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Page 11

by Quinn Ward

  "That's such a fucking crock of shit!" Tony's outrage on my behalf helped settle my frayed nerves. He and Jimmy had never gotten along which was a big part of why we spent most of our time together here even before Enzo entered the picture. "He can't just kick you out, can he?"

  And now, I had to admit to what an idiot I'd been when I moved in with him. I worried my lip between my teeth as I picked at the napkin Tony had laid out for me. Fuck, this was harder to say than I'd thought.

  "We had a gentlemen's agreement," I admitted. Tony scoffed. "Yeah, I know, kind of hard to have that type of arrangement with a bag of dicks, but in my defense, I didn't know what a waste of flesh he was when I first looked at the place."

  "So, what does it mean for you now?" Tony slid a hand over my knee, giving me a gentle squeeze. It was his own little way of telling me he'd be there for me no matter what, and I felt tears stinging my eyes at the sincerity even though he hadn't spoken the words.

  "It means I'm fucked," I admitted, pounding my fist against the counter because I couldn't believe what an idiot I'd been. "All my shit's in the back of the truck. I didn't sleep last night, because once he told me I needed to make plans to get my shit and get out, I didn't want to leave. I didn’t trust him not to decide he'd been more than patient with me and throw my stuff out by the dumpster."

  "Babe, you're not fucked." God, how I wished I truly believed Tony's words. "You're already practically living here, so we'll unpack the truck and find space for you. Hell, we can probably toss your boxes into Enzo's room since he's never in there anyway."

  "No. You are not doing this, Tony." I loved him for jumping to my rescue, but no way in hell was he going to make this decision for all of us. It was too soon for me to move in. While I'd been working to make time for Tony and Enzo both individually and all of us together, our relationship was still too new, too fragile to add the extra stress of cohabitating.

  "What in the hell did I do this time?" Tony's brow furrowed, and I could practically see him replaying the last bits of our conversation. Without a word, he snatched his phone off the counter and tapped out a message as he stormed down the hall. A door banged off the wall, probably the bedroom. I cringed when I realized I was right. "Get your ass up. Family meeting time in the kitchen."

  If I wasn't so annoyed by him trying to steamroll this situation, I'd have laughed about him declaring a "family meeting" between the three of us. I'd been around the Marino family enough by this point to understand that was code for “shit's hitting the fan and you need to get your ass here now.”

  "You seriously woke him for this?" I shook my head, annoyed because he knew I didn't like waking Enzo before he was ready. The man was a restless sleeper, so he needed all the peace he could get. My drama didn't warrant the disruption.

  "Hell yes, I woke him up. If you're not going to take my word for it, you're going to deal with the two of us ganging up on you." He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. "Big mistake on your part because we have over twenty years of joint manipulation under our belts. You might as well start hauling boxes up now."

  "Boxes? What's going on?" Enzo's T-shirt lifted enough to show a patch of olive skin with a dark trail of hair leading below his waistband. He zombie-shuffled into the kitchen, fumbling to open the tea wrapper. Tony pushed him toward me and took over tea duty. Enzo curled into my side, resting his head on my shoulder. "Missed you last night. Didn't sleep for shit because you weren't here. Everything better?"

  "Everything's not better," Tony answered before I could even draw a breath. "Max has a disease infested dickbag for a roommate, or he did until the asshole decided it was time for Max to pack up and leave."

  "You can bring your stuff here," Enzo suggested. "It'll be a tight fit for all of us, but with as much as you're already here, it makes more sense if you're paying rent on the place you're living, not just where your stuff is."

  "That's what I said!" Tony threw his hands in the air then glared at me for not immediately shutting Enzo down the way I had him. To his mind, I doubted there was any difference in the two suggestions, but there was. "I told him he wasn't fucked, that we'd find space for him. We could put the boxes in your room for now because you're never in there as it is."

  Enzo let out a long sigh, shaking his head. His stool scraped across the tile as he pulled it closer to mine and sat, still leaning against me. "You said it just like that, didn't you?"

  Tony gaped at his brother, his face completely devoid of comprehension. He seriously couldn't figure out where he'd misstepped. It was a damn good thing he was pretty and fucked like a champ.

  Luckily, it seemed Enzo was used to having to explain things to Tony. "Let me guess, Max got annoyed and scolded you for being a dolt?" Tony shrugged. "Man, think about what you said. First, you told the guy who's already pretty much living with us and shares a bed with us every night we'd find room for him when we already have. Stuff is secondary. But then, you made it even worse by basically suggesting he and I could share one bedroom."

  "Well yeah, because we're already sleeping in my room and there's not room for all of our stuff in there," Tony tried to explain, but pursed his lips when he realized he was close to digging an even deeper hole. Enzo and I both chuckled when Tony's eyes went wide, finally understanding how his suggestion sounded. "Fuck, you guys! That's not what I meant at all. What I meant is what Enzo said."

  He rounded the end of the breakfast bar, handing Enzo his steeped mug of tea before pushing his way in between us, wrapping one arm around each of our waists. "Babe, I want you here. And I know that's probably one of those things I thought but never said to you, but I like the idea of your stuff being here too. I know you probably think it's too soon for a step like this, but if you think about it, you and I have been together for months now. That's not moving too fast at all. And the three of us have been sleeping in the same bed for almost two months now. We've had our problems, but we've proven we're able to work through them too."

  "See, if you'd started off with that—" Tony cut off my statement by spinning the chair around and forcing his tongue into my mouth. His hands slid under the hem of my shirt, kneading the muscles in my back as he deepened the kiss.

  I felt another hand slide over my ass, this one belonging to Enzo. I moaned, rocking slowly into his touch. My men. My men. Mine. Possession was on an endless loop in my mind as Enzo and Tony pawed at my flesh.

  "Bedroom. Now," I demanded, nearly toppling the stool when I pushed it away from the counter.

  "Thank fuck," Tony muttered, dragging Enzo behind him. I watched them, taking a few steadying breaths, hoping like hell this wouldn't come back to bite all of us in the ass.

  I'd always said we'd know when the time was right, and this morning felt like our moment. Everything on the other side of the door ceased to exist. Enzo yelped, snapping me out of my haze and into motion.

  Rather than rushing into the bedroom, I leaned against the door frame, watching as the brothers wrestled around on the mattress. Every few seconds, Tony pulled back, watching Enzo's reactions for any sign of uncertainty. Enzo would say something quietly enough I couldn't hear, and Tony would start grappling again, bending down to kiss whatever part of Enzo's skin was within reach of his mouth.

  Finally, I couldn't wait a second longer and pushed away from the door, stripping as I crossed the room. "Room in that bed for one more?"

  The guys looked up at me. Enzo blushed as if he were a child who had just been caught doing something wrong, but Tony's gaze was filled with unadulterated lust. His pupils were already blown as he started humping the bed.

  "You still good, Enzo?" I asked, forcing my way between them. This was it; the moment that would change the course of the future no matter if we realized a triad was too much work or grew old wrapped in one another's arms.

  "I will be as soon as the two of you quit acting like I'm going to lose my shit," he scolded us, narrowing his eyes first on his brother then turning the glare to me. "If I'd had my way, we'd have
done this a while ago. The way both of you keep asking if I'm sure, maybe I should be asking you the same question."

  "Fair point," I replied, sliding my fingers through his hair before leaning down for a tender, chaste kiss. "For the record, I am definitely on board."

  "Same." Tony laced his fingers with mine then moved our joined hands over Enzo's chest. I could feel every beat of his heart beneath my palm, faster than it was when I held him as we slept. The way Tony looked at his brother would've made me feel like an outsider if I hadn't come to understand the unique bond they shared. Instead, I was honored to have this place in their lives. "There will never be a time when I don't worry about you, Enzo. You're the other half of me, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did anything that pushed you away for good. As badly as I want to be with you, I'd rather walk away now than risk it."

  "Don't!" Enzo's voice pitched higher. He clamped his hand around Tony's wrist. His heart raced, and his body tensed.

  "Shhh, relax," I urged him, once again running my fingers through his hair with my free hand. "He's not going anywhere. He only meant he would if he wasn't certain you wanted to be with him."

  Sometimes, it was a wonder Tony had made it this far without someone to translate when he completely sucked at communicating.

  The tension in Enzo's body eased, as did his death grip on Tony's arm. The three of us stared at one another, everyone waiting for someone else to make the first move. I rolled to Enzo, trusting Tony to follow my lead.

  Enzo shivered as my fingers ghosted down his chest, swirling through the patch of hair just below his navel. We'd fooled around enough for me to know this was one of the spots that drove him crazy. And sure enough, his back arched off the bed, chasing my touch when I pulled away.

  "He's a horrible tease, isn't he?" Tony asked, resting his head on my shoulder. He turned, biting my earlobe as he ran his hand down my side to my waistband. I remained silent, knowing it was Enzo he was speaking to. "I think it's time we show him we don't fight fair. What do you say?"

  "Mmm, love that idea," Enzo agreed. There was no mistaking the exact moment Enzo found his courage. His deep brown eyes blazed with a fire I'd rarely seen in them. With Tony's tight grip on my shoulder and Enzo's pressed against my sternum, the two of them yanked and pushed until I was flat on my back, splayed out before them.

  Enzo scooted lower on the bed. There was none of the usual anxiety as he efficiently flicked open the button on my jeans, shoving one hand over my cock as Tony grabbed for the zipper pull. Together, they yanked both my pants and boxers over my hips, leaving me naked and wanting.

  With only a look and a nod, the brothers lowered their mouths to my cock, licking my shaft, never flinching as their tongues brushed together. My fantasies of sleeping with twins had nothing on the reality. The air was filled with the musky scents of their arousal, the sounds coming from their throats as unique as they were. Where Enzo seemed to be worshiping my dick, Tony was devouring me.

  I arched high off the bed as Enzo swallowed my length in one fluid stroke just as Tony sucked my nut into his mouth. Tender and slow suction around my prick battled with a demanding tongue laving my balls.

  "You want that dick in your ass, Enzo?" Tony asked. I felt him lean away from us, and I prayed he was grabbing the supplies. I already worried I was going to shoot off like a roman candle the second the head of my dick pressed against Enzo's hole; if Enzo kept blowing me, there was no way we'd even get to the main event.

  The telltale snick of the cap seemed to echo through the air as I watched Enzo nod without removing his lips from my skin. He hummed, and I felt the vibration through my entire body. Tony tugged my thigh, spreading my legs wider. I hissed as the cold gel dribbled over my taint, glaring at Tony, who laughed at my discomfort.

  "Asshole," I muttered, unable to sound truly agitated when I was so close to coming down Enzo's throat. Enzo, who simply laughed as he batted Tony's hand out of the way and smeared the lube over my hole. He hesitated, turning his head to Tony, who nodded once.

  "Do it, Enzo. Get him good and ready for me." I bit back a groan as Enzo pressed at my entrance. The tease took his time, entering me only to the first knuckle. "Yeah, you love that, don't you, Max? Gonna feel so good when I drill you. But better than ever before because you're going to fuck him while I do."

  "Quit talking and get to it," I demanded. Enzo twisted his hand, curling his finger so it grazed along my prostate as he pushed all the way in. "Fuck, need you. Need him. Please, Tony."

  When Enzo added a second finger, I thrashed my head back and forth on the pillow, trying without success to back away from him. "If you want me inside you, you'd better hurry and get Enzo ready. He's been so damn patient waiting for you to decide we were ready to fuck. I think he's earned the right of first fucking."

  As turned on as I was, I couldn't help but bust out laughing. "Right of first fucking? Really?"

  Tony swatted my hip. "Shut up. We all know I suck with words. We'd all be much better off if my mouth was busy with other things."

  I didn't miss the way Tony glanced at Enzo. I'd never bothered asking how far they'd gone on their own, but the flash of uncertainty and longing in his eyes said it wasn't nearly as far as I'd gone with either of them.

  "Do it," I encouraged him. "He can take care of me; come up and help get him ready. Prove to him he's not the only one who knows how to suck cock."

  All three of us jostled as Tony climbed over my legs. Enzo stilled, moaning loudly as Tony tugged his legs apart, settling beneath him. Fuck, I wished I was a bystander because the two of them painted a masterpiece together. "Taste him, Tony. Suck his dick as good as he sucked yours that first night."

  I swiped the bottle of lube from him, and it only took a second for him to realize what I wanted. With one hand and his mouth focused entirely on Enzo's shaft, he held out the other hand to me. I poured a glob over his fingers, shifting so to get a better view of the action.

  "Fuck, that's hot," I praised them. "Stretch him good, Tony. Want him ready because I'm not going to be patient once you start fucking me."

  Chapter Twelve


  There was a brief flash of uncertainty as I ran the tip of my finger through Enzo's crack. For everything we'd talked about over the years, sex had always been a topic we steered clear of. Knowing Enzo had been battling what he viewed as his depravity all that time, I understood now why he'd always changed the subject so quickly, but I wished he hadn't. I wanted today to be every one of his dreams come true. I didn't want to guess at what he'd enjoy, I wanted to know.

  "Stop thinking so hard," Max reprimanded me. "He's going to love everything you do to him. I know what you do, and believe me, you're not going to screw this up."

  Bolstered by Max's encouragement, I pushed forward, literally. Enzo threw his head back, hissing at the temporary discomfort as I breached him. As soon as he relaxed, Enzo started rocking back, chasing the dual pleasure of my finger in his ass and my mouth around his cock.

  "Fuck, Tony. So good," he murmured, temporarily losing focus on his task. His back was coated with a sheen of sweat, the ends of his hair growing damp. "I'm ready. Don't...want to...wait...anymore."

  Max reached through the tangle of bodies, pressing against my shoulder. "You heard him, babe. He's ready. I'm ready. Get the damn condoms."

  Obeying, I slid out from under Enzo, swiping two condoms off the nightstand where I'd tossed them earlier. I handed one to Enzo, stopping him from flipping onto his stomach. I wished it were possible for all three of us to face each other as we did this, but I'd settle for knowing Enzo could see the lust in mine and Max's faces as we drilled into him.

  While he rolled the rubber down Max's length, I prepped myself. My dick had gone far too long without the comfort of being buried in Max's ass; once Max entered Enzo, I was going to drill them so hard they walked funny the rest of the day.

  "Ready?" I asked them while also holding a silent conversation with Enzo. Staring into his e
yes, there was no sign of hesitation, but what I did see spurred me forward. He wanted this. Wanted us. Wanted me.

  I was too turned on to hold a mental debate with myself over whether it made us perverts or the luckiest guys in the fucking world. I chose the latter.

  "Do it, Tony. Need that dick," Max pleaded. His voice was raspy and thick when his focus turned to Enzo. The domineering man I'd grown used to in the past month faded, replaced by the attentive lover I'd known for almost a year. "Gonna make you feel so good. Been thinking about this longer than I care to admit."

  "Then shut the hell up and do it," Enzo goaded him.

  I leaned forward, pressing my hand to Max's shoulder while I kissed his shoulder. "You first. As soon as he relaxes, I'll give you what you need."

  "Already there," he sighed.

  As much as I wanted all of us to be equal participants in this moment, it felt right to rest back on my heels, allowing Enzo and Max their time as Max entered him for the first time. I settled for running my hands down the backs of Max's thighs, feeling the muscles contract as he fought to maintain composure as he entered Enzo.

  Enzo grunted. Max sighed. Both stilled. I held my breath as I waited for Max to move. He didn't, other than to reach one hand back to me. "Get up here. Now."

  Ahhh, there was the demanding little bottom I knew and loved. Loved. Fuck, I'm in love with Max.

  My balance faltered as I tried wrapping my head around that thought. I pushed through, positioning myself behind him, propping myself on one arm to keep from squishing Enzo as I pushed into Max's tight hole. To distract him from the pressure, Enzo curled his hand around the back of Max's neck, dragging him down for a searing kiss.


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