Goofy George

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Goofy George Page 3

by Laurie Lochs

  "Nathan," I whispered, crawling to his side. I gently tugged the plastic container of Legos. "Do you think I could get some bigger ones? This door is lacking strength."

  Nathan bit his lip. "I don't know. I'm going to need a lot to create the top of the tower. Where else is the princess going to stand?"

  I sighed. “I’m not sure. But I really need some big blocks. The dragon’s going to bust down the door any minute."

  Nathan sighed. He glanced around the room. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he spotted something on the far side. "Wait here," he said with a grin. He crawled to the other end and tugged a giant box of wooden bricks towards the Legos. He selected three giant blocks and placed them in front of the castle.

  My heart raced. "What are these for?"

  "The door, silly. We're going to place them in front so the dragon can't get in."

  My jaw dropped. Mixing Legos and wooden blocks?

  I grinned devilishly at Nathan. “You’re so smart. I never would’ve thought of that.”

  Nathan burst into laughter. I took the big wooden blocks and lined them up in front of the door. To my surprise, they fit.

  My heart melted. It was like the entire universe was coming together.

  It's not the only thing coming together. You're starting to grow more confident that you're a little.

  I took a sharp breath. There was no denying it now. I was a little through and through. All I wanted was to play with my best friends forever. The worries about money and finding a job all washed away. Inside the playroom, I was safe. Free of obligations. I didn't need anyone to look after me or protect me. This was where I belonged.

  But there's no way you can stay here. You shouldn't get too comfortable. Real life will come knocking at the door.

  Nathan laid the final brick on the tower. Suddenly, the castle was finished. It stretched towards the ceiling. It was big enough to fend off 5 foot dragons.

  "You did it, George!" Nathan exclaimed. He wrapped me in a hug and kissed my cheek.

  My heart melted. "Thank you for your help. It means so much to me."

  Nathan laughed. "I'm so glad you're playing with us today."

  Suddenly, two adult men walked into the room. I was surprised to see it was Luke and daddy Brent.

  "What are you doing here?" Nathan asked with a wink. He knew his daddy liked to watch him play.

  "We are letting Mr. Luke see sweet George at play. Isn't that right, Luke?"

  Luke grinned and ran his fingers through his chestnut hair. "You look incredible, little boy. So soft and sweet."

  My insides turned all warm and fuzzy. "Thank you, daddy. That means the world to me."

  We stared at each other. Suddenly, I wanted to rush forward and kiss him. I didn't care we’d only met this afternoon. I didn't care we hadn't discussed consent, which we still needed to do if we stayed at the ranch. Fuck talking. It was absolutely vital that I press my lips against his.

  I squeezed my thighs together. My cock was rock hard. Suddenly, I wanted Luke's firm hands on my body, kneading me like dough.

  "Come to me, daddy," I wanted to whisper. "Kiss me and make me whole."

  "Yes, sweet boy," daddy Luke would whisper back. "You're the softest, sweetest boy in the world. I want to make you mine."

  I blinked hard. At once, the fantasies dissipated like mist from my mind.

  You get too lost in your mind sometimes. You can barely keep track of real life and fantasy.

  Brent cleared his throat. "I have bad news, George. We checked the time. It's far too late to bring you back home tonight."

  My heart stopped. "But what does that mean?"

  “It means you were playing with Nathan for 5 hours. It’s time for bed. But don’t worry. We have plenty of rooms available. We’ll make sure you sleep."

  I bit my lip. Was it really too late to return to Bozeman?

  To where? Your dingy room? Isn’t this better?

  "I’ll stay. If it's not too much to ask."

  Brett laughed. “We’ll get your room ready."

  We left the playroom and hurried upstairs. At the top floor, daddy Brent opened a door numbered 5. My heart soared when I saw the inside. There was a little race car bed on the far end covered in a checkered blanket. Through the window, the purple mountains looked like pink bubblegum in the setting sun. I immediately raced towards the bed and buried myself in the sheets. I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent. It smelled like spring and summer combined. This was truly paradise.

  Daddy Luke knocked. He entered the room. "Is this a perfect room, sweet boy?"

  "Absolutely." My voice was breathless. I stared at Luke. I was unable to take my eyes off him. In the light of the setting sun, he was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. I wanted his bristles pressed up against my face and flesh. I wanted his lips on mine.

  "The sweet daddies are going to lend me a room upstairs. I thought I'd stop in to say good night."

  Anxiety surged through me. "No, please. Don't go. Can't you take a minute to snuggle?"

  Daddy Luke's eyes shot open. Then, with a smile, he sat at the foot of my bed and said the words I've been yearning to hear.

  "Of course, sweet angel. But first we need to discuss consent."

  Chapter 8


  Sinking into the bed, I turned to face sweet George. His face was filled with wonder. I knew I needed to cherish this gift. But I must have this conversation with him. Considering the way my past relationships had gone, I needed to make sure neither of us got hurt.

  “In age play relationships,” I began, “consent underlies everything we do. Without consent, we have nothing."

  “Yes. I understand.”

  "If you want me to snuggle with you, we need to first lay out the ground rules. First, you are under zero obligation to snuggle if you change your mind. If at any point you don't want to, just say so. Likewise, if I’m not in the mood to snuggle, I don't need to. Does this make sense?"

  "Yes. I completely get it."

  "Second, just because we snuggle doesn't mean we need to do more. One sexual act does not necessarily lead to another. You can consent to a minor activity and not consent to major activities. For instance, just because we agree to snuggle doesn’t give me the right to continue. Does this make sense, sweet boy?"

  "Yes. I wouldn't want that anyway, right now."

  "Perfect. We're on the same page. I'm so glad we had this discussion, sweet boy."

  "Thank you. I feel so much better now."

  I inched towards George and pulled the covers over us. Then, I pulled his body close to mine. I took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. His flesh was smooth and pink. I trailed my tongue down his neck and planted a kiss on his tender flesh.

  "You feel so sweet, baby boy."

  George giggled. "Stop, daddy. It tickles."

  I grinned. "Okay, sweet boy. One thing at a time."

  I held him tighter. George burrowed into my body, pressing his ass against my cock. Without warning, my cock twitched and slammed into his ass. George moaned and rubbed his ass against it. I only clenched him tighter. I didn't want him to get the wrong impression.

  With starlight falling softly on the eiderdown, we fell asleep. When we woke up, George was sprawled out on the bed with the biggest grin ever on his face. His eyes fluttered open. Without a word, he rushed forward and planted a kiss on my neck.

  "Daddy," he whispered. "Good morning."

  "Good morning, sweet boy. Did you have a good sleep?"

  "Yes, daddy. I slept like a butterfly."

  I grinned. “Did Mr. Sleep spread your wings?”

  "Yes, daddy. I slept better than ever. I never want to leave."

  I should’ve felt happy with his words. But they formed a knot in my gut. Brent had explained to me that, in Neverland, every little must be sponsored by a daddy. I wasn't ready to sponsor George quite yet.

  Take your time, Luke. Not everything happens at once. Just like the snuggles.

  After a quick shower
and a yummy breakfast, we went with the rest of the littles and daddies outside. There was a hiking trail Brent and Oscar wanted to take us on. We got halfway up the trail before Calloway and Nathan started to get hot.

  "Daddy," Nathan moaned, wiping sweat from his forehead. "When can we go back?"

  "We have to get to the swimming hole, Nathan. It's just a little longer."

  "It's at least another 2 miles."

  Brent sighed. "Would you rather go back?"

  Nathan bit his lip. "Yes, daddy. I want to go back with George and feed the horsey."

  Brian glanced at me. "I'm fine with that,” I said with a shrug. “I’m sure Blossom would love it too."

  Nathan burst into a grin. "Please, daddy? Can we please go to the ranch?"

  Brent rolled his eyes. "Yes, sweet boy. Let's head back to the ranch and give the horsey lots of treats."

  Nathan giggled and threw his arms around Calloway. Both boys burst into laughter. George joined and soon, we were back at the ranch petting Blossom.

  "Does she like sugar cubes or apples?" Calloway whispered when we arrived. “I want to make a good second impression.” He pressed his nose against Blossom's and butterfly kissed her.

  I giggled. "She likes people that are sweet. You’re sweet. If you’re sweet to her, she might like you too."

  George grinned. "I fed her an apple yesterday and she ate it up."

  Nathan's jaw dropped. "She even ate the seeds?"

  George nodded. "Even the seeds. I told her she'd get an apple tree in her stomach but she didn't mind."

  Calloway burst into laughter. “If she grows an apple tree, we’ll have enough apples to feed everyone."

  George selected a sugar cube from the pack I'd fetched from my truck and placed it in front of Blossom. Immediately, Blossom pounced on the treat, slurping it out of George's hand. He giggled as Blossom's tongue traced his forearm, tickling his flesh. His smile was so wide and contagious I couldn't help but grin myself.

  "You boys are doing such an incredible job. Blossom loves you."

  Nathan's cheeks turned bright red. "She does?"

  "Yes, sweet boy." I led Nathan's hand to the horse's mane. "She thinks you boys are the sweetest around."

  George giggled. "Thank you, daddy. I'm so glad Blossom's here to be my friend."

  I smiled and took George in my arms. Then, I planted a kiss on his forehead. But a second later, George said something that froze me in the spot.

  "Daddy," he began, wrapping his arm around my waist. “When we get the chance, do you think you could teach me to ride?"

  I froze on the spot. George wanted to ride? Hadn't he learned to ride growing up?

  I asked him as much. "No, daddy," he whispered. He stared at the ground. "I trained horses when I was very little. But I never learned to ride."

  "How is that possible, sweet boy?"

  "I don't know, daddy. I never had to do it for my job. I mainly focused on bringing the colts up. Feeding them, taking care of their manes. Brushing them so they didn't get tangled. But I never rode."

  I took a deep breath. Instinctively, my leg throbbed. Suddenly, I was right back on that horse, gripping the reins as she flung me like a rag doll. Bucking beneath me, sending me to the ground. When she trampled on my leg, it damn near killed me.

  If I hadn’t ridden a horse since, I sure as hell wasn't about to start again.

  The conversation carried over to another subject. The rest of the boys started to return inside. I gave Blossom a final pat on the back and hurried in after my boy. When we arrived at the patio, Brent was heating up the grill.

  "Anyone in the mood for steaks?"

  Nathan's eyes shot open. "Yes, daddy. I could kill for a steak right now."

  "I think we all could. It's 100° outside and we’re starving. I just checked the temperature."

  Nathan bit his lip. "I hope Jacob and Dennis are okay."

  "I think they will be." Brent winked at Nathan. Suddenly, Nathan burst into laughter. I glanced at him. What was so funny?

  He walked over to Calloway and George. "I don't know if I should say this out loud,” Nathan whispered. “But it’s about Jacob and Dennis. They do funny things with their daddies.”

  Brent tried to silence him. "Would Jacob and Dennis like you telling everyone their secret?"

  "Well…" Nathan mulled this over it. But then he shook his head. “No. They wouldn’t care. In fact, I'm almost positive they'd want everyone to know."

  This piqued George's interest. His eyes shot open. "What do they do?”

  Nathan took a deep breath. "Well, I don't know if I should be the one to say but… They’ve been spending a lot more time together than usual. Normally, Dennis is the one who initiates it, but Jacob does sometimes too. They get together with their daddies and do things together."

  Calloway's jaw dropped. "Like what?"

  Nathan giggled. "Dirty things. Baby things. Things that no daddy should do with his boy."

  George barked out a laugh. "In a consensual loving relationship, there’s no such thing as too taboo."

  Nathan smirked. "You haven't seen the things Jacob and Dennis get up to."

  Brent was chuckling to himself. "Sweet boy," he said to his baby boy. "Everything they do is completely consensual. Your friend George is absolutely right." Brent turned to me. "They do intense diaper play together. Sometimes, daddy Joe and Paul swap boys. They change each other's diapers and then do stuff in them. I'm not going to say it out loud."

  "They pee in them," Nathan blurted out with a laugh. ”I've seen it myself. Daddy Paul sometimes inches up to Jacob’s diaper and lets loose inside. Jacob moans as it happens. I've seen it just outside the playroom."

  Brent's face suddenly got very stern. "They're not doing it inside the playroom, right?"

  "No, daddy. They wouldn't break the rules. But I've seen it happen more than once. They like urine play in their diapers."

  George let out a long sigh. "God. I'd like some urine play in my diaper."

  Calloway whipped around. "You wear diapers?"

  George laughed. "No. I was just joking. But…"

  My heart leapt. I stared at George, searching for any hint of a joke. He didn't appear to be joking at all. Did my sweet boy really like wearing diapers? Would that be something he'd trust me to do?

  George took a deep breath. "I used to have baby things in my room. I had rattles, pacifiers, and toys. I slept with a big teddy bear – well, actually it was a stuffed dog – named Rover. He was my best friend through high school. When we sold the farm, I had to get rid of my baby stuff. I haven't touched it since. But I never got the chance to wear diapers."

  "Is that something you'd… Like to do?" Calloway whispered. He placed his hand on George's thigh.

  "I think about it sometimes. I read online that it's the most magical experience. It makes you feel so out of control and small. But I haven't had the chance to do it. I wouldn’t want to do it alone."

  "Maybe your daddy could help," Nathan whispered. He placed his palm on George's other thigh. Both boys were close to Nathan’s cheeks. Close enough to kiss.

  "I'd have to ask daddy first,” George whispered. He glanced at me with bright red cheeks. If the lump in his shorts was any indication, he was rock hard.

  I cleared my throat. "That could be something we look into, boy. We have to go slow at first to make sure you’re comfortable. There's a big difference between imagining something and doing it for real."

  "I understand, daddy. But I’m willing to try."

  I grinned. I’d be lying if I said my cock wasn’t interested.

  After steaks, I took George outside and sat him on a rock next to Blossom. I held his hand.

  "I have a confession, sweet boy."

  George's eyes shot open. "What is it, daddy? Is it about the diapers?"

  "No, boy. It's about sweet Blossom."

  George nodded and bit his lip. "Is she sick, daddy?"

  I barked out a laugh. "Not at all, boy. It has to do wi
th what you asked me earlier."

  "What was that?" George's eyes glazed over. He was struggling to remember what he’d said.

  I took a deep breath. "About riding, sweet boy. The truth is… This is so hard for me to say. Three years ago, I had an injury. I was riding one of my prized mares. She bucked and threw me onto the ground. She trampled my leg. I haven't ridden since."

  George's eyes shot open. "Oh my God. Does it still hurt, daddy?"

  “On stormy nights, I can feel the tremor shoot through my leg. When that happens, I'm right back under that horse, bucking like crazy. Out of control."

  "I can understand why you haven't ridden since."

  "Exactly. It takes time to get back on a horse. I've been waiting until my leg has completely healed. But that hasn't happened yet."

  George rubbed my arm. "You're so brave, daddy. Not everyone would still be around horses after that."

  I barked out a laugh. "That's sweet, boy. But I need to get over my fear. It's been too long."

  George took a deep breath. His eyelashes fluttered about his porcelain white face. He didn't have a hint of facial hair. He was as smooth as a pebble by the ocean shore.

  "Can I kiss you, daddy? Can you give me your consent?"

  My heart leapt into my chest. “Yes, sweet boy," I whispered, but it was too late. A second later, George rushed forward and pressed his lips on mine. I moaned and took him in my mouth, firmly gripping his hair. I squeezed and probed his mouth with my tongue. Though he'd initiated the kiss, I had no problem taking control. This boy was mine. He was sweet, beautiful, and perfect in every way. I wanted him in my bed.

  "Thank you, daddy," George whispered when we finished. His eyes sparkled with life. "Thank you for giving me that gift."

  "No, boy. This is your gift to me. You have the sweetest lips I've tasted in my life."

  George darted his tongue over his lips. I couldn't resist. I grabbed his hair and yanked it towards mine. I lost myself in his second kiss, flitting my tongue over his and exploring his mouth. He opened for me, moaning softly as I took him down my throat. I firmly gripped his hips as George thrust his quivering body. He bucked his hips ever-so-slightly. When I went to grab his thigh, I realized he was rock hard.


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