Goofy George

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Goofy George Page 4

by Laurie Lochs

  I broke off the kiss. "You're so special, sweet boy. Your daddy's little angel."

  George giggled. "I'm daddy's little guy."

  Then, before it could get any further, I grabbed his hand and led him inside. I shot one last glance at Blossom and brought my sweet boy into the playroom for an afternoon of delight.

  But my mind lingered on George’s soft angel body.

  Chapter 9


  One week later

  I woke up with Luke's arms wrapped around me. I rolled over and burrowed into his chest, inhaling his scent. I couldn't help but beam. This had been the most magical week of my life.

  At first, Brent hadn't been sure I'd be able to stay at Neverland. "It's complicated," he'd said. "Every little at the ranch needs a daddy to sponsor them. You can't stay here free of charge."

  I'd been thoroughly upset. But when he offered to sponsor me, I melted. This man was truly the most incredible person I’d met in my life. Who else would take the risk to sponsor a boy they’d only known for less than a week? It was unheard of. His kindness and generosity knew no bounds.

  He was a perfect daddy, too. For someone who hadn't played with littles in so long, he knew exactly what to give. When we went to the playroom, he always held me close and gave me shoulder rubs. When we snuggled, he held me tight but never got too close or did anything I'd be uncomfortable with. Obviously, I wasn't actually uncomfortable with anything. But he respected my space.

  This morning was no different. As I burrowed into his chest, I realized that this was what home felt like. It almost felt like I was back on my family farm, all those mornings ago. Pa was still alive. Ma hadn't been forced to sell the farm. We still had cattle, goats, and chickens. Not to mention the horses, which roamed freely in the yard. Though we only had Blossom here in Neverland, she was more than enough to awaken those beautiful thoughts in me.

  Speaking of Blossom, you'd better go feed her breakfast. She'll get hungry if you don't bring her an apple.

  I glanced at daddy Luke. He was fast asleep. After running my finger over his scruff, I planted a soft kiss on his lips and slipped out of the covers. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and burst into a grin. Last week, Luke had been kind enough to give me a beautiful pacifier keychain. When I wore it around my neck, I felt so small and little.

  I slipped out of room number 5 and made my way downstairs. After grabbing a delicious Macintosh red apple from the kitchen, I crept out in my flip-flops to the backyard. Blossom smiled the second I saw her. Sunlight was just starting to trickle over the Little Rocky Mountains. A light mist coated the farm. Mosquitoes hung in the year but they didn't bother me. I was invincible in my fairy tale wonderland.

  "Here you go, sweet girl,” I whispered, feeding her the apple. She took a big chomp and swallowed. When she finished, I pressed my nose against hers and butterfly kissed her. Blossom responded by flicking her tongue out and licking my neck, no doubt in search of salt. I giggled and wrapped my arms around her mane.

  "You're such a sweet girl, Blossom. It's almost like I've known you my entire life."

  I began to massage her ears. My old horse Lucy liked gentle ear rubs. It was what Luke did to me while playing. But my heart stopped when I saw a certain spot behind her ear.

  It was shaped like a crescent moon.

  The exact same birthmark my horse Lucy had growing up.

  Chapter 10


  I yawned and stretched in the bed. It was so beautiful waking up in this incredible place. And you couldn't beat it with a sweet boy by your side.

  Except… Wait. Where was my sweet boy?

  I jolted up in the bed, glancing around. Little boy George was nowhere to be found.

  With a puzzled expression on my face, I slipped out of bed and quickly changed out of my pajamas. I opened the door and hurried through the ranch. "George?" He didn't answer.

  Calm down. He's probably attending to business.

  I wondered if he was with Blossom. I hurried out the back door and found him in the yard.

  I stopped before I accosted him. He was sitting on the back patio, facing the mountains. The early morning sunlight cast an otherworldly glow on his face. It was purple with a tiny bit of orange mixed in. His blonde hair looked struck by beautiful lightning. He looked like a boy out of fantasy fiction. I wanted to run to him and throw my arms around him. Comfort him. But he was lost in thought.

  I hurried back into the ranch and made 2 cups of delicious coffee. I poured cream into both and took the mugs to George. When I arrived, he graciously accepted the coffee. But he didn't smile.

  I sat next to him and sipped the coffee. “Is something wrong, sweet boy?"

  George brought the coffee to his lips and sniffed. He closed his eyes and savored the taste. But he didn't speak.

  I took a deep breath. "Did you have a bad dream, baby boy?"

  George shook his head. "No, daddy. I just discovered something that scared me. I don't know how to feel about it."

  "You can tell me anything. I won't judge."

  George stared at me. His eyes were sad. "You'll be upset if I tell you."

  "George," I said, setting the coffee on the ground. "I could never be mad at you. In our relationship, it's important to use words. If I did something to upset you, please let me know. If you don't feel comfortable telling me, talk to one of the other daddies. They’ll make sure the issue is resolved."

  "It's not that, daddy. It has to do with Blossom."

  A lump of worry bubbled up in my throat. "Did something happen to her overnight?"

  “No. It's nothing like that. It's just that when I went up to her this morning I noticed something behind her ear I hadn't seen before."

  I breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes, dear boy. She has a birthmark. It's a special beauty mark to let the world know she's special."

  George wasn't impressed. "That's not why I'm worried, daddy. It looked familiar."

  “You’re mistaken, sweet boy. You would've had to see Blossom's beautiful mother to see that birthmark before. They shared genes."

  "You're not being truthful with me, daddy. I know that’s my old horse. You stole her."

  My jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

  "I'm sure of it. Her name isn't Blossom at all. It's Lucy. That's my Lucy, the one I had to sell off when Pa died."

  I shook my head adamantly. "No, baby boy. I raised Blossom from a colt. You're getting confused."

  "I'm not, daddy. I’d recognize that birthmark anywhere." George wiped his eyes. "It's my horsey. I know it is."

  I stared at my boy. There was nothing I could say. He was positive this was his horse. How could I convince him otherwise?

  "Boy. We've never met before. There's no way I could've come into contact with your horse Lucy."

  "I don't care, daddy," George whispered. By now he was crying. Tears streamed down his face like rain. "You stole my horse. You stole my life."

  "No, sweet boy. You've got it all wrong."

  I reached out to comfort George but he shooed my hand away. He wiped his eyes and stared at me one last time. Then, he leapt up and ran back into the ranch house.

  I walked to Blossom and studied the birthmark behind her ear. Suddenly, it hit me.

  Blossom wasn't the boy's horse. But there was little doubt his mother had been.

  Chapter 11


  I took a sip of orange juice and waited anxiously for breakfast to end. Daddy Brent and Oscar had made delicious pancakes with sprinkles and chocolate chips in them. On the side we had dishes of strawberries, raspberries and blackberries we sprinkled over the pancakes. We even had a big bowl of whipped cream. But I couldn’t focus on eating. All he could think about was my daddy.

  Why did he lie to me? I knew Blossom was Lucy. I just knew it. It was clear as day in my mind. When I'd come to her the very first day she'd escaped, she nuzzled her face in my palm like only Lucy had ever done. Likewise, she flipped her tail the exact same way, ca
sting aside the flies that threatened to bite her.

  She was my horse through and through. How could Luke think I was so stupid?

  "Is something on your mind, George?" Nathan's voice was warm and welcoming.

  I stared at the pancakes. "I'm just tired."

  "That's not true. I saw you with Luke this morning. You were crying."

  I stared at Nathan. "Please don't tell anyone. We had a fight."

  Nathan nodded quietly. "I'm so sorry. But that's a natural part of any relationship."

  "I don't think there's any coming back from this one."

  Nathan immediately thrust his arm around my shoulders. "Don't say that, George. There's always a way forward. You just have to pry apart the clouds to get to the rainbow."

  "There's too many clouds today,” I whispered. “The rainbow will never be found.”

  "Nonsense. I remember when I first came to the ranch. Daddy Brent wouldn't fuck me. All I wanted to do was get fucked. Eventually, he put his cock in my hole. But it was three weeks too late. Still, I forgave him for all the weeks where his cock could’ve been lodged in my hole. There’s always a rainbow on the other side. You just have to look past the clouds.”

  "I'm sorry, Nathan. But I'm not upset about not having sex. It's something much more personal."

  Nathan sighed. "I understand. Just please try to work it out. There's always an explanation."

  I nodded and took another bite of my pancakes. Was I being obtuse? I didn't think so. If Luke came to me, I figured I’d apologize. I hated conflict. But I didn't know if I could forgive him deep down. Especially because he was lying to me.

  I knew he was.

  I just knew.

  After breakfast, Calloway and Nathan invited me to the playroom. We'd put away our giant castle from last week and were focusing on dress-up with dolls. At first, I laughed because I always thought dolls were for girls. But Calloway liked playing with the brand-new Polly Pockets the ranch had gotten hold of. He liked to put them together and pretend they were pop stars.

  Jacob and Dennis joined us to play.

  After a while, Jacob started getting antsy. I glanced up at him.

  "What's wrong, Jacob? You seem concerned."

  Jacob bit his lip. "I'm fine. I'm just a little uncomfortable."

  "What's making you uncomfortable?"

  Jacob glanced at the floor. Suddenly, his cheeks turned bright red. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Dennis suddenly blurted out, “It's his diaper. It's full."

  Jacob glared at Dennis. "You shouldn’t spill my secrets like that."

  Dennis laughed. "Then don't make everyone uncomfortable with your full diaper."

  Jacob rolled his eyes. "I don't think anyone's uncomfortable. I think you're jealous. It feels good to have a full diaper."

  Dennis walked across the room and sat next to Jacob. Without warning, he brought his hand to the front of Jacob's diaper.

  "Can I touch it?” he whispered. “Do you give me consent to squish?"

  "Yes. I give you consent."

  Dennis squeezed. At once, Jacob moaned. His eyes fluttered into the back of his head.

  "It's so full, Jacob. You've been drinking lots of water."

  “So full and messy…” Jacob whispered.

  All of a sudden, Joe and Paul burst into the room. "Jacob," daddy Paul said, "I completely forgot your diaper check. It's time."

  Jacob giggled. "You're late, daddy. Dennis already checked it for me."

  Daddy Paul grinned and sat next to Jacob. He firmly placed his palm on the diaper. Warmth flooded Jacob's ass.

  "It feels so good, daddy,” Jacob said with a moan. “You're making me excited."

  Daddy Paul grinned and squeezed the diaper again. He kissed Jacob. Then, he snuck his hand into the diaper and fondled Jacob while they kissed. Jacob twitched and sought friction against daddy Paul's hand. He throbbed into the hand, thrusting his hips upwards. When daddy Paul pulled his hand out, it was covered in Jacob's mess.

  "You're dirty, daddy. You need to be cleaned."

  “Yes. I’m a dirty daddy and you’re a dirty boy. I can't believe what you've done to my hand."

  Jacob giggled. "Rub it on my diaper, daddy. I want to see the mess."

  "Okay, sweet boy. One, two, three."

  On the count of three, daddy Paul placed his hand on Jacob's diaper. He rubbed the mess on the plush white material. Jacob moaned, thrusting forward. When he finished, daddy Paul stood up and washed his hands. Then, he selected the Johnson's baby powder, a fresh diaper, and a cylinder of baby wipes from the closest shelf. He brought them to Jacob and began to change him.

  When Jacob's diaper came off, he kicked his legs with glee. His cock was rock hard.

  "I'm so messy, daddy. I'm a dirty, dirty boy."

  "Yes, boy. You’d better stop talking. Otherwise daddy's going to give you something to be dirty about."

  Jacob burst into laughter. "Come on, daddy. I want you to clean me in front of all my friends."

  I glanced at Calloway. His jaw was on the floor. It felt like we were watching porn.

  "Calloway," I whispered. "Have you ever seen this before?"

  He shook his head adamantly. "Never. But it makes me want to try."

  I couldn't lie. It made me want to wear a diaper too. Suddenly, my mind drifted to daddy Luke. Would he change me? He could pull my pants down in the middle of this room and press me against the floor. After powdering me and kissing my belly, he'd slide a soft diaper on me, just like Jacob’s daddy. We could snuggle and kiss as I used it. When morning came, he could change me into a fresh one.

  But this warm thought was immediately replaced by sadness. I wanted to cut open a hole in the carpet and drown.

  Luke lied about my horse. I didn’t care if he diapered me.

  Suddenly, Jacob started peeing all over the changing table. Daddy Paul moaned and placed his lips around Jacob's cock. He began to suck Jacob as Jacob continued to spurt. Jacob clenched his fence and cried out. "Daddy," he cried, "I can't stop.”

  I shook my head and returned to the drawing I was making. I didn’t want to think about the diaper. I didn’t care about kinky sex.

  I just wanted my horsey.

  Chapter 12


  One week later

  I filled my cup and stared in awe at the sunset. Ocher, orange, and red dusted the mountain tops like God had applied a beautiful Photoshop filter to everything in sight. But that didn't change the fact that my boy and I hadn't spoken in a week.

  "Luke," Oscar said, stirring his bourbon. He took a sip and set it on the ground. "I've heard your boy is making progress."

  I nodded. "That's what I've heard too. We still haven't spoken. But he seems to be getting more confident with expressing himself."

  Oscar sighed. "This is something boys go through. Everything goes well and then there's a hiccup in the relationship. It could be that he’s uncomfortable with one aspect of the age play lifestyle you're doing so far."

  I bit my lip. "I don't think that's the issue, Oscar. It has to do with the horse.”

  Oscar scoffed. "I don't think it’s the horse. I've heard of boys who think they want to try something but can't bring themselves to do it in the end. Boys see stuff online about diapers and want to try it. But the reality is that it takes a lot of trust in your partner to wear a diaper. Especially if it's your first time. If your daddy's going to change you, you need to trust that he’s not going to laugh. It's an intimate experience."

  "We haven't worn diapers. It’s not a sex thing.”

  "You might want to talk to him. I know you've been trying to give him space but maybe what he needs is a strong hand. He needs to be guided in the right direction. All boys do."

  "You're exactly right. I’ve been trying to give him space. It's just that he's under the impression that Blossom is actually his childhood horse he had to sell when his family moved to Bozeman when he was a boy."

  Oscar suddenly froze. "Oh my God. You
’re kidding.”

  “I wish.” I took a sip of bourbon and set it on the ground. "I've raised the horse since she was a cold. George has never met that horse in his life."

  Oscar sighed. "You need to sit and talk.”

  I agreed. We sat watching the sun. After a while, we decided to build a fire and make s'mores. After the embers were glowing, George came out with his little friends. I decided to confront him. He deserved to know the truth.

  "George," I called. I motioned to the spot next to me.

  George took a quick look at me and quietly walked over. "Hi, daddy."

  "Haven't talked to you in a while, George."

  "I know, daddy. I've been waiting for you."

  I barked out a laugh. “That’s my mistake, sweet boy. I was trying to give you space. Now, I see that I should have come to you and resolved everything at once."

  George stared at me. "Are you going to apologize for stealing Blossom?"

  I sighed. "Baby boy," I began, thrusting a marshmallow onto the stick. "I have something to tell you. Blossom isn't your horse."

  George sighed. "I know, daddy. I must've just gotten confused. I studied the birthmark closer and it doesn't look like the one I remember. It's only vaguely similar."

  I took a deep breath. It was the moment of truth. "It is similar. That's because Lucy was her mother."

  George's jaw dropped. "Sorry?"

  I placed the marshmallows over the embers. "Lucy was Blossom's mother. I must’ve bought Lucy directly from your family. I have no recollection of it. All I remember is a young boy handing me the reins."

  George's jaw was on the ground. "Oh my God." His voice was airy. “You… You were the stranger who bought Lucy.”

  I pulled the marshmallows away from the fire. They were golden brown. "Yes, boy. I'm so sorry I took her from you. But I brought her to a great home."


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