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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

Page 10

by Brie Paisley

  So, when the images suddenly stop, I blink my eyes rapidly, and then bend down in front of him. “One day, we’ll have that perfect family.”

  His response is to lick my cheek, and then, he lays his head on my shoulder. Wrapping my arms around him, I suddenly feel totally and utterly complete. It’s like the bond is growing stronger than ever before, and it just enhances every emotion that I sense between us.

  After a while, I lean back, and then gaze into the wolf’s bright, green eyes, as I ask, “How about we spend the day together? Just you and I.”

  I know his answer is yes, when he licks my cheek once more.

  “Okay, big guy. What shall we do first?” I ask, as I stand. It’s so interesting to talk to the wolf, because one would think that he doesn’t fully understand what I’m asking. But then, he simply walks over to the closet, and then brings back a shirt with him.

  He holds it carefully between his sharp teeth, and then doesn’t let go, until I grab it. Smirking, I quickly put on Malik’s shirt, and instantly, smell his masculine sent. Once I’m covered to his liking, he gently nudges me towards the kitchen. Following his cues, I stop in front of the fridge, and then realize what he wants from me.

  “I’ll eat don’t worry, big guy.”

  He sits ever so still, as I begin to make us food, and his presence is so calming. While I cook, I speak to him, like I would with Malik. It’s sort of freeing to be able to talk about everything and anything that’s going through my mind. The wolf just sits still, as he listens, and I actually start to think he does understand more than Malik thought.

  It’s clear he’s intelligent by the way he communicates with me, and every single time that he shows me something, it always makes me pause for a moment. I’m not sure if it’s because of our bond is different than the others, or if it’s because he’s The Alpha. Either way, I find that I rather enjoy being able to communicate so easily with him.

  Even as I finish cooking, and then make us both a plate, the wolf is always making sure that I’m well cared for. As I eat, I still talk to him, and he just listens to every word that I say. It’s not until I’m finished that he finally decides to eat as well, and I know it’s because he didn’t want to be distracted, while I speak to him. Our bond is unique, and the longer Malik is in wolf form, the more I’m starting to see the full effect of it.

  The wolf and I spend the rest of the day in our room, just enjoying and getting to know each other. He listens intently to every word that I utter, and in return, I pet and praise him. I’m not entirely sure how long we stay like this, just enjoying each other, before I begin to realize that I still can’t sense Malik as well as I hoped.

  Glancing down at the wolf, his head rests on my stomach, as I contemplate why I can’t sense my mate, like before. He’s still in there with his wolf, but something feels off about it. Running my hand down the wolf’s back, I sigh deeply, wondering if I made a grave mistake.

  As if he can sense that something is on my mind, he turns to look at me, and then lets out a small whine to get my full attention. Gazing at this beautiful animal, I let out a sigh, and then ask, “Is Malik in there with you?”

  He groans, and then, I actually see Malik. For a moment, I’m so confused by what the wolf is showing me, but then, it finally registers. Malik is in there with the wolf alright, but he’s trapped in some sort of cage.

  Sitting up, once the image is gone, I frown, as I ask, “Why do you have him locked in a cage?”

  He growls, and then bares his teeth, as the next images filter through my mind. The wolf is showing me why, but he’s going so fast that I can’t keep up. “Wait, slow down a bit.”

  The wolf huffs, but thankfully, he tries to show me again, but this time it’s slower. From what I gather, the wolf has felt this way for quite some time. He’s angry, confused, and most importantly, hurt by what Malik has done to him. His perception of the events that led him to me, makes him believe that Malik wants to be rid of him. He also shows me how often Malik fights against him, so he’s done everything in his power to change that.

  Once he’s finished showing me everything that he needs to, I run a hand through my hair, and then meet the wolf’s gaze. “This has been going on for a while, hasn’t it?”

  His low whine is all of the confirmation that I need.

  I don’t know Malik’s side of things, but I have to believe that he wouldn’t purposely treat his wolf this way without reason. Over my long life, I’ve heard many stories of wolves and how unpredictable they can be. It could be possible that Malik’s wolf is simply too strong to control, and he would have to fight his wolf daily just to have some sort of a life.

  Maybe, it’s because the wolf is closer to going Rogue than I realized.

  Maybe, it’s because of the recent events that has sent the wolf over the edge.

  There’s no real answer here without talking directly to Malik. I’m only getting half of the story, and the only way that I know how to fix this, is to talk to him once more. I hate what I’m about to ask of the wolf, but I need to speak to Malik more than ever.

  Keeping my voice calm, I ask, “Will you free him, so that I can talk to him?”

  The moment my question leaves my lips, the wolf quickly understands. With wide eyes, I watch the wolf, as he suddenly jumps off of the bed, and then stands before me. His eyes glow brighter than ever before, and I know he doesn’t like what I’m asking. His teeth are bared, as he crouches down low, like he’s preparing for an attack.

  I know that he’ll never, ever hurt me, and I can still sense how much he wants to protect me. The thing is, who is he trying to protect me from?

  Moving to the edge of the bed, I hold his gaze, as I say, “I wouldn’t ask you to do this, if I thought for one second that Malik would suppress you again.” The wolf whines, and I feel his pain, crashing through me. It’s so intense that it steals my breath away, but I have to make him see reason.

  “Please, big guy. Let Malik surface, so that we can fix what’s broken.”

  With his loud bark, I drop my head, realizing that the wolf isn’t going to give in this easily. “Alright, big guy. You win for now, but we need to go see Sameria. Are you good with that?”

  His answer is to yawn, and I shake my head at his dramatics. With a new purpose in mind, I quickly put on some jeans, and then with the wolf following me, I search for Sameria. She’s the only one that fully understands the potion that she created for Malik, so she has to know how to make this right.

  The wolf stays close to my side, as I try to figure out where to go in this intricate maze in the den. It’s a shame that Malik didn’t have the chance to show me around earlier, but I know the longer that I’m here, the quicker I’ll find my way.

  Thankfully, the wolf is quick to lead me around, and I’m grateful for his guidance. If it were just me alone, I probably would’ve been wandering around for hours, looking for her. However, I know that we’re getting close, when I begin to sense Sameria’s magic close by.

  Following her trail, I walk down the hall, and then stop, once I reach a big, open room. Stepping inside, I realize this is like a common area with a small kitchen towards the back. It reminds me of a breakroom that humans use at their workplace, as it’s the only similarities that I have to compare with.

  However, the second that I walk further into the room, I quickly realize that Sameria isn’t alone.

  My eyes widen, as the wolf huffs, when I see Sameria on the counter, with Reid standing in between her legs. They haven’t noticed me, since they’re so focused on kissing the hell out of each other, so I cough loudly to let them know that I’m here.

  Reid instantly jumps away from Sameria, as if they just got caught doing something that they weren’t supposed to be. I try to hold back my grin, as Reid runs a hand through his light brown hair, and then tries to hide his hard cock, bulging in his pants. Sameria looks flustered more than anything, and as I hold her gaze, I notice the longing in her eyes.

  I don’t claim
to know what’s really going on between them, but if they’re mates, I know they’ll eventually figure it out. The wolf also finds this entire situation hilarious, too. He shows me images of me laughing, and I glance to him for a moment, realizing he’s seen much more than I thought.

  Knowing how important this encounter is, I meet Sam’s gaze, as I state, “I’m sorry for interrupting, but I need your help.”

  The wolf huffs, like he’s annoyed to even be here, as Reid and Sameria gaze at him with a frown on their faces. “How long has he been in his wolf form?” Sameria asks, and I look at the wolf with dread, churning in my stomach.

  “All day. He won’t let Malik take control.”

  “This is a fucking disaster,” Reid roughly spits out, and I clench my jaw, hearing the tone of his voice. As I turn my gaze towards him, he glances to his mate, and then claims, “I knew you would end up destroying him.”

  “That’s enough, Reid,” I shout, as I see the utter regret and hurt written all over Sam’s face. “No one asked for your help, so if you can’t do your job, then you can fucking leave.”

  “Fine, let’s see just how well you handle this problem,” he snaps, and then shakes his head, before making his way out of the room.

  At the same time, Sameria jumps off of the counter, and then races after him, as she says, “Reid, just wait a minute.”

  The wolf whines low, and I drop down to my knees, as I try to comfort him. Running my hand through his thick and soft fur, I let out a deep sigh. “This is a mess,” I utter to the wolf.

  “Reid is right, you know.”

  Looking up, I frown, as Sameria walks back into the room with a devastated expression. “No, it’s not, and I don’t ever want to hear you say that again.” As I stand, I make my way over to her, and then take her hands in mine, and then firmly state, “There’s no blame here, so don’t for one second, think otherwise.”

  She nods, and then says, “I’m trying, but it’s hard.”

  “I know, but Reid is wrong about this, and I know for a fact that Malik would agree.”

  Sameria sighs deeply, as she looks at the wolf, and then asks, “What do you need me to do?”

  With hope suddenly flowing through me, I step back, and then say, “I’m honestly not sure, but I know that if anyone can fix this, it’s you.”

  “How can you have so much faith in me?” She asks with a frown.

  “I know, because I trust Malik, and he believes in you, Sameria.” Sensing she needs a little push, I add, “He would’ve never come to you, if he didn’t trust that you could help him. So, I’m asking you to help him once more by reversing any effects of the potion he took.”

  Glancing away for a moment, I softly utter, “I thought I had pulled it all out of him, but now, I’m not so sure. There’s more going on here, and I won’t exactly understand without Malik’s input.”

  When her hand touches my shoulder, I clench my jaw, before looking at her. Her concern and worry are laced in her green eyes, and I can sense how much she wants to help us. For a moment, she and I have a silent conversation, because no words are needed. She knows how much Malik means to me, and I don’t even know what the pack will do, if they find out about our situation.

  “We can’t tell anyone else about this,” she offers, and I nod once, understanding her meaning. “If the pack finds out, they may assume he’s gone Rogue, and that cannot happen.”

  “Can Reid be trusted?” It’s a valid question, since he’s done nothing but show me that he can’t. At least, not when I’m involved.

  “He wouldn’t betray his Alpha,” Sameria instantly claims, and I hope she’s right.

  Deep down, I wonder about that, after Malik told me the story of Reid’s father. Would he try and get Malik out of the way, so that he can become The Alpha? Honestly, it’s a good plan, especially with everything that’s going on now.

  If he wants to take his moment, then we’ll find out soon enough.

  “I promise to do whatever I can to make this right,” Sameria states with determination in her voice.

  “Good. I’ll make sure Malik is with me at all times, and I’ll do my best to keep him away from everyone else.”

  Soon after, Sameria quickly leaves the room to get started, and I let out a heavy sigh, hoping that she can come up with a solution. Glancing down, I pet the wolf, wondering why he didn’t have much to say during our exchange.

  Deciding that it’s better that he didn’t object, I beckon him to follow me back to our room. The whole way there, apprehension fills me to the point that it makes me question everything.

  However, I have to keep believing that Sameria will find a way to save my mate. If not, then we’ll have an even greater problem in front of us. Reaching the door to our room, I look down at the wolf once more, and then, a single thought suddenly crosses my mind.

  I’ll kill anyone who tries to hurt my mate, even if that means destroying this entire pack to keep him safe.


  One week later

  There’s something different about the pack, but I haven’t figured out what it is just yet.

  As I walk down the halls in the den, I realize that it’s too quiet here, and it’s like there’s a dark cloud, hanging over the entire place. I’ve yet to see any wolves walking around like normal, so I know something must have happened.

  I’ve only been gone for a week, and yet, everything has suddenly changed.

  At first, I worry that someone died, but I quickly shake that thought away. I can’t let myself think that way, because if they did lose someone, it would be devastating. Surely, if a wolf from the pack passed, I would’ve heard about it, before returning.

  So lost in my own thoughts, I don’t even realize where my feet have taken me, until I sense him. Fucking mating bond.

  Slowly pushing out a deep breath, as my gaze lands on Nick, I have to remind myself to stay hidden. It’s so hard to do, as I watch him working in the clinic. Being the pack’s healer, I’m sure his job isn’t for the fainthearted, but he seems to hold the position well. When I first realized he was a healer, I thought his position was unnecessary. Being immortal means that we don’t have to fight diseases, and we heal instantly.

  However, Nick’s role isn’t for just everyone. His specialties are with the younger pups, and he makes sure to keep them out of harm’s way. Not to mention, he’s the one everyone goes to, when there’s a new baby arriving. As the humans would say, he’s a pediatrician and an OBGYN.

  Honestly, this entire encounter with him would be so much easier, if he wasn’t my mate.

  Against my better judgement, I step further into the room, and then, his head snaps in my direction. He must sense that I’m here, or how my emotions seem to be all over the place. Maybe, it’s both, and again, I wish that things could be different for us. While I’m full of anger and revenge, he’s kind and gentle.

  There’s no way we would work.

  However, I can’t deny the strong pull of our mating bond, trying to bring us together. I know he feels it too, as he stops working, and then, walks over by me. The closer he gets, the more my heart begins to race.

  Especially, when I notice the want and hunger laced in his brown eyes.

  Swallowing hard, I remind myself not to reach forward and touch him, as he stops inches away from me. I still wonder how it’s possible that he can sense me, while I’m under my cloaking spell, but in this moment, it’s only him and I.

  For just a moment, I let myself wonder, as I imagine what it would be like to drop the spell, and then let him have his way with me. I can see it so clearly that I lick my lips, as I picture him reaching for me, and then pulling me in close. My stomach clenches with want, as he hovers right over my lips, and then kisses me, like he needs me to survive.

  My imagination is so strong that I have to suck in a deep breath to calm myself, because I know this will never happen. Shaking my head, I push away the image of him roughly touching me, and the way it would feel being in his arms.
  It was a huge mistake on my part to even consider anything happening between us, so I step back, hoping to end this connection from growing. Now more than ever, I need to find a way to break a mating bond, because this is becoming too much to bear. I can’t keep going with my plans, and then, come here to lust after my mate.

  Backing out into the hallway, I hold his gaze, and I start to think that I’ve gotten off without a hitch. But then, Nick frowns, as he states, “I know you’re here.”

  Clenching my jaw tight, I force the words not to come out. If he were to reach out and touch me, then my spell would be broken, and the same goes, if I utter a single word. This spell only keeps me hidden, while I’m silent and no one bothers me.

  “Whoever you are, please show yourself,” he claims in a rough voice.

  My heart literally feels as if it’s shattering into a million pieces, as the hurt and confusion cross his handsome face, and then, I realize that I can’t take it anymore. Just as I turn around, intending on leaving him behind once more, he growls loudly. The sound makes me stop in my tracks, and I glance over my shoulder, wondering what he’s going to do.

  “I know there’s someone here, and that I’m not going crazy,” he says, but it’s like he’s speaking to himself. “I’m not fucking going mad.”

  This is pointless.

  I can’t keep doing this to him, so I turn back around, and then begin to walk down the hall. It’s only when I hear him utter, “Please, don’t go.” That I suddenly stop, and then quickly turn around.

  As he steps out into the hallway, I stay exactly where I am, hoping I can fight the pull once more. But then, he sighs deeply, and before I realize what he’s doing, he shifts. My eyes widen, as I see him in his wolf form, and it takes every single thing inside of me not to go to him.

  Instead, I gaze at the silvery, white wolf. He’s utterly magnificent, and I sense his power, radiating off of him. Not to mention, I just know that if I were to run my hands through his fur, it would be soft and silky at the same time.


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