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Sweet Surrender: Mari & Ki (A Royal Vow Novel Book 1)

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by Lizabeth Scott

  As a sleepy Ella entered the kitchen Mari closed the lid on the last box of muffins,. “Good morning glory!” Their mom had always used that silly saying when waking them up in the morning. It never failed to made them both smile.

  “Where were you last night?” Ella poured herself a cup of coffee and sat at the breakfast bar, helping herself to a muffin.

  Not sure how much she wanted to tell Ella, “Well I had a very interesting day yesterday. You know we had the bachelorette party last night, the one where I had to wear that ridiculous harem girl outfit?”

  “Yeah, the one that wouldn’t cover your boobs?”

  “Right, that one. Well, these three very hot men came in. I thought they was there to dance for Jenna May’s bachelorette party. Turns out he was a business man on his way north and just stopped for food!”

  “Wow, how embarrassing!” Ella got up to pour herself a glass of milk and waited for Mari to finish. She couldn’t help but think that something seemed different about Mari that morning.

  “Yeah, it was really embarrassing.” Mari picked up the pot holders and turned to take the cinnamon buns out of the oven. “His name is Ki, and he asked me to join him while he ate. He liked my cake. We talked for a long time.”

  “Hmmm, could it be that my workaholic sister is finally taking interest in a guy?” Ella could tell there was more it than what Mari had told her so far. From experience, Ella knew that if she waited her out, Mari would eventually get to the point.

  Mari sat the pan down on top of the stove to cool, poured herself a cup of coffee, and joined Ella at the bar. “He’s different Ella. I don’t know what it is, but the few hours I spent with him yesterday were…magical. Do you remember that feeling you used to get on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to bring that one special toy? That’s the way I felt talking to Ki-warm and fuzzy and filled with anticipation about what is to come. That’s crazy, right?”

  “No honey, that’s not crazy. I am so happy for you! You really like this guy.” Ella thought she needed to talk to Sam and get his take on Ki. Where Mari may be older than Ella, Mari was rather naive when it came to men. Seeing the excitement in Mari eyes, something she had not seen since before their mom died, Ella hoped this guy was sincere.

  “Yeah, I really do. He gave me his friend’s phone to use while he’s in Washington on business. We’re going to get to know each other, and then…well…we’ll just see what happens.” Mari turned back to the pan on the stove, not wanting Ella to see too much, wanting to keep her thoughts on going with Ki to herself until she decided what she was going to do. There was no need to worry her.

  “Mari, I can’t help but think there is something else you’re not telling me.”

  The doorbell rang, perfect timing. “You better get in the shower. You don’t want to be late for your own graduation!” Mari picked up the box of muffins and headed to the door for her first pick-up of the day.

  Mari had an arrangement with her neighbor, Mrs. Price, to use her car on days that she had big orders to fill, but others customers liked to pick them up at her house on their way to work.

  Opening the door Mari gasped, not because there was a strange man at her door but because in her driveway was a brand new Cadillac SUV with a big red bow on top of the hood.

  “Good morning ma’am.” Totally mystified, Mari tore her eyes away from the bow, long enough to read the nametag on his dealership shirt, “Oh, do you need directions…Ben?”

  “Are you Mari Roe?” Ben held out a clipboard for her to sign.

  “Yes, yes I am,” Mari took the pen and signed her name on auto pilot, her attention still focused on the car.

  “Here you go!” Handing her the keys, Ben got into a truck and drove away.

  “Wait!” Mari yelled but it was too late. Ben was already gone before she got her thoughts together enough to think to get more information from the delivery guy.

  Ella walked up behind Mari, “What was that all about?”

  Still in a daze, Mari looked from the car to the keys in her hand. “I have no idea. He just handed me these keys. What’s going on?”

  Ella pushed Mari out the door and grabbed her hand, “Come on, let’s go look at it! Wow, a Cadillac!”

  “Ella don’t.” Too late, Ella had already made herself at home in the driver’s seat.

  “Look Mari, there’s a letter with your name on it. And they even spelled your name right!” Mari took the letter and turned it over looking for a return address. There was none.

  “Open it, it’s not gonna bite!” Mari opened the letter and began to read,


  Before you get angry, this gift is more for me than you. I worry about your safety and riding a bike to and from work is just too terrifying a thought for me to handle.

  There is also plenty of room to transport Ella to school next week.

  See you in two weeks!


  Chapter Seven

  “Get out Ella, we are not keeping it.”

  Why would Ki give her a car? She wouldn’t let him buy her a phone and he thought a car was okay? What did he expect in payment? Did he think he could buy her with a car? And what did he mean by it’s more for him? Bikes are safe, and why was he even worrying about her? He only met her yesterday! A few wonderful hours of talking and then… that kiss.

  “Who’s it from?” Slowly Ella got out of the SUV and read the note over Mari’s shoulder.

  “But Mari, we really need a car. And just think how much more convenient it will be when the weather is bad. Sara won’t have to pick you up anymore. You will have your own car to make deliveries with now. And I really do worry about you riding that bike to work.”

  “Ella, I don’t think I can afford this car, and I’m not talking about money. The man I was telling you about at work yesterday, Ki, he thinks my bike isn’t safe, and he wants me to drive this because it will make him feel better.”

  “Mari, a man you only talked to for a few hours buys you a car? Are you leaving something out of that conversation you had with him?” Ella had always been very perceptive.

  “Ok, so maybe there was more. But Ella, I have no idea why he did this!”

  Mari decided to confide in her sister, “I don’t know what is happening. Yesterday when I met Ki, it just felt…right. After talking to him for only those few hours, it seemed like we had known each other a lifetime. He asked me to go with him on his business trip. I, of course, told him no. I mean what type of woman would do that? But Ella I wanted to say yes! Then he kissed me, and if you had asked me my name at that moment I don’t think I would have known it. That is how his kiss affected me.” What could have made him spend that much money on a car for someone he had only known for a few hours? Did their time together yesterday mean just as much to Ki as it did to her?

  “Mari, it sounds to me like you have feelings for Ki, maybe even serious feelings. I know what you gave up for me, and I truly appreciate it and I love you for it. You gave me a wonderful childhood when it could have been so different. Hey, you even survived my teenage years.”

  Ella wiped away the tears from her sister’s eyes, “Mari, you stopped living your life when mom died. But now it’s time for you to start living again. I leave for college next week, and I want you to focus on you. You don’t need to work as hard anymore. Take some time for yourself, find out what you want. I will be just fine. You need to explore what you are feeling for Ki.”

  “Hey, how did you get so smart?” Tears ran down her face as she hugged Ella. “Six years ago when mom died I thought of all the things you would miss growing up without her. I had mom’s guidance through all the awkward years. I tried to give you as normal a childhood as I possibly could. We did it Ella. I think, we raised each other. You’re right, it’s time for you to turn the page and get on with the next chapter of your life. Maybe it is time to find out what’s next for me.”

  Mari could feel that this was one of those life changing moments. She was sure that this moment in time wo
uld be the defining moment in the next chapter of their lives. Mari knew with a certainty that Ki would somehow play an important part in her future. With that decision made, Mari got out her phone to text.

  Mari – You are in big trouble mister!

  Not expecting a response Mari was surprised when a message blinked in.

  Ki – Please Mari, drive the SUV.

  It was the please that did it. Not a command, but a please.

  Mari – You have got to stop this.

  Ki – Enjoy your day, and wish Ella happy graduation!

  Mari – Thank you…but STOP!

  Ki chuckled to himself as he picked up his cell phone. “Chandra, have a dozen pink roses delivered to Miss Ella Roe in Pikeville, North Carolina.”

  Hanging up, Ki smiled, and then picked the phone back up. “Chandra, call the tech department and have them deliver a laptop, with all the accessories a college girl could want to the same address.” Ki knew his harem girl’s eyes were going to ignite when Ella received her graduation gifts.

  Thinking of Mari had Ki quite confused. He had always been considerate of women. Any woman he had bedded had known that it was only for the release and pleasure they would both receive. Never had emotions played any part of those relationships. He could easily distinguish when a woman was interested in more from him than he was willing to give. Those were the women he steered away from. As a prince, he was always being introduced to women who wanted to apply for the princess position no matter how they felt about him as a person. He had never wanted that position filled, until Mari. He could actually see himself with her beside him working to improve his country. Now he had to convince one feisty harem girl that the position was hers.

  On the drive back from Western, Mari had time for reflection. Ella’s graduation had been perfect! She was such a proud sister as she watched her walk across the stage to accept her high school diploma. Of course, what they had found waiting for them at home caused some intense moments. A dozen roses and a laptop with all the accessories waited for them along with a cellphone. Mrs. Price, her neighbor, saw the delivery people and let them into her house thinking she had won the lottery! Well, it did sort of feel like she won the boyfriend lottery.

  That was what she was calling him now. For eleven days they had talked on the phone. Ki would call each night and text Mari during the day, just to say hi or to let her know he was thinking about her. The few times Mari was brave enough to initiate a text, Ki responded immediately. Last night she had even fallen asleep with the phone against her ear.

  Through just their daily calls, Mari felt like she had really gotten to know Ki. It had been nice not having her hormones involved and just getting to talk about anything and everything. He even talked to Ella several times, and now she was one of his biggest fans!

  And how sweet he was when she sent him a tin of homemade cookies. Mari tried to get them as close to his favorite childhood cookie as she could. Of course she had to put her own twist on them, a little bit of lemon zest and some freshly grated nutmeg. Getting an address to send them to him been a stroke of luck. During one of their Skype sessions, Mari had seen the name of the hotel he was staying at in the background of his room.

  The day he got the cookies he called her immediately to thank her. Such a small thing, but he seemed to really appreciate that she went to the trouble to make them and send them to him.

  The same day Mari received two dozen of the most beautiful roses she had ever seen. Their fragrance filled her empty house the with sweet smell of possibilities.

  Of course Ella was ecstatic when she found her gifts. A little more of Mari’s heart was won over seeing how happy Ella was. She had wanted to get her a phone and a computer for school. but with money so tight, she just couldn’t swing it.

  Mari had to admit that having the SUV had really been wonderful. Mari had never in her life felt so pampered. Ki had been nothing but thoughtful. Ella had even found a gas card in the glove box, so Mari didn’t even have to worry about buying gas.

  But what was she going to do about his offer? Should she do what Ella suggested and just go for it? Everything in her said yes. But they were so different. Would she feel out of place? What would he expect from her? Was she ready if he wanted an intimate relationship? Her body said yes, but she had established that she couldn’t always go by that. Her body had an unreasonable attraction to him. Reason had to enter into it somewhere.

  Of all the things she had learned about Ki, he had never really opened up about his family. He had even been a bit guarded about answering specific questions about them. But he had never really talked much about them other than telling her some of the antics they got into in their younger days. His mom and dad must be very patient and understanding. What would it have been like growing up in a big family like that? Mari really couldn’t see Ki introducing her to his family. Thinking about that made her sad. A family like Ki’s wouldn’t be happy with him seeing someone like her. Mari knew it was not right to judge people sight unseen, but she was sure they would want someone for their son that would be his equal.

  Feeling a drop on her hand, Mari wiped away the tear that she didn’t even know was there. She hated crying.

  As Mari exited onto highway twenty-nine, she was glad the trip was almost over. It had been very emotional leaving Ella at school. Driving away and leaving her standing there waving goodbye was one of the hardest things she had ever done. Mari had no idea how it was going to feel walking into her house knowing Ella wasn’t there.

  Mari was startled when the phone in her SUV began to ring. She chuckled and shook her head, she would never get used to all the extras the car had. She pushed the button on the steering wheel to answer, “Hello?”

  “Where are you?” Mari smiled to herself when she heard Ki’s business voice.

  “Well hello to you to Ki! See, you should start with pleasantries, then you can inquire where I am.”

  “Funny Mari, now tell me… please, where are you?” Mari could hear people talking in the background. He must be calling her from a meeting.

  “Your delivery is still lacking, but since you said please, I am about an hour from home.”

  “When you get home you will find something waiting for you. Please…follow the directions. I am late for a meeting and must go for now, but I wanted you to know how much I want you to follow the directions.”

  He hung up before she could get any more information from him. That’s it, just follow the directions? What had he done now? While he had gotten his way on everything else, maybe it was time for her to take a stand. But she knew she wouldn’t. It seemed to make him happy. She pulled into her driveway and saw a large flat box propped against her front door. Overcome with curiosity she grabbed the box, unlocked her door, and stared at the box wondering what he could be sending her now. Carefully she opened the envelope attached to the front and read;

  I’m dreaming of you tonight wearing this.

  Be ready at seven. A driver will pick you up.

  Can’t wait to see your smiling face,


  Folding back layer upon layer of tissue paper, she gasped as a beautiful black sleeveless dress with thin diamond straps was revealed. She had seen dresses like that once before in a fashion magazine at her mom’s doctor’s office. She reached out, almost afraid to touch it. The material felt so soft and elegant.

  Holding it up, she just knew it would be a perfect fit. Mari could count the number of dresses she had ever owned on one hand. Exactly three, and nothing even close to this one. How did Ki know her size? Looking further into the box, Mari found matching shoes with the tallest spiked heels she had ever seen. She wondered how she would ever be able to walk in them. Who cared about walking with shoes that gorgeous!?

  Mari felt her face getting hot as she uncovered the sexiest red satin and lace undies she had ever seen. Her face turned even redder as she wondered how he knew her correct bra size. The dress must have cost a fortune, probably more than Mari made in a mo
nth! The shoes alone could probably pay their power and gas bill…for months! She checked her watch. She needed to hurry and get a shower to be ready by seven. Walking down the hall to her bathroom Mari giggled, “I wonder if I will turn into a pumpkin at midnight.”

  After showering and drying her hair, Mari pulled on the red panties amazed at how soft and comfortable they felt. She blushed at how little they actually covered. Snapping the bra into place she stepped up to the full length mirror on the back of her bathroom door. Mari had always been happy with the size of her breasts. While not too big, they did fill a T-shirt out nicely. The bra was low cut revealing the pushed up top curve of her breasts as they spilled over the top, making them look about a size larger than they actually were. Mari worried her bottom lip wondering if her nipples would stay covered. She blushed again when she wondered what Ki would do if they didn’t.

  Slipping on the dress and smoothing it into place, Mari closed her eyes and could almost feel Ki’s hands caressing her body. The neckline was cut much lower than anything she had ever worn, revealing much more cleavage than she was comfortable with, especially with all the spillage going on.

  While not extremely short, the hem hit her about three inches above the knee, just high enough to be flirty but low enough to protect her modesty. She walked over to get her shoes from the box. Mari loved the way the bottom of the dress felt as it swirled around her thighs.

  Not sure how to navigate in high heels, she took a few test steps and promptly found herself flat on the bed. She was just not used to anything with a heel. She wore sneakers, boots, and flats, comfortable shoes that could get her through an eight hour day. Those heels might only be three hour shoes, but she was going to look amazing in them. When she was young, Mari loved to play dress up in her mom’s shoes. With several passes around her bedroom she was finally able to successfully complete a lap without a wobble. She was surprised at how comfortable they actually were.


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