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Love is Blind

Page 6

by Vijay K Kerji

  Her face was filled with happiness while she continued reading the novel.


  Chapter 11 James and Jennifer


  Not brute force but only persuasion and faith are the kings of this world -Thomas Carlyle


  Niranjan had another hard workweek at General Electric. He enjoyed doing good work and had spent his evenings alone in the Deer Creek Apartments. He no longer had the company of Venkatesh since the last week. He watched the television during the evenings and cooked his food. He kept his radio tuned to the local Smooth Jazz station to get rid of the fatigue and loneliness. He slowly started feeling depression during the evening time. He spent some time in the balcony before retiring to the bed.


  He waited for the call from Jennifer since he spoke to her last week. He tried to keep himself busy but he needed somebody’s company to speak with, and he called home and spoke with his parents but the conversation lasted only for few minutes. He tried to contact Shubra and Venkatesh but was not satisfied talking over phone. He started feeling lonely day by day and depression started overtaking his mind and health.


  He thought for a while why he should expect a call from her and decided to speak to her over phone every weekend himself. On Saturday evening, he punched her phone number with much courage. He sat in the balcony while he called her.


  “Hello, Jennifer. How are you doing?” Niranjan asked with a confident tone.


  “Hi, I am doing okay,” she said with cheerful voice.


  “I thought I can speak with you for some time. Hope you can spare few minutes with me,” Niranjan said with respectful tone.


  “Okay, please go ahead,” Jennifer said with a complimentary voice.


  “Well, another weekend and I am alone at home,” Niranjan said while he stretched his legs.


  “Okay, how was your workweek at office?” Jennifer asked.


  “It was good, and I completed the design of a major module of our project,” Niranjan said with much confidence while he tried to straighten his back.


  “Okay, that’s great,” Jennifer said.


  Well, thank god. She is responding well to my talk. Let me see how I can take it forward.


  “How do you spend your time on workweeks?” Niranjan asked. His voice was filled with curiousness while he glanced at the moving car on a private road.


  “Well, I help in our family business activities, and spend time in reading novels,” Jennifer said with a happy voice.


  “Oh, that’s great. Can I know something about your family business?” Niranjan asked.


  “Well, we have a large bakery outlet in Edison. I manage the bakery products preparation along with my mother,” Jennifer explained with boastful voice.


  Niranjan stood up and said, “Wow that sounds great. You keep yourself busy on workweek.”


  “Yes, I do,” Jennifer said. Her voice was soft.


  “What kind of novels do you read?” Niranjan asked. He walked inside the main hall by sliding the balcony door.


  “I usually read romantic fiction. Sometimes I prefer thrillers,” Jennifer said.


  “That’s good,” Niranjan said. He walked inside the main hall of his house.


  “What about you? How do you spend weekends?” Jennifer asked with curiousness in her voice.


  “I used to go out with Venkatesh when he was here. But now, I am alone,” Niranjan replied. He made himself comfortable on a couch inside the hall.


  “Do you own a car?” Jennifer asked. She showed much interest to know more about Niranjan.


  “I need to buy a new car, and I need your help in buying one,” Niranjan said while he relaxed on the couch.


  “Well, why do you need my help?” Jennifer asked with stern voice.


  “Well, I don’t know exactly which one to buy. Or where the dealers located?” Niranjan asked while he stretched his hands.


  “Okay, there must be some dealers in Princeton, you should decide on the type of the car,” Jennifer replied.


  “Okay, let me research on this and get back to you by the next week end,” Niranjan said while he straightened his neck.


  Well, she seems to be okay with my call. She sounds quite friendly and helpful.


  “All right, I need to attend some work now,” Jennifer said.


  “Okay, thank you very much for your time,” Niranjan said. His voice was filled with admiration.


  “All right, bye,” Jennifer said.


  Niranjan heard the phone disconnected from the other side.


  Niranjan felt happy about the way the conversation went with Jennifer. He was pleased by the fact that Jennifer responded well to his call. He decided to speak to her every weekend without fail. It changed his mood on the evenings of the workweek and he spent the time joyfully without loneliness feeling. He thought he got a good friend in the USA to speak with. He decided to invite her to a nearby place to meet her next week. He thought he can succeed in his attempt, since she has taken good interest this time around while speaking with him over the phone.




  Jennifer was happy after speaking with Niranjan. She found him very friendly and well mannered. She thought Niranjan may not be a bad person to become a friend of her and decided to receive his calls whenever he called her.


  She saw James watching her from his room, when she finished speaking to Niranjan.


  James tip-toed towards Jennifer and asked, “Who was on the phone?” His voice was filled with anger.


  “Well a friend of mine, lives in Princeton,” she said calmly while kept her phone on the table.


  “Watch out when you talk to someone stranger,” James said with the stern voice.


  "All right, I try to be careful,” Jennifer said. She stared at him for a while.


  “Beware of bad guys,” James suggested. He walked back to his room.


  Jennifer felt little nervous when James alerted her. She remembered the past incident which happened with her two years ago with Andrew. She recalled that James did suggest her during her close friendship with Andrew and she had regretted her decision to ignore his advice. However, she felt somewhat comfortable in speaking with Niranjan and thought she can afford to ignore James’s warning about Niranjan this time around.


  Chapter 12 Princeton University

  Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born - Anais Nin


  The cold weather with the gusty wind pervaded outside the Deer Creek Apartment. Few cars were seen moving on the street of the apartment with the jeer noise of the wheels. The quacking sound of geese was heard around the block H of the apartment and the geese were seen passing the street with their little goslings.


  Niranjan relaxed on the sofa in the main hall of the house on that Saturday noon. He read a novel to pass the time while a track of smooth jazz was being played on the radio. The curtain of the balcony entrance was kept open to let the outside light enter into the hall. He was exhausted after the hectic workweek at the office and the music soothed his mind and soul.


njan was happy ever since he started speaking with Jennifer on weekends. It became usual practice for him to speak with her to avoid the loneliness and the depression. He slowly forgot the void created by Venkatesh when he left to India few months ago.


  He became friendlier with Jennifer ever since he spoke with her for the past two months. He always insisted her to meet him outside in person but he was unsuccessful in his attempts. But he hoped for the best and he was confident that he would meet her in the near future.


  Niranjan closed the novel and walked towards the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee. He decided to call Jennifer.


  "Hi Niranjan, how are you doing?" asked Jennifer.


  Niranjan was pleased to hear Jennifer’s voice over the phone.


  “Hello, Jennifer, I am doing well, and how are you?” he said with a cheerful tone.


  “I' m doing well, and am busy with some work,” Jennifer said.


  “Well, since it is weekend, I thought of speaking with you for few minutes,” Niranjan said while he sipped the coffee.


  “Okay, how was your workweek?” Jennifer asked with stern voice.


  “Well, I had to work hard again. We had a new project release on Friday, and we could successfully complete it,” Niranjan said. He kept the coffee cup on the table.


  Jennifer paused for a moment and said, “Wow, that’s great to hear from you”.


  “Thank you, and can you make yourself available in the evening?”


  “I am not sure; some other work may come up,” Jennifer said.


  Niranjan walked towards the balcony and said, “Well, I thought we can meet together”. His tone was soft and curious.


  Niranjan waited for her answer and later he said, “It’s all right if you are already preoccupied”.


  “Well, let me try if I can meet you today,” Jennifer said with a candid tone.


  Niranjan was delighted to hear this and said, “I thought of going out to Nassau Street at Princeton University. If you are interested, we can go together”. He slid open the balcony door and entered into the balcony.


  “Okay, I let you know when I become free,” Jennifer said.


  Wow, at last she is ready to meet me.


  “All right, I will wait for your call then. Please don’t disappoint me this time around,” Niranjan said while he rested his hand on the wooden rim of the balcony.


  “Okay, bye,” Jennifer said gleefully.


  He hung the phone and finished his remaining cup of coffee with smile on his face. He walked back inside the main hall. His mind got soothed and the mood got elevated while he again reclined on the sofa inside the hall. He stretched his right hand to reach the music box and raised its volume a little. His mind was filled with the thoughts of Jennifer while he keenly looked forward to meet her on that pleasant evening.




  At five o’ clock in the evening, while Niranjan was watching the television show, he heard his cell phone ringing. He was waiting for Jennifer’s call. He grabbed the phone immediately and said, “Well, I am happy to receive your call.” He reduced the volume of the television.


  “Okay, my pleasure,” Jennifer chuckled.


  Niranjan paused for few moments and said, “Are we going together to Nassau Street?”


  “Yes, and I will come over to your place,” Jennifer said. Her tone was filled with anxiousness.


  “Okay, it’s my pleasure, and I welcome you to my home at the Deer Creek Apartment”.


  “Thank you, I will be there in the next half hour,” Jennifer said.


  “Okay, I am looking forward to meet you,” Niranjan said. He hung up the phone and jumped up with ecstasy. His eager wait to meet Jennifer has come to an end. His heart pounded, while he celebrated the moment with much joyfulness. He hurried to dress himself to receive her at his place.




  Jennifer took shower and walked towards her closet. She chose to wear a pale blue blouse and a navy skirt. She shopped her cloths at Kohl’s which was her favourite shop for buying cloths. She was always appreciated by her friends for her clothing sense. She brushed her hair and applied a tinted lip gloss. She took her purse and climbed down the staircase and saw James standing on her way.


  She stared at him and said, “I’ll be back in one hour.”


  James gazed at her eyes and said, “You be on the lookout when you meet some stranger outside”. His tone was little angry while he shrugged.


  “All right, thank you for suggesting me” Jennifer said. She walked towards the garage.


  Jennifer drove her car towards the Route One South to reach the Princeton. She found the traffic on Route One quite moderate because of the weekend. She was anxious to meet Niranjan for the second time. She was convinced of Niranjan’s motives and intentions of friendship over the phone for the last month. She had confidence in him and decided to have him as her friend. She thought he is smart enough to take her outside and wander around.


  She exited from the Route One South towards the Office Street and steered her car towards the right to reach the Deer Creek Drive. She drove into the entrance of the Deer Creek Apartments on the right side and located the H block. She saw Niranjan waving his hand towards her from the balcony of his house. She parked her car in a nearby parking slot, and saw Niranjan walking towards her in the parking area. Her face turned red when Niranjan came close to her.


  She was impressed by the way Niranjan was dressed. His navy blue suit with pale blue tie on it attracted her. She thought he had dressed very well to meet her and take her to the Nassau Street.


  “Good evening, Jennifer. Please welcome” Niranjan said. He had a pleasant smile on his face.


   “Good Evening,” Jennifer said and smiled at him.


  Over the period of last three months, they both had developed close friendship over the phone. They had built confidence in each other. It was a special moment for both of them to meet in person.


  “This place is very beautiful,” she said while she walked with Niranjan towards the staircase.


  “Yeah, it really is,” Niranjan said, and adjusted his tie.


  She walked inside the house and sat at a sofa. Her heart was filled with much happiness. She observed the neatness maintained throughout the house. She glanced at the balcony and saw the beautiful apartment premises with lawn and flowered plant around. She looked into the Niranjan’s eyes and said, “Your house is really nice and I like its location”.


  “My friend Venkatesh had chosen this home, and I feel lucky to stay in here,” Niranjan said.


  Jennifer spent several minutes and asked him few questions about the apartment features. She glanced at the clock and said, “Let’s go outside for some time and wander around the Princeton down town”


  “That’s correct, let’s go,” Niranjan said.


  They went down the staircase and walked back to the parking space. She stepped inside the car and opened the door for Niranjan to get inside.


  “Wow, it’s very nice and compact car,” Niranjan said.


  “Thank you. Have you decided about buying a
new car?” Jennifer asked while she pulled her car out of the parking slot.


  “Well, I researched in the internet last week, and I have decided to buy Honda Acura,” Niranjan said.


  “Good decision and Acura is a nice car to drive. I think there is a dealer available in Princeton,” Jennifer said while she steered her car towards the right side.


  Niranjan paused for a moment and said, “Yes, I browsed the web site of the Honda dealer and I have his contact information.”


  While they were discussing, Jennifer turned towards left to join the Nassau Street near the Princeton University. She drove her car to a nearby parking area located at the rear side of the shopping outlet across the street. She stepped out of the car and put few quarters inside a parking meter.


  Niranjan gazed at the parking meter and saw its needle tilted when she put quarters inside it, showing the allotted parking time.




  Niranjan walked on the Nassau Street along the pedestrian path with Jennifer. It was a down town thoroughfare of Princeton with shopping outlets on the sides of the street. Niranjan saw people standing in queue in front of Thomas Sweets and Ice Cream outlet.


  “Is it famous for the ice cream there? Many people are queued up,” Niranjan asked while he looked at the outlet.


  “Yeah, it is one of the best shops for delicious ice creams. Would you like to visit?” Jennifer said and stared at him.


  “Not now, may be next time,” he said.


  He saw many Americans walking on the Nassau Street and few held a mug of beverage in their hand. He noticed a couple walking past them along with their baby in the stroller, and few walked on the street with their pet dog.


  “What about the driving license? You already have it?” she asked.


  “Well, I need to get it this month,” Niranjan said while he looked at her.


  Niranjan saw P.J’s pancake house and Triumph Brewery across the street on the right side. He saw many Americans entering inside the Triumph Brewery to spend their good time on the weekend. He crossed the Nassau Street and joined Witherspoon Street along with Jennifer. He noticed several business outlets across the street. He entered into a Starbucks coffee shop along with Jennifer. He sat by a table deep inside the shop along with her.


  The Starbucks coffee outlet was big enough to accommodate several people with two sections in it. One was the upper section, which was on a platform above the ground level. People sat by the table with their partners in the upper section speaking with one another. The lower section contained few chairs with news papers spread on the table. Some people were involved in reading them while having their coffee.


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