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The Ascension Myth Box Set

Page 106

by Ell Leigh Clark

  The broadcast continued, with no visual other than a simulated changing pattern with a voiceover.

  “As you know, you have a proud militia; a militia that is set to protect the Zhyn Empire, and its people. However, there has been operating an interplanetary clandestine force that seeks to break all treaties with the Federation – particularly the Jah-Dune Accord, which limits the size of each members’ arms in the interest of peace.”

  Rex glanced at Rook. “Well, I’ll be.”

  * * *

  Less than ten miles north, in the Empire’s government chambers, the same broadcast was heard by the Senate officials. An assistant got up from her desk and walked into her boss’s office.

  “Sir, there’s something being broadcast that you ought to see.”

  Senator Aok looked up from his work and nodded. His assistant walked over to the control panel and put the hologram on for him, then stayed and listened, mesmerized.

  “This force has been found to be secretly operating from the resources of your planet, encouraged by factions within your own government. To this end, these bases are being shut down. If this weren’t done, then the planet would be at risk for violation of the Accord, essentially putting the citizens of the Empire at risk.”

  Aok didn’t need to hear any more. “Get me a quantum link with the Lord High Marshall Shaa. This is going to cause a problem with the Federation.”

  The broadcast continued in the background, as Aok’s office became a flurry of activity.

  “These corrective measures have been taken, and this message is being communicated so that you are aware of what your government is doing – so that you can take a stand. If you take a stand, you will render these war-hungry factions null and void. If you allow them to move their operations into your civilian networks, though, you will face severe consequences; not just to your quality of life, but also to your planet’s safety. We hope you choose to remain free, and hold your government accountable. A concerned third party.”

  The broadcast clicked off, and then restarted from the beginning of the message. “Ladies and Gentlefolk of Planet Kurilia. It is with deep regret that-”

  By it’s third playing, Aok was on the line with the Lord High Marshall Shaa’s second in command, Davon.

  “This clandestine operation is no longer so secretive,” Aok told Davon. “I fully expect that the Emperor will be in touch shortly. I’ll be issuing my full report to absolve myself from this debacle, though,” Aok concluded.

  Before Davon could respond, Aok had closed the connection and turned back to his console to continue working on his statement to absolve himself from any responsibilities.

  Planet Kurilia, Southern Hemisphere

  Jack placed the last charge. “Okay,” she called to Joel, hearing footsteps shuffling in the undergrowth. She straightened up and headed around the last corner, expecting to see Joel placing the final charge.

  Instead, she stepped around the corner and came face-to-face with an Estarian-looking Zhyn, who was a good three feet taller than her, with a weapon trained directly at her.

  Instinctively, she backed away; her heart was in her mouth, but her training kicked in, despite the shock. Without looking around, she expanded her awareness to check where else a threat might be coming from. She tried to reach down to her holo to see if she could get in touch with Joel, but the Zhyn in front of her lunged forward and put the point of his blaster in front of her holo. He signaled for her to raise her hands in the air.

  Jack complied, her mind racing and trying to figure out where Joel was, and if he’d been captured, too. Her eyes darted around, and she became aware of another two, three,six Zhyn emerging from the undergrowth and tree line. She backed up another couple of steps, and then felt another presence behind her. Spinning around, she came face-to-face with another Zhyn, who took the blaster off her shoulder – effectively leaving her defenseless.

  “I’m here trying to save your people,” she tried to explain. The Zhyn made some strange sounds back at her. Language, dammit, she thought to herself.

  “Your secret military bases are in contravention to the Accord your government signed. I’m not here to hurt anyone, just to disable - ”

  The Zhyns continued talking and grunting between each other. The original creature began talking in her direction.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t understand what you’re telling me…” she tried to explain, keeping her hands open and palms facing him, showing she wasn’t a threat.

  Shit, she thought to herself. She was scared, but she didn’t get the sense that they were going to kill her right away.

  If that was their intent, she’d be dead already.

  Planet Kurilia, Northern Hemisphere

  Molly stumbled and caught herself. She leaned her arm against the nearest tree, breathing hard.

  Sean went on a few more paces before he realized she wasn’t following. He turned and started walking back, anxiety in his eyes. “What’s going on?” he asked her.

  Molly tried to catch her breath, still looking gray and exhausted. “I think it’s the number of people who are getting close.”

  Sean looked around, searching for some indication of how close the Zhyn really were. There was no sign of them yet… which meant they might have options. “We need to get back to the skylift,” he announced decisively. “There’s no way we can get to the second target, and then back – especially with you in this condition.”

  Molly couldn’t argue. She leaned back against the tree and nodded.

  Oz. We need a route out.

  Working on something. Can you maintain your location?

  How long for?

  A minute or two?

  Maybe. I can feel them closing in.

  Can you tell which direction?

  Yes, from behind us.

  So, then, keep moving. I’ve got a lock on you. I’m working on getting help to you.

  Molly was confused by his comment, but there wasn’t time to clarify. She looked at Sean. “You’re right. And I’m sorry. I agree, regarding the lifts; but the Zhyn are right behind us. We need to keep moving. Oz is working on getting some help to us.”

  Sean didn’t look happy at all, but he nodded and grunted, and then helped Molly up off the tree. “Okay,” he agreed, “Let me help you move faster.”

  He wrapped his arm under her arm and around her back, and helped her onward. Though it wasn’t comfortable, what with Sean being about twice her width and a good few feet taller than her, she was glad of the help. The two moved through the wooded area a little faster, blasters still at the ready in case they were found.

  Planet Kurilia, Southern Hemisphere

  Jack tried to steady her breathing and maintain her alertness, as the discussions in the strange language continued around her. She still had her arms in the air, and it looked like there were still more Zhyn around in the area – even as new ones arrived, and a few others moved off deliberately in another direction.

  Just then, the chatter seemed to increase in urgency and tone. Jack couldn’t be sure, but there was a faint sound of a laser blast.

  Then another.

  She definitely heard that one.

  There were sounds of return fire, the shrill ring of weapons she didn’t recognize. Her captors surrounded her, putting their backs to her, and turning to face the new threat.

  The one in front of her went down.

  Then, one to her side. Two others started moving forward, searching the area for where the blasts were coming from. In seconds, each of them went down, and all was quiet again.

  Jack moved forward, cautiously looking around for both Zhyns, and whoever had taken them out. She noticed the guy who had taken her own blaster, and picked it up from under his lifeless body, wriggling to get it free from under his hefty weight.

  Her breathing was shallow as she kept her eyes peeled for any signs of life… Then she heard something to her left, just around the next corner of th
e generator building.

  She ventured toward it, cautiously, treading as softly as she possibly could. Two steps later, a figure emerged, catching her off-balance.

  She jumped, her heart pounding, and her finger ready to hit the trigger as soon as she was able to aim. And then she stopped, her mouth half-open.

  “And next time, you won’t run off on your own, yes?” Joel grinned back at her.

  Jack exhaled sharply, trying to calm herself, not knowing whether she should laugh or cry.

  “Son of a bitch!” she hissed at him, restraining herself from whacking him with the flat side of the blaster.

  Joel hit the switch on his Zhyn-blaster, and it folded up into its more compact form. “That’s no way to address the teammate who just saved your ass, young lady.”

  He kept walking, trying to get his bearings on their escape route.

  Jack caught her breath and pulled up her holo.

  “True. But you scared the living shit out of me. Hang on; I’m just contacting Oz, and then we need to get clear of this structure.”

  Joel nodded. “Agreed. Let’s start moving this way. I’m willing to bet that when they don’t hear back from their friends, they’re going to send reinforcements along the same trail these guys came in on.”

  Jack followed after him as the quantum call connected.

  “Oz. We’ve set the charges, and our target is ready to detonate when you are. We’ll be clear in three minutes.”

  “Good,” Oz replied through her implant. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, it is now. Joel ended up taking out a bunch of Zhyns, and we’re expecting more to come after us. We’re heading for the skylift now, but it will need to be an indirect route.”

  “Acknowledged,” Oz confirmed. “I’m working on an extraction plan for you. Keep going. I have a location tracker on your quantum communicator so I know where you are, but we’re still blind as to where the Zhyn are. Be careful.”

  “Understood, Jack whispered back. “Thanks, Oz.”

  Joel glanced back as Jack jogged to catch him up. “Okay,” she said, “we need to move.”

  The two jogged out at double-time, keeping their wits about them as they moved.

  Chapter 19

  Planet Kurilia, Capital Building of the Zhyn Empire

  Justicar Beno’or bustled through the great halls of the Empire’s capital building. His robes billowed as they caught the air, making moving patterns of color in his wake. Heads turned as eyes caught the normally-subdued and dignified Justicar making his way to the Emperor’s chamber at the center of the complex of majestic halls and passageways.

  Beno’or was undistracted by the attention. There was something far more important going on; a matter the Emperor needed to be informed about. And Beno’or needed to be the one to tell him – if another frame was introduced into the thinking, who knew what war they might find themselves inciting?

  He panted, willing his out-of-shape legs to carry him faster.

  Finally he approached the main doors. There were two guards in front of him. Normally, he would explain he had an appointment, but this time he couldn’t say that. His cause was far more urgent. He reached for the door handle himself, and a guard moved to stop him. Beno’or looked up at the Zhyn, laden in ceremonial armor. “I need to speak to him. The fate of the Empire rests on him knowing the information I have.”

  The guard hesitated a moment, clearly understanding who the Justicar was. He glanced briefly at his comrade on the other side of the doorway, then back at the Justicar, before relenting, and opening the door.

  The Justicar nodded in gratitude, mumbling something about honor and the Empire as he shuffled through the half-open door.

  Once inside, he took a moment to acclimatize and look around. The red plush carpets acoustically dampened the room; it was immediately quieter than the grandiose hall just outside the door. The lofty ceilings here were ornately painted, and pointed to the grandeur of the Empire’s feelings about their Emperor.

  Their ruler.

  Their sole guardian and leader.

  The Justicar bowed deeply, out of respect for the place and the status of the office, and then trod carefully. There was a corridor down to the right that ran alongside the main chamber; just up ahead was a door to the chamber where the Emperor received guests. Off to the left was a desk where the High Majesty’s assistant would organize who got to see him, and who had to wait outside.

  There was no one there, though.

  Beno’or stepped forward, carefully making his way just inside the door. He didn’t want to cause offense by barging inside, and yet, what he had to share was all too important to stand on ceremony.

  He cleared his throat. “Forgive me,” he started. His voice echoed through the large, empty hall. The red carpeting behind him ended, leaving polished wooden flooring in front of him.

  Nothing stirred.

  Beno’or took a few more paces inside, searching the hall for any sign of the Emperor. “I’m sorry to intrude, Your Highness…”

  Still no response.

  He heard movement behind him, and spun round to see the assistant returning. He stepped back out to the red carpet area, and met with acute disapproval.

  “Forgive the intrusion,” Beno’or started. “I have an urgent matter to discuss with His Highness. The Empire hangs in the balance.”

  The assistant’s expression changed from one of scorn to one of anxiety, and a willingness to help. “Let me tell him you’re here,” she said quietly as she disappeared down the corridor along the side of the chamber.

  Beno’or waited for what seemed an eternity; but in actuality, was probably only a few minutes, augmented by his anxiety.

  The assistant came back, striding purposefully as she announced, “Please, His Highness will see you now.”

  Beno’or entered the chamber again and made his way down to the front of the room to find the Emperor on his throne, on the elevated platform. There were the usual ceremonial tables in front of him, with chairs for the longer conferences.

  “Your Highness,” Beno’or said, bowing to his Emperor. “I have news of utmost importance.”

  The Emperor waved his hand. “Please, speak Beno’or. You have my attention.” The Emperor’s expression was one of concern.

  Beno’or straightened up. “I’ll come straight to the point, Your Highness. It seems that our own military has been arming themselves with secret bases, and weapons beyond what we knew.”

  The Emperor’s air of concern turned to one of horror, but he remained silent, wanting to hear more.

  Beno’or continued. “It seems some other faction from outside the Zhyn Empire has come to know about this, and found it to be in breach of the Jah-Dune Accord. As such, less than an hour ago, our defenses were breached, and the clandestine bases are being systematically destroyed in both a nanobot and cyber attack.”

  The Empereror looked about to speak, but Beno’or interrupted. “Forgive me, My Lord, but there is something else.” He paused, not quite knowing how to relay the next piece of news. “It seems they have revealed the existence of these bases to our public. They have been broadcasting a message on all channels, on a loop, for the last ten minutes.”

  The Emperor closed his mouth, processing the information. He was silent for several moments before he spoke again. “Beno’or, tell me… As one of my most trusted advisors, did you know about the other bases?”

  Beno’or answered immediately. “No, My Lord.” His eyes were as shocked and concerned as the Emperor’s.

  “Then it seems,” the Emperor continued, “that we have a case of treason on our hands. Do we know who was in charge of this clandestine operation?”

  Beno’or looked down at his hands, and wrung his fingers together. “I have only my suspicions, Your Highness. Without proof…” he didn’t finish his sentence.

  The Emperor nodded sympathetically. “I understand. You’re an honorable man, Beno’or. But
events have forced us to be less careful with our words. If you have suspicions, I implore you to tell me.”

  Beno’or’s head was still lowered in shame and regret as he uttered the words he knew The Emperor already suspected.

  “I believe it was the Lord High Marshall behind this, Your Majesty.”

  Planet Kurilia, Southern Hemisphere

  “Okay, Oz,” Joel said over the quantum link. “We’re approaching the skylift now. How’s Molly doing?” he asked.

  Oz responded immediately. “Molly and Sean are on their way back to their skylift, too. They have Zhyns in pursuit.”

  “Shit,” Joel cussed under his breath, still focused on moving as fast as he could. “Anything you can do to help them?”

  “Yes,” Oz confirmed calmly. “I’m working on it.”

  Joel glanced over at Jack as they jogged up to the lift. Jack hit the button, then doubled-over, catching her breath while they waited.

  Joel put his free hand on his hip, the other holding his blaster. His eyes scanned the area, watching for any disturbance in the foliage.

  Jack turned and looked at the lift panel again. She hit the button… again.

  Joel smiled at her. “You know they’re programmed to take twice as long each time you hit them, right?”

  Jack looked at him, shocked. “Really?” she asked.

  Joel’s smile broadened. “No. I’m just messing with you.”

  She chuckled, and smacked him playfully, almost recovering her breath.

  “Oz,” Joel spoke again, hitting his quantum bead. “Anything you can do to speed up this skylift?” he asked.

  Oz spoke into both their audio implants. “Hang on,” he replied.

  The pair waited, recovering their breath and their wits, while scanning their surroundings.

  Oz’s voice returned to the line. “Oh, heck. Problem.”

  Jack saw Joel’s face drop. “What is it?” she asked, turning to check the panel for the lift. She looked, and then pressed at it again. “It’s dead,” she told Joel.


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