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by Iain Davis

  "Aadhaar is a strategic policy tool for social and financial inclusion, public sector delivery reforms, managing fiscal budgets.. and promote hassle-free people-centric governance.. The Aadhaar identity platform.. enables the Government of India to directly reach residents of the country in delivery of various subsidies, benefits and services"

  The iris recognition technology partners of the Aadhaar program are Idemia. Formerly called Morpho, they also supply facial recognition technology to China's Technate [11] and biometric ID solutions in the US. Idemia receives development support through its participation in the GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab [12]. GSMA state:

  "GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab aims to leverage technologies like open APIs, Artificial Intelligence and digital identity to promote access to financial services, healthcare and mobility.. The Lab receives strong support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."

  In their effort to meet SDG 16.9 and force everyone to submit to biometric ID, the World Bank formed ID4D [13]. It didn't progress far until, in 2016, the ID4D Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) was established. This invigorated the program and attracted funding from the Omidyar Network, the French, Australian and UK State Franchise. In particular, the World Bank thanked the BMGF for what they called their "catalytic contribution."

  Nandan Nilekani is also a development partner in the ID4D collaboration, he is also a core funding partner with the BMGF and the Rockefeller Foundation in the Go Impact philanthropic partnership [14]. Not only are the BMGF funding the development the Aadhaar program Gates wrote an article in 2019 [15] heaping the accolade of "hero" on Nilekani. He then stated that he was supporting ID4D to bring the Aadhaar program to other countries [16].

  The BMGF are among the founding members of the Better Than Cash Alliance [17] who have been arguing for digital payment platforms for nearly a decade. They are also partners with Mastercard and Trust Stamp in West Africa and have already developed a vaccine passport linked to payment systems [18].

  Nothing is free. UBI will be conditional. You may not have to work for it but you will have to behave yourself. The only way to access your UBI will be for you to prove your identity to the satisfaction of the State franchise. Biometric ID, such as a vaccine passport will be required.

  Gates is among those who understand that biometric ID can be used as a strategic policy tool to promote governance, the delivery of various subsidies and limit access to services. UBI affords total control of the individual by the centralised authority. With Trust Stamp the BMGF have already created a model to link UBI payments to your vaccine status.

  In China the Technate's social credit system grades a citizen's compliance, the vaccine passports we are getting are far more draconian. Total obedience to the State franchise's public health demands are required if you are to be allowed anything approaching a normal life. The only question is what those public health demands will be. They could be anything. Vaccination is a prerequisite regardless.

  The pseudopandemic established the global vaccine mandate which in turn enabled the GPPP to create the framework of a global biometric identity system for every citizen. This avoided the thorny problem of democratic legitimacy. Fear inducing pseudopandemic propaganda produced the desired outcome that appeals to the electorate could not. This plan was jeopardised when some US states began reopening their societies while others didn't. The GPPP response exposed the charade.

  Case numbers are meaningless, in order to assess lockdown effectiveness in the US we need to look at hospitalisation and relative death rates. The evidence shows that US hard lockdown states had worse outcomes [19] than those which had less restrictive or no lockdowns.

  Realising that this would throw a rather large spanner in the US pseudopandemic machine, some leading scientific experts were dispatched to sure-up the narrative. Dr Leana Wen, the former President and CEO of Planned Parenthood, is a consultant for the WHO and the China Medical Board. Her World Economic Forum (WEF) profile [20] notes that she is also a governor of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders forum, providing guidance to people like Ida Auken, Alex Soros and others. Dr Wen expressed her concerns to CNN [21]:

  "My main concern is that we're not going to reach herd immunity because of vaccine hesitancy...there's the anti-science, anti-vaxxer community, but there are many other people, millions of people, who, for whatever reason have concerns for the vaccine, who just don't know what's in it for them. We need to make it clear to them that the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life [and] the window to do that is really narrowing. These states are reopening, they're reopening 100%...We have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status...because otherwise, if everything is reopened, what's the carrot going to be? Are we going to incentivise people to get the vaccine?...The CDC and the Biden administration need to come out a lot bolder and say, if you're vaccinated you can do all these things, here are all these freedoms you have, because otherwise people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway."

  The GPPP could not abide people enjoying their freedoms without the required permits. The US pseudopandemic operation responded to the WEF's demands almost immediately. The Trusted News cartel reported the CDC's offer [22] that the vaccinated no longer needed to wear masks. This advice wasn't given in the UK because the political situation was different. Real medical science had nothing to do with it.

  The only science in operation was behavioural science. US President Jo Biden stated on Twitter [23] "the rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours." This was not a choice. It was the control of automatic behaviour by situating decision makers within their choice environment.

  Some US states, such as Texas, didn't fall for it. They reopened fully, in defiance of federal demands to maintain strict lockdowns and pseudopandemic safety measures. As expected, when the National Bureau of Economic Research studied the impact of Texas reopening [24] they found:

  "No evidence that the reopening affected the rate of new COVID-19 cases in the five-week period following the reopening. …State-level COVID-19 mortality rates were unaffected by the March 10 reopening."

  The Texan's understood that the risk was low and that lockdowns, masks and other nonsensical responses to the pseudopandemic wouldn't make any difference to the spread or a respiratory disease. They judged that the ongoing risk of economic and public health harm from the restrictions outweighed the negligible risk of harm from COVID 19. President Biden [25] called this "Neanderthal thinking.”

  Vaccine uptake is vital to the GPP's plans and they became increasingly frantic. Tactics to entice people who didn't want the vaccine included the governor of Ohio offering five lucky vaccine subjects $1 million in a vaccinated only lottery [26] and judges in Georgia giving sentence reductions [27] to anyone who agreed to get the jab.

  If there were a genuine global pandemic no one would need to be incentivised to take the vaccine. The obvious deaths would be motivation enough. Wen's statement and the other acts of desperation revealed that the purpose of vaccination had nothing to do with any public health threat. The intention was to control the public's behaviour using their vaccination status biometric identities.

  When respiratory infections inevitably return, as they always do with the onset of winter, the State franchise can claim the predictable increase in mortality is caused by another Variant of Concern (VoC). Alternatively, if vaccine uptake is low, they could blame the unvaccinated. Sadly it seems, whatever story they make up many will trust it. Regardless, the outcome will be that more vaccines and lockdown measures will be required.

  The cycle of "test and release" lockdowns is set to continue irrespective of how many people are vaccinated. A 100% vaccination rate will not bring an end to the current Lockdown system, which is openly planned to remain until at least the end of 2023 in the UK.

  Shortly after all the media hype in the UK about the terrible Indian pseudopandemic the UK selected scientific experts at SAGE reported the Indian B.1.617.2 variant [28]. They us
ed this to produce some more scary models. The Trusted News cartel then reported the new normal reality.

  They began preparing the choice environment for the UK's situated decision makers, reporting that future plans for hopeful holiday makers were uncertain and might have to be cancelled [29]. They added that people might still be allowed to travel if they had their vaccine certificates.

  The carrot and stick method advocated by Wen will never be all carrot. It was designed to keep the public disorientated and unable to rationalise their decision making. Thereby further weakening their resistance to behavioural change.

  For months the UK State franchise maintained that they had no plans for vaccine passports or certificates. Meanwhile, they used tax payers money to commission at least eight private companies [30] to develop vaccine passports and certificates.

  Biometrics means the measurement and recording of biological characteristic such as blood type, fingerprints or facial features. Biometric ID incorporates these characteristics into a formal identification document, card or app.

  Biometric Residence Permits (BRP's) have been used by foreign national resident in the UK for more than a decade. BRP's record and individual's fingerprints and a scanned facial image and are required to access services and benefits [31]. All traditional UK passports (for foreign travel) issued since 2010 have been biometric [32]. All UK driving licenses are biometric, our obligatory photographs must be machine readable.

  There is no apparent need for the State franchise to require more biometric data to meet SDG 16.9. The documents we already commonly use are perfectly capable of proving our identity. New biometric identities are required by GPPP State franchises because they want more control. It is for their benefit and the benefit of their GPPP stakeholder partners, not ours.

  The Trusted News cartel use the terms passport and certificate interchangeably but they are distinctly different concepts. Vaccine certificates have been suggested as a means to control international freedom of movement. This is what most people would call a passport. Paradoxically it is the vaccine passport (or immunity passport) that is intended for internal biosecurity.

  Few people have any appreciation of how much personal information we are handing over to the GPPP as a result of the pseudopandemic. The extent of the surveillance grid is almost unimaginable.

  NHS England are preparing to transfer the individual medical records of 55 millions adults and children to NHS Digital [33]. This will happen automatically unless people opt out. Unfortunately, there is little point in opting-out. There is a caveat stated by NHS Digital [34] under which you can't deny the GPPP unfettered access to you private medical records:

  "To help the NHS respond to coronavirus, your information may be used for coronavirus research purposes even if you have chosen not to share it."

  NHS England state that the data will be used for the planning and commissioning of public health and care services, the development of health and care policy and public health monitoring and interventions. It will enable research into public health inequality, help develop new treatments such as vaccines and will help them understand the impact of coronavirus on the population. To do this NHS Digital need to share our data:

  "NHS Digital can provide controlled access to patient data to the NHS and other organisations who need to use it to improve health and care for everyone."

  The data will first undergo a process of "pseudonymisation" which will replace personal details with a unique code using "de-identification software" before being distributed to other organisation. According to the UK State franchise [35]:

  "This is done by using different environments to manage the data with additional controls around the public health data and broader analytical functions."

  This obviously begs the question who the other organisations are and who manages the different environment. This is simply referred to as the "central system." However, for reason we are about to discuss, it seems "central system" means the intelligence agencies, the military, global corporations and pretty much anyone else who wants to take a look.

  NHS Digital can only share the data with critical stakeholders. They provide a list of those who could be given our personal medical histories [36]:

  "The Department of Health and Social Care, Public Health England, Other government departments, the NHS, primary care networks (PCNs), clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and integrated care organisations (ICOs), local authorities, research organisations, universities, charities, clinical research organisations and pharmaceutical companies."

  Medical records are coded using a code system which reveals an individual's medical history, including their sexual and mental health history, their sexual orientation, their ethnicity, age and every intimate detail [37]. People shared this information with their doctor and other health practitioners trusting it would remain strictly confidential.

  This information will be stored on the centralised servers of the biosecurity state. Here it can be accessed by the private companies and corporations who are the State franchise's critical stakeholder partners. For example, In their document considering the Phase two vaccine roll out [38], SAGE (Spi-B) stated:

  "CKDelta, a company that collected, cleaned, and anonymized the mobile phone location data from a large British mobile network operator, granted us access to the dataset under a research contract."

  CKDelta is part of the CK Hutchinson Holdings. This global corporation invests and manages a worldwide portfolio of companies including Hutchmed China [39]. They are "an innovative, commercial-stage, biopharmaceutical company."

  The possession of millions of biometric ID's that can be linked to medical records has enormous commercial value for a drug developer. Spi-B see no problem at all with this critical stakeholder partner pseudonymizing the data. They trust them.

  Despite categorically stating that they had no plans to introduce a vaccine certificates [40], the UK State franchise vaccine certificate is based upon the NHS app [41]. Commissioning the development of NHS apps is overseen by NHSX [42]. NHSX collaborated with the communications intelligence agency GCHQ [43] in the development of the original NHS track and trace app which failed ignominiously.

  The eventual UK track and trace app was developed by Google and Apple. Pseudonymisation was achieved through the Google Apple Exposure Notification (GAEN) system. Allegedly this created a decentralised, encrypted network which only the user could unlock (on their device) using their personal encryption key. The UK Information Commissioners Office (ICO) reviewed GAEN and judged that it complied with data protection legislation [44].

  The ICO approved GAEN but the UK State Franchise had already given the intelligence agencies (GCHQ) the legal authority to hack any smart device [45]. They can clone the entire phone if they wish and have total access to it [46]. However, it isn't just the intelligence agencies that can easily hack your smart phone and GAEN if they want to.

  The idea that this system is "secure" is hilarious. Google and Apple have the data for a start, although they claim GAEN means they can't possibly identify individuals within those datasets. That isn't entirely true.

  The track and trace system on your phone relies upon bluetooth enabled “rolling proximity identifiers” (RPIDs). The Electronic Frontier Foundation explained just some of the many ways your smart device data can be compromised by anyone [47], including Google and Apple:

  "Bad actors could collect RPIDs en masse, connect them to identities using face recognition or other tech, and create a database.. The tracker will receive a firehose of RPIDs at different times and places.. Once a user uploads their daily diagnosis keys to the public registry, the tracker can use them to link together all of that person’s RPIDs from a single day. This can create a map of the user’s daily routine, including where they work, live, and spend time.. They can reveal a person’s home address, place of employment, and trips to sensitive locations like a church, an abortion clinic, a gay bar, or a substance abuse support group."

  The bio
security state we are being herded into is not, in any sense, secure. Yet that is what the Trusted News cartel want you to believe [48]. In reality it will be a data free for all, as both official stakeholder partners and "bad actors" alike farm data on a global scale. How they choose to use it is up to them. The possibilities are endless.

  For example, NHSX App development falls within the remit of Project Oasis [49]. The data hoovered up by private contractors (commissioned by NHSX) and app developers is first sent to the Ministry of Defence Strategic Innovation Hub called jHub [50] for pseudonymisation. The proposed vaccine passports are also in the purview of Project Oasis. NHSX work with both the intelligence agencies and the military. This makes them the ideal organisation to oversee the UK's development of its vaccine passports [51]

  This is the public health security infrastructure the UKHSA are eager to develop. Our biometric Identities will enable the central coordination of the biosecurity state down to the individual level. As the State franchise has also given itself total freedom to commit any crime (the Covert Human Intelligence Sources Criminal Conduct Act), UKHSA may choose to authorise anything in order to protect us from public health threats.

  UKHSA explained how biosecurity state will operate:

  "This change will.. help to make policy more responsive, agile and targeted.. Strengthening our analytics capability will help to build the evidence base for where preventative activity adds most value.. We will enhance our ability to draw on and link data across the system.. providing the data to allow us to identify challenges and evaluate interventions to have most impact."

  Biosecurity will enable the individual to be targeted. UKHSA will provide the data to identify individual challenges to the system. With their "whole of government" approach UKHSA can coordinate any government agency, GCHQ for example, who have complete legal immunity to deliver interventions which will have the most impact on the targeted individual.


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