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Page 19

by Iain Davis

  The mortality risk disproportionately impacted [22] men. In 2018 in England and Wales the average of death [23] for men was approximately 80 and 83 for women. The average age of COVID 19 death [24] in 2020 was just over 82. COVID 19 mortality was practically indistinguishable from standard mortality distribution. To this day there is no evidence of a global pandemic in this data.

  The last Published ONS analysis [25] that directly reported the number of pre-exiting conditions for deaths "with" COVID 19 mentioned on the death certificate was released for the period ending the 30th June 2020. From this we discovered that 91.1% of alleged COVID deaths had at least one serious comorbidity. The ONS stated:

  "Of the 50,335 deaths that occurred in March to June 2020 involving COVID-19 in England and Wales, 45,859 (91.1%) had at least one pre-existing condition, while 4,476 (8.9%) had none. The mean number of pre-existing conditions for deaths involving COVID-19 between March and June 2020 was 2.1 for those aged 0 to 69 years and 2.3 for those aged 70 years and over."

  The direct reporting of COVID 19 comorbidity rates [26] were "paused" in July and never resumed. It took a freedom of information request [27] to reveal the data. Of the approximate 71,000 people who allegedly died of COVID 19 in England and Wales between July 2020 and February 2021 just 9,400 had no other pre-existing conditions. Of the remaining 87% we can only assume that the average number of pre-existing conditions per decedent was 2.1 or more.

  This suggests that the minimum number of people who died as a direct result of COVID 19 was around 10 - 15% of total reported deaths for the period. Given the false positive testing rate, this percentage was likely to be even smaller. For an additional unknown number, COVID 19 probably contributed toward their deaths. Data from other sources suggested this figure was unlikely to have increased the total much beyond 20% of claimed COVID 19 mortality.

  In England and Wales it is a legal requirement for all registered medical practitioners to notify their local health authority of any diagnosed cases of notifiable diseases. The list of Notifiable Infectious Diseases (NOIDS) includes COVID 19. Normally they will report this case as soon as possible. They are not required to wait for test results.

  This is not optional. All diagnosing doctors must complete a NOIDS report upon making a diagnosis.

  NOID's reports [28] are dependent upon observed symptoms. They indicate that a qualified medical practitioner has diagnosed a patient who presented with symptoms of a notifiable disease.

  For 4 week period of Week 46, ending 15th November 2020, until Week 49, ending 6th December 2020, there were 502 (five hundred and two) notified, diagnosed cases of symptomatic COVID 19 in England and Wales. During the same period the UK State franchise reported 469,356 (four hundred and sixty nine thousand, three hundred and fifty six) new cases.

  Another NOIDS obligation is given to testing laboratories in England who have a statutory duty to inform Public Health England (PHE) of positive tests for notifiable causative agents, including SARS-CoV-2. Between Week 46 and Week 49 [29] they notified PHE of 423,772 positive tests and the UK State reported 439,418 for England.

  This clearly demonstrated the huge inflation of claimed "cases" as a result of using a positive SARS-CoV-2 tests as proof of COVID 19. It also revealed the significant disparity between symptomatic diagnosis of COVID 19 and reported case numbers.

  According to the official fact checker Full Fact there were 18,152 COVID-19 notifications [30] made by doctors in the whole of 2020. Yet the State franchise claimed there were 70,853 COVID-19 deaths in England and Wales in the same year. Full Fact offered an explanation for this enormous discrepancy:

  "People with Covid symptoms are advised to get a test, but not to visit their doctor, which may be part of the reason why doctors reported so few cases of the disease through NOIDS. Since Covid became widespread in the UK, and began to be monitored in other ways, it is also possible that doctors felt there was little need to continue notifying PHE about each case."

  This was not credible. While it is true that people were told not to go to a doctor if they suspected they had COVID-19, a diagnosis by a doctor was still necessary at some point for subsequent mortality to be attributed to the disease. The suggestion by Full Fact that doctors unilaterally decided not to bother with their statutory obligations was ridiculous.

  What this massive difference between claimed cases, subsequent COVID-19 mortality and NOIDS indicated, was that Doctors were reliant upon laboratory testing to fulfil the duty to notify the authorities. It seem highly likely that a positive test was the leading determinant in the overwhelming majority of COVID-19 diagnosis.

  SAGE acknowledged that a positive test result did not constitute proof that death was caused by COVID 19. Following the vaccine roll out, their modelling specialists Spi-M-O were concerned that the false attribution of a COVID 19 deaths would undermine the vaccine narrative. They advised the State franchise to change the way they made up the mortality statistics [31]:

  "SPI-M-O is concerned that, as.. a large proportion of the adult population is vaccinated, the current definition of death (i.e. death within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test) will become increasingly inaccurate... It will also potentially distort estimates of vaccine efficacy."

  Explaining how the 28 day system, if consistently applied, would suddenly become increasingly inaccurate, a senior SAGE member reportedly said [32]:

  "If the definition remains the same, these people would be counted as ‘vaccine failures’, whereas the vaccine prevented death from Covid, but they really died from something else. I suspect that the current definition will have to be revised"

  In other words, the State franchise' own scientific advisors accepted that diagnosing a COVID 19 case based upon a test result was completely unreliable. Really they died from something else. They weren't concerned that the whole population had been deceived, only that the fraudulent reporting system would undermine the claims they wanted to make about vaccines.

  In response the MSM were immediately tasked with changing the narrative. Admitting that up to a third of registered COVID deaths were not attributable to the disease [33] they suggested this was only a recent phenomena. They neglected to mention that the system had not changed and was used throughout the pseudopandemic to terrorise the public. Medical science or statistical rigour had nothing to do with it.

  There is no reason to believe that deaths caused by COVID 19 were anywhere near the numbers claimed. In light of all the factors we've discussed, a reasonable estimate for COVID 19 deaths is that they amounted to no more than 15% of those reported [34]. While the State franchise allege (at the time of writing) that 130,000 people have died of COVID 19 in the UK, it is likely that the true figure is much closer to 19,000.

  For example, freedom of information requests to councils across the UK showed no increase in burials or cremations [35]. It is an unpleasant calculation to make but, bluntly, there aren't enough dead people to evidence a genuine pandemic.

  Sadly, it seems unlikely that we will ever know how many people really died "of" COVID 19 during the pseudopandemic. All we can know is that total all cause mortality wasn't unusually high. Families across the country, who know their loved ones deaths were falsely attributed to COVID 19, may never get the closure they deserve.

  What is beyond dispute is that a global pandemic should bring with it significant additional mortality. As we cannot rely upon excess mortality reports and attribution of cause of death, all we can look to for evidence is the total number of deaths. All cause mortality must demonstrate an unprecedented mortality rate in 2020. If it doesn't, then there is no evidence of a global pandemic.

  As a result of the way the weekly divisions fell, statistically speaking 2020 was a 53 week year. The ONS released data [36] for their estimated deaths from all causes in England and Wales for 2020.

  Total estimated deaths in England and Wales were 607,173. This was considerable higher than the 529,553 in 2019 and the difference of 77,620 initially appeared to account qui
te precisely for the reported COVID 19 deaths, plus a notable increase in mortality from dementia and Alzheimer's. However, there were a series of anomalies.

  Deaths from Ischaemic heart diseases were 1,450 below the 5 year average. Cerebrovascular disease was down by 2,276, malignant respiratory neoplasm by 1,537, chronic lower respiratory disease by 2,764, and influenza and pneumonia deaths were 7,313 below the 5 year average. An apparent reduction of 15,340 deaths from other causes.

  To truly understand if 2020 was a year of unprecedented mortality then it must be viewed in comparison to previous years. Mortality is a function of population size and age distribution. A smaller, older population may well have higher numbers of deaths than a larger, younger one. Equally, population growth usually means more deaths.

  The population in the UK, as in many developed nations, is aging significantly [37]. In 1991 the 9 million over 65's represented 15.8% of the population. In 2016 there were 11.8 million accounting for 18% of the population. This may, in part, explain the marginal trend of increasing mortality [38] since 2011.

  In 2000 the UK population was 59 million [39] growing to 59.3 million by 2002. It now stands at 68 million. This represents a UK population growth of 15% in just 20 years.

  In order to calculate the relative death rate, given population growth and age distribution, the ONS apply a calculation to produce their Age Standardised Mortality Rates [40] (ASMRs). Given the extraordinary State response to the severe global pandemic, you would expect the ASMR for 2020 to be horrendous. The ONS certainly showed that 2020 was the worst year [41] for mortality in the last 10.

  ASMRs fluctuate from year to year. Until 2010 the trend had been constantly downwards in the post war period. Other notable spikes in annual mortality were seen in the ONS data record of annual ASMRs in England since 1938 [42]. Significant rises were seen in 1947, 1949, 1951, 1958, 1963, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1985, 1993, 2014 and 2020. None of these previous years warranted any lockdown (suppression) measures. The exception was 2020.

  Most of these annual ASMR rises were in the region of 35 to 45 points. For example, in 2014 the ASMR rose by 40.2, in 1993 by 38.4 and in 1984 by 46.3 points. By contrast the rise in 2020 was 118.5. There is no doubt that mortality increased significantly in comparison to the 5 year average in 2020.

  This notable rise occurred in a year where mortality was impacted by a combination of factors. We will discuss some of the many lockdown costs shortly, but the circulation of a low mortality viral respiratory disease, affecting vulnerable people with comorbidities, was just one among a long list of disparate drivers of mortality in 2020.

  Despite these non - COVID 19 antecedents for additional mortality, the increase seen in 2020 was by no means unique in the post war era. In England it rose by 90.5 in 1947, by 83.5 in 1963, it rose by 104.9 in 1970 and in 1951 by 216.3.

  The death toll in 1951 was allegedly attributable to the the influenza epidemic which struck some parts of the UK (most notably Liverpool in England) but left others relatively unscathed. To this day science has struggled to account for this [43] unusual, localised pattern of ILI infection.

  In 1951 Jackie Milburn scored twice for Newcastle United as they beat Arsenal 2 - 0 in the FA Cup final in front of more than 100,000 spectators in a packed Wembley Stadium; the Royal Festival Hall hosted the Festival of Britain, attracting visitors from across the world. In 1970 the Commonwealth Games were attended by huge crowds in Edinburgh and the Isle Of Wight Rock festival attracted more than half a million people.

  Not only was 2020 far from having the highest mortality rate in the post war period it didn't even have the highest death rate [44] in the 21st century. From 2000 to 2008 every year had a higher ASMR than 2020. In the two decades of the 21st century, 2020 ranked 9th, out of 20 consecutive years, for all cause mortality in England and Wales.

  The falling trend in mortality throughout the post war period stopped in 2008-2009 following the global financial crash. This was because economic deprivation has a direct relationship to health inequality [45] and increased mortality.

  Those who pointed out that the economic destruction caused by lockdowns would kill more people than COVID 19 were attacked by the MSM throughout the pseudopandemic for not caring about deaths caused by COVID 19. The MSM enthusiastically capitalised upon the deaths of people they called conspiracy theorists [46] who they reported as dying of COVID 19, despite there being no formal announcement on their cause of death.

  While a persons beliefs wouldn't stop them dying from COVID 19, the chances of this happening to someone of working age or younger were extremely remote. All too often, in their eagerness to promote the pseudopandemic, the MSM boldly reported deaths due to COVID 19 only for it to later emerge that wasn't the case.

  In one of many examples, the BBC announced that a young woman with no underlying health conditions died from COVID 19 [47]. She actually suffered a heart attack and the hospital she attended did not consider her death to be related to COVID 19 [48]. Nor had she been tested for SARS-CoV-2 in the hospital where she died. However, as she had already been reported as the UK's youngest COVID 19 death, the coroner recorded her death from COVID 19 [49] anyway.

  There was, of course, no post mortem or inquest. The coroner appeared to simply record cause of death as instructed. It seems not doing so could have been very damaging to their career.

  Though a notable increase in mortality over the 5 year average was observed in 2020, it was far from unique in terms of numbers of deaths. The only aspect of 2020 that was unprecedented was the State franchise's policies and public hysteria created by the MSM

  In an incredible example of MSM propaganda, Sky News concocted a dizzying mix of mismatched mortality measures in their hapless disinformation article [50] discussing the 2020 figures. Written by their Economics and Data Editor, the lengths the global media corporation went to, in order to mislead their readership, were astonishing.

  Writing their fake news prior to the release of ONS mortality figures for the whole year, Sky actually underestimated the number of deaths in England and Wales, claiming that 604,045 deaths were "nearly without precedent." While the final figure turned out to be 607,173, this wasn't unprecedented either, or nearly without precedent as Sky chose to describe it. The leading propagandist claimed:

  "The only other year in which more than 600,000 people died in England and Wales was 1918....this is more than in any year of the Second World War or any other pandemic - ever."

  Realising that their readers weren't complete idiots, in an attempt to regain some credibility, they then qualified this derisory misrepresentation of statistics by adding:

  "You've probably already realised the main problem ....the UK population is far bigger today than it was in 1918.....We need to divide the number of deaths by the total population in England and's...only the highest crude mortality rate since 2003....Crude mortality rates...have been falling for most of the 20th and 21st century as medical science has advanced and people have lived longer. So casting this number as telling us 'it's only as bad as 2003" isn't quite right.”

  At least the propagandists recognised they had a major problem. Far from being nearly without precedent, in terms of mortality 2020 was not a unique year. There was an increase in mortality but, as Sky acknowledged, this was only the highest crude mortality rate seen since 2003. When adjusted for age and population, it barely made it over the mid way point of the 21st century: it was only the highest total since 2009.

  ASMRs completely undermined the story that the propagandists desperately wanted to tell. So they started talking about the increase in mortality instead, claiming this was a "far better yardstick." However this improved yardstick only served to highlight the absurdity of their claim:

  "In 2020 the number of excess deaths, as a proportion of the population, rose by 12.1% compared with the average of the previous five years. To put that in perspective, that's the biggest leap in any year since 1940. Bigger than during the 1951 flu epidemic. Bigger tha
n during the Asian flu in the 1950s or the Hong Kong flu in the 1960s."

  They switched between calculated ASMRs and absolute (crude) numbers then mixed the two different measures together in one statement. Rather than report the 8% ASMR increase they reported the 12.1% increase in crude numbers of deaths. Having already acknowledged ASMRs reveal the population death rate, they then ignored this completely and compared crude numbers, misleading the public into believing this was calculated as a proportion of the population.

  Sky weren't alone, the BBC, perhaps the UK's most rapacious UK propagandists, persisted with the deception that excess COVID 19 mortality was the worst in the post war period [51]. As did the UK's Guardian with their amazing "fake news" headline "2020 Was Deadliest Year In A Century In England and Wales, Says ONS" [52]. Despite backtracking somewhat from their disinformation, by vaguely acknowledging ASMRs, they still maintained and publicised their completely false claim.

  In an October press conference [53] the WHO stated that their best estimate was that 10% of the world population had been infected with COVID 19. This meant that around 780 million people supposedly had SARS-CoV-2. Even if we accept the WHO's official statements, with just over 1 million deaths that indicated a COVID 19 Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of 0.14%. Which is only marginally higher than the WHO's own estimated influenza IFR [54] of 0.1%.

  This slip of the tongue by the WHO exposed undoubtedly one of the key pseudopandemic deceptions. One that was maintained at the very highest levels. This was the seemingly deliberate blurring of definitions that continually failed to distinguish between the two very different mortality measures of CFR and IFR.

  In a coordinated statement with the WHO's pandemic declaration, on the 12th March 2020 Anthony Fauci, the Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), made a pivotal statement to the US Congressional Committee for Coronavirus Preparedness and Response. He told the committee:


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