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The Prophecy

Page 12

by Amanda DeShane

  “Woman, if you move that ass again, I might not be able to control my inner giant.” Said Karis as he ran his hands over her bare stomach. Tingling sensations everywhere, his hand roamed made her crave his hand lower. Purposely wiggling her pert ass, she looked up at him sassily grinning.

  “Your trouble, are you sure you want to take this further?” Asked Karis. Aurora pushed her blue hair to the side and sat up, turning around to face him.

  “Yes, I am sure I can’t help but want you.” Leaning down, she kissed him on the mouth as he scooped her close. His hands encircled her small waist, lifting her easily into his arms. Wrapping her legs around his waist the best she could, he continued kissing her as he walked them to the bathroom. Setting her down on the marble floor, he untied his pants, letting them fall to the ground. She stood there at chest height, taking his bronze skin in as her eyes trailed down his body to his hard rather large cock.

  “You are very large, will it fit?” She whispered in worry. “Honey, your pleasure is what matters most; let me please you, and then if you want, I will try going further.” Said Karis as he once again picked her up as he walked into the four feet deep bathing pool. Holding her to him, he took one hand and said a spell. Blue mist and magic swirled, and a large wedge pillow appeared on the edge of the pool along with some naughty toys. Placing Aurora on the edge of the bathing pool, he lowered his tall form into the water and placed his head between her legs. “What are you doing?” Squealed Aurora in shock until his tongue slathered her clit, and her eyes went wide all protests dying. “You like that, honey?” Asked Karis as he dipped his head back down to taste her. “Mm.. yes.” Groaned Aurora as she let her head fall back and moaned. Trailing kisses up her stomach, he slowly worked his way to her mouth that he claimed firmly as his tongue sought hers to tango with. Reaching over, he grabbed a vibrator and placed it between her legs.

  "Oh! Oh my gosh.” Exclaimed Aurora as he kissed her pert breasts and worked her clit with the tip of the vibrator. “Honey, I am going to have to play a bit and stretch you a bit before we stand a chance at joining together. I want to see you cum many times. My inner giant demands I please you until you scream in pleasure.” Said Karis as he moved lower to suck her clit as he entered the vibrator into her and pumped her pussy. Aurora orgasmed, and Karis put the vibrator down, picking up a larger one. Eyes wide Aurora watched a bit unsure as he pushed the tip in. Finding it tight, he lowered his head back to her clit and started making her come undone all over again. Her breathing came in heavy heated gasps as he started pounding her more. His tongue doing four glorious circles around her love nub. Reaching down, she held his head firmly between her legs. As she orgasmed yet again, this time squirting all over his tongue. “Mmm.. you taste amazing honey. I can’t hold myself much longer; I would like to try to enter you.” Said Karis breathing heavily. Aurora's blue hair sticking to her sweaty body and flushed cheeks looked at him and Said. “I want all of you, my mate."

  As she reached out to caress his face, he stood up, and picking her up, flipped her over onto the pillow wedge, he moved to the pool edge. Laying stomach down with her pert ass in the air and legs dangling into the pool, Karis moved between her legs. Grabbing the vibrator, he reached one arm under her and set it to her Luv nub while he entered slowly into her. Moaning, she slowly adjusted to his length. As he fully entered her and began to move. Caressing her waist, he pounded into her until she came undone, screaming his name. Aurora totally spent, felt like her body was as limp as a noodle, as Karis picked her up and using some soap and a cloth washed her intimately before cradling her in his arms and leaving the bathing pool to snuggle his mate in bed.

  The next day, Aurora was told she would have to attend Asgard Academy to learn everything she needed to know about her powers and their history. If she didn’t go to school, she ran the chance of hurting someone she cared about. Her mates had all explained that with all her new powers, it was important for her to learn how to harness them. If she didn’t learn, she stood a chance of hurting someone without meaning to. Or worse, not having the skills to defend herself or anyone else. Asgard Academy was a massive stone brick building located in the middle of Asgard. Aurora walked up the massive stairway to the front doors, her mates following on either side of her. Her jaw felt slack as she stared up at the huge mahogany double doors with a half-circle design around both iron door handles. The circles were frosted glass triple glazed with black swirls etched into them. Far more fancy than Aurora had imagined a school entrance ever to be. Pushing open the entrance doors, they walked into a large foyer. Massive spiral stone stairs on each side of the room towered upwards to at least fifty floors. Two walkways in the middle of the foyer forked around a large round railing area that had another spiral stairway going into the ground to levels below. Fae light sconces sat on the walls, their Fae balls of light shining bright. The main halls had dark wood paneling. And cream marble floors contrasted the dark wood.

  “Wow, this place is massive!” Said Aurora in complete shock as she attempted to calm her anxiety that she would probably get lost.

  “It's big, yes, but the principal will give you a tablet with an AI who has been assigned to your family forever. Your AI will be able to verbally or via a map give you directions to each class. Your AI will also take notes for you and give you reminders. And it can answer any questions you may have.” Said Teagan as he wrapped an arm around her. Aurora stared at him for a moment, wondering if he was joking.

  “Wow, you are actually serious?” Asked Aurora as they walked down a wood-paneled hallway.

  “Yup, it's pretty sweet. Your dorm rooms are on a lower floor in the basement built into the ground. You will have the same dorm room you have had in every life. If you had kids in a past life, that dorm room would be the one they stayed in too.” Explained Teagan. Aurora took it all in then blurted.

  “Have I had kids in a past life I should be aware of?” All four guys stopped and tried to reassure her all at once. “Only one of you at a time, please.” Exclaimed Aurora. With Deacon being the leader of the group, took charge and said. “No, you have never had kids in previous lifetimes, so don’t go worrying, sweetie.”

  “Plus, we are going to teach you how to teleport, which will make getting to class on time easy and fast.” Said Eli trying to change the subject as he squeezed her other hand, comfortingly.

  “And we will never be far; the principal has talked about giving us a room on campus so we can be close whenever you need us. And we have applied as your guards.” Said Karis as he winked at her. Deacon, the more serious one spoke up.

  “We want to give you some personal space, but for safety reasons, one of us will always be present outside your classes or outside your dorm at night. We love you and will not risk your life by being stupid as we were in our past lives.” Silence fell over them all as the weight of what they faced set in.

  “Karis, can you help me learn revealing spells? Maybe some private lessons, please.” Asked Aurora as she looked up at him as he towered over her. Being eight feet tall made many people look at him and move out of his way in a hurry.

  “Of course, honey, I’d be glad to help you learn some spells.” Said Karis.

  Walking into the principal’s office, Aurora sat in the chairs on one side of the great big mahogany desk as they waited to meet the principal for the first time. Aurora worried her lower lip and shuffled her feet as she waited totally unsure what to expect.

  “Madam Rosemary is one of the head witches of the coven you more than likely will be in. She serves as principal and teaches entry-level magic.” Said Eli, who had sat in a chair to her left. Karis and Deacon stood behind her against a wall, and Teagan had chosen a seat on her other side. In walked a slim five-foot-tall dark-haired older woman with her hair pulled back into a loose bun upon her head. She had green eyes and a bright green streak through her hair.

  “I am sorry to keep you all waiting; unfortunately, a magic student got himself into a bit of a pickle, and I had to g
o undo a few spells and put it all to rights.” Said Madam Rosemary as she addressed them.

  “Welcome to Asgard Academy Aurora, and of course, your mates as well are welcome.” She said with a slight head nod.

  “Let me just grab the papers for you to sign and register with us, and we will get you settled and to rights.” Said Madam Rosemary as she warmly smiled at them all. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a black and silver wand and waved it towards a cabinet at the back of the room.

  “Saves time and all.” She remarked as she smiled. The drawers to one of the cabinets flew open and out floated papers and a pen that slowly floated onto the desk in front of Aurora, who wide-eyed and mouth open. She felt like being like a kid and yelling cool! Eli poked her in the arm, and she quickly recovered, closing her mouth and picking up the pen. Reading over the document, it basically asked for name, birth, parents names and said that she was enrolling for two years and that she was responsible for having guards if she needed them on school grounds. When she came to parent’s names, she looked at the guys.

  “Do either of you know the names of my parents? Because I don’t know anything.”

  Deacon was the first to speak up. “God Odin and Goddess Freyja are your birth parents.” Said Deacon as he came forward and taking the pen, wrote out their names on the document for her.

  “And we four are her mates and guards.” Madam Rosemary nodded her head towards him in approval. Once signed, she waved her wand once again, and the paper floated into a different filing cabinet filed away.

  “Now that is done, we can move onto getting you your family AI Tablet it will help you find the information you may need and give you directions and reminders. You are an entry-level student since you have not grown up here in this world, so some of your lessons you will have only one instructor for. With hard work, we will have you caught up in no time.” Said Madam Rosemary. Waving her wand once again, a black tablet appeared in front of Aurora on the desk.

  “Well, turn it on, and let’s get all the information logged into it.” Said Madam Rosemary. Aurora reached over and brought the tablet closer and pushed the power button. A woman’s face appeared on the tablet screen; she had long red hair with a white streak running through it and blue eyes with freckles.

  “Hello, Aurora, I am Frayen your AI, I can help you with managing your schedule, finding classes, taking notes, research through our celestial web, and more. “Said the lifelike AI on the tablet screen.

  “Frayen, please enroll her in entry-level magic and spells, entry-level combat, Asgard and species history, Plant and herb witchery, Battle strategies and Dependents & species 101. Oh, and I almost forgot also enroll her in History of Gods and Goddess’s.” Said Madam Rosemary to the tablet.

  “Conformation enrolled in all. I will search my database for classroom numbers and maps. Assigned dorm room in the royal wing, level ten and room # 250, roommate Paisley Wolfchild of the royal shifter line.

  “Said the AI.“Oh, that must be the family line that I, in my past life, asked to be placed with?” Asked Aurora as she fiddled with her fingers

  “Yes, I was actually the one you talked too about that in your past life, and I promised you I would make it happen. You were great friends with Paisley’s mother in your last life. You also will be introduced into their pack as by birth, you and your wolf are rightfully apart of their pack.” Explained Madam Rosemary.

  “Well, thank you for honoring my request.” Said Aurora.

  “My pleasure, my goddess, and my coven sister. I will let you all go to seek out the dorm and get yourself settled. Classes for you won't start until tomorrow morning at 8 am.” Said Madam Rosemary as she bowed respectfully to Aurora.

  Once again, out in the hallway, Aurora took Deacon's hand as he led her down the hallway. Teagan, Eli, and Karis followed behind. Aurora held her tablet AI in one hand while they walked down the hall back towards the foyer.

  “Turn on your AI and ask her for directions to your dorm room.” Said Deacon. Aurora let go of his hand and raised the tablet in front of her, pressing the on button.

  “Hello, Aurora, how can I be of assistance today?” Asked the AI.

  “Can I please get directions to my dorm room?” Asked Aurora politely.

  “I will give you live directions starting now. Walk to the foyer once there walk down the spiral stairs that go down into the middle of the foyer.” Said the AI. They followed its directions down the stone staircase; their footfalls echoing as they went. Looking over the stone railings, Aurora was surprised to find she could see a gigantic aquarium build into one big wall; it had a door next to it. And if her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her, there were dorm room buildings in the aquarium. It had colorful coral and shells and fish swimming around, everything you would expect in an aquarium except for the stone dorm building in the background and what looked like an entrance to the actual sea.

  “What is that aquarium over there?” Asked Aurora expecting the guys to answer, she was startled when the AI in the tablet spoke up.

  “That is the merfolk’s dorm rooms. They can exist on land and in water, shedding their tails and growing legs at their leisure, but they can’t be out of the seawater for more than a few hours. Some classes have sea walls that merfolk can sit at desks on the other side of the glass and attend class. Merfolk is a very vicious species at times, and they are loosely related to sirens.” Prattled on the AI as Aurora tried to wrap around her head that in some of her classes there would be what looked like a great big aquarium with desks and seats in the water for mermaids and that sometimes if they chose they could attend class normally looking like everyone else with legs instead of fins.

  “One more flight of stairs until we reach the tenth floor.” Said the AI. “That tablet AI is going to make your life a lot easier here, Aurora, so take advantage of it.” Said Eli with a big grin.

  “I never imagined that a tablet could have artificial intelligence this smart and informed. On earth, they had some great technology but nothing like this yet.” Said Aurora as her eyes continued to take in each floor, they passed that she could see via railings as they descended further down underground. Seeing an area that had water and steppingstones that lead in different directions with rope ladders and lines going in different directions.

  “What’s that there?” Asked Aurora. The AI once again spoke up. “That is one of many combat training areas. In this one, they test your ability to move over obstacles at the same time as maintaining the fight. If you fall in the water and are hit by your opponent’s choice of mock weapon, then you fail. I will assume you don’t know what a mock weapon is, so I will explain. It is a weapon that will look and act the same as a real weapon, but instead of causing harm, it shoots a dart that mimics the pain of a bullet or the weapon of choice. And it leaves a colorful mark to signify you have been hit.” Aurora wasn’t sure what to think of that, she couldn’t say she was very keen on someone aiming weapons at her that can mimic pain.

  “Enter side door here and turn right.” Said the AI. They opened a white door and entered into a long narrow white hallway and dark wood floors. Turning right, they walked down the hall. Their shoes were clicking against the wood floors as they went. Coming to the end of the hallway, they stopped in front of a white door that had a keypad display.

  “This is your dorm entry. Open keypad and enter 9641.” Said the AI. Aurora reached up and pulled down the keypad and entered the numbers.

  “Welcome Aurora to your private wing room. Please face forward as I take your picture.” Said the machine as it flashed than spoke again.

  “Please grab your student ID key card I am about to issue you from the feed.” Said the machine. A little light lit up green, and a card came out with her name, a photo of her. “Granted access,” Said the machine as the door opened. Aurora walked into the room with her mates following closely behind. They walked into a large room that had two queen beds, and a full wall with a very long double desk with two pink chairs. The far wall
was painted light pink with big white engraved roses all over it. A silver comforter with a black rose on it and two pillows on the queen bed near the rose wall. The closest bed to the door had a green comforter with pictures of trees on it and light green pillowcases. The side table had a cup of water on it beside a lamp. And some clothing had been thrown on the bed in a hurry. One side of the room looked lived in, and the other didn’t.

  “This side of the room must be the Paisleys side.” Said Aurora as she stood in the middle of the room, feeling at a loss.

  “This is going to be difficult since you guys can’t be with me at night with Paisley here.” Said Aurora as she sat down on what she supposed would be her bed.

  “We won’t be far away; we get the guard room across the hall while you are attending the school. You could always come to visit us there when you would like.” Said Teagan as he reached out for her hand and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her.

  “I don’t even have any stuff for in this room, no clothing or anything. Do I even need any supplies for school here? I feel lost; I’m not sure what to expect.” Said Aurora.

  “We already thought of all that, honey. And Eli has agreed to fetch Loki and Tigress from the place so they can be here with you too.” Said Karis as the rest of the guys smiled brightly. Karis pulled out a white wand and pointed it at the desk and bed. Bright blue light danced around the room, and clothing appeared on the bed and bags on the desk that looked stuffed with supplies. Speechless Aurora walked over to the bed and rummaged through the pile of clothes surprised to find leather pants, Jeans, tops in the style and colors she loved and intimate wear that made her blush. Even work out yoga pants and sports bras and tops. Everything still had tags on them too.


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