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Mail Order Adelaine

Page 6

by Marie Higgins

  The children gushed over the lovely blue color. Tobias even mentioned the dress was the same color as Adelaine’s eyes. That brought another blush to her cheeks, which Dallas found adorable.

  Finally, she met his gaze without looking away. Her expression of gratitude would be something he’d never forget.

  “Thank you, Dallas. I’ve never seen anything so pretty in my life.”

  “Will you wear it at dinner tonight?”

  She nodded. “Of course, but I’ll feel out of place.”

  He chuckled. “Why don’t we all dress up?” He glanced at the children. “What do all of you think?”

  The way the children cheered made him wonder if he’d invited them to the circus instead. But one thing for certain, Adelaine was going to be so beautiful tonight, he might not be able to think straight. One way or another, he needed to tell her – whether she made him tongue-tied like an adolescent with his first crush or not.

  ADELAINE FELT LIKE a princess. She even looked like a princess.

  As she stared at herself in the full-length mirror, she couldn’t tear her gaze away from the reflection. Never in her life could she have imagined owning such a lavish gown. White lace adorned the fitted bodice, along with the off-the-shoulder neckline. The bottom section of the gown was three-rows of blue satin flounces, trimmed with the matching white lace. Mrs. Simone had come to Adelaine’s room earlier to help style her hair, which was her birthday gift.

  Inhaling a shaky breath, Adelaine placed her palm to the exposed skin around her throat and shoulders. Heavens! She’d never shown so much skin before, and although it wasn’t indecent, she still would be self-conscious about looking this way. What would Dallas think? He must have known the style of dress it was, wouldn’t he? Then again, men didn’t usually care about shopping for women’s clothes, which was why he had Pearl take Adelaine into town yesterday for a new wardrobe for her and Charity.

  Jittery nerves jumped inside her, knowing it was almost dinner time. She was torn between staying in her room and feigning sick and going downstairs to see the look in Dallas’s eyes when she walked into the room. Just thinking about it made her heartbeat pound faster.

  Someone knocked on her door, jerking her out of these anticipating thoughts. She took a deep breath for courage and walked to the door to see who had come. Standing in front of her, looking incredibly handsome in his black suit jacket and vest, white shirt with black, string tie. Dallas appeared dressed for church... or meeting someone of importance. His black trousers matched the suit jacket perfectly, and his black boots had been shined. He’d slicked his hair back on his head and had even trimmed his facial hair. She realized that although he looked amazing, she liked him better when he was relaxed and casual.

  “Dallas,” she sighed dreamily before she could stop herself.

  He grinned. “You are breathtaking, Addie.”

  His deep voice sent chills of delight rushing through her. “I must admit, seeing you this way made me lose my breath, as well, Dallas.”

  His hand moved toward her cheek, and she was too shocked to slap it away. He caressed her hot skin, and she was sure her face was nearly as bright as the sun.

  “Are you ready to go downstairs?” he asked.

  Swallowing became difficult, but she nodded and hooked her arm around his. As he walked her down the hallway, she realized he wasn’t using a cane. She hoped that meant his leg was healing quickly. Of course, going downstairs, he took the steps a little slower, but his expression didn’t show signs of pain. And she was watching him quite a bit during their walk. However, he was watching her the same way.

  When they entered the dining room, the children were all dressed in their best clothes. Even Charity had a new dress. Emotion clogged Adelaine’s throat. Marriage to Dallas had been a blessing in disguise. She didn’t care about his money, but she was relieved to see that he wanted to take care of her and Charity.

  Pearl and Clark stood near the back wall, and beside them was a tall man with dark hair and wide shoulders who Adelaine didn’t recognize. He must not be one of Dallas’s ranch hands, because they were not in this room. After hugging the children, she turned to Pearl and Clark to give them hugs.

  “I’m so glad you are here,” Adelaine told them, smiling. She glanced at the tall man who looked to be around Dallas’s age. He was handsome, but of course, she thought Dallas was more so.

  “Mrs. R.,” Clark began, “let me introduce you to my cousin, Denton Reed. He’s visitin’ the area for a little while and stayin’ with us.”

  Adelaine offered her hand. Mr. Reed took it and placed a kiss on her knuckles. The charming man’s green eyes sparkled with interest when he met her stare. She knew he only looked at her this way because of her new gown.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Reed.” She nodded. “And welcome to the ranch. I hope you have a pleasant visit with your cousin.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Remington.” He smiled. “I promise not to rely on your hospitality for too long. I should be on my way within a week.”

  Dallas stopped next to Adelaine and placed a hand on the small of her back. Her heartbeat flipped crazily, and heat filled her just from his gentle touch.

  “Mr. Reed,” Dallas said, “you can stay as long as you wish.”

  Denton Reed’s smile widened, and a dimple flashed on his cheek. “Thank you, Mr. Remington.”

  “Please,” Dallas clapped his hand on Denton’s shoulder, “call me Dallas. Any family of Clark’s is a family of mine.”

  She sighed as she gazed upon her husband. He was so very caring. She was grateful she was now able to see what others had told her about him.

  Adelaine snapped out of her daydreams and focused on Clark’s cousin. “What do you do for a living, Mr. Reed?”

  The man exchanged glances with Clark, and the foreman chuckled, shaking his head. Adelaine found that her curiosity had heightened now.

  “I’m a Bounty Hunter – of sorts.” Denton Reed nodded. “I’m my own boss, but I still work for other people.”

  “How intriguing,” Dallas said. “So, in other words, you do more than hunt down criminals.”

  Denton nodded. “You could say it that way. In fact, I’m probably more of a detective than I am a hunter, but I still give myself the Bounty Hunter title.”

  “Very impressive, Mr. Reed,” Adelaine said. “I hope you share a story or two with us during our meal.”

  “Gladly.” His green eyes twinkled again.

  It was nice to meet people who loved their jobs. So far, living on the Blue Creek Ranch had opened her eyes to many things. She enjoyed learning more.

  “Are you working on something now?” Dallas asked as they turned toward the table.

  He pulled out the chair for Adelaine. It was wonderful to feel like his wife now. She prayed it could last longer.

  “I am actually.” Denton Reed waited until the women were seated before he sat. “There has been a suspicious death in Helena. The man was wealthy, and he was engaged to a young woman. I’m being paid by the man’s family to hunt down the woman and bring her in for questioning.”

  “Oh, my.” Adelaine touched her bare neck, now wishing she had worn a gown that didn’t show so much of her throat. “Does the man’s family really think it was his fiancée?”

  “She’s not the only suspect, but she’s the one who is considered a runaway, which is why I need to find her.”

  Dallas motioned for Mrs. Simone to bring in the food. “Well, Mr. Reed, it sounds like you will be busy until you find her. I wish you luck.”

  “Thank you.” Denton Reed nodded. “I’m sure I’m going to need all the luck I can get.”

  The next hour passed quickly, and Adelaine enjoyed herself immensely. Did this day have to end? She’d been living in a fairy-tale since she first walked into the children’s nursery this morning, and they surprised her with a party.

  Time seemed to slip by, and soon, Mrs. Simone was leading three weary children out of room to put them to bed. Th
ey each told Adelaine happy birthday again, which softened her heart. At least Charity called her Mother this time. She about swallowed her tongue when her little sister called her by name today.

  She couldn’t hold this secret any longer. Although it might ruin Dallas’s trust in her, she must confess about her relationship with Charity. Tonight. That was the only way to make things right.


  The night was perfect, setting the mood Dallas had hoped for. The clear sky let them see the bright, twinkling lights, and the air wasn’t too warm or too cold.

  After dinner, he’d asked her to walk with him on the front porch, and she seemed very eager to be with him. The fluttering of his heart made him more anxious to be alone with her, and he could only pray that she accepted what he had to say and didn’t judge him too harshly.

  She had taken hold of his arm as he escorted her outside, but once they were on the deck, she released him and walked to the wooden railing and stopped, looking across his ranch. He cautiously stepped beside her and leaned his hip against the railing. After a few seconds passed without either of them saying a word, he turned his head and glanced at her pretty profile. He loved the way she’d pulled back the sides of her hair and pinned them with diamond-studded combs. And he was mesmerized by the tendrils hanging by each ear, and it was all he could do not to reach out and caress one, just to see if it was as soft as it looked.

  Her hair wasn’t the only thing that had him speechless. She was so lovely in that gown, and he hadn’t realized that seeing her creamy shoulders would make his fingers itch to caress her soft skin. She smelled intoxicating, as well... like a rose bush.

  She inhaled deeply, and when she exhaled, her breath shook. Dallas tried to hide his grin, knowing she was as nervous as he was.

  “This day has been the best day of my life,” she said, turning to look into his eyes. “I mean it, Dallas, you – and everyone – has made this a dream-come-true.”

  Before he could stop himself, he lifted his hand and cupped the side of her warm face. “You deserve a wonderful birthday. I’m glad my children and I have made you happy.”

  She nodded. “More than you’ll ever know, which is why—”

  “Addie,” he moved closer, sliding his palm from her cheek, down her neck to rest on her bare shoulder. Heavens, she was silky smooth. “Your birthday isn’t over.”

  Her eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

  He chuckled. “I have another gift for you. This one, I wanted to give you when we were alone.”

  Her throat jumped in what looked to be a hard swallow. “Why?”

  “Because I don’t think the children would want to hear me telling you that...” He took a deep breath as his nerves kicked up a notch, “that I’m thinking about finding another teacher for the children. I don’t want you to be that any longer.” His mind stopped, realizing he wasn’t saying what he really wanted to say.

  She hitched breath. “You don’t think I’m a good teacher?” Her face paled slightly.

  “Oh, no.” He faced her, placing a hand on both of her shoulders as he gently caressed her skin with the pads of his thumbs. “Forgive me, Addie. The words aren’t coming outright.” He chuckled again, shaking his head. “For some reason, I feel very nervous right now.”

  A small smile touched her mouth. “That makes two of us.”

  “What I want to say is...” He paused, staring into her beautiful eyes. “I want you to be the children’s mother and... my wife.”

  She shrugged one shoulder. “That’s what I am, Dallas.”

  He grinned. “I’m still not saying it right. So, maybe I shouldn’t say it with words.”

  Confusion filled her face, but he took the chance to correct the awkward situation the only way he knew how. The only way he wanted to fix it, since he’d been thinking of kissing her for a few days now.

  As he dropped his mouth to hers, he pulled her closer. Immediately, her hands moved to his chest, but thankfully, she didn’t push him away. Just as his lips touched hers, she gasped, but he didn’t let that stop his urges. At first, her body stiffened, but the longer he moved his lips across hers, she relaxed.

  He cupped her face, holding it where he wanted as he tested her, softly kissing her lips until she melted against him. At that moment, he wrapped her in his arms and deepened the kiss. A deep sigh rattled from her throat... or had that sound come from him? He wasn’t sure, but the one thing he was certain about was that the kiss was more exciting than he was prepared for. He loved how she mimicked the way his lips moved over hers, and just knowing that she held these feelings for him was enough to make him want to shout with happiness – which he’d do later because kissing her was too enjoyable to stop.

  Hesitantly, her hands slid up his chest to his neck, where her fingers explored the skin at his throat. He relaxed his hold, which gave her room to lift her arms so that her fingers could move through his hair. Ahhh... He loved her touch. It had been too long since he’d experienced these heady feelings. And yet, Sarah had never touched him like this. She’d never run her fingers through his hair as though feeling something for the first time that enthralled her.

  His kiss trailed from Adelaine’s mouth to across her cheek before dipping down to her neck. Tilting her head back, her fast breaths were as quick as his. Kissing her seemed so natural... so perfect... so very right. The loneliness he’d experienced for many years slowly slipped away, and hope for a better future opened before him.

  “Dallas,” she said deeply, in a voice that almost didn’t sound like her. “What is happening?”

  He chuckled silently. She must be having the same bewildered feelings as he was experiencing. “It’s glorious, isn’t it?”

  Her chest shook with laughter. “I’m out of breath, and my heart is beating so rapidly, I think I’ll swoon.”

  He raised his head and looked into her passion-filled eyes. “I won’t let you fall.” He tightened his arms around her. “I’ll keep you right here, in my arms... always.” He kissed her lips again briefly. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say. I want a real marriage, and from your response to my kiss just now, I think that’s what you want, too.”

  Her pretty blue eyes gleamed with excitement. “I’ve always dreamed of the day when I’d find the perfect man, one that would make me happy and stay with me forever. But when I agreed to be a mail-order bride, I knew my dreams would not come true.” Her smile softened. “You’re making them come true, Dallas.”

  Addie’s words made him feel like a hero, a feeling he’d never had before. He kissed her again, but this time, there was more emotion on both sides. He ran his hands up and down her back, trying to pull her closer, but it wasn’t enough. They were married. There could be more... so much more.

  But first things first. Kissing her and telling her he wanted a real wife weren’t the only reasons he wanted to be alone with her this evening.

  He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers as he tried to contain his heavy breaths. “There is one more thing,” he said, trying to collect his thoughts, “that I need to tell you.”

  “What is that?” she asked in a sultry voice, brushing her lips against his cheek.

  “I need to tell you this to clear my conscience. I hope you don’t judge me too poorly for what I’m about to say.”

  She pulled back and gazed at him with so much emotion in her eyes. Heavens, but she was lovely.

  “How could I possibly judge you harshly? We all make mistakes in our lives, and as long as we’re honest with one another, our lives will be happy.”

  An emotion he never thought he would ever have grew larger in his chest. Could he really be falling in love with this amazing woman after only a few days?

  Leaning his back against the railing post, he held her loosely as her hands rested on his chest, and she looked up at him. This position was very cozy, but it was the way that her blue eyes sparkled that had him breathless.

  “I’ve not let go of the guilt I’ve been carr
ying since my first wife’s death.”

  Addie’s expression relaxed, and she appeared to share his pain. He loved how well she listened to him – another difference between her and Sarah.

  “Why? What could you have possibly done?”

  “When Sarah was pregnant with Susan, she was a very irritable person. It was as though I could never do anything right in her mind. Pearl tried to convince me that this was normal for a woman to act that way during pregnancy, but for some reason, it seemed to go beyond that. Right after Susan was born, I kept waiting for Sarah to return to her non-verbal self, but that never happened. She had gotten sick, and that only made her temperament worse.” He paused as his mind recalled the very words he’d said to her... words that he would regret for eight years. “Sarah was sad more often, and one day she was whining about how I would be better off if she were dead.” Emotion caught in his voice, so he cleared his throat. “I was fed up with her attitude. I should have had more patience with her, but I didn’t. Instead, I told her that the children and I would probably be better off without her. I told her that if she wanted to die, I didn’t care.”

  Sadness filled Addie’s face, but he could see she sympathized with him. Relief poured from his soul, and he wanted to kiss her again. Instead, he was satisfied for now just to stare into her caring eyes.

  “No, Dallas.” She caressed the side of his face. “I know you didn’t mean it. Your heart is too kind and too loving.”

  His eyes stung with unshed tears, but he wouldn’t let her see how her acceptance had affected him. “Oh, my darling, Addie. For eight years, I thought that I was the one who killed her. Because of my words of frustration, she stopped trying to live. Two days after I had said those words, she died.”

  “Oh, my poor Dallas.” Addie wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

  He dropped his face in her neck. Her fragrance soothed him, as did the way she held him, and the weight of guilt he’d been carrying finally disappeared.


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