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The Dragon's Charge (Tahoe Dragon Mates Book 4)

Page 6

by Jessie Donovan

  The dragonwoman nodded. “I heard about that, and I’m sorry. A lot of the clan may be wary of humans, but I worked with a lot of them in the Air Force and know not all are bad. But as for what happened, we have some unwanted visitors at the gates. I can’t say more than that right now, but if you two don’t get mated right away, StoneRiver might not be able to protect you.”

  She’d been so engrossed in Maya’s information that Tasha had missed Brad shifting back into his human form. He stopped right next to them—naked except for his jeans—and stated, “Then let’s go. If Tasha’s in danger, I need to know everything.”

  As they walked in some direction she didn’t quite know—Tasha really needed a map—she tried to think of what shitstorm had followed her to StoneRiver. Because while she’d mate Brad for his protection, she wanted to help figure out how to tackle both current and future threats, too. It wasn’t in her nature to stand back and let others figure stuff out.

  However, she needed information before anything else. So somehow Tasha ignored Brad’s warm, muscled chest the entire walk to what she discovered was the Protector building from last night.

  Chapter Six

  Brad clenched his jaw as they walked toward the Protector building, knowing full well that Maya wouldn’t give up details she wasn’t supposed to.

  And yet, he wanted to know what the hell was going on.

  His dragon spoke up. I’m as eager as you are to find out, so walk faster.

  Since his beast’s time with Tasha had been cut short, Brad was a little nicer than normal in his reply. Tasha won’t be able to keep up, and I’m not going to carry her without asking.

  Then ask.

  No. The building’s right up ahead. Now, let me concentrate on getting all the details so we can figure out the best way to protect our mate.

  His dragon curled up inside his mind. At least you’re thinking of Tasha as ours. That’s a good sign.

  Maybe if he wasn’t heading toward a meeting about Tasha’s safety, he’d dwell more on the revelation.

  But all he knew was that when she’d approached him in dragon form and stroked his scales without thinking or hesitation, it’d shifted something inside him.

  He wanted her to approach him like that all the time, making his inner dragon happy. Something about her determination and fascination had made him more curious about the human female.

  However, as they entered the building and headed upstairs toward the head Protector’s office, Brad pushed aside anything that could distract him.

  If he couldn’t protect Tasha and keep her on StoneRiver, then there would be no chance of a future with her at all.

  Maya knocked on the head Protector’s door. A few beats later, Jon Bell opened it. His usually smiling face not only had a frown, but irritation also shone in his eyes. Brad didn’t wait to ask, “What the hell’s going on?”

  Jon ignored him and looked at Tasha. “Quickly, I’m Jon Bell, the head of security here. We can get to know each other a little bit better later, but for now, come in.”

  Brad and Tasha entered the room. The younger dragonwoman who’d escorted them stayed outside and closed the door to give them privacy.

  David was there, sitting in the chair in front of Jon’s desk. But at their arrival, the clan leader turned around to face them. “We have a situation. Several lawyers and police officers are in one of the meeting rooms here, claiming Tasha is being held on StoneRiver against her will.”

  Tasha rolled her eyes. “They assume this without actually asking me?”

  David bobbed his head. “One of the lawyers is a suspected League sympathizer, so, yes. To him, no human would want to be on a dragon clan voluntarily.”

  Brad asked, “And the police? Why’re they here?”

  Jon answered, “They won’t tell us until they speak with Tasha. But according to Ashley Swift and a lawyer friend she has, they want to take Tasha away. Something about an old law where no humans are allowed on a dragon’s land without express written permission by ADDA. Usually no one bothers if a human is here for a few hours or even a day, but if the League wants her out and vulnerable, they’ll use any and every tool in their arsenal.”

  So much for the League staying away from dragon clans. Apparently, they were getting bolder. Brad suspected there had been some recent changes to their leadership. It was something he’d have to investigate further, only after he could ensure Tasha’s safety.

  Tasha asked, “So what do we do? Maya mentioned mating Brad ASAP. Will that allow me to stay here?”

  David stood and nodded. “Yes, according to Ashley, it will be. She already filed the paperwork this morning before anyone showed up here. And even though it’s not approved just yet, she promised it would be. I have no idea how she could guarantee that, but I also didn’t ask.”

  Brad looked at Tasha. Her expression was determined, and maybe a little irritated, but definitely not scared. He asked softly, “Are you okay with that?”

  She met his gaze and smiled, the action helping to ease his anger a tiny bit. “I love that you asked me. That’s a huge improvement already.”

  “Tasha,” he growled.

  She put up a hand. “Sorry, but in tense situations, I sometimes pretend like it’s not happening. Teasing helps me.” She looked at David, Jon, and back at Brad. “I’m fine with mating Brad right now. However, I can’t guarantee I’ll go through the whole frenzy thing. I still need time for my new reality to sink in.”

  Brad grunted. “That’s fine.”

  What he left unsaid was that he planned to win her over anyway, so it wasn’t really a concern at all.

  His dragon snorted. You’ve changed your tune quickly. I like it, though. So I’ll help once we deal with the bastards wanting to take away our mate.

  David took something out of his pocket. Opening his fingers, he revealed two simple gold bands. “I had to guess sizes, but they’ll work for now.”

  Seeing the two mating rings made it crystal clear to Brad—he wanted this. It didn’t matter if Tasha was human, or if there was no guarantee everything would work out. The rings and ceremony would give him the chance to pursue that future.

  And considering Brad had dreaded any thoughts of the future for months, it gave him hope that maybe finding his true mate wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

  Seeing the two rings lying on David’s palm made Tasha even more aware of how similar the dragon-shifters were to humans. They might call it a mating instead of a marriage, but it was basically the same thing.

  On top of that, the light glinting off the rings also signaled that her mating was going forward at lightning speed.

  Maybe she should be nervous, or wary, or more cautious. But in reality, she looked forward to seeing what could happen with Brad. The time in the landing area had shown her a different side to the dragonman, and not just because of his dragon half. She wanted to know more about him.

  Besides liking Brad more, she’d also enjoy giving the middle finger to the lawyers and police officers who wanted to assume what she wanted, or what was best for her.

  So she asked David, “Okay, so what do I do now? They didn’t give us any sort of mate ceremony training during my previous ADDA sessions.”

  The corner of David’s mouth ticked up. “I doubt it. But in all seriousness, Brad will go first, and you can just mimic him, okay?”

  She nodded and turned toward Brad. Before he could say anything, though, she murmured, “I guess shirts and shoes are optional for mating ceremonies?”

  Brad smiled. “You liked me naked well enough. So I’m probably overdressed.”

  She laughed. Tasha enjoyed this new side to Brad. “Well, you just need to be careful not to repeat what happened right before you shifted earlier. We can’t have that happening in front of your clan leader and head of security, now, can we?”

  Brad’s eyes turned heated, and it took everything she had not to let it affect her. Well, at least not too much. Her heart rate jumped up and her clothes suddenly
felt too tight.

  Thankfully David cleared his throat and stated, “I don’t usually rush something this important, but time really is of the essence right now.”

  Brad picked up one of the rings—the slightly smaller one—and held it out. “Natasha Jenkins, I was hell-bent on staying away from you for months. I let one person’s actions affect how I viewed all humans, and you made me realize quickly how wrong I was to do that. Your wit, your beauty, your determination—all make me like you more and more. So I claim you today with the hope of finding out even more about you in the future. Will you accept my mate claim?”

  She nodded, and he slipped the ring on the fourth finger of her left hand, the slight weight a reminder of how her life would never be the same.

  Brad motioned toward the other ring, and Tasha picked it up. Taking a deep breath, she said what came to mind. “While you were a damn good security guard, I was pretty sure you hated me. It took some extreme circumstances for us to be thrown together, where we had no choice but to learn more about one another. And I think we both were lucky, in a way, that it happened. You’re much more than I thought you were, Brad Harper, and I’m curious to see what else you’re made of. So I claim you today with a promise that I’m going to find that out, and whether you like it or not, we’re going to have some fun together, too. Do you accept my claim?”

  He nodded, his pupils flashing rapidly, and she slowly placed it on his finger. Once done, Brad took her hand and brought it to his lips. The brief brush of his hot, soft lips made her heart skip a beat.

  She might not be ready for a full-blown frenzy, but Tasha was more than a little curious about what this dragonman could do when they were alone and naked.

  Before her mind could spin any kind of fantasy, David spoke up. “Good, now that’s done. I just need you to sign some papers and then I can send the lawyers and police away for the time being.”

  She somehow forced her gaze from Brad’s at those words. “It’s that easy?”

  David shrugged. “For now. I’m sure they’ll be back, but they’ll need new charges. It’ll give us time to strengthen your defense and plan our strategy for dealing with them.”

  And so the fight would go on. Later, she’d have to ask Ashley if it ever got any easier being a human tied so closely to a dragon-shifter. Not that Tasha was someone who gave up easily, but it’d be nice to have a goal of some sort of normalcy again one day.

  Brad said, “Then let’s sign the papers so I can get Tasha home. There’s still a lot for her to learn and I don’t want to put it off.”

  She frowned. Of all the things to worry about, her dragon-shifter education seemed strange at the moment. “Can’t we have a small celebration of some sort? Or at least something relaxing to help me recharge before I have to tackle all the obstacles sure to be coming?”

  Jon Bell grunted. “She’s right, Brad. Give her a little bit of a break. The human hasn’t even had a full night’s sleep yet.”

  She smiled at the tall dragonman with black hair and dark brown skin. “I think we’re going to get along well, Jon.”

  He winked at her. “For now. I’m sure you’ll hate me later when I check up on you to make sure you’re following all the rules.”

  Brad growled and pulled Tasha to his side. “Watch it, Jon.”

  She noticed how quickly Brad’s pupils flashed. Something was up with his inner beast. She spoke to her dragonman. “Then let’s hurry up and sign the papers so we can go, and you can tell me some more about your dragon. Does that work?”

  He nodded. “Where are the papers, David?”

  “In my office. Come on.”

  Tasha waved goodbye to Jon and followed the clan leader down the hallway toward his office.

  Brad never let her go the entire walk, but she didn’t mind.

  There was something nice about the warm, solid dragonman at her side.

  If only she knew what her future entailed.

  For a woman used to planning everything out, the last two days had been a kind of hell for her. And yet, she wasn’t angry about it. No, Tasha would just change her plans and learn to enjoy what time she had with Brad.

  Maybe they’d work out, maybe they wouldn’t, but she wasn’t going to give up until she figured out which path they’d go down.

  Chapter Seven

  The paperwork signing didn’t take more than ten minutes. And even with the few extra minutes waiting for David to show proof Tasha was mated to the police, thus giving them no legal reason to stay on StoneRiver, it wasn’t long before Brad sat on a couch inside his sister’s house, Tasha at his side listening to something Andy was saying.

  Just as he’d predicted—bringing Tasha to Megan’s house gave Brad time to cool his lust and try to focus on how he’d resist his tempting mate when they were finally alone.

  His dragon sighed. I’ve been restraining myself for months. I would think you could do it for a few hours.

  Brad wanted to believe he could, too. But the mating ceremony had made it all the more real. And combined with the light weight of the ring on his finger, Brad took his duty to protect his female seriously.

  Which included shielding her even from himself. He replied, Let her get used to everything a little more. Having the children around will help keep us both calm. And fuck knows I need calm if I’m going to convince her to stay on StoneRiver indefinitely.

  So you do want to win her. You’d better get to it.

  I’m working on it, he mentally grumbled.

  Tasha waved a hand in front of his face and he finally zeroed in on what she said. “Hello, earth to Brad. Are you listening?”

  He grunted. “What?”

  “Well, despite the return of your grumpiness, Andy suggested we play a game. Are you on board with that?”

  Megan jumped in. “While I’m sure it’d be fun, it’s already past time for Andy to get ready for bed. I think it’s best if you two head home for the night.”

  His dragon stood up taller inside his mind. Yes, I like that idea. There’s lots we can do without starting a frenzy. Maybe Tasha will be open to some of it.

  As Brad tried to think of an excuse as to why they should stay longer, Tasha stood up. “I could do with some TV time and then head to bed. It’s been a long two days, and I’m sure tomorrow will be even longer, if the League has their way.”

  He spoke to his dragon. See? She needs rest. No funny business.

  I’m not the one who needed to run to our sister’s house. You’re the one who’s going to have to be careful.

  “Brad?” Tasha said with her brows raised. “I get talking with your dragon is a part of who you are, but it really makes conversations super slow at times, doesn’t it?”

  Megan snorted. “Not for most people. Just my brother.”

  He shot his sister a dirty look as he stood. “Some of us like to think things through, unlike you, Megan.”

  “Oh, I think things through. But I don’t overanalyze them, like you do.”

  Tasha placed a hand on his arm, and he stilled, her touch like a welcome rush of warmth against his skin. She murmured, “Come on, Brad. I won’t even tease you for the walk back if you want. But I’m being honest here when I say I’m exhausted. Can’t we go home?”

  At Tasha calling his house home, a longing shot through him. One where she stayed with him forever, and maybe one day gave him a son or daughter, too.

  His dragon whispered, Then be nice to her.

  He took her hand and loved how she instantly curled her fingers around his.

  If he wanted more than just lust and sex, he’d just have to work harder at taking care of her, like he was supposed to do as her mate. “Sorry, Tasha. We can go now. I might even have some popcorn we can eat while watching TV or a movie. I probably should find out what type of things my mate likes to watch, for a start.”

  She grinned. “You may not like all the choices.”

  “If you’re there, I won’t care.”

  Tasha’s eyes widened a fraction, b
ut she quickly recovered. “Well, it does seem as if you’re full of surprises.”

  Andy tugged on Tasha’s top, and both she and Brad looked down at the young male. He said, “You come for breakfast?”

  Tasha replied, “I don’t know about breakfast. I’m really tired and want to sleep and sleep. But maybe later tomorrow?”


  “I’ll try my best.”

  Andy nodded. “Okay.”

  Megan placed her hands on Andy’s shoulders and turned him toward the stairs. “All right, mister, it’s bath time. Say goodnight.”


  Megan looked at Tasha. “You have my number, so feel free to call if you need to.”

  Brad grunted. “I can take care of my mate.”

  Tasha snorted. “Your mate is standing right here and can speak for herself.” She switched her gaze to Meagan. “Thanks. We’ll see how the next few days go.”

  After all the goodbyes were done, Brad took his mate home.

  Yes, home was the perfect word. Almost as if the fairly empty house had been waiting for someone so full of life to arrive and fill it.

  Tasha was most definitely that person.

  And if he had any say in it, she would be his mate forever and not just for a short time to protect her against the League assholes.

  Chapter Eight

  The next few days flew by in a blur as Tasha tried to catch up on sleep, learn little bits about living with dragon-shifters, and manage her business as best she could from afar.

  While she’d told her employees they’d have to close for at least a few days, she’d given them paid vacation time for it. She might not be able to do that indefinitely—and one of them had said they might have to find work elsewhere—but it was a quick fix for the moment.

  So as she finished up some paperwork on her laptop, one of the few things Brad and some of the other dragon-shifters had collected from her home, she leaned back and stretched her arms over her head.


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