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Final Collection

Page 9

by Jesse Goodrich


  “All I’m saying is, if you bring in two more people to work, we can all have a few extra hours in the evening,” Adam was describing to Allen as he poured two cups of coffee over the beeping of the coffeemaker which strained to tell the room coffee was finished. Allen’s head was pounding and he wasn’t feeling well rested, “Let me wake up first, you filled me with scotch last night then interrogate me about work first thing, before I’m able to think.” Adam, while gathering both cups of coffee, remembered the office was out of coffee so took the time to set extra coffee grounds by the door before giving Allen a cup as a friendly attempt to make him slightly more miserable. Allen grumbled quietly as he grasped at the cup, bringing it up below his nose and allowing the heat to warm his face, “Beside that, you haven’t said anything about your date.” Allen, finding his mind coming around, was now feeling extremely proud of himself for helping the two meet. “Great, I think it was almost exactly as I imagined it would be,” Adam described the interaction immediately feeling uncomfortable at how that could be perceived. Allen put down his cup, “Good, will you be seeing her again soon then?” he asked, almost knocking the cup over as his hand lunged at it in a desperate effort to have it back into his possession, suddenly aware there was some connection between his comfort and the hot coffee. “Eva and I didn’t talk about it, but I’m sure we will,” Adam couldn’t help but smile thinking of her, “First, let’s get everything back to normal at the office so you don’t come knocking down my door for a place to sleep again.” Allen, with the thought of work creeping back into his mind, was starting to feel the need for a shower, yesterday had been a long day and the warm water would feel good. Adam could sense Allen readying an attack on his propriety before it finally came, “Oh, you want some privacy with each other then?” Allen chuckled as he went for Adam’s shower but as Adam had known the assault was coming shouted back, “Maybe, then again, maybe I just don’t like the idea of you using my shower.” Adam heard Allen’s laughter fade behind the water from the shower and so he sat back into his soft chair allowing the power of the coffee to take its effect feeling back with his memory of how warm sitting in his chair had been before Allen called. A blanket of satisfaction much warmer than the coffee could ever be.

  Time warp

  Eva had been furious with Mark for most of the night and she wasn’t happy about the idea of working with him today. Mark answered the door, after Eva had knocked, and let her in with an expression which too obviously implied he did not remember or care about the way he treated her. The night before Mark had followed and confronted Eva after being told to give space enough for her to comfortably make a collection. Eva started in before Mark could greet her as she charged through the doorway, “Before we begin, I want you to remember that I have gone out of my way on this one.” Speaking seemed to release some of Eva’s building anger. Mark looked at her as he shut the door, “I know you have, I did notice and think it was quite risky allowing Adam to see you before the two of you formally met. At the same time, it was incredibly smart, I was wondering how much longer it would take for him to be ready.” Eva smiled thinking about the amount of work it was getting into the costume for only a limited interaction with Adam that night as ‘Officer Murray’. “I just don’t understand why you are following me when I need the space to collect him appropriately, especially since I have put in the hours watching him. And then I am so ‘lucky’ having you continue by analyzing my research, in some hope, to agree with each other and not even me about the best path forward, and now what am I to think? Are you suspicious of me?” Eva was now hoping for reassurance while she scanned the room full of people; bringing her focus back to Mark she waited. Eva was very close to getting everything in order with Adam and didn’t want to have to walk away from him just to take more time to try again with someone else. “Eva, you’re right, we did go over all the material which you put together on him and agreed that everything was right for you to do the rest of your job, especially knowing that you are the best in your area,” Mark was trying to keep her from feeling attacked and luckily for him the group was agreeing that Eva was an excellent collector, “but it’s still risky and we want to know if he is going to run the minute anything is revealed about ‘City’. This is the reason for why I was there; I want to be sure that we don’t take unnecessary risks. I’m sure you wouldn’t want things to escalate with Adam; what I mean is - no one likes killing, least of all me, and I know Adam is important to you, so I’d hate for it to end up…” Mark let it fade so Eva could pick up her fears on her own. This was noticeable as Eva’s head dipped, eyes focused on the floor, and she adjusted her shoulders as if to shake a feeling away. Satisfied, Mark continued his threat, “You and I, Eva, have been too close for you to be hurt like that.” Mark was hoping Eva understood what he was saying, that he would have no problem killing Adam, but as long as Eva was this close to it, she should better keep it under control, and be ready to sacrifice her emotions first. Eva nodded her understanding secretly realizing this was becoming more a challenge, she privately clenched her jaw thinking it still possible to have the appearance of a collected Adam. Eva had watched Adam long enough to know that he looked good on the surface to Mark but there was something just underneath waiting patiently and that is where she would hold on, with faith in her ability and in his complexity.

  Time lapse

  Standing before the committee of finance, as they were known to most of ‘City’, Mark questioned their requesting his presence, especially when thinking over his recent interaction with Eva. “At least they never sat in review format,” Mark thought. The men and women around him at the wide ovular table saved two seats for sessions such as this, but the chair next to Mark remained empty. The last time he came here by request, was for the examination of his final collection, Eva, this was immediately before his promotion to head of collections in the region. Mark couldn’t help but feel the discomfort all around him and probably most within himself. He had heard the stories of demotion and how it usually led to termination, and knowing this movement, that meant of life. Mark searched, as comfortably as he could, the faces beside and across from him in an attempt to analyze intent; most appeared disinterested a few looked filled with disgust. An older woman far to his left opened conversation, “We are in agreement that you should make certain Adam is entirely collected.” This forceful statement didn’t feel unexpected but the demand itself was. “I don’t think he is my…,” Mark began before being interrupted by the young man sitting a few chairs to the right of him; “Your thoughts don’t matter here. Be certain he is collection.” Mark couldn’t help but let his face express how he felt as a cool film seemed to coat his hands and legs giving him the feeling of what he assumed death to feel like and yet he remained silent before realizing the room was full of faces staring at him and waiting for him to go. Mark stood and began to leave not abandoning the film that seemed to cover him entirely now and which was causing a very cold sweat to bead on the edge of his hairline. As he walked, Mark thought about the committee of finance, formally known as the directors, as far as he had understood, they mostly provided money rather than opinion or command, so today Mark was appreciative to be an important part of something apparently so vital, but continued to feel as though he were missing something. Adam wasn’t essential to the goals others had discussed with him, in fact by Mark’s assessment, Adam was slightly more a risk; the fact that Adam had remained unshaken in his beliefs through the pain ‘City’ had given him in taking his fiancée was enough to raise suspicion as this was always enough for a collection to truly begin. “I can understand new acquisitions, but why would he be so important?” Mark questioned the committee’s decision to himself. “More importantly, how could I force his collection when my best is on it,” he continued his private queries. Walking through the empty hallway to the exit of this temporary facility, Mark understood how challenging this would be for him as Eva was admittedly trying to s
olidify companionship with Adam.

  Time warp

  The late afternoon sunlight was wonderful to Adam, even though this had been one of the most challenging days for everyone in the office, he couldn’t prevent the smile on his face while walking home in the cold weather. His collar was up keeping him warm, Adam hated wearing scarves as it was an admission that winter had finally come, but he knew he would need one tomorrow. Everything was brilliant and important in distant ways to Adam, the texture of the brick walls around him; it didn’t matter much anymore but he was going to finally go see what remained in the place of the light he had seen so many days ago. Adam appreciated the light now, it had led him to Eva in such an indirect way, and he hoped it was nothing more than his imagination. Walking once more down the alley, he saw the door violently opened that night, now it was closed but retained the dent he gave it. The environment seemed the same but was less oppressive in the light of day, even the puddles were less of a nuisance. And there it was - nothing, perhaps his imagination led him down the alley, it didn’t matter now, he was going to have another spectacular evening soon, listening to Eva’s laugh and watching her smile to all the small things about life. Adam turned back, thinking about having dinner and what it would be; he wasn’t hungry at the moment but determined he should have something before breakfast and work tomorrow.

  Time lapse

  Mark brushed his thick graying hair back and watched his breath in front of him while patiently waiting for Adam to approach so he could follow him for the evening. Tonight Eva was going to crush Adam’s hopes of seeing her again, then draw him back, overwhelm his tolerance for loss to the point he wouldn’t be able to resist anything of her and then she would introduce him to ‘City,’ or at least some of the people to begin the sharing of friends and networks. Mark was unsure about Adam, but it had been decided before and demanded now that he sees that it happens. A few people brushed by Mark, looking in a hurry to be out of the cold, so Mark began walking in an attempt to stand out less, it also helped him to feel a little warmer. “I could sacrifice Eva if it’s this important for the committee to have Adam in the fold.” Mark was thinking how it may drive Adam to absolute misery having two taken from him, and how that may guide him, but shook the idea of losing Eva, aside from that it would then take even longer to turn Adam and Mark wasn’t sure the delay would be appreciated by the directors. Taking a tour of the streets near Adam’s apartment, Mark thought of how much Eva must know about Adam. It seemed perfect to use Adam’s own curiosity against him in the alley, then to prey on it in that moment, that very instant in order to slide Adam from openness to the world around him into openness for anything else, including Eva as Erin. With such a firm grasp on Adam’s desires Mark wondered what else she knew about him. He put his hands in his coat’s pockets again enjoying a break from the thin air which gave one the feeling of being cut with ice. Mark tried to remember the attention to detail he had when he was a collector, but couldn’t think of any occasion he knew more about a person than what was needed to capture and turn them; “That leaves her in a very powerful position,” he muttered trying to recognize if Adam was approaching.

  Time warp

  Adam had planned on going home after work to get ready for an evening out with Eva, but her unanticipated phone call to the office had left him uncomfortable. She had said she wanted him to come over as soon as he could, and not to go home. What was the most unusual was her request to have Allen available for a phone call later from him, one that would take some time. Adam rubbed his hands together feeling the discomfort build as he thought. Allen had agreed but was disappointed at not being given a reason for why and Adam hated not having more to offer than gratitude. Time was moving slowly and yet Adam felt like he couldn’t get enough done for today after Eva’s phone call. One of the younger men in the office walked in front of Adam’s near blank stare which shook him into focusing on who was standing there. “Adam, I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee after work, or maybe stop by the pub.” Adam rarely talked with Daniel, Danny he quickly remembered the preference, so was a little surprised. “I can’t tonight,” Adam was having trouble letting Eva fall from his mind, “Um, anything you want to talk about now or can we go another night?” Danny showed he didn’t plan anything more for conversation at the moment by shifting his weight and leaning back to think. “I just thought with things still pressured here, we could talk outside of the office, get to know each other a little better and talk about my future here.” Adam held back a smile and instead tried to reassure Danny, “I think that’s a good idea, for now, let’s just finish up the day.” Danny nodded and moved to get back to work, he was obviously proud of himself for stopping to talk. Adam brought his mind back and checked the time to see what he could manage to get done before he left for the day. He was still anxious about seeing Eva but the distraction Danny had provided was enough to get focused on work again.

  Allen came by after what seemed only half an hour since Adam had regained focus. “Finish up; I don’t need you calling me too late tonight.” Allen smiled but showed his interest in finding out exactly what was going on. Adam checked his watch, the rest of the day had breezed by, “I’ll try to call as soon as I know more…and I’m sorry about this.” Allen started to walk away then half joked over his shoulder, “I’m wondering if I should have introduced you to Eva now, she’s starting to pull you away from work, even when you’re here, you’re somewhere else.” Adam let it sink in longer than Allen had intended him to before he got up to leave. Putting on his coat, Adam left the office not even looking at the picture of the harbor, his mind running on a treadmill.


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