SBMC Miami Box set

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SBMC Miami Box set Page 20

by Erin Trejo

  “Isn’t it?” I ask as I cock my head to the side to study him.

  Put a man in the situation he’s in and a majority of the time they’re going to tell you the truth. Whether it’s out of fear for their loved one or fear for their own end. Either way, they end it.

  “No. A few might be from there, but a majority are some ape shit crazy ex-cons. Ramirez knows all about it. That son of a bitch orchestrated it all,” he chuckles harshly.

  “No fuckin’ way,” I mumble.

  Larry looks up at me and his eyes are wild like he thinks I don’t believe him. In this moment I don’t know that I do believe him. Ramirez told me they killed his guys. He told me to my face that he wasn’t a part of this shit.

  “Fuckin’ liar. You son of a bitch,” I scream even louder.

  He’s been playing me, this whole fucking time, he’s been playing me against the other side. He used me to get what he wanted. He fucking knew that I would never let him in on our guns. That bastard!

  “I didn’t lie. I swear to Go--”

  I pull the trigger. His body drops to the floor.

  “I never said you were a liar,” I tell his dead body.

  I glance at Ink and he slides his hand from the slut’s shorts and shoves her forward toward her dead boyfriend as she cries. I raise my arm and pull the trigger for the second time tonight.

  She falls to the floor with him with her hand resting across his chest. I tilt my head and study the two of them for a second. How perfect was that shot? It allowed them to fall to their deaths while still being connected to each other.

  “Well, that fucked up the plan slightly,” Mason chuckles and kicks the dead girl’s foot.

  “A little? No, that fucked me a lot! I already knew that if I ever got sent back to the pen I was a dead man, but now I’m a dead man walkin’ the streets too. Ramirez fucked me over,” I say through gritted teeth. My jaw is locked so tightly that pain radiates through it.

  Ink walks over and rests his hand on my shoulder and says, “Hey, we’ll get that bastard too. He ain’t the only one with connections in the pen brother.”

  I nod my head and reach into my pocket for the pack of cigarettes I carry around with me. I pull one out and light it up.

  “This is complete shit. I just want my family safe man. I want the motherfucker that took my family away from me dead. Why the fuck is it always so fuckin’ difficult?” I ask this mainly to myself.

  “Because this is our life brother. This is what we signed up for. This is who we are. Shit doesn’t change just because we have kids or an old lady. This is what we are. We are the fuckin’ Soulless Bastards,” Mason bellows next to me.

  I take one last look at the death that I just caused before I look at him. Fire is dancing in my veins.

  “You’re goddamn right we are. We fight until the end. Until death and that’s exactly what the fuck I’m gonna do,” I tell him.

  A new plan begins to take shape in my mind. A brand new idea. A way to get both of those fucking bastards.

  Obviously finding Tom is the first thing on my list, but when I find him and take his ass out, I can arrange it so that I’m caught. Prison might not be a place a normal person wants to go, but a man with a death wish? Hell fucking yeah. I don’t want to leave my family. I don’t want them hurting over me, but if it means saving them from Ramirez, then that’s what I’m going to fucking do.

  “What the fuck is that look?” Ink asks as a smirk curls the corners of my lips.

  “What the fuck Reaper?” Mason calls out to me.

  I don’t stop until I’m outside in the fresh air again. I inhale deeply and clear my head of everything else.

  “Just what the fuck I said. I have a new plan. I’m gonna get Tom then I’m goin’ after Ramirez,” I say as if we’re having any other normal conversation.

  “You do realize that Ramirez is never leavin’ the pen, yeah?” Mason asks. I nod my head with a grin still on my face.

  “No. Fuck that! You aren’t goin’ back in. Your woman and kid need you,” Mason says as his face turns to stone.

  He’s pissed, but there is no stopping me. I’m going to do this. I’m going to make sure that he never fucks over another person that I love.

  “I got time Mason. Don’t fight me on this shit. It’s the club’s ass that’s on the line with him. If he gets the guns runnin’ who’s to say that he doesn’t use that shit against us? He used Tom against me. He used my kid, my woman, my club, my fuckin’ family. Fuck him!” I roar as I flick my cigarette through the air. I watch it fall to the ground and slowly burn out.

  Chapter 21


  I watch as my son lies in bed sound asleep. His ailing body is slowly losing all of his energy. Fin called the doctor in to look at him while Reaper was on his run. He said it’s all a part of the disease. It will wear him down until there is nothing left.

  His eyelids flutter as he sleeps which makes my heart break in my chest. He’s such a strong, brave kid. I hate that there is nothing I can do to fix this. I want to make him better. As a mother that is something that we should be able to do for our kids. We are their safety. We are the ones that kiss away the pain and hug them tightly. I feel helpless knowing that I can’t do any of that for him.

  “You got a minute? I found out somethin’ that I think you should know,” Fin whispers behind me.

  I glance over my shoulder and nod before I follow him out into the hallway. Viking is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. My eyes go from him to Fin and back.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I did a little diggin’ into the kind of cancer that Drake has. Did you know your dad?” Viking asks me.

  I shake my head and look to Fin, but he doesn’t say a word.

  “Not really. Why?”

  “Did you know that he used to live in California?” Viking asks me while looking me directly in the eye. What the hell is going on? What does my dad have to do with any of this?

  “No, I don’t know much about him. What is all this about Viking?”

  “You had a brother Molly,” Fin says quickly.

  My heart nearly stops in my chest. There’s no way.

  “No, I would have known that,” I protest as I wrap my hands around myself.

  “You didn’t. It was a fling he had. The cancer Drake has, fuck,” Viking says as he runs a hand through his hair before looking back up at me. “It can be hereditary. I had the doc run some tests. Crow was your brother, well your half-brother at least.”

  I don’t understand any of this. “So, he’s in California?” I ask confused more now than ever. I have a brother?

  “No darlin’. Crow killed himself a little while back. He knew he was dyin’,” Fin says. He rests his hand on my shoulder.

  “Why did he kill himself? Did he seek treatment? Was it too late?” There are a million questions I want to ask, but I can’t focus. I had a brother.

  “He didn’t want the treatment. Crow was a different kind of guy. He lost his son when he was a kid. He couldn’t live with it anymore. They all thought he was gettin’ better when he met his old lady, but it didn’t last. Crow never got over his boy’s death,” Viking explains as Fin keeps a firm hand on my shoulder.

  A gasp escapes me followed by a sob. I had a brother and a nephew that I never got to meet? How does something like that happen? How did I never know? This is so messed up. This whole situation is just a mess. As the tears start to fall in earnest, I feel myself falling. Fin pulls me into his arms as I cry. I cry for a brother I never knew. I cry for a nephew that never got the chance to meet his aunt. I cry because my life is crumbling right in front of me, and there isn’t a thing I can do to stop it.

  “It’s okay Molly. It’ll all be okay,” Fin says softly trying to reassure me. Viking kneels in front of me with his hand coming to rest on my cheek.

  “I’m gonna get you some of his pictures and things, yeah?”

  Nodding slowly he wipes my cheek before h
e moves away from us. I watch as he walks away before I hear Roland.

  “What the hell is happenin’ here?”

  His voice is hard and even. I look up at him and when he sees my tear stained face his face falls. He drops to his knees and grabs me from Fin’s arms to pull me into his.

  “What happened babe?”

  I can’t speak. I don’t know what to say.

  “We… uh.. we found some shit out. Asked doc to pull a few strings. It turns out the cancer Drake has is hereditary. Seems to run in the family. Crow was Molly’s half-brother.”

  The more he says it the harder it becomes to breathe.

  “Fuck. Are you kiddin’ me?” Roland asks still holding me tightly.

  “Wish I was brother.”

  I can hear movement behind me, but I don’t look up to see Fin walking away. Roland just sits with me in his arms and rocks me slowly.

  “I met him a few times. He was a good guy,” he whispers into my hair. I pull back and look up to him.

  “Did you ever meet his son?” Roland shakes his head sadly.

  “Never got the pleasure. I think he was maybe five or six when he was killed. It ruined Crow. His old lady Lyric brought back pieces of him, but it wasn’t enough,” he says choking on his words.

  “Is that going to be us when Drake dies? Are we going to be able to handle it Roland?” I sob even harder and bury my face into his shirt. My body trembles as the tears just keep falling.

  “We have to be stronger. We don’t have a choice Mols. There’s a lot more life to live and Drake wouldn’t want you to waste it. That boy loves life too much,” he reminds me.

  “I don’t know what to do without him. I had a brother that I never got to meet. I had a nephew I never got to see. This is so fucked up Roland. Tom ruined it all. He ruined my whole fucking life!” I scream loudly.

  “He’ll pay for it too baby. I promise.”

  As I sit in his arms and think about my past, I know that I’ve ruined it all. It’s all because of me. If I would have just talked to Roland and told him about what Tom was doing. If I would have just run harder and further. Why didn’t I fight him? Why didn’t I try harder? This is all my fault.

  “It’s my fault,” I cry even harder still.

  “No, it’s not. Don’t blame yourself Mols. There isn’t anything we could have done. If Crow had of known about you it wouldn’t have made a difference to him. He was a lost soul.”

  “I could have tried Roland. If I’d known I could have tried!”

  He rocks me in his arms and I just fall apart. How can any of this be happening? How do you not know about your own family? One man. That son of a bitch stole it all away from me. The first chance I get to go after him and I’m gone. I will make good on my promise to myself. I will kill him. I don’t know how, but I will figure it out.

  Chapter 22


  “Your shirt is bloody,” Molly says after I carried her into my room at the clubhouse. Drake is sleeping peacefully in one of the spare rooms.

  “It’s not mine.”

  “I didn’t figure it was,” she says as she slowly pushes my cut down my arms.

  I watch her face which is red and swollen from crying, yet so goddamn beautiful at the same time. I’ve missed her. The woman that stole my heart so long ago. The one person that saw inside me and saw my soul. The one that held me close at night and whispered how much she was in love with me.

  The world has a way of changing us. It changed me, and when she looks up into my eyes, I can see just how much it’s changed her as well. In some ways it’s weakened us. It shows us just enough of the light to give us hope. It keeps us in that middle ground of grey area where we never know what’s going to happen next. That’s my entire life summed up, the grey area.

  When I lost her the first time I swore I would never find my way back out of the black, but slowly the guys and my club brought me back. Finding her that day outside of the clubhouse, fuck, I thought the light was finally coming back to me. I thought I was redeemed and given a second chance to love, but it’s all slowly slipping back out of my grasp.

  “Kiss me,” she says softly as her fingers run under the hem of my shirt.

  Her nails scrape along the muscles on my chest and down to my abs. I lean in and capture her lips with mine. A slow heated kiss turns into so much more. I grab her around the neck and hold her as close as I can get her.

  Molly breaks away first and takes a step back as she pulls her shirt over her head. I’m totally enraptured by her. She has me under her spell just like she did all of those years ago. She tosses her shirt to the side and slides out of her shorts. My eyes run a line up and down her body. I unbuckle my jeans as she slowly works her way out of her panties. Trying to control my cock is another story. That fucker is begging to be released. When we’re both completely naked and exposed to each other I see a tear slip down her cheek.

  “I always wanted a family. A real family that loved each other so much and cared about what happened to the others,” she speaks softly. I nod my head and step into her embrace.

  “Crow was a good man. He would have loved you and Drake, Mols.”

  I run my fingers up and down her arms. She trembles.

  “Do you think we could talk to her one day? Lyric.”

  I wasn’t expecting her to ask that.

  “I think she’d love to meet you and Drake. It would be good for her.”

  She nods her head and leans into my chest. Her lips on my skin ignite a need that I can’t deny. Her tongue sweeps out which causes me to suck in a breath.

  “I need you to fuck me Roland, hard. I don’t want easy.”

  The begging in her voice has my cock jumping between us. The way she can make me feel with her words alone is indescribable.

  “I’ll give you anything you want baby. You know that,” I tell her as I run my fingers through her hair.

  Molly steps out of my embrace and climbs onto the bed. She rolls to her stomach as I watch her body move. From her long golden hair to the curves of her soft round ass. Everything about her calls to me. It’s like we were never apart. Everything, and I do mean everything that I’ve ever loved about her is still there.

  Her heart is gold; a heart that only wants what’s best for everyone around her. The woman puts herself on hold to make sure her son is cared for. Fuck, I love her more now than I ever did.

  Climbing onto the bed behind her I kneel and grab her waist. I lift her up to her knees and lean down to press soft kisses to her ass cheeks. I lower my head as I go. When I find the wetness that I knew would be there I groan out loud. I need to taste her. I run my tongue along her seam as I slowly push it inside of her. I need to feel her writhing around me. I need to know that she’s real.

  “Roland. Fuck me, please,” she begs. God, I love it.

  “You’re gettin’ a little demandin’ on me, aren’t you?” I chuckle as I sit back up.

  Grabbing my cock in my hand I tease her with it. Molly arches her back and presses back against me trying to take what she wants. I love seeing her like this, begging me to fuck her. Me. Only me. She’s everything to me And as I thrust into her she moans.

  “That’s not what I want to hear when I’m fuckin’ you darlin’. You wanted it hard? I wanna hear you scream,” I tell her as I grab her hips and plunge into her.

  I get exactly what I want as she screams for me. My fingers dig into her hips as I fuck her into the mattress. My world slowly fades and all that exists is Molly and me. Just like when we were first together. The sound of our skin slapping together as I give her what she wants sends chills down my spine. My hips pick up the pace and I force her to take me in ways I don’t think she ever has before.

  “Oh god. Yes!” she screams for me.

  I chuckle and slap her ass before pounding into her again. With each slap my world slowly begins to take shape around me. I know deep in my heart that what I have planned is for the best. They deserve to be safe; they deserve to be happy, and m
ost of all they deserve a life that doesn’t have them looking over their shoulders.

  “Roll over,” I growl as I pull out of Molly.

  She quickly rolls onto her back. She stares up at me with those chocolate colored eyes. Fuck me. I want this to last forever.

  I lift both of her legs over my shoulders and slip back inside of her. I close my eyes and revel in the feeling of her being tightly wrapped around me. With as much force as I can muster, I thrust into her roughly. Her beautiful tits bounce with each slap of our bodies. My cock hardens painfully as I fuck her without regard. She asked for this. She wanted this, and God fucking help me, I want to give it to her. Her nails dig into my forearms as her screams get louder.

  “Harder. I need it harder,” she cries.

  I shift myself into a new position and ram into her. It’s nearly painful, but the satisfaction is well worth it. Molly tenses as her body is preparing to unleash one hell of an orgasm.

  “Roland! Fuck!” she shouts as her pussy tightens around me.

  “Goddamn it Mols. Do it!” I roar. A few more thrusts and she lets go. Her body convulses and her legs are digging into my shoulders. Her nails draw blood as a strangled scream escapes her. My balls tighten as I release and float in a world that only the two of us inhabit. With each small contraction of her muscles my cock twitches inside of her. She milks me for everything I have and then some. I lower my head and kiss her neck before I slip her legs back down my arms. She wraps them around my waist to keep me where I am.

  “God, that felt so good,” she mumbles in a sleepy voice.

  I smile and kiss her once more before I reply, “That was amazin’. You can fuck me like that anytime baby.”

  Molly opens her eyes and a small smile crosses her face as she says, “I love you.”

  “You only love me because I can fuck you like that,” I tease her.

  “I mean it Roland. I never stopped loving you.”

  I can see the worry in her eyes. I can see doubt that I don’t believe her, or that I don’t know that she loves me, but I do.


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