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by Iain Davis

  Mass vaccination of the populace has proceeded based upon emergency approval. In the UK, for all COVID 19 vaccines, the Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency [34] (MHRA) states:

  "This medicinal product has been given authorisation for temporary supply by the UK Department of Health and Social Care and the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. It does not have a marketing authorisation, but this temporary authorisation grants permission for the medicine to be used for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 disease."

  None of the vaccines are "licensed," because none of them completed clinical trials [35] prior to their temporary approval. Pfizer's phase III trial won't be completed until January 2023 [36] and AstraZeneca’s will conclude in February 2023 [37]. Moderna's mRNA vaccine phase III trial isn't due for completion until October 2022 [38] and Johnson & Johnson's Janssen trials won't end until May 2023 [39].

  Pfizer are GAVI partners [40] and key participants, alongside the BMGF, in the Advanced Market Commitment (AMC) programme. The purpose of AMC is to develop new vaccine markets [41] in developing nations. The AMC initiative [42] sees GAVI partner with the governments who buy the vaccines [43]. Thereby developing the new markets for pharmaceutical corporations .

  This guarantees tax payer funded profits for the corporations and their major shareholders. Thus seamlessly transferring wealth from the population to the core conspirators under the guise of "saving lives." There is no reason to imagine anyone who wittingly participated in the pseudopandemic had any intention of saving anyone. Quite the opposite.

  Pfizer are BMGF grant recipients [44]. This is a philanthropic act which provides profits for the BMGF Trust. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warmly welcomed [45] Pfizer's apparent vaccine breakthrough.

  Bill Gates personal wealth grew from an estimated $109 billion [46] in January 2020 to approximately £119 billion [47] by December. Like many of his fellow multi billionaires, the year of the COVID 19 pseudopandemic was hugely profitable [48] for Bill. Yet still people fantasize that he gives money away.

  This $10 billion windfall was thanks, in no small part, to the BMGF Trust [49]: the entirely separate BMGF entity managing the Gates' assets.

  The BMGF Trust invests in "for profit" companies, such as Walmart, with their primary asset being a sizeable holding of Berkshire Hathaway (BH) inc stock [50]. In turn, not only are BH direct Johnson & Johnson shareholders [51] they are also major holders of Bank of America Corp and Bank of New York Mellon Corp stock. These are two of the top 10 Pfizer shareholders [52]. Simply from a financial perspective, the last thing the BMGF Trust wanted was a cheap, proven alternative to COVID 19 vaccines.

  A treatment protocol using the inexpensive Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in combination with antibiotics and zinc [53] had an excellent 70 year plus safety profile and was able to deliver exactly the same outcome as COVID 19 vaccines. Like the vaccines, it didn't stop the spread of infection but rather reduced the likelihood of anyone becoming seriously ill from COVID 19.

  Many people tried to highlight [54] the efficacy and safety of this and other treatment protocols for COVID 19 throughout the pseudopandemic. The controlled authorities simply refused to countenance them, [55] often despite their apparent life saving [56] potential.

  Numerous studies [57] show that the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin is also effective in reducing the symptoms of COVID 19. The possibility that it could have reduced COVID 19 mortality by 83% was something the WHO acknowledged in their own studies [58].

  As early as April 2020 Australian scientists published a paper which showed that Ivermectin completely killed off replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus [59] in the laboratory. Further "apex research" on Ivermectin then came under the control [60] of the BMGF, the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (via their Wellcome Trust Foundation) and Mastercard, in the guise of their joint COVID 19 "therapeutics accelerator."

  This effectively ended any hope of HCQ, Ivermectin, or other promising treatment protocols, such as high dose use of vitamin D [61] ever being approved for treatment of COVID 19. Mark Suzman (CEO of the BMGF) clearly stated what the purpose [62] of the therapeutics accelerator was:

  "We believe we can help by partnering with private and philanthropic enterprises to lower the financial risk.. for biotech and pharmaceutical companies developing antivirals for COVID-19.. The only way to treat a viral infection, such as COVID-19, is with antiviral drugs......The best way to prevent an infectious disease is with a vaccine."

  The problem for pharmaceutical corporations with treatments like the HCQ protocol, Ivermectin or high dose VitD, is that they are generic. This means no one owns a patent and small to medium size manufacturers can compete in the market. This lowers the price, thus removing the profit incentive for multinational corporations.

  If a generic drug proves just as effective as new patented antivirals, developed by pharmaceutical corporations, their development costs will have been wasted. Effective generic treatments increase pharmaceutical corporation's financial risk, contrary to the stated purpose of the BMGF therapeutic accelerator.

  Despite there being overwhelming scientific evidence [63] that these generic treatments warranted further research, "apex research" (pharmaceutical corporations funded studies) were actively resisted by Big Pharma. For example, the pharmaceutical giant Merck released a press statement on Ivermectin which falsely claimed there was "no scientific basis" for further trials. It is difficult to see how this can be described as anything other than entirely false [64].

  However, making money (or not making it) wasn't the primary reason why these treatment protocols were shunned by the global corporate funded, scientific establishment. The threat they posed to vaccine uptake was a major concern. Vaccines that do little more than reduce symptoms aren't necessary if you can pop into your local chemist and buy an inexpensive, over the counter medication that does the same thing.

  This is not to claim that a vaccine that worked wouldn't be welcome, but patient choice was certainly unwelcome among those who intended to use vaccines for much more than simply protecting people against a disease. The vaccines were a key element of the biosecurity State the core conspirators wished to construct.

  Ivermectin, VitD, and Hydroxychloroquine treatment protocols presented a direct threat to this ambition. By looking at how they treated just one of these treatments (Hydroxycholoroquine) we can see how the centralised global system of authority dealt with any scientific or medical threat to pseudopandemic objectives.

  In order to discredit HCQ the WHO cited a blatantly fraudulent [65] scientific paper published in the Lancet. The Lancet is also funded by the WHO and the BMGF [66] among others. The paper was written by a bio research company called Surgisphere [67].

  The WHO used this fake science to suspend global Hydroxychloroquine trials for COVID 19, within days of their commencement. The MSM then spread this fraudulent science [68] worldwide.

  The UK's MHRA responded to the WHO announcement with great haste. They shut down the trials they could [69] and pressured researchers to curtail other trials. In 2017 the MHRA were operational partners [70] with the BMGF and are BMGF grant recipients [71].

  Throughout the pseudopandemic, a concerted media campaign was waged against HCQ and the eminent scientists and physicians who advocated it. Many of the media organisations involved in the propaganda operation were also funded by the BMGF [72].

  The propaganda was designed to deceive the public [73]. It focused upon the dangers of extremely high doses of HCQ to treat people with advanced COVID 19 and at no stage informed the public that its proposed use was a part of a broader treatment protocol using lower doses in the early onset of the disease. Saving life was not on the pseudopandemic agenda.

  The Surgisphere paper the WHO used to besmirch HCQ was so poor that many scientists and medical researchers immediately complained [74] to the Lancet. The Lancet were forced to withdraw the paper, but not before putting up considerable resistance [75]

  The WHO are sup
posed to be the world's leading health authority. Yet they were incapable of spotting obvious scientific fraud which many other qualified experts identified with ease. The Lancet retracted the paper and the WHO reinstated some of the trials. None of the HCQ trials approved by the WHO [76] were designed to investigate either the recommended dosage or the HCQ treatment protocol.

  Making dubious statements and counterproductive decisions, consistently advancing the objectives of their financiers, is common practice for the WHO. We will cover more examples but, before we do, let's consider what this implies.

  One possibility is that the WHO are inept and make statements based upon limited evidence without considering the implications. Their decision making is based upon a weak grasp of medical science and public health policy and these persistent errors just happen to coalesce with the interests of the people who fund them.

  Or, the evidence suggests that the WHO are corrupt. They act as a policy vehicle for a small handful of powerful interest groups who exploit public health policy to advance their own agenda.


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  Chapter 2 - Global Public Private Partnerships

  As we progress through this investigation we will take a detailed look at the evidence which exposes the pseudopandemic. However, we f
irst need to understand the broad principles that made it possible.

  We have already discussed how the core conspirators could have potentially deployed their informed influencers. Their goal was to coerce and manipulate deceived influencers into forming policies designed to achieve the core conspirators' objectives.

  The deceived influencers were wrong but were acting out of misplaced concern and fear. They were innocent.

  However, shortly after the pseudopandemic began, many deceived influencers must have become aware of the deception. The evidence revealing it mounted rapidly. At what point those who maintained the lie, perhaps to protect their careers, became criminally negligent, only a lawfully convened jury can decide.

  We are initially going to focus upon the relationship between the UK Government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to understand how the pseudopandemic was possible. However, this was just one among many such partnerships.

  The COVID 19 pseudopandemic was the first concerted attempt to establish a single, centralised form of global governance which had any realistic prospect of success. For the first time in human history, advances in technology made total global control entirely feasible.

  This unprecedented pseudopandemic effort forced some of the likely core conspirators and informed influencers, who usually avoid scrutiny, into public view. Thus we can see how the authority levers were pulled to engineer the desired policies.

  There is no evidence that the BMGF were leading this effort. They were the public face and sales representatives for the pseudopandemic: a front for a wider campaign.

  The core conspirators reside within the network behind that campaign, and their collective dream is global governance under their control. The pseudopandemic was a marketing offensive to convince us to buy into it.

  They are undoubtedly nearing fulfilment of that ambition. If the global population is going to lawfully defend itself, time is short.

  No crime is alleged against any named individual or organisation. However, the core conspirators and informed influencers must be within, or networked to, the named organisations. Any future investigation into the pseudopandemic fraud should focus upon them.


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