she didn’t have to look yet another person who had seen her unclothed in the eye.

  “Ma’am.” Ceardach smiled and politely nodded his head, offering her the bowl of fruit.

  She shook her head, almost wanting to ask Alistair if he could take her back inside. But she knew better.

  Riona remained silent as the members spoke to one another casually, not wishing to listen in but at the same time curious. Leaving was no option, Alistair would only follow her, and the hand that remained holding hers let her know she was not to move from her spot next to him.

  “You are hungry still.” The kind voice of the blonde woman interrupted her thoughts as Riona looked up, not even sure what was just said to her.

  “Your stomach, I hear it growling. You are hungry still. Please have some, I grow them myself.”

  She pushed the food toward Riona, smiling sweetly. She had just noticed that the woman was holding a baby in a wrap that she wore around herself, gently bouncing it as she spoke. Riona shook her head and nervously chewed on her lip.

  “Oh, please, would you? I would not feel right if everyone had not had their fill. Winter coming, you know. And we must have what we can.”

  Riona had forgotten the cold season was approaching. It usually meant little to no heat supply for her village, and by now they would be storing the meat from their cattle away and saving as much coal as they could.

  Alistair’s squeeze of her hand encouraged her to accept the food, and she shyly reached out and took a shiny apple, trying to hide how hungry she still was as she bit into it.

  “My name is Ailith. This is my mate, Murdock.”

  “Riona,” she managed to squeak.

  “Yes, Alistair had told us so much about you, I could hardly wait to see you! How are you feeling? I have heard so that the transformations can be quite jarring.”

  Riona balked at the nosy question. Surely she could not expect her to tell her every sordid detail. But her expression didn’t read one of nosiness. Ailith looked genuinely curious, and then Riona remembered that she was likely the first to be mated into the pack in quite a while.


  “Um, I am fine, thank you. Just very tired is all.”

  What else could she say? Beg her to persuade him to set her free? Help her escape? The bite mark throbbed as she contemplated what would happen to her if she even tried.

  “Oh, well, if you are ever in need of company, my boys could always use a friend, just an ear they could talk off. They have been so curious about you.”

  They have?

  “Speaking of, where are those little ones? Broden, Darach! Come here, please!” Ailith called out to two small boys frolicking nearby in a giant pile of red and brown leaves, with hair that matched their father’s. They immediately lifted their heads and ran over, nearly knocking each other down in the process.

  “Yes, Mama?” Riona’s heart wrenched. They were positively adorable. Their tiny voices tugged at her and she fought the urge to reciprocate the smaller boy’s curious look.

  “Boys, this is Riona. She is Alistair’s mate. What do we say?” Ailith raised an eyebrow as a gesture to be polite as the babe in her arms began to fuss.

  “Pleased to meet you, Miss Riona!” The older boy held out a hand, which she hesitated to take. Another small squeeze from Alistair’s hand told her she should indulge the child, so she did.

  “Hello, dear.”

  “I’m Broden!” He gestured to himself. “This is my little brother, Darach!” He then pointed to the other boy, who stomped his foot at not having the chance to introduce himself.

  “And this is Neacal!” Darach took his chance to introduce the baby in their mother’s arms, who looked at Riona just as his name was said.

  Riona couldn’t resist giving a small wave to the baby eyeing her. She always loved them. When she assisted the midwives in her village, the new mothers always praised her for what great care to ensure the babies’ health she would take as she tended to them. They told her she’d make such a lovely mother one day.

  Riona brought a hand to her stomach, not letting it linger.

  Murdock smiled at his three boys, seeming proud of what strong future pack members they had on their hands.

  Darach stepped closer to Riona, tilting his head as his big blue eyes looked deep into her own. She couldn’t help but giggle as all he wanted to let her know was that he was indeed four years old.

ur already, young one? It seems only yesterday that Elspeth helped bring you into this world!” Alistair grinned and mussed the boy’s shaggy hair; he then ran to hug a tall, dignified-looking woman sitting nearby. She must have been Elspeth.

  “Alistair, Riona is so pretty! Do you think that Isla will finally stop following us around?” Broden dramatically held out his arms as he ranted, promptly making everyone laugh.

  “Isla is their sister, I’m sure she is around here somewhere.” Ailith turned her head to see if she could find her in the distance.

  “Here I am!” Riona jumped as she heard the voice of a little girl wail from up in a tree that stood near where the group gathered.

  “Mama, Papa! Look at me! I climb like Alistair now!” The child, who could not have been more than six years old, was now dangling from a branch as she swung herself back and forth, giggling at her mother’s worried reaction.

  “Oh, Isla, you come down from there this instant!” Ailith pointed to the ground.

  The girl pouted for a moment before her father gave her a stern look and said her name again, prompting her to obey.

  “Yes, Mama.” Isla let go of the branch and Riona gasped in fear that she would break a bone upon landing, but Isla landed on her feet expertly and almost silently, completely unharmed.

  “Is this Alistair’s mate?” The redheaded girl excitedly hurried to Riona’s side, and upon coming closer she could see the most adorable dimples and the greenest eyes she had ever seen.

  “You are her, yes?” Riona could only manage a nod as she fell in love with the little girl now comfortably making her way into her lap.

  “Alistair told us about you, but my mama said you would be shy, and not to bother you. Are you shy? I am not shy. I love everybody!” Isla wrapped her small arms around Riona’s neck, hugging her tightly as she giggled.

  “Oh, darling, um...” Riona felt as if she would cry in delight. Isla was such a carefree little girl, so unafraid of other adults. She was so unlike Riona herself.


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