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Final Collection

Page 14

by Jesse Goodrich


  Eva was waiting for Allen to answer the phone even though it was so early, about 4:00 AM; she wanted to catch him before work and let him know things were going in a direction she hadn’t been able to predict. Eva wasn’t sure she would be able to explain it in ways Allen would understand, but it didn’t matter, the important thing was that he knew. The phone was finally answered, “Allen” she started, “I’m glad you picked up. I’m sorry it’s so early.” There was silence, “Eva…” Allen was checking to make sure he did recognize the voice, “It’s alright; I haven’t been sleeping well. What can I do for you?” Eva drew in her breath and tucked both of her legs under her for warmth, pulling the ends of her checker-red pajama pants over her feet. “Something isn’t right.” she stopped to gain momentum again, “Adam has been taken out of training early.” Allen was already near the front door, putting on his jacket and slippers to step outside. Eva was still waiting as Allen quietly closed the door, it was bitterly cold but calm as Allen adjusted himself to the temperature before responding, “Listen, I don’t know what he’s taken it upon himself to do, but I thought I was supposed to stay out of this as much as possible.” Eva was nodding to herself as she spoke, “Things have changed, and well, can we meet someplace to talk about this?” Allen was ready to say no, but realized he wanted at least a little more information and he wasn’t going to get it in the cold over the phone. “Yeah, I’ll meet you at Adam’s, I have a key.” The truth was Allen knew that Adam kept a spare in the office. Adam had never used the key to Allen’s knowledge, but he remembered Adam making a mental note of it being there by telling himself to Allen as he happened to pass by his desk, “The key is in the drawer,” Adam’s face had been completely blank but he was looking in Allen’s general direction. The interchange that followed had been how Allen remembered but he was shaking it away as he turned on the heat in his car making his way to the office then to Adam’s apartment. Eva was getting dressed, thinking this wasn’t exactly the way she wanted to see Adam’s apartment, her mind was struggling. Eva wanted to think of how she enjoyed how Adam felt when she curled into him but was unable to get around the reality that he was in even more danger than she suspected he would be in.

  Time lapse

  Allen was waiting in front of Adam’s apartment with a small bag when Eva stepped out of the taxi. She turned and they exchanged a short glance before moving in and out of the calm cold that was beginning to feel colder than before even though the sun was starting to make its presence known. Allen walked in the apartment first and stopped too soon to allow Eva in so she looked around him. Adam’s apartment was a disaster and Eva smiled a little, thinking she had pictured him being entirely neat and organized in every way, but guessing that everyone must let it go at some point. She had let her mind finally wander and it was beginning to come back very quickly as she saw the kitchen table turned up on its side. Allen was going to ask ‘what exactly Adam had that would cause him to be pulled out of his life and have his apartment destroyed’ while he reached out to pull Eva in by the arm a little out of frustration and a lot out of concern for his friend, but before the words could come out almost as a trained reaction she broke his hold and gave him a blow to the stomach. Eva realized her reaction was a mistake and reached out to grab him before he fell over. “What the hell!” Allen coughed out trying to stand upright but not making any progress. Eva closed the door behind them as Allen sat down on the floor to alleviate the stress and difficulty of holding his own weight, “I don’t have a clue what’s going on but I’d appreciate something more than a fist for answers.” Eva smiled surprised at how intense everything was getting and enjoyed the break for a moment. Allen struggled to his feet laughing at his own words as well. “If you don’t mind,” Allen pointed to the bag he dropped on Adam’s entry table which held Adam’s coffee from the office, “I’ll get the table and chairs set back up.” Eva brought the coffee over to the machine by the stove feeling quite guilty for how Allen must feel right now, not just because of the punch but because of being given half information.

  Eva and Allen enjoyed the warmth of several cups of coffee while she explained and described more of what Adam was getting deeper into before she finally took a break to walk the kitchen, looking for something a little stronger. Allen was about to ask what Eva was looking for but she closed the cupboard to the left of the stove and was now holding a small bottle of unopened brandy. Walking back to the table with the rest of the second pot of coffee in one hand she offered the bottle to Allen before filling her coffee. Allen shook his head, “I still work today.” Eva smiled as she filled her coffee near to the top, enjoying the heat of the new coffee rising up and away, “Me too.” She closed her smile as she cracked the seal of the E&J bottle, “Mine won’t start for a while though.” Eva paused while she and Allen watched the brandy top off the coffee in her mug, Allen considering taking her up on it then let it pass. “Mark is dead and I don’t know where Adam is anymore.” Allen reached for the bottle but Eva pulled it closer to herself not letting him take it. He winced then let the words come out, “And if you ask around?” Eva took a drink as if there were no brandy in her coffee, then breathed letting the hot alcohol give her body a chill, “I will…today, but I’m not sure where to begin yet. I’m still trying to figure out why I’m not with either Mark or Adam right now.” Allen held out his hand this time, not reaching – expecting. Eva watched Allen closely as his face grew sour, “As much as I hate that you’ve pulled him away from his own life, or he chose to go, it doesn’t matter…you were what changed his direction.” Allen looked down from Eva’s eyes to the bottle in her hand and started letting his anger at her release to frustration over the situation as a whole, “As much as I am upset about what’s going on, I’m glad you weren’t murdered with…Mark,” Allen felt the word come out like molasses as he thought of how Adam could find the same end, how alone he must be and how without Eva, Allen would have no hope of contact with Adam. He couldn’t change what had already happened and now had to accept it as a problem and move to finding the solution, something he already knew he usually relied on Adam to help with at work. Allen finished his thought after the last taste of the word left him “so don’t do anything to let that happen now.” Eva smiled very slightly and leaned forward setting the bottle in the center of the table. Allen looked at it then back up to Eva, “What can I do to help you?”


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