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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

Page 16

by Brie Paisley

  “He didn’t betray you,” Sameria utters softly.

  For a moment, I think over her words, and then, I shake my head, because it still feels like he did. “I know it feels that way, but I can promise you, Malik knew I would come to free you, so that you can do whatever is necessary to free our people.”

  Glancing down, I watch my blood flow into the tube, and I suck in a deep breath, before I ask, “So, he went to you about this?”

  “He did. I’m sorry, Melena, but he made me vow not to tell you.” As she shakes her head, she adds, “You and I both know that Malik never does anything without thinking through every scenario.”

  “I’m still so angry with him,” I mutter, and I realize how true it is. While I understand his side, I’m also pissed off that he didn’t bother to include me. Isn’t that what mates are for?

  “I would’ve been mad too, if I were in your position.”

  Pushing out a breath, I know that I can’t just keep dwelling on it. My only focus now is getting out of this room, freeing the others, and then, destroying The Facility. However, if Malik is in trouble, I can’t ignore the need to go and save him. No matter how much he’s hurt me, I can’t just let him be hurt or worse killed.

  “Just hurry up and do the spell. I need to get to Malik, before they start torturing him.” I know how this place works, and they’ll to whatever is necessary to get the information they seek.

  I don’t think Malik knows how much danger he’s put himself in just to save everyone.

  But then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. Malik is the type to offer up himself, if it means he’ll save the others. It’s what makes him such a good leader, because he’d rather place his faith in Sameria and me to follow through with his plans.

  “Hold still.” Sameria says, and then she adds, “This shouldn’t take too long.”

  “What if I have a release of magic, like the last time?” The entire plan will go up in flames, if I alert the guards that I have my powers back, before I’m free of the bracelet.

  “It’s always possible, but since it hasn’t been on you for long, I don’t think it’ll be a problem.” Nodding, I hope she’s right. The last thing I need is for them to gas us now, when we’re so close to freeing everyone.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, I will my nerves to calm down. It’s like my entire body is humming with the need to get this damn thing off of my wrist, and to start tearing this place apart. Deep down, I know that I shouldn’t want to fill the halls with the human’s blood, but then again, they deserve what’s coming. Maybe, this will be the moment that they realize that there’s no way they can keep taking us from our homes, and then using us for their sick and twisted ways.

  Feeling my wrist starting to warm, I look down, seeing that Sameria is almost finished with her spell. The second I see the keyhole appear, I glance up towards the two-way mirror, hoping that the ones watching can’t see what’s happening. If they do, then it won’t end up going over so well for Sameria or myself.

  Thankfully, they don’t see, and I grin widely, once the bracelet unlocks. Keeping up with her appearance, Sameria slowly grabs the supplies she came in with, and then, she moves closer to the door.

  However, I know it won’t be long, before The Facility realizes that I’m free.

  Jumping into action, I quickly stand, and then before I can think about what I’m doing, I hold up my hand, as I send a devastating force of magic towards the mirror. The moment it shatters the glass, I smile, as I watch the humans inside try to escape.

  Turning towards Sameria, I order, “Stay here. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  With her nod, I move closer towards the broken window, and then, I quickly climb inside. As the humans try to leave the room, I quickly make sure that they can’t get out. All of my anger, frustration, and aggression suddenly overcomes me, and I don’t even blink, when I hear their loud pleas of mercy.

  Did they really think I wouldn’t make them pay for what they did to me, or to everyone else? Not once, did they listen to me, when I cried and begged them to stop, as they tortured me. Not once, did they stop to think, for even one second, that what they were doing to me was wrong.

  So, no, I don’t listen to them, as I end each of their lives.

  By the time I’m finished, the entire room is coated with their thick, red blood. For just a moment, I breathe in deep, feeling the rush of satisfaction, flowing through me. It’s sort of poetic how they’re all laid out on the floor, and I don’t even think about what I’ve actually done.

  Right now, I’m focused on making them pay.

  “Melena, we have to go!”

  Turning my head, I frown, once I see the expression on Sameria’s face. But then, I hear the alarms sounding, and I realize why she’s terrified. “Shit. They know I’m free.”

  “Come on, we can still get them out. We just have to hurry, before they release the gas.”

  Nodding once, I step back into my old holding cell, and then, with Sameria right on my heels, we leave the room forever. As we walk out into the hallway, I’m instantly bombarded by five guards. They waste no time, firing their weapons at me, but they must’ve forgotten who I am.

  Holding up my hand, I slow down time, making the bullets stop in midair. Knowing how many souls are waiting for us to appear, I quickly use my telekinesis, forcing the bullets back to where they came from.

  And they head straight towards the guards.

  Dropping my hand, after the bullets hit their targets, I grab Sameria’s hand, pulling her behind me. I have a feeling most of the people here are in the cafeteria, so I head there first. Along the way, I’m met with more guards, but they’re no match for me. Honestly, this is becoming boring, because the guards are so out of their depth. Sure, they had the upper hand, when I was powerless, but now, they have no idea what’s been unleashed within me.

  So, when I get to the cafeteria, I easily take down the guards sent to keep my people here. Walking inside the large room, I quickly lock the doors behind me, as I scan the room, trying to get eyes on Ruby and Ivy. If Sameria can unlock their bracelets, then it’ll just give me more time and extra help to find Malik.

  “Melena! I’m over here,” I hear Ruby cry out, and then, I finally find her, hiding behind one of the over turned tables.

  Quickly making my way over to her, I move the tables out of my way. I assume they must’ve heard the commotion, and then decided to barricade themselves for protection. Bending down, I grab Ruby, and then pull her in for a tight hug. I honestly wasn’t sure if I’d ever see her again, and the fear that she might be dead, before I could get to her, makes my stomach clench.

  “How did you get free?” Ruby asks, once I let her go.

  “I had some help,” I claim, and then, I look up at Sameria. Smiling, I’m glad she’s dropped the concealment spell, so she looks like herself again. Turning back around, I frown, once I notice Ivy isn’t here. “Where’s Ivy?”

  Ruby shakes her head, and then states, “She was with her source, before everything started going haywire. I think she’s still with him.”

  “Do you know where they are?”

  “No, I’m sorry, but we need to get out, before they use the gas on us.”

  Knowing she’s right, I nod, hoping that Ivy is alright. If I had more time, I could cast a location spell. But then, I hear loud banging on the cafeteria doors, and I know it’s the guards, trying to break inside. Deciding to find her later, I stand, and then state, “Sameria, I need you to stay with Ruby, and help her get everyone out.”

  “What about their bracelets?” She asks with wide eyes.

  Shaking my head, I claim, “There isn’t enough time to unlock them all, so get them out, and then free them.”

  Right as I turn to finish the task of taking down every human inside, Sameria grabs my hand, and then asks, “What about you? What if they catch us? I’m not as powerful as you, so I can’t protect them.”

  Holding her gaze, I understand why she’s so worried. If I’m
not with them, then it could mean that they might be captured. Squeezing her hand, I declare, “I’ll deal with the humans. Just make sure everyone else gets out, and that they’re safe.”

  “Be careful, Melena,” Ruby says softly, and I hug her once more.

  With one final glance, I have faith that Sameria and Ruby will get everyone out to safety. I know Nick will be waiting by the buses with Ryker nearby, so if he needs to make a quick getaway, then he’ll be able, too. Not to mention, once Sameria frees everyone from the bracelets, they’ll have more than enough power to protect themselves.

  Turning around, I close my eyes, as my powers suddenly surge forward. The moment I open them, the door bursts open, sending the guards that were trying to break in, into the wall behind them. Walking out into the hall, I sense even more guards coming. Which is why, I’m not surprised at all, when the hall is suddenly packed full with them.

  As they raise their guns, intending on shooting me, I hold up both of my hands, and then I let out a loud cry, as my magic swiftly and rapidly shoots out. It does exactly what I wanted, and as each guard falls to the ground, I slowly drop my hands.

  For just a moment, I stare at the dead bodies scattered all around, seeing their blood splattered all over the walls and floor, but I don’t let it affect me. Too much is at stake to stop and think about all of the lives I’ve taken, no matter if they deserved it or not. Now, isn’t the time to think about my guilt, so I push it down, and then, walk through the piles of dead bodies.

  Right as I reach the end of the massacre, I hear one of the guards groaning. Frowning, I bend down, and then pull a body off of the guard. As I reach down to take off his helmet, he cries out, while pleading, “Please, God. Don’t kill me. Please, I have a family.”

  Pulling him up by his caviler vest, I demand, “Tell me where my mate is.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know. Please, don’t kill me,” he sputters in between his cries.

  Disgusted by his lack of bravado, I slam him back down, and then, I snap my fingers, making his neck break. Seeing his lifeless eyes, gazing up at me, I claim, “Mercy is only given to those that would give it firsthand.”

  Standing, I will my magic to settle, as I try to use the mating bond to find Malik. It’s not like it was before, but I instantly realize it’s like something is blocking me from him. While I feel him, and that he’s still alive, I can’t sense anything else.

  But then, I notice something that I don’t fully understand at first. The force I’m sensing is magic, and although it seems familiar, the source is unknown. However, it only takes me mere moments to figure out what I’m feeling, and once it all clicks, I follow the trail.

  The magic I’m feeling, it has to be coming from The Facility’s own witch.

  Letting my instincts guide me, I walk through the maze of hallways, ending more guard’s lives, as I go. When I finally reach a door, I tilt my head to the side, as I inspect the strange magic behind it. It’s like the witch has the entire room spelled, so that no one can enter, or no one would be able to sense anyone inside.

  That just won’t do.

  Stepping back, I lick my lips, and then call my magic to come forward once more. I close my eyes, as it swirls around inside of me, and I’ve never felt more powerful. For just a single moment, I understand why the witch that caused The Dark Ages did what she did.

  Powerful magic like mine is addictive, and if I’m not careful, I could turn into something that no one wants to witness. I could fall into the bliss of magic, and then, become even more powerful than I am in this very moment.

  But then, I realize Malik must be on the other side of this door, so I quickly snap out of my power high.

  Shaking my head, I focus solely on taking the door down. It takes a few seconds, before my magic begins to do what I want it to, and when it does what I command, the door and wall instantly dissolve away.

  The first thing I notice, when I walk inside, is Malik sitting in a chair, and I realize he’s out cold. Clenching my jaw, I snap my gaze away from him, although I’m grateful that he’s not dead. It’s a bittersweet moment, because everything that he’s done recently comes rushing back, and then, I relive every single emotion that he made me feel within the past few hours.

  His betrayal is what sticks with me the most.

  Blinking back the tears that try to come, my heart begins to race, as I notice two others inside the same room with me. The moment I see Dr. Stein, rage unlike anything that I’ve ever felt before, hits me so hard that I stumble back.

  “My dear, Melena. I’m afraid that you’ve chosen the wrong side,” he sadly says, and for just a second, I wonder if he’s truly upset about it. He looks almost crestfallen by this fact, even though, I don’t understand why.

  My attention is suddenly on the other person in the room, as she moves behind the doctor, and then she gazes at me, like she knows who I am. “My darling, you’re too late to stop me now.”

  Standing still, my head begins to pound, like it did, when I saw Alrick for the first time. Using my hand, I reach up, and then rub my temples, as the pain crashes through me. Unable to stop looking at the witch, I shake away the pain, because I have to protect Malik from her.

  Something deep inside of me is telling me that she’s here to kill him right before my eyes.

  However, the pain increases to the point that I can barely stand, which means I’m distracted. The witch uses the opportunity to send a surge of her own magic towards me, and it hits right where she intended.

  Her magic is so strong, and as it sends me flying out of the room, I gasp loudly, once I hit the wall behind me. Dropping down onto the floor, I cough again and again, as I try to catch my breath. Heaving in a deep breath, I raise my head, so that I can look up. The moment I meet the witch’s gaze, she smiles widely, and then, she glances to my mate.

  “No, not him. Please, not him!” I cry out, realizing what she’s intending on doing.

  As I look to her, and then to my mate, I know that if I don’t do something now, she’ll kill him. He’s no match for her, especially, since he’s unconscious. Honestly, I don’t know if he could take her down, while in wolf form either. Her powers are much stronger than I thought, and for the first time, I really and truly wonder, if I’m who people claim I am.

  If I’m the most powerful witch, then how is it that she was able to hurt me so easily?

  Knowing that I have no other choice, I clench my jaw, as I force all of my powers to come forward. What I’m doing, it just might kill me, because I know to never use this much magic at once. I run the risk of depletion, which could mean anyone would have the perfect chance to kill me, or stand over me, watching while my life drains out of my body.

  However, as I gaze at my mate, I remember how loved I am. I remember how amazing it is to be held, comforted, and most of all, how it feels to have someone like Malik in my life. He’s brought meaning, when there was nothing but darkness. He gave me hope, and then made me realize that I’m worth something.

  So, if I have to die to save his life, then I’ll gladly do it.

  Just as the witch reaches him, I call out to her. Gaining her attention, I grin widely, as I raise my hand. She instantly frowns, and then, before I can send the surge of power at her, she screams out, “Stupid girl.”

  Ignoring her, I push the magic right for her, intending on killing her. Blinking away the darkness suddenly clouding my sight, I will myself to stay awake long enough to make sure that I ended her life. But then, I clearly see the witch, standing next to Dr. Stein on the other side of the room with a devious grin on her face.

  “Better luck next time,” she states, as she glances down to her bleeding arm, and then, she suddenly vanishes.

  Losing the battle on staying awake, I close my eyes, and then, my head slowly drops onto the floor. Right before I pass out, I call out to Malik, hoping that he’ll come to me. I’m not sure how the witch survived my blast, but it’s clear she’s more powerful than anyone realized.

  Taking in one final breath, I wonder why she looked and felt so familiar.


  Leaning against the bus, I gaze out into the woods, wondering where the others are. It’s been a long time now, since they left to free the others, and something is telling me that they’re in trouble.

  I was there for their plan, and even heard all about Malik’s idea to bring in Melena without telling her beforehand. Shaking my head, that stupid wolf really thought it was a good idea to trade his mate, so she could take down The Facility from within. Sure, his plan sounded good at the time, but there’s so much that could’ve gone wrong. For one, Melena is probably on her way to kill him just out of spite.

  I honestly don’t blame her.

  It’s what I would’ve done if I were in her shoes.

  Crossing my arms, I glance over to the side, and then shake my head, seeing Nick pacing. He’s been like this for a few hours, and I know he’s anxiously waiting for his pack to return. Ryker is also close by, waiting by the second bus a mile down the road. It was decided that they would spilt up, just in case the pack happened to get separated, once everyone on the inside was freed.

  However, Nick seems on edge, and I know I’m the reason why they left him behind.

  I need to find a way to stay far away from him, before they think he’s going insane.

  Pushing myself off of the bus, I stand on the edge of the gravel road, as I stare into the woods. Something isn’t right, even though, I have no reason to think this way. I just have a gut feeling that they need help, and I know that there’s something I can do. It’s still not wise for me to drop my cloaking spell, but maybe, I can use it to my advantage again.

  Giving a final glance to Nick, I wish I could let him see me. It’s a foreign sensation, wanting something so badly, but not being able to have it at the same time. He’s like the ultimate test, and it’s one that I’m not ready to face yet. I’m reminded of that, as I remember how much he gazes at me, even though, he can’t see me. Soon, his entire pack is going to think he’s losing his mind, because no one else can sense me, like he can.


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