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Tempting Eternity

Page 14

by Angela Colsin

  It was such a strange sensation, but altogether enjoyable, teasing her curiosity until she couldn't resist responding in kind—and was damned glad she did.

  The moment her lips parted, Mathias thrust his tongue between them to seek hers with greedy strokes that left her reeling. His arms clutched her in a tight hold, her breasts flattening against his chest, the combined sensations sending her on a roller coaster ride that made traveling in mist seem like a carousel.

  So many times she'd watched couples kiss in this manner while wondering what could be going through their heads. But if they felt as she did now, then she finally had an answer—not a damned thing beyond their partner.

  As their tongues mingled, sliding together in their own mating act, she couldn't catch her breath. Her fingers dug into the back of his jacket as insistently as the whimper she let into his mouth.

  The sound must've pleased him, or it was her mimicry of his attention, because he pulled her in until her feet left the ground. The act left her so rattled she didn't even know he'd moved until the mattress met her back—and if his kiss hadn't stolen her breath, finding herself on the bed beneath the enticing male certainly did.

  Did Mathias truly find her so alluring? His desire for her blood was clear, but she hadn't considered he'd want her body as well. Then again, he'd admitted to thinking of kissing her at the hotel, so perhaps lust was implied—and Isadora wasn't at all averse to the thought, instinctively parting her thighs around his hips.

  It felt so natural, though she still let a surprised gasp when he thrust between her legs, grinding against her with a low growl.

  Her entire body responded to the simple movement, nipples tightening and panties growing wet with desire. She'd never wanted anything as badly as this vampire, the sensation intense to the point of being painful.

  So she whimpered his name rather loudly once his mouth tore away from hers and attempted to sense whether or not he was in the same turbulent state of arousal out of habit. But her perception remained blank, serving as a potent reminder that she was in bed with a vampire.

  Eyes cracking open at the thought, Isadora gazed up to see him staring down as if unable to believe she was real, lips parted with heavy breaths to reveal his sharpened fangs.

  The sight should've terrified her, or at least inspired wariness. But instead of recoiling, she nearly reached up to touch one of those canines in curiosity, thinking they only added to his physical appeal.

  Sadly, they also reminded her that she'd never be able to sense what state he was in without taking visual and audible cues. The notion was frustrating, particularly considering those cues could lie—his panting suggested arousal, but his fangs indicated hunger.

  Had he been a truly living being, she could've anticipated his needs and satisfied them without qualm. But Mathias wasn't just a curiosity in being male, he was also a vampire, and to a fae, the combination was mystifying.

  It was no wonder she found him so compelling from the start, and for as gratifying as it was to discover the enjoyment of sharing such a passionate kiss, the blank spot in her perception left her feeling … empty, not to mention unsure how to react.

  Her only certainty was that she never wanted this to stop—and that was exactly what happened.

  Just as she was trying to decide the best course of action, the vampire removed himself from the bed so fast her head spun—or maybe that was just the result of his kiss. Either way, she looked down to see him now standing near the window, back turned and shoulders heaving with several deep breaths.

  The movements gave the impression he was trying to reign in some visceral response, and indeed, she was still reeling as well.

  “Why'd you stop?” she asked, barely recognizing her voice.

  At her question, Mathias turned a pair of disbelieving silver eyes in her direction, his own voice husky in remarking, “You're aroused.”

  She flinched as if slapped, then pursed her lips. So much for discretion. Her aim had been to hide her newfound arousal from the vampire at all costs, yet she'd been unable to resist offering a simple kiss for luck, and from there, what was it people said? One thing led to another?

  Still, she had to wonder if Mathias knew a fae was impotent unless mated, and if not, she had no reason to inform him—yet. He was about to attempt rescuing her sisters, and his mind needed to be clear of distraction.

  So she offered an idle shrug and stood from the bed as steadily as her legs would allow.

  “So? You were kissing me. It tends to happen that way, right?”

  His gaze narrowed, though she couldn't tell if it was incredulity on his face, or confusion.

  “I thought fae only knew desire once they'd found a suitable mate.”

  Oh, he does know. Quickly waving a hand, Isadora remarked, “You think I'd find a mate in a vampire?” She scoffed dramatically. “Please. I mean congrats to you for being such a good kisser, but—”

  “Isadora,” he started, turning to face her. “There are many things I don't know about the fae, but do I know a liar when I see one.”

  Realizing he was calling her bluff, she rushed out, “Who's lying? I'm just trying to explain that a fae can be aroused, it's simply rare.”

  She only prayed that sounded reasonable enough to be believable, otherwise she may have just inadvertently jeopardized everything she was trying to accomplish.


  Mathias wasn't buying Isadora's story, though it seemed unwise to doubt her claim entirely.

  Despite his boast of knowing a liar when he saw one, his inexperience with the fae left him doubtful. It was said they were impotent until they located a suitable mate, yet he had no way of knowing for sure if physical arousal was actually possible.

  Vampires worked much the same way, after all—they could be aroused, but it wasn't commonplace.

  Then again, his uncertainty might've stemmed from a need to believe her regardless of how questionable it seemed. In moments, he'd be attempting to rescue Isadora's sisters from Sylva, and needed a clear mind to prevent mistakes. That meant forgetting this gorgeous fae's heart was pounding with every bit as much desire as his, and what it implied.

  Still, he'd been trying to forget such possibilities from the moment he'd laid eyes on Isadora. So whether or not she found him suitable, he pushed it all away for now, and would've ended their conversation entirely by returning to the sitting room if not for his erection, which was hard enough to break concrete.

  After their session of grinding on the bed, it was no surprise. She was so receptive, clutching him tight and gasping in a manner that proved every sensation was new. The fae obviously had no idea what it felt like to be that close to someone—and gods, he wanted to be the one to show her.

  The thought was just as enticing as the scent of her blood, and if things were different, she'd be on the bed that moment, moaning his name, which made him wonder. Would her innate, fae curiosity extend to sex? Would she seek to explore his body as well as to learn what her own could do? To learn what he could do to it? Damn it all, stop thinking about it!

  Groaning with the effort of forgetting the temptations she posed, he finally replied, “Very well. A fae's arousal is rare, so I suppose I should take it as a stroke to my ego.” And another part of me will need stroking later.

  Grumbling at the thought, he turned to join the group waiting in the sitting room. But Isadora rushed forward to grab his hand, exclaiming, “Wait!”

  Coming to a stop, he looked back in her direction as she asked, “Did you … I mean, are you … uh … .”

  Brow furrowing, he urged, “Am I what?”

  The fae hesitated for several moments, but finally grumbled and asked, “Are you going to be careful?”

  He eyed her suspiciously, knowing that wasn't likely to be the question she'd truly intended to ask. Yet there wasn't a lot of time for talking, so he didn't prod, answering blandly, “I hadn't planned on rushing headfirst into danger. I mean, unless you'd like for me to be reckle

  “No! Of course not. I was just … I wanted you to promise you'll be safe.”

  For as badly as he wanted to offer an indifferent response, he couldn't deny those big, blue eyes gazing at him with such concern, and finally nodded with a soft sigh.

  “Fine. I promise.”

  The bright smile she gifted him with was certainly worth the agreement, though it also made things feel more personal than preferred. So he pointed out, “Just remember, I'm not doing this for you, Isadora. I simply want to help Sutrelle, nothing more.”

  Sadly, the fae's smile never waned. She even nodded vigorously in agreement. “I know, and I'll be ready to go back as soon as you're done.”

  Disconcertingly, the statement filled him with enthusiasm to complete his impending tasks quickly, a sensation he ignored in favor of pulling his hand from hers and opening the door—and it wasn't easy.

  But rejoining the others in the sitting room helped, and Mathias motioned at Heliger to ask, “Are we ready?”

  Nodding, the magician handed him a Spire Shard, stating, “As soon as you are.”

  Pushing the shard into his pants pocket for safe keeping, he nodded to let them know he was prepared to depart, and Heliger wasted no time. In only moments, they were teleporting away from the Spire to the appropriate location in southern Egypt.

  But despite his determination to ignore Isadora, Mathias gave her one last look, and found the fae staring right back.

  Their gazes locked for only a moment before she disappeared from sight along with his surroundings. But that brief moment was enough to know Isadora truly cared—and his heart twisted at the thought.

  It seemed like wishful thinking to believe her concern related to his safety, but regardless, Mathias would've given anything to comfort her by promising he'd never allow this to go terribly wrong. But that message was best passed on by taking Sylva's pendant, so he forced his mind back to their present location.

  Once the teleportation was complete, Saharan sands appeared around them, stretching across the horizon for as far as the eye could see. It'd been ages since he'd visited this desert, yet there was something about it that spoke to him in a way no other place ever had, even Sutrelle.

  Standing under the starry sky, the arid world around him felt as ancient as he was, though perhaps a great deal wiser, as if the Earth's memory was contained in the sand itself.

  But they weren't as alone as the desolate environment would suggest. With his first breath came the scent of both humans and fae—as well as a mild hint of decay. Sylva.

  Glancing about to detect the source, he noticed a craggy rock face rising from the sands to the south where several trucks and SUVs were parked. A few humans were now piling into the transports, the headlights coming on in preparation to depart.

  But though only fifty yards of sand stood between them, no one seemed to notice the group of supernatural beings who'd just arrived, and Mathias soon realized why—either Heliger or Chandra had made them invisible.

  The fact became clear once he laid eyes on the mages to see that their bodies were now translucent, like an apparition. Maddox and Stephan possessed the same quality, the latter remarking, “I'm guessing this excavation site is on the other side of those rocks.”

  Heliger nodded, returning, “Agreed, and I believe you'll have a better chance of success if Chandra creates a mild sand storm to mask your mist while I continue hiding our presence from the fae with magic.”

  Maddox and Stephan seemed to like the idea, and Mathias wasn't going to turn down the added cover. So when they glanced in his direction, he replied by directing, “I want you two to stay behind me and keep an eye on Isadora's sisters. If something goes wrong, they may need protection.”

  The young vampires agreed without issue, and Mathias motioned at Heliger, silently telling him they were ready.

  At the signal, Heliger looked to Chandra, who lifted her free hand as the onyx gem at the tip of her silver staff glowed. In turn, a pale, blue light erupted from her palm that dispersed into the air in swirls.

  Not a moment later, the wind picked up, catching the glittering, silver cloth of Chandra's double-split skirt as it gradually grew in strength. Particles of sand began rising from the ground, lifted by the current until a cloud had formed.

  With each passing moment, the cloud grew bigger, dust swirling about until the sand storm engulfed them without bombarding them, and Mathias turned to mist, allowing himself to become caught in the wind. Maddox and Stephan followed suit, all three moving with the cloud toward the trucks now traveling by, the human drivers oblivious to the vampires concealed in the storm.

  Drifting toward the rock face with the breeze, they rounded that barrier and found precisely what they were looking for—an excavation site. Several tents stood idle around the area, which comprised a large hole in the ground with numerous ropes attached to motorized pulleys hanging over the edge of the oversized ditch.

  It was hard to say how deep the workers had dug to uncover the entrance of this ruined temple—several meters perhaps—but if Derick said they'd found nothing significant before, they'd apparently just struck pay dirt.

  As the sand storm roiled overhead, Mathias looked down to see a recently unearthed obsidian platform at the bottom of the dig site. With numerous carvings of lavish design, it had to be the temple's entrance, though strangely, there were no humans overlooking affairs. Only the fae were present, all with eyes as white as Isadora's when Mathias first encountered her.

  Two were crouched at the edge of the hole to watch while a third operated one of the pulleys to lower a sturdy plank to the platform below. On it stood a dark-haired moon fae next to an open crate, and laying inside the wooden container was none other than Sylva Abbott.

  With the Staff of Factions next to her body, the decrepit old woman was wrapped in green silk and looking rather pleased, particularly in hearing the thud of the plank as it settled against the platform. In turn, she clutched the staff in one hand just as the moon fae leaned to help her sit forward.

  Once propped up, Sylva took a dagger attached to the fae's belt and turned it to the staff.

  Mathias had no idea what the witch intended to do, but wasted no time moving in for a closer look.

  Swiftly drifting downward from the sand storm with ease, he watched Sylva insert the tip of the dagger against a large, onyx gem embedded at the center of the staff's ornate crown, and with the moon fae's help, she pried the item free. Oddly enough, the gem seemed to glitter amongst the light of various flood lamps settled on the platform despite its dark color, and the fae commented upon how pretty it was.

  “It is pretty,” Sylva agreed on a soft, almost motherly tone as she handed the gem to the fae. “Now be a dear and set it at the center indentation for me, and don't forget to teleport your sisters away once you do. Afterwards, your service to me will be complete.”

  Wordlessly, the fae obeyed, taking the gem to do precisely as bidden, though Mathias paid her little mind. Instead, he'd taken notice of a silver chain around Sylva's neck—with her long white hair caught in the breeze, it was easy to spot.

  Yet the pendant attached was concealed by the green silk wrapped around her body, at least until she lifted her arm to hand over the gem. That's when some of the cloth dipped to expose the bauble around her neck.

  And he could scarcely believe his eyes.

  It's … the Grand Priestess' pendant.

  In a flash, memories of his last days as a human came to mind, of the Grand Priestess and her claim of the pendant being a priceless gift. Now, after Artair had forced him to spend centuries searching for any trace of the priestess and failing, something had finally turned up—and it raised too many questions to count.

  How had Sylva found it? Where? But most importantly, did this pendant truly possess divine power?

  The implication was mind-boggling, and after thousands of years with no answers over the fate of the Grand Priestess, Mathias found himself too stunned to immediately t
ake the pendant.

  Sadly, his inaction cost precious time they couldn't afford to lose.

  During his surprised thoughts, the platform beneath them rumbled, and with the sand storm still churning in the air above, a bright smile curled Sylva's decrepit lips.

  Mathias wasn't certain why at first, but soon realized the moon fae had just inserted the gem into the center indentation of the platform, triggering a reaction that could mean only one thing.

  Sylva had just unlocked the temple. Shit.

  One of their objectives had been to stop her from accessing whatever power lay dormant within the ruin, but it was too late. If the tremors rolling through the ground were any indication, something was about to emerge, and it was doing so quickly.

  Still, he now had the chance to grab the pendant and leave, passing through Sylva as mist to take it from her neck just moments before a blast erupted from the platform itself.

  The inexplicable force rammed into Mathias with more strength than anything he'd ever encountered, leaving him unable to hold the form of mist. Instead, he slammed bodily into one of the nearby pillars supporting the cranes, breaking the support before hitting the platform with the pendant clutched in his hand.

  A shock wave sent debris clattering down, the sand storm above growing more turbulent, which wasn't likely to be Chandra's doing. But he could barely pay it any mind once a light so luminous words couldn't describe it burst free from the platform, rising into the air in a blaze of white fire.

  Instinctively, he sought refuge from it, twisting away to escape. But there was no way to fully avoid the blast, a fact proven true when the flesh on the right half of his body melted away.

  And as the platform crumbled into a chasm below, Mathias knew things had gone terribly wrong.


  “Just calm down, Isadora.”

  “Calm down?” She almost squeaked the words, exclaiming, “The sun's been up for an hour, and they're not back!”

  Victoria parted her lips as if to provide reassurance, but what could she say? Their only indication that Mathias, Maddox, and Stephan were fine was Heliger and Chandra's absence—if anyone could ensure a vampire's survival during daylight hours, it would be a mage. But Isadora couldn't stop thinking something had gone horribly wrong.


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