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Page 23

by Iain Davis

  The Joseph Rowntree Foundation's (JRF) analysis of the costs of lockdowns [6] in the UK, found that households claiming Universal Credit (State unemployment benefit) rose by 90% overall, nearly doubling to reach 4.6 million. Describing what they called a "wave of unemployment" they found that 4 out of 10 households, already enduring so called "in work poverty," were forced into further deprivation and underemployment.

  By focusing upon nothing but the alleged risks of COVID 19, many failed to recognise the key concern stressed by those critical of both the lockdowns and, more broadly, the pseudopandemic: the cure was always far worse than the disease. Both the JRF and the World bank, unsurprisingly, reported the deleterious effects of policy as the result of COVID 19. Yet the horrendous consequences the world is now slowly realising were not caused by a disease.

  The core conspirators within the GPPP, and their informed influencers, have deceived billions, emotionally exploiting them at every turn. However, they faced very little resistance, as populations implored their rulers to save them from the pseudopandemic. The banal and completely irrational accusation, levelled by so many, that to question the pseudopandemic was to disregard the human costs of COVID 19, was a lamentable propagandist slur.

  The listless acceptance of the pseudopandemic story was among the objectives the hybrid information warriors who drilled the people in their new behaviour. We remain focused upon the UK, but the same methods were used globally.

  In a 2018 article [7] The Director of Government Communications, Alex Aiken [8] explained how this war on the psychology of the UK public was led by the UK Cabinet Office’s Rapid Response Unit (RRU). He wrote:

  “It (the RRU) monitors news and information being shared and engaged with online to identify emerging issues…..The unit’s round the clock monitoring service has identified several stories of concern…..The unit has tackled misinformation closer to home…..a number of articles from US and UK outlets…… quickly spread via social media, which was then spotted by RRU monitoring……The unit activated social media content which helped to re-balance the narrative.”

  In the same article, Aiken also revealed how the State franchise partnership with the Big Tech’ companies was leveraged to shape public opinion:

  “The unit (RRU) identified that a number of false narratives from alternative news sources were gaining traction online. These 'alt-news' sources are biased….When people searched for information….unreliable sources were appearing above official UK government information….no government information was appearing on the first 15 pages of Google results……The RRU improved the ranking from below 200 to number 1 within a matter of hours.”

  Anyone who has ever worked in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) knows that even the WPP Group [9] would struggle to take a web page’s organic Google search ranking from below 200 to number 1 in a few hours. Aiken ostensibly confirmed that the UK State franchise works with its GPPP partner Google to fix the search results. For GPPP sensitive topics, Google doesn’t appear to be a genuine search engine at all. For these search results, it acts more like a GPPP propaganda website.

  The “alt-news” sources Aiken referred to were the news media. The State franchise calls them biased because they question power and government policy. This is something the MSM no longer do. People freely exchanging information online, outside of MSM control, presented the State franchise with a pseudopandemic threat. Troops were deployed to fight it.

  The State MSM were of one unified voice [10] in January 2021 as they all reported how deeply sorry the UK Prime Minister was that more than 100,000 people had died "of" COVID 19. Ignoring all of the questionable procedures and statistical problems we have discussed, this story was reported by practically the entire MSM. Every outlet stated the mortality statistics as a fact. None of them questioned it.

  The crux of the campaign remained solely focused upon vaccines. In his apologetic address [11] to Parliament, Johnson stated:

  "At this point, we do not have enough data to judge the full effect of vaccines in blocking transmission, nor the extent and speed with which the vaccines will reduce hospitalisations and deaths, nor how quickly the combination of vaccinations and the lockdown can be expected to ease the pressure on the NHS.......The way forward has been clear ever since the vaccines arrived, and as we inoculate more people hour by hour, this is the time to hold our nerve in the end game of the battle against the virus."

  While the Prime Minister had no idea if the vaccines would reduce transmission, hospitalisation or mortality he was certain the way forward was vaccines. Many social media users felt there was reason to question the Prime Minister's statement. For example, if the vaccines had been properly trialled why were there so many unknowns? In doing so they came into conflict with the dedicated dezinformatsiya brigade of the British army.

  The State franchise had become concerned about the alleged militant tendencies of people who ask questions about vaccines after a study commissioned by the Royal Society indicated that up to 35% of the UK population were considering declining COVID 19 vaccination. This was called "vaccine hesitancy." The possibility that some people might have decided not to have one for legitimate reasons wasn’t broached.

  In November 2020, the British Army's 77th brigade, operating alongside the intelligence agency GCHQ, began their vaccine propaganda campaign [12]. This was reported by the MSM as a battle against "antivax militants."

  At the time there was no such thing as an antivaxxer terrorist. By a sheer coincidence, adding some credibility to the concept of the dangerous antivaxxer, within weeks of the information battle commencing, the world's first suspected antivaxxer terrorist attack was offered up to the public by the MSM [13]. Apparently it was a hoax and a 53 year old man was arrested. While there has been no further information on the man's motivation for apparently sending a fake letter bomb, the timing of the MSM reports could not have been better for 77th brigade's information war.

  Formerly the Security Assistance Group (an amalgam of the Media Operations Group, 15 Psychological Operations Group, the Security Capacity Building Team, and the Military Stabilisation and Support Group), 77th Brigade [14] specialises in information warfare (surveillance and propaganda). They state that their objective is to adapt the behaviours of adversaries and describe themselves as an agent of change. One of their main stated roles is to engage in information warfare in support of the State franchise and their "partners."

  77th Brigade don’t operate in isolation. They are part of a State franchise hybrid warfare offensive, working alongside other specialist information warfare units such as Huteighteen [15]. Within 77th Brigade, the role of the Digital Operations Group [16] is split into two tasks.

  The Web Ops Team engages in online surveillance to understand audience sentiment. They use social media to influence perceptions and promote operational outcomes. The content they use is provided by the Production Team. They produce video, audio, written content and other digital products designed to deliver behavioural change.

  We shouldn’t doubt the State's commitment to hybrid war. The British Chief of Defence Staff [17] Sir Nick Carter, speaking to the Royal United Services Institute [18] in 2018, stated:

  “Since 2016 we have seen a marked shift to..[a]..sophisticated use of smear campaigns and fake news…[it] has to be defeated….One has to recognise the importance of messaging….I’ve been very impressed with the talent that’s come forward to join the Army Reserve….we have got some remarkable talent when it comes to social media…. I think it’s important that we build on the excellent foundation we’ve created for Information Warfare through our 77 Brigade.”

  Sharing a platform with the former Director of the CIA, in September 2019, Carter told the Cliveden set [19]:

  “The changing character of warfare has exposed the distinctions that don’t exist any longer between peace and war….I feel I am now at war…..because great power competition and the battle of ideas with non-state actors is threatening us on a daily basis…….T
he character of warfare is evolving…..Information is going to be at the core of so much that we do. Future warfare is going to be very much information-centric.”

  We all need to rapidly come to terms with the reality that powerful State franchise forces no longer see any distinction between peace and war. All is war and war is perpetual. We are all at war, whether we realise it or not.

  Again, General Carter, speaking at a pseudopandemic press conference on the 22nd of April 2020, explained that the British Army had been tasked by the GPPP State franchise to promote its policies and actively censor legitimate scepticism. He told [20] the gathered press:

  “We have been involved with the Cabinet Office rapid response unit, with our 77 Brigade helping to quash rumours from misinformation, but also to counter disinformation.”

  77th Brigades role in the pseudopandemic hybrid war was outlined in response to a parliamentary question [21] asked by DUP MP Gavin Robinson. Armed Forces Minister James Heappey responded:

  “A team from the Ministry of Defence, including members of the Army’s 77th Brigade, is currently supporting the UK Government’s Rapid Response Unit in the Cabinet Office and are working to counter dis/misinformation about COVID-19.”

  The RRU proudly announced that they had rebutted 70 false claims per week [22] concerning COVID 19. The “other agents” they referred to in their press release, as part of their counter disinformation unit [23], included 77th Brigade and its army of social media troops [24] whose task it was to use hybrid warfare to change our behaviour.

  With senior executives of social media networks recruited to its ranks [25], 77th Brigade was busy on social media, actively engaged in information war, throughout the pseudopandemic. The Brigade was also represented in the UK Parliament. Mark Lancaster (Armed Forces Minister) was formerly their Deputy Commander [26] and the chair of the House of Commons defence committee. Tobias Ellwood MP, remains a serving 77th Brigade Lieutenant Colonel [27].

  Tobias Ellwood made a statement to the house [28] on 29th September 2020 in which he advocated that the military and Ministry of Defence (MoD) should take the lead on the mass distribution of COVID 19 vaccines. Was Ellwood speaking as an MP, representing his constituents, or as a serving military propagandist promoting the pseudopandemic?

  77th Brigade are fighting their information war as part of a much wider GPPP State funded network. A slew of self appointed anti hate campaigners [29] and Big Tech’s fact checking partners [30] were collaborating to control public access to information throughout the pseudopandemic.

  In this war “non state actors” defines everyone as the enemy. This nominally includes paedophiles, terrorist organisations and extremist groups. However, it also identifies you and your family as potential national security threats. Everyone is a possible target. Especially when anyone of us might be a potential bio-hazard.

  Normal UK parliamentary scrutiny almost evaporated as a result of both the lockdowns and the Coronavirus Act. The UK State franchise exploited this opportunity to give itself carte blanche to break the law in pursuit of GPPP goals.

  The Covert Human Intelligence (Criminal Conduct) Act [31] allows government agencies, or their operatives, the freedom to perpetrate any crime (as none are ruled out) with impunity. The Act has “legalised” the unfettered use of criminality by the State franchise, without restrictions of any kind.

  The police, intelligence agencies and the military (77th Brigade included) and a wide range of other State franchise "authorities" can now ignore the law entirely in their effort to “keep us safe.” Ironically, in order for them to do whatever they like to us they have to believe we might commit a crime if they don't. Other reasons include that that we might be some sort of loosely defined national security threat or they could suspect we possibly threaten the economic wellbeing of the UK (whatever that means.)

  Hacking your social media accounts and falsifying statements, or planting fabricated evidence of "terrorist" activity on your computer, is all now perfectly legal and justified by the State franchise. No defence against such activity will be possible as the State has made itself immune from all investigation, let alone prosecution.

  We can’t expect elected representatives to do anything about this. Most of them blindly follow the party whips and the dissenting voices are a tiny minority. Thus far there has been no meaningful parliamentary opposition to the Covert Human Intelligence (Criminal Conduct) Act [32]. It sailed through Parliament. Hundreds of so-called opposition MP’s couldn’t even be bothered to vote [33].

  Professor Michael Yeadon was a high profile scientist and vocal critic of the pseudopandemic [34] who garnered a considerable social media following as a result. Social media posts, allegedly by Prof. Yeadon started being reported, some seemingly posted before the pseudopandemic began, which appeared to evidence him making a series of Islamophobic slurs and vulgar comments.

  The intonation, vocabulary and opinions expressed were completely incongruous with Professor Yeadon's usual online statements. The Social Media companies then used these tweets, which had only come to their attention nearly a year after they were supposedly posted, to suspend Prof. Yeadon's accounts for breaching their rules on "hateful content."

  Choosing not to bother to investigate or report any of the weird anomalies in these social media posts, high profile bloggers [35] and avid defenders of the pseudopandemic claimed this evidenced Professor Yeadon's racist bigotry. An army of social media accounts then piled in on Prof. Yeadon, viciously attacking him.

  None of these attacks were about his scientific credibility, the scientific evidence he presented or his expert opinion, they were all based upon the claimed evidence that he was an alleged "right wing" extremist. In response to these attacks Prof. Yeadon felt he was was forced to shut down his social media accounts. He wrote:

  "I've been cancelled by a series of systemic attacks. Two slanders on the broadcast media (one was BBC which I forced them to retract), several hit pieces and then two html attacks on Twitter, creating offensive fake Tweets leading to account suspension.....I've been the most qualified critic of UK government policy and this is why I have been relentlessly targeted. In private, I'm a gentle person, wholly unsuited and ill equipped to handle this kind of nastiness. So, deprived of a platform, I've nowhere left to go for a while."

  While there is only circumstantial evidence that his account was hacked and falsified, as the Covert Human Intelligence Act is now UK law, this is precisely the kind of activity 77th Brigade, GCHQ and other operatives are legally empowered to conduct. All to protect the public from "harmful information," such as highly qualified, eminent scientific opinion.

  Any expressed opinion not “on message” was labelled disinformation, because dezinformatsiya was whatever the State Franchise said it was. They determined the official truth. Those who publicly raised doubts about the stories they were told only encouraged others to explore their own misgivings. This was not allowed.

  Those who rejected the COVID 19 fear porn [36], who highlighted scientific doubt, statistical anomalies, medical scepticism, or indeed said or shared anything which ran contrary to the official State pseudopandemic narrative, were marginalised, publicly ridiculed and silenced by any means necessary. Criminal or otherwise.

  If COVID 19 ever was a population level threat, it certainly isn’t the most pressing any longer. The people are under attack by their own State. All the necessary components of a fascist technocracy are rapidly being assembled. Make no mistake, in the hybrid information war, we are the enemy.

  In 2014 there were just 44 Fact checkers worldwide. As of June 2019 there were 188 [37]. While the whole of Africa, Asia, Australasia and South America had 67 fact checkers between them, the much smaller geographical and less populated regions of Europe and North America had 121. There must be more dezinformatsiya in the US, Canada and Europe than anywhere else in the world.

  Fact Checking is a rapidly changing industry. In 2014 nearly 90% of Fact Checkers were directly funded by the MS
M. Today that figure has dropped to just 56% with many more claiming they are "independent." These farcical pretensions of independence are risible.

  We'll take a look at the UK based fact checker Full Fact. They are not exceptional. Most alleged fact checkers have similar operating models and enjoy the support of many of the same globalist partners.

  In September 2020 Full Fact published an article [38] titled "How Does A Covid 19 Test Work." In the piece they said:

  "PCR tests are generally seen as the gold standard for Covid-19 testing. The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) says...This test is typically highly accurate and usually does not need to be repeated.”

  Full Fact statement that the PCR tests was capable of identifying COVID 19 was dezinformatsiya. They can only detect presence of possible SARS-CoV-2 nucleotide sequences.

  While the term "gold standard" is often applied to the best available methodology, its use by Full Fact was clearly designed to give the impression that the RT-PCR test was somehow a reliable diagnostic tool for COVID 19. This was also dezinformatsiya.

  Full Fact acknowledged that the PCR test was not perfect. However, they then provided a series of false statements to inaccurately contextualise this admission.

  They claimed that "very high specificity" meant that PCR tests "don't return many false positives." The opposite was true. It is precisely because PCR tests are so sensitive to whatever nucleotide sequence they are calibrated to find that they can find "anything in anybody."

  Making mistakes in publicly accessible information is normal and perfectly understandable. As long as those mistakes are acknowledged and corrected when they come to light it is an acceptable error. However, the fact checkers claim they are next to infallible. Full Fact's self-declaration reads:

  "We fight bad information in different ways. We fact check claims...we can stop and reduce the spread of bad information.....We’re developing world-leading technology to spot repeated claims, and find out how bad information can be tackled at a global scale."


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