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The Ascension Myth Box Set

Page 189

by Ell Leigh Clark

  Molly padded over to it, rearranging her clothing that had twisted around her as she slept. She hit the button on the side panel, and the door opened, revealing a very enthusiastic looking Joel.

  “Morning!” he said brightly, holding a package of what looked like takeout mochas and snacks.

  Molly stepped to one side to allow him to pass. “I hate morning people,” she grumbled.

  “Well, you’re not going to hate me. I managed to find a lemon on this forsaken place, hence lemon tea. Plus, I got us both a mocha, because, well, I promised you last night when you were a drunken mess. And I couldn’t risk Oz recording it and you throwing it back at me.”

  He reached into the tray of drinks he was carrying and handed one to her. “Figuratively, of course. This stuff would scald if you actually threw it back at me. So please don’t do that.”

  Molly smiled. “Thanks, Joel. You’re… you’re the best friend I’ve ever had. And I don’t tell you that enough.”

  Joel immediately looked suspicious. “You okay?”

  Oz’s voice piped up over their implants. “Actually, sorry, that was me. I think her oxytocin levels were elevated as a response to us flushing the toxins out of her system.”

  Joel looked concerned. “Toxins? You mean the alcohol?”

  “Well,” Oz explained, “it seems that out here in this sector of space, alcohol is mixed with other intoxicants which act in different ways. She’s probably going to want that lemon water as well. And a couple more after that. Dehydration is an issue.”

  Joel waved to the package as he plonked it down on the desk in the room. “It’s here when you’re ready.” He picked up a couple of paper bags he had perched on the cups. “Plus, I got croissants.”

  Molly grinned. “Joel, you’re the best!”

  “Chocolate or almond?” he asked.

  “Almond,” she responded without a pause.

  He grinned, handing her a packet. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  The two shuffled back onto the bed with the croissants and mochas to enjoy a quiet breakfast before the inevitable came up.

  “I’m guessing we should talk about last night?” Molly asked between bites. “That’s why you’re here?”

  “No,” he said slowly and deliberately. “I’m here because I wanted to make sure you’re all right. And because you’re my friend and I wanted to have breakfast with you.”

  Molly frowned. “And you didn’t know what to tell the others about our next move?”

  Joel tilted his head from side to side. “It wasn’t my reason, but we ought to decide on that, too.”

  Molly bobbed her head, sucking on the plastic lid of her mocha.

  Joel continued. “I spoke with both Sean and Karina. They’re keen to come back with us and will be ready to leave whenever we are.”

  Molly frowned. “Just like that?”

  “Yeah, I think they’re concerned about Karina’s dad changing his mind about letting them go.”

  “Figures,” she muttered.

  There was silence for a few moments.

  Finally, Molly said what was on her mind. “What do you make of all this?”

  Joel shrugged. “I really don’t know. We can only go along with what Sean is telling us, and even though this started off one way, it seems they are married for real now.”

  Molly pressed her lips together and stared at the dark purple bed sheets, wishing she had never woken up.

  Joel reached over and put a hand on her knee. “It’s going to be okay. Change happens. It doesn’t mean that everything is going to fall apart. You’ve got a great team, and even if Sean were to leave—”

  Her eyes locked on to his in panic. “You think he’s going to leave?”

  “No, I actually don’t. But I’m guessing that’s what’s got you all rattled.”

  Molly bobbed her head gently, neither confirming nor denying the assumption.

  “Anyway,” he continued. “I think we just need to get out of this section of space before anything else happens. My guess is that when news of that wedding got out to the Don’s enemies, they saw it as an opportunity to strike when all the family was together. As long as we remain here with them, we’re in danger. And obviously, Sean and Karina are in danger of being thrown back into a dungeon.”

  Molly coughed, laughing. “The father-in-law threw them in a dungeon?”

  “Yeah, apparently. Until they agreed to get married.”

  Molly’s face visibly brightened. “Oh my. Okay, this is making a little bit more sense to me now.”

  Joel sniggered. “I see. We need to find the logic for you to be able accept something.”

  Molly frowned at him. “Well, yeah. Of course…”

  Joel chuckled. “Okay. Great. So, do you think now we could give the team a boarding time?”

  Molly grinned. “Oh yes, indeed. I didn’t need to understand this whole thing to know I wanted to get us out of here. Oz? Can we tell them wheels up in two hours? And tell them to pay attention to what’s around them. We may still be in danger of mob retaliation.”

  “Copy that,” Oz confirmed in their audio implants.

  Aboard The Empress,Bronislovas Trading Outpost, Kirox Quadrant

  Molly watched idly out the lounge window of The Empress as Karina hugged her father. She noticed they were both crying.

  So strange. She spent half her life running and hiding from him, and now they’re all sentimental and shit.

  It’s family.

  You’re an AI. What do you know about family?

  You’re my family. If anything happened to you…


  Molly suddenly felt ashamed of her insensitivity.

  “All right, party people!” Crash’s voice came over the comm. He had his pilot’s intonation on. “Time to find your seats and your hangover cures of choice. Grab your nearest and dearest and fasten your seat belts. We’re just waiting for our guests to get their asses on board, and we’ll be out of here.”

  Molly heard the chuckling coming from the team members who were already on board and ready to leave, albeit a little worse for wear.

  Karina stumbled into the cabin carrying a large hold-all and wearing sunglasses to hide her eyes. “Is he talking about us?” she asked, amused and a little indignant.

  Sean helped steady her and took her bag for stowing. “I believe he is.”

  Crash continued. “We at Air Empress offer our sincere condolences to the newly married couple.”

  Pieter and Jack burst out in hysterical laughter. Joel moved over a seat to let Sean sit with him. Karina kept moving, sniggering, despite herself.

  Joel noted her response as a good trait. She was obviously able to laugh at herself and wasn’t oversensitive to other people’s teasing.

  Crash continued. “Obviously, I’m kidding. Congratulations, guys. And thanks for the free booze!”

  More chuckles.

  Crash continued, assuming his pilot’s voice again. “Please keep your hands and arms inside the spacecraft. We’ll be pushing away shortly, at which time I seriously suggest you put your seatbelts on. Emma is cranky, having missed the party, so Air Empress cannot guarantee either your safety or a smooth ride. You have been warned.”

  Emma’s voice chirped up over the intercom. “Don’t worry, folks. I’ve got this. It seems that Crash is pre-blaming me for any problems because, well, in his hungover state, he already forgot to disengage the flux brake.”

  More sniggering emanated from the cabin. Crash didn’t make another announcement over the intercom until much later when Emma’s interjected commentary had been forgotten.

  Karina, still teary but smiling at the banter, stopped at the seat next to Molly. She took off her sunglasses and popped them in the pocket of the seat in front of her. “Hey,” she said, taking her atmosjacket off, sitting and doing up her seatbelt.

  Molly nodded politely, her lips subconsciously pressed together.

nbsp; Be nice!

  Dammit, Oz. It’s an invasion of space.

  Get over it.

  She could have sat anywhere! Look at all those empty rows of seats!

  And I think it says something important that she came and sat next to you.

  Like what? That she wants to torment me and take up my personal space?

  No. Like… she’s trying to build a bridge with you.

  Screw that.

  No, Molly. This is what human-ing is all about.

  Molly sighed and slumped down in her chair like a frustrated teenager.

  “You okay?” Karina asked.

  Molly felt immediately embarrassed and sat up again. “Erm, yeah.” She hesitated. “I should be asking you that.”

  “I’m fine. It’s just… you know, family.”

  “Yeah. Who’d have ‘em?”

  The two girls chuckled awkwardly, unaware of Joel and Sean switching their seats to sit behind them so they could overhear what they were saying.

  “I’m sorry you’re sad about leaving your dad,” Molly offered.

  “It’s okay. There was a time when I gave up everything to get away from him. And now that he’s not trying to make me stay or be a part of the family business, I’m kinda sad about leaving him.”

  Molly did a doubletake. “You’ve left here before?” she asked, frowning now.

  “Yeah. I mean, wouldn’t you?”

  Molly shrugged. “I dunno.”

  “You know they’re like a boondocks kind of mafia out here,” Karina explained. “My father is one of the most vicious Dons in this area of space.”

  Molly bobbed her head, smiling. “I’d kinda gathered that.”

  “So, you can imagine I had much to rebel against.”

  Molly raised her eyebrows, trying to hide any hint of skepticism or sarcasm in her voice. “Wow. It’s amazing you didn’t turn out crazy.”

  Be nice!

  “Nearly did,” Karina admitted. “Until Sean rescued me.”

  “You mean the other day?”

  “No before…”

  Molly shifted around in her seat, actually engaged in the conversation. “How do you mean?”

  Karina sighed, pausing for a moment as she felt the ship decouple from the docking bay and start moving. “Well, it’s like I was telling you. He and I have history. He rescued me from this hellhole and gave me a new life. Only, at the time, it wasn’t with him. This is what he’s calling his do-over.”

  Molly felt her chest ache as she realized that this really wasn’t just a mission. “Oh. I see. I… had no idea.”

  Karina shrugged. “There was no reason you’d know. It was top secret, and if anyone ever figured it out… well, Daddy dearest would have found me and had me killed.”

  “And yet, he was standing there at your wedding.” Molly realized she was still confused.

  “The wedding was his idea.”


  “Yeah. But it was a good one. A good idea, that is. And now that’s one less person who wants me dead.”

  Molly bobbed her head, then paused. “You mean there are others?”

  “Errr. Yeah…” Karina seemed to brace herself. “Molly, I don’t know how to tell you this. I thought we might have gotten into it yesterday… because I wanted you to know the whole truth. But then… you know, tequila bottles happened and…” She smiled sheepishly.

  Molly started to feel irritated, like she was being accused.

  She’s not blaming you. She’s trying to open up.

  Okay. Okay. I’m chill…

  Karina took a deep breath. “But I know your mom.”

  Molly heard the words but didn’t understand them. It was like she was mentally repeating words on a shopping list. And then she managed to process them.

  You know this already.

  I know. But I still don’t have the full picture. I want her version.

  “How?” her voice croaked as if she were detached from it.

  “Well, she was, erm… my handler when Sean found me a new life.”

  “My mom and Sean know each other?”

  Karina shifted around to face Molly better. “I don’t know about that, exactly. They’re aware of each other, though. I think. Well, your mom knows Sean, because she… well, she doesn’t like him much.”

  The girls heard a grunt behind them and simultaneously turned to catch Sean closing his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

  Karina reacted. “Sean Royale, if you want to eavesdrop on this conversation, you can bloody well share what you know!”

  Sean grunted again and opened one eye sleepily. “Huh? What? No, you carry on…”

  Karina shook her head and turned back to Molly.

  Molly rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry. We have a debrief scheduled for when we get back to Gaitune. So, what do you know? How does she know him?”

  “From the agency,” Karina stated flatly, watching carefully for Molly’s reaction.

  Molly’s face froze. “Am I the only one who didn’t know my parents were spooks?”

  Karina fiddled with her fingers and glanced down. “Erm, I’m sure they’ve been very careful about keeping it under wraps.”

  Molly slumped back in her seat. Her face was like stone.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” Karina protested. “They’re good people. And good spies. In fact, I did a mission with your dad once. He was such a badass before he retired!”

  Molly shook her head in disbelief, her eyes wide. “My ancestors. This is all a bit… I’m sorry…” She shifted to get up.

  “Hey,” Karina said, grabbing her wrist. “Don’t just walk away because this is a lot to take in. It’s okay. No one thinks any less of you because you didn’t know. I’m telling you what I can now. Of course, you’re going to have feelings.”

  Molly was already up and out of her seat. “Yeah, but I don’t wanna spew those feelings all over everyone.” She disappeared down the aisle.

  Joel had also been listening carefully from the seat behind them. He undid his belt and popped up over Molly’s now vacant chair. “Hey, give it time,” he told Karina. “She’ll come around. She always does. She just needs to wrap her head around a bunch of stuff.”

  Karina smiled. “I hope so. I actually kinda like her!”

  Joel chuckled. “Well, I’ll be…” He sat back down. Sean snorted in amusement.

  * * *

  Molly returned to her seat sometime later, having stopped off and talked to a few members of her hungover crew. Anything that meant she could avoid more talky-talky with the new Mrs. Karina Royale.

  Eventually, she plucked up the courage to return, this time carrying mochas from the machine. She handed one to Karina. “Peace offering. I’m sorry about last night. You’re… not all bad.” She winked.

  Karina grinned, accepting the mocha. “You’re not all bad yourself,” she agreed.

  Molly slipped back into her seat, carefully maneuvering past Karina again.

  Karina whispered to her. “If you can find my bag, I’ve got a bottle of something we can put into this mocha. Spice it up!”

  Molly sniggered. “As much as I’d love to, I need to stay sober now.”

  Karina nodded, pretending to pout.

  Oblivious to Joel’s raised eyebrow when he saw her return, Molly leaned in to speak to Karina quietly so the boys couldn’t hear. “Okay, so I’ve got to know one more thing,” she said.

  Karina smiled peacefully at her. “Anything.”

  Molly pursed her lips before speaking, as if trying to find the best way to phrase her question. “What is it about Sean? Why did you go through with it?”

  “Marrying him?”


  “Well… I dunno.” Karina shrugged slowly. “I guess the old feelings that I had for him kinda got reignited. But it was more than that. Things have changed since the old days. I’ve been wandering around, mission-centric, on my own for a long time now. And
it gets lonely. I mean, it’s great and all, but I guess not having any family or roots kinda makes it hard.”

  “So, Sean is your roots?” she asked, glancing back to make sure they couldn’t be heard.

  “Yeah, I guess.”


  “You have anyone like that?” Karina asked quietly.

  Joel shifted in his seat, trying to get closer to hear better.

  “I’m not sure,” Molly mumbled.

  The girls fell silent again and sipped their un-dosed mochas quietly.

  Molly’s holo beeped. She swiped at it and opened the message. She snorted quietly.

  “What is it?” Karina asked, automatically trying to see the screen.

  Molly turned the screen on her wrist to show her. “Giles. He’s a guy we work with. Sent me a selfie.”

  Karina sniggered. “Oh my, is that—”

  “A Mech?” Molly responded. “Yeah, I think so. I’m guessing this is a victory selfie.”

  “Oh, wow. What’s he been working on?”

  Molly sighed, closing the holo and resting her head against the headrest. “I’m not entirely sure. He’s a space archaeologist, so he goes off every now and again tomb raiding and shit.”

  Karina stopped. “Are you and he…”

  “Oh no. Ancestors, no.” Molly paused. “I mean…” She hesitated. “No. We’re not.”

  She felt movement behind her and glanced around. Joel leaned forward. “You’ve heard from Giles? Everything okay?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. Seems he’s wrapping things up out there. He’ll send us a full report soon.”

  Joel nodded and sat back again.

  Karina narrowed her eyes at Molly and sipped her mocha.

  “What?” Molly protested, clearly flustered.

  “Nothing. It’s just… he’s a guy. And he’s sending you selfies.” She shrugged. “There’s something more than just a mission check in.”

  Molly scratched at her head in distraction. “Yeah. Maybe. But I don’t know. And honestly, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m sure it will all come out in the wash.”

  Karina put one hand up. “Okay, backing off!” she declared with a knowing smile.

  Molly shook her head. “Fuck my life…” she huffed gently.

  Base conference room, Gaitune-67, Sark System, Loop Galaxy


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