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The Italian's Mistress (HQR Presents)

Page 15


  The drive back to Jovanna’s house was full of poignant memories for Anna. As they drove past the majestic ruins of the Colosseum she couldn’t help recalling the way Lucio had taken her and Jenny on a tour before moving on to the green slopes of the Celian Hill, his easygoing manner so different from the distant and cold figure who sat in a stony silence whenever they were alone.

  Sammy was showing clear signs of exhaustion by the time they arrived at Jovanna’s palatial home and after a bout of temper-driven tears was packed off to bed with a doting grandmother singing to him to soothe him.

  Giulia had left with her children after a promise to return the next day for a family meal, a gathering, Anna assumed with nervous dread, which would include Carlo and his expectant wife.

  Lucio came into the lushly appointed sitting room where Anna was sitting on the edge of a sofa, her hands around a glass of orange juice.

  ‘My mother is in raptures over your son,’ he said, pouring himself a drink.

  ‘Yes…’ She bent her head to her glass, staring at the rim of pith with sightless eyes.

  ‘You have made her very happy,’ he added, turning to face her. ‘She had more or less given up on me having a child.’

  ‘But he’s not your son,’ she felt compelled to point out even though it pained her unbearably to do so.

  ‘No.’ He took a sip of his drink and set the glass down once more. ‘But she doesn’t need to know that, nor does anyone else.’

  ‘I feel like a fraud…’ Her fingers tightened around her glass. ‘I hate the pretence…It all seems so sordid.’

  ‘It’s not ideal,’ he agreed. ‘But it’s all we have.’

  All we have is hatred and bitterness, she thought with a deep pang of regret—hatred and bitterness and the stain of her sin lying between them indelibly.

  ‘Carlo and Milana will join us tomorrow,’ he said into the stiff silence.

  ‘Yes…Giulia told me.’

  ‘Will you be OK with that?’ he asked, watching her steadily.

  She looked away. ‘Of course.’

  ‘I don’t want my mother to be upset.’

  What about me? What about how upset I feel right now?

  ‘I understand,’ she said through bloodless lips.

  ‘You look tired,’ he said. ‘My mother will understand if you go to bed without saying goodnight.’

  She got to her feet and made her way to the door.

  ‘My mother has put us in adjoining rooms,’ he said as her hand reached for the knob.

  She turned to face him, her hand slipping off the door knob as she did so.

  ‘Don’t look so worried, Anna,’ he taunted her with a smile that didn’t quite make the distance to his eyes. ‘I will make sure the door is locked securely on my side so you can rest without fear of an intruder.’

  ‘I told you I’m not afraid of you.’

  He gave a snort of something that sounded like scornful laughter. ‘Then maybe you should be,’ he said, lifting his glass to his lips. ‘I would be in your place.’

  She turned on her heel, unwilling to face the derision in his expression, her heart fluttering in her chest at the glint of malice in his dark, hooded gaze.

  Anna was the last to join the gathering of guests in the sitting room the next evening. Sammy had been fractious most of the day and took longer than usual to settle, which left her little time to prepare for the dinner.

  She showered briefly and slipped into a baby-blue gown with silver diamanté shoe-string straps which highlighted the clear blue of her eyes and the platinum blonde of her hair. She dusted her cheeks with a fine powder and applied a minimum of lipstick and smoky grey eye-shadow before scooping her hair up off her neck in a casual but elegant knot.

  She took a deep, calming breath and made her way downstairs, her stomach tightening with each step that brought her closer to where the Ventressi family was gathered waiting for her.

  ‘Anna.’ Giulia was the first to greet her as she came in. ‘Come and meet my husband, Pietro. I don’t think you met him the last time you were in Italy.’

  Anna smiled shyly at the handsome man who held out his hand to her, his dark eyes shining with welcome. ‘How do you do, Anna? My wife has told me much about you.’

  Anna was very conscious of the silent figure of Lucio standing to one side as Jovanna came forward. ‘Anna, you look magnificent this evening, doesn’t she, Lucio?’


  ‘Carlo.’ Jovanna turned to her younger son, who was standing near the drinks trolley with his arm around his obviously pregnant wife. ‘Where are your manners? Introduce Milana to Anna.’

  Carlo came across the room and mumbled his way through the introduction without managing to maintain eye contact once.

  Milana’s English was not as fluent as everyone else’s, which made conversing with her difficult, and she appeared to be rather shy, holding on to her husband’s hand the whole time as if frightened to let him go.

  Dinner was announced by a member of the Ventressi household staff and Anna found herself being escorted by Lucio, his hand on the small of her back to guide her through to the opulent dining room.

  She took her seat beside Lucio but was shocked to find Carlo was seated exactly opposite. She rose in her chair but Lucio’s hand came down on her shoulder and she sat back down and lowered her eyes to stare at the table.

  Jovanna was in her element with her family gathered around her, happiness shining from her black button eyes. ‘It is so wonderful to have Anna with us once more.’ She reached out to squeeze Anna’s hand. ‘And my beautiful grandson, Sammy, who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father at that age. All that fuss over going to bed reminds me so much of Lucio. He was always so stubborn and determined.’

  Anna gave a weak smile and out of the corner of her eye saw Carlo’s stricken features as he examined the contents of his glass with fierce intent.

  ‘Mind you, Giulia was always a little pig-headed,’ Jovanna continued with a fond look towards her daughter.

  ‘Thank you, Mama, but what about Carlo?’ Giulia protested with a pout. ‘He hasn’t exactly been an angel all these years.’

  Jovanna smiled. ‘No, but the love of a good woman has transformed him, hasn’t it, Carlo?’

  Carlo’s mouth stretched into an uncomfortable smile as he put his arm around his wife’s shoulders. ‘I am very lucky, yes.’

  ‘Where would any of us be without our beautiful wives?’ Pietro said, smiling at Giulia with such love in his eyes it made Anna’s heart squeeze. How she wished Lucio loved her! It seemed so unfair for her to love him so deeply when he no longer felt anything for her.

  The conversation switched to other topics, to Anna’s relief. She listened without participating and when Carlo lapsed into Italian for Milana’s benefit she took the opportunity to privately reflect on the family around the table.

  Lucio was silent unless someone spoke directly to him, a fact which hadn’t escaped his mother’s notice. Anna could see the tiny frown between Jovanna’s brows as she watched the interaction between her children and their partners.

  She felt Jovanna’s watchful gaze resting on her once or twice and did her best to meet it with a smile and a bland expression which she hoped gave no clue to what she was feeling inside.

  Giulia was her happy, engaging self, basking in the love of her handsome husband, her glowing beauty a testimony to Pietro’s devotion.

  Anna turned her attention to Milana, coming to the immediate conclusion that she was quite clearly a young woman in love. She spent a great deal of time gazing up into Carlo’s face, her big brown eyes almost liquid with love and admiration, a love and admiration that was very evidently returned if Carlo’s expression was to be believed.

  Anna disguised her inward sigh. No wonder Lucio had insisted she stay silent about Sammy being Carlo’s son. Such an announcement would only damage, if not destroy, the young couple’s relationship, especially since Milana was just weeks away from giving birth. She
remembered all too well the fragility of her emotions in the weeks leading up to Sammy’s arrival. It would be unnecessarily cruel to inform Carlo’s bride of his role four years ago in the breakup of his brother’s relationship with her. It was in the past and would have to stay there where it belonged.

  Once the meal was finished everyone moved back to the sitting room where cognacs and coffees were poured. Anna sat as far away from Lucio as she could, her demitasse of coffee untouched by her side on a small table.

  Giulia came over and sat with an exhausted flop on the sofa beside her. ‘God, I’m tired. The twins were hell on legs today and even Antonio was fretful for most of the afternoon. I don’t know what I’d do without Pietro to help me.’ She gave a rueful grimace. ‘Sorry, Anna. That was unspeakably insensitive of me. It must have been so difficult without Lucio to help you with Sammy.’

  Anna gave a wan smile. ‘I got by.’

  ‘How is Jenny?’ Giulia changed the subject diplomatically. ‘Lucio told me she has completed one year at university.’

  ‘Yes, I’m very proud of her.’

  There was a little silence.

  ‘Carlo seems very happy.’ Anna examined her hands.

  ‘Milana is perfect for him,’ Giulia agreed. ‘He went through a difficult time a few years ago. He has always lived in the shadow of Lucio. I think he was jealous of him until he found Milana. He seemed to change overnight, but then love does that to you, does it not?’

  Anna’s smile was even weaker than before. ‘It certainly changes everything.’

  ‘You are happy now, Anna?’ Giulia asked intently.

  Anna found it hard to hold her look. ‘Things have been…difficult.’

  ‘It will improve.’ Giulia took her hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze. ‘You have been through so much, what with Sammy’s health and then your miscarriage. Your emotions will be all over the place for weeks yet. Give yourself some time. Lucio will be patient.’

  Patience wasn’t something she readily associated with Lucio any more, she thought as Giulia rose to join her husband who was making a move to leave, along with Carlo and Milana.

  Jovanna kissed everyone good night and made her way to her room once the others had left.

  Anna stood by Lucio’s side as he farewelled his brother and sister, secretly longing to escape to her room so she didn’t have to face another heated confrontation with him. The front door closed as the cars drove away and she turned to leave.

  ‘Where are you going?’ he asked.

  She drew in a tight little breath and turned back around to face him. ‘I was hoping to go to bed, that is if you have no objection to me doing so?’

  ‘No objection at all.’

  She turned for the stairs once more and had only gone up four steps when his voice stalled her.

  ‘My mother suspects something is wrong.’

  Her hand on the railing tightened and she looked back over her shoulder at him. ‘How do you know?’

  ‘I know my mother,’ he said.

  She let the railing go and came back down to stand in front of him. ‘Did she say something?’

  ‘She didn’t have to. I could see the suspicion in her eyes. She’s nobody’s fool, it wouldn’t take much to figure out we have an empty relationship.’

  It was impossible not to feel hurt by his description of their relationship as empty, especially as her heart felt so full of love for him.

  ‘What should we do?’ she asked.

  He frowned and loosened his tie as if it were suddenly too tight. ‘I don’t know. Try harder, I guess.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  He gave her a level look. ‘I will have to be more like Carlo and Pietro, I imagine. They appear to be able to convince those around them of their matrimonial bliss.’

  ‘That’s because they are happily married,’ she pointed out.

  ‘Yes, but we can act as if we are. That should take the heat out of my mother’s suspicions, at least until we return to Australia. The truth will have to come out then, of course.’

  ‘How do you propose to go about convincing them of what just isn’t there any more?’

  He compressed his lips together as if in deep thought. ‘We are only here for two weeks. It shouldn’t be too hard to conduct a civil relationship in the presence of others.’

  ‘Your idea of civility is likely to be somewhat different from mine.’

  ‘Perhaps, but then your idea of what constitutes acceptable behaviour in a marriage partner will also quite likely differ from mine.’


  He gave her a contemptuous look. ‘I saw the way you were making eyes at Carlo all evening.’

  ‘What?’ She gaped at him incredulously.

  ‘He did his best to ignore you but I could see the strain on his face.’

  Anna could barely speak for anger at his misinterpretation of the evening’s events.

  ‘Do you think he would leave Milana for you?’ he asked. ‘He is happily married and will not be so stupid this time to fall for your charms.’

  ‘I have no intention of becoming involved with Carlo,’ she bit out. ‘Nor do I have any intention of continuing this pointless discussion with you.’ She spun away but before she could take two steps he was beside her, his hand around her wrist bringing her up short.

  ‘But I have not finished talking to you.’ His eyes glittered with something dark and dangerous and her heart gave a tiny flutter behind the wall of her chest.

  ‘I want to go to bed,’ she said. ‘Alone.’

  ‘But we are married, cara,’ he drawled. ‘What will the servants say if we do not share the same room?’

  ‘Your mother gave us two rooms,’ she said. ‘Everyone knows I had…I’ve been…unwell.’

  ‘Ah, but you are not unwell now. Your doctor assured me you would be back to normal by now.’

  ‘I don’t want to sleep with you.’

  ‘Are you sure about that?’ His dark gaze flicked to the thrust of her peaking breasts, clearly visible through the light chiffon of her dress.

  ‘You said yourself our relationship is empty,’ she said. ‘What would be the point in prolonging the agony?’

  ‘I would rather you slept with me, a man you hate, than Carlo, a man who belongs to someone else.’

  ‘I do not want to sleep with Carlo!’

  ‘Then you shall sleep with me.’ He scooped her up in his arms.

  ‘Put me down!’ she said.

  ‘Keep your voice down, Anna,’ he said. ‘The servants will hear you.’

  ‘I don’t care who hears me!’

  He took the stairs two at a time, his arms like steel around her.

  ‘Lucio, I will scream if you don’t put me down.’

  He shouldered open his bedroom door and kicked it shut behind him, dropping her unceremoniously on the bed.

  ‘I do not want my mother to witness one of our monumental arguments,’ he said.

  She scrambled off the bed.

  He gave a deep rumble of laughter that sent shivers of reaction up along her quivering spine, his dark eyes glinting salaciously.

  ‘You are so touchingly coy, but we both know what you want.’

  In spite of her determination to hold him off a sudden spurt of desire leaked into her belly at his rakish look. She felt her legs sag beneath her at the fire in his eyes, her fingers curling into her palms as he stepped towards her.

  ‘Don’t…please.’ Her voice came out on a croak.

  He trapped her with his hands either side of her head as she leant back against the wall, his eyes holding hers like the force of a powerful magnet.

  ‘Don’t what, Anna?’ he asked. ‘Kiss you?’ He pressed a soft kiss to the edge of her mouth, his touch so gentle it made her lips start to buzz in anticipation.

  She drew in a catching breath as his mouth covered hers, his lips firmer this time, his tongue unfolding to dip between her lips to taste her. She could feel her resolve slipping out of her reach. Her need
for him rose like a rushing tide, sending her pulse into a type of frenzy as he pressed her even further against the wall. She felt him against her, the hardened length of him bold and insistent, and her mouth flowered open beneath the increasing pressure of his.

  He slipped the thin straps of her dress down, the soft glide of fabric across her sensitised skin heightening her need for his hands and mouth on her exposed flesh.

  She sucked in a rasping breath as his tongue encircled her tightened nipple, taking it into his warm mouth and drawing on it. She felt the graze of his teeth and her stomach turned over with delight, his touch neither gentle nor rough but somewhere deliciously in between.

  He turned her from the wall to lay her back on the bed, one of his hands wrenching at his shirt as he bent his knee on the mattress.

  Her hands went to his belt as his went to the zip at the back of her dress, each of their movements hurried, frantic, hungry. Her dress was pushed roughly out of the way, his shoes thudded to the floor, echoing her own, and his hands slid to her thighs to hold her steady for his invasion.

  Anna felt his last minute restraint and held him to her with desperate fingers, not wanting him to pull away when she needed him so much. ‘Don’t stop now!’ she pleaded with him unashamedly, arching her body to find him once more.

  He groaned as she connected with him, her silky warmth a temptation he could no longer resist. He surged into her with a guttural sound at the back of his throat, pleasure fizzing through him as her inner walls enclosed him tightly.

  He heard the hectic sound of her breathing, felt the tensing of her slim body as she came closer and closer to the point of release, her soft whimpering cries thrilling him immeasurably. He felt her tip over the edge and held her to him as she quivered, the contraction of her intimate muscles sending him on his own journey to paradise with deep shuddering groans of completion.

  He held her within the circle of his arms, unwilling to release her until he could safely school his features back into cool indifference. He couldn’t allow her to see how much he needed her. She had almost destroyed him in the past—he had no intention of letting her have a second attempt. It sickened him to think of a future without her, but even more sickening would be watching her hatred for him grow to unmanageable proportions.


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