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Pierced Hearts (Southern Charmers Book 1)

Page 17

by Ahren Sanders

  “I don’t know what she sounds like, but that sounded like a pig squealing,” Scottie chirps.

  “He knew this was coming.” Stephanie tries to sound strong.

  “I guess he did.”

  “Let’s sit.” Scottie nudges me forward, but I shake my head.

  “I’d rather stand.”

  “For what it’s worth, I like him.”

  “How do you know?” I tear my eyes from the direction Pierce went. “You spent five minutes with him.”

  “One of my best traits is reading people. That man is insane about you. He may have been talking to me, but his focus was elsewhere.”

  “Whether or not that is true is arguable. You know what happened between us and why we can never work. His children are his life, and that woman comes with them.”

  He scoffs and glances at Stephanie. They share a look that I can’t bring myself to care about. Seconds later, Pierce strolls back into the room. His face is blank, but the worry lines around his eyes give him away. Scottie steps aside, and Pierce stops in front of me, circling my waist and dropping his mouth for a quick kiss.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yep,” he clips.

  “What did she say?”

  “I’m not sure since I tuned her out.”

  “She’s pissed.”

  He shrugs.

  “Pierce, seriously, what happened?”

  “She fucked up big time.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Darby, she’s not coming into your day. Let it go. Don’t we have reservations to get ready for?”

  My irritation spikes, and I swallow a gulp of wine. Then I glare at him, waiting.

  “No, Darby. We’re not—”

  “What happened?” I demand lowly.

  He blows out a breath, strengthens his hold, and shares, “I ignored her calls, knowing the kids are with my parents today. The only reason I answered the phone is because it was Andi at the office. It wasn’t Andi calling; it was Connie. She showed up at the office, acting like a bitch.”

  “Oh my God, no.”

  “Yes, that’s why she fucked up. There are witnesses to her behavior. One of the ladies in the office called the police.”

  I search for something to say, but Scottie beats me to it. “That’s fantastic.”

  My head spins to find both of them smiling wide. “This is not funny.”

  “Actually, it is,” Pierce chuckles himself.

  “How can you say that? She interrupted your place of business with a tirade of craziness.”

  “That’s why it’s funny. I am thousands of miles away, and she instigated a situation that means she has to answer to the police. I didn’t have anything to do with it.”

  His lawyer comes to mind, and I understand what he’s saying. “Do you need to go home?”

  “Fuck no. I told you, baby, I have this handled. The kids are safe and where they are supposed to be. My financial obligations are handled per court order, and I took a pre-planned vacation. She doesn’t have a leg to stand on legally with our custody agreement.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to remind him, again, that any relationship between us is too complicated. He reads my mind, his eyes growing dark, and he drops his forehead to mine. “Don’t you dare say it. Don’t even think it. Wipe that shit from your mind. I’ve got this handled.”

  I nod, giving in for the sake of saving the conversation until we are alone.

  “As gorgeous as the two of you are huddled together, we are drawing attention. I think it’s time to get me a drink and mingle,” Scottie pipes up.

  “I couldn’t agree more. Let’s go back to celebrating Darby.” Pierce slides his hands down and squeezes my ass before twirling so I’m tucked to his side.

  It happens so fast, I almost miss it, but I catch Stephanie winking at Pierce. My feet stumble over themselves at the subtle, yet approving gesture.

  Now, I know I’m in trouble.


  Cars line the driveway leading up to my parents’ house when Pierce parks beside my SUV outside the shed. Instead of it being the two of us returning to Charleston, it’s four. Stephanie and Scottie surprised me again when they announced they were coming home with me for a few days. Scottie insisted it was for the full tourist experience, but it felt off.

  Now, I know why.

  Music flows through the air, mixed with the sounds of laughter and chatter. Pierce takes my keys out of my hand and carries the suitcases inside, then returns to me, linking our hands and steering me around the shed. A few tents are scattered in the yard, and the terrace is filled with people.

  Mom, Dad, and Evin are on the steps, and as soon as they see us, they start to cheer. Everyone follows suit, and I stand frozen in place. Stephanie and Scottie join in, screaming congratulations.

  As if he feels my presence, Runner flies from somewhere behind the house, speeding my way. Pierce tenses when I rip my hand from his and hold out my arms for my dog.

  Pierce moves behind me, and this time, when Runner jumps onto me, we don’t go down but into the protective wall of Pierce’s body. I give the dog a hug, but his attention is quickly taken when he sees Stephanie and Scottie. He wiggles free to greet them as well.

  “Is it too late to take my dog and run?” I ask our little group, feeling the pressure of all eyes on us.

  “Absolutely. I came for a party, and that’s what I’m going to get,” Scottie announces, flashing his megawatt smile my way and strutting forward.

  “I can’t believe you guys didn’t warn me.”

  “I thought you’d catch on when I picked out your outfit.” Stephanie waves her hand down my sundress.

  “I thought we were preparing for Mom.”

  “And half the town. Now, come on.” She takes off after Scottie, leaving me still pressed up to Pierce.

  “What about you? Any chance you’ll rescue me?” I practically beg, peering up at him.

  He shakes his head with a mischievous grin.

  “Not even if I promise chocolate raspberry sauce breakfasts on my prep table anytime you want?”

  His eyes glitter with heat, giving me hope that I’ve got him until it fades into a humorous glint. “I think that tomorrow’s breakfast menu is going to be more of a whipped cream type celebration.”

  My body does an all-over shiver, thinking about a repeat of this morning’s whipped cream celebration and the long shower that followed. He takes advantage of my lust-filled memory and starts walking us forward. My parents, Evin, and Lynda get to us first, pulling us all into a large embrace.

  The next few minutes are a blur as I’m passed around, engulfed in hugs, and congratulated until my head is spinning. Pierce lets me go but keeps a firm hold on my hand, greeting those that he knows.

  It’s surreal this is happening, and he senses when I need some air, guiding me a few feet away and explaining we’re going to get a drink. When we’re out of earshot, I sink into him.

  “That was slightly embarrassing. You’d think I’d cured a disease for the way people are acting.”

  “What you’ve built is a big deal, Darby. It’s time you realize it.”

  I peer up, and my breath hitches at the beauty of his eyes boring into mine. That one-of-a-kind blue is glowing so bright, it seeps into my skin, sending an electrifying current through my blood. “Kiss me,” I blurt out, not caring who’s around.

  His lips tip up in a sexy grin before he brings his mouth down. He takes his time, sliding his tongue inside and stroking it with mine. The smell of his cologne fills my senses, and all the pressure dissolves as he kisses it away. A little moan escapes when he slowly pulls back, sucking my bottom lip between his teeth.

  “You’re incredible, Darby,” he says against my mouth.

  “So are you. Thank you for being with me these last few days,” I whisper, his arms flexing around me.

  “I’m always going to do anything in my power to make you happy.”

e’s an underlying meaning that seeps into his words, and my heart flips in my chest. “Pierce—”

  “Baby, I’m going to ask you to do something for me right now. Something that isn’t going to be easy, but it will mean the fucking world to me.”

  My body goes on alert, and my skin begins to prickle as I realize we aren’t alone. Slowly, I turn in his arms, unsure what to expect. My knees wobble, and I begin to shake when I spot Warren, Jill, and a very somber Miller gaping at me. Jill and Warren’s expressions are filled with love and gentleness. It’s Miller who has me trembling. He’s extremely overdressed for an afternoon like today, and he’s carrying a gorgeous bouquet of calla lilies.

  His face is grim, and his eyes are loaded with guilt and regret. He steps forward, looking like a man who’s been through hell.

  “Darby, I’m sorry for absolutely everything you went through and for any part I played in our loss all those years ago. You have to know that I never meant—”

  “Stop,” I croak, my mouth suddenly dry. The term our loss is a trigger that sets me off.

  He winces, looking stricken, and raises his eyes to Pierce. I take a few breaths and can’t stop what’s happening. Somehow, I loosen the death grip Pierce has on me and launch myself at Miller, who drops the flowers, catching me easily. The first cry sounds like a strangled cat, and I can’t help the outburst that follows. I hug Miller as tight as I can, a rush of emotions pouring out as I let go of the horrible things he said and finally forgive him.

  Chapter 17


  “Mr. Kendrick, you wanted to see me.” Andi stands in the doorway, wringing her hands.

  “Come in.”

  She moves hesitantly across my office and slides into a chair, sitting ramrod straight. She keeps her eyes on the stack of folders in front of me.

  “I want to thank you.”

  She raises her wide eyes to me. “You aren’t going to yell at me, or fire me for what happened with Connie?”

  “Tell me what happened.”

  I’ve already heard Dad and Miller’s editions of what transpired, but neither of them was actually present. Andi goes into the story of how Connie stormed in with fire shooting from her eyes. After she pitched a fit only she’s able to do, she snatched Andi’s phone and called me. It was another woman in the office that called the police. “Mr. Kendrick, I wanted to force her out of the office and grab the phone back, but I was scared to get in a position where I touched her. She was unstable.”

  “You did the right thing. Do not fall to her level because she would have taken it to the extreme.”

  Her body deflates, and she relaxes in the chair.

  “I need to know something else. How’d you know to contact me last Friday when you heard Darby’s name?”

  The relaxation is short, and she stiffens again. “I’d heard her name throughout the week.” She stutters over her words.

  “Don’t be nervous. Tell me what you heard.”

  “Miller and Warren had an argument, and her name was mentioned loudly.”

  I take notice of how she calls them by their first names, but I can’t get caught up in that right now. “And I was the source of their argument about Darby?”

  She nods apprehensively.

  “And you thought to call me based on that?”

  “No.” She blows out a nervous breath. “It was a combination of things. Annie Graham accidentally called here one morning, looking for you about the trip to Aspen, then Mrs. Jill came to join Warren for lunch, and they talked openly that day about taking Maya and Cole while you were with Darby in Aspen.”

  I rub my hand across my mouth to hide my grin. This place is a gossip cesspool.

  “It may sound weird to you, but my women’s instincts kicked in when I saw the way Connie sneered at Darby in that nail spa. I took a chance to message you.”

  “You did the right thing. You weren’t the only person, but you were the first, so I thank you for that, too.”

  “O-o-okay.” She draws out the word.

  “But I do have something to talk to you about. Darby told me the things she heard Connie saying to you about getting her my schedule. Does that happen often?”

  The single lift of her shoulders is my answer.

  “That stops today. Connie doesn’t get to abuse you. You have my permission to route her directly to my phone or voicemail. I’ll be addressing that with her as well.”

  “I can do that.”

  “And, another thing; this is for you.” I slide an envelope across the desk.

  She hesitantly slips out the non-official, handwritten certificate, granting her a week off, with pay, for the following week.

  “Really?!?” she squeals.

  “Really. Officially, you were almost accosted by a crazy loon in my absence. Unofficially, you personally gave me a head’s up about the woman in my life facing an uncomfortable situation. You deserve this. All I ask is that you get my schedule straight today and have someone in the office available for me to call into. I know it’s short notice, but hopefully, someone will agree.”

  “No problem.” She bounces.

  “One more thing. I’m a dick, I’m a hothead, and I’ve been an asshole, but you do a good job, Andi.”

  She rolls her lips between her teeth and meets my eyes. “Thank you.”

  “Okay.” I wave my hand. “Go back to work and make sure I can live without you for the next week.”

  She leaves but turns to me at the door. “Mr. Kendrick, I have a boyfriend, and he screws up a lot. But I swear, if he did what you did on Friday, I’d marry him and take his screw-ups. You were movie-star swoony.”

  Movie-star swoony? What the fuck is that? More like protection and possession to the point of madness.

  “I think my romantic side died a long time ago.”

  The phone rings on her desk, and she races to grab it as Miller passes her on his way in. “Things good?”


  “How’s Darby this morning?”

  “Hungover and facing a shitload of orders.”

  He grins widely. “The party was a success.”

  “You’re gloating.”

  And, in a way, he should be. Darby’s emotional response to his apology shook me to my core until I couldn’t stand the sound of her cries and took her from his arms and back to the shed. We joined the party a while later, and she finally let loose. Miller, Dad, and I stole a few minutes to cover what had happened while we were gone, but I didn’t stay away from her long.

  Neither did my family, especially Miller. Apparently, Evin and Miller had words before our arrival and somehow decided to call a truce. Of course, Evin’s side of things relied on Darby’s reaction to Miller’s apology. Since that went well, there was little tension.

  By nine, the crowd had died down to my family, the Grahams, Stephanie, Scottie, Lynda, and Ray. This is when Annie kicked into gear. Edward popped bottles of champagne, and Darby went through our last few days in detail. Reliving it through her eyes was a different experience.

  “I’m not sure gloating is the right word.” The smug smile playing on his lips says differently.

  “I’m almost caught up. Anything specific I should know?”

  “We covered it all while you were away. Why did you come in early?”

  “Because Darby went to work at daylight.” I don’t add that my morning plans of having Darby for breakfast went to shit with Stephanie sleeping on the sofa. Scottie stayed in the main house.

  “Since you’re all caught up, tell me about Aspen from your perspective.”

  “Nothing to tell. It was exactly as she described it. Brasher Resorts wanted her on their team and rolled out the red carpet. Her new kitchen is state of the art and larger than anything she’s ever worked in, her business plan to get up and running is coming along, and they’ve given her a small staff to start.”

  “When do they want her in Aspen?”

  My gut seizes at his question because the management team at Brasher
only asked one thing out of Darby, and she couldn’t say no. “They asked her to start on August fifteenth, which is three weeks earlier than their original date. She’s refusing to do auto-transport and fly, deciding to drive herself and Runner across the country.”

  “Fuck, how far is that?”

  “Somewhere close to two thousand miles. She’s giving herself seven days travel time, since she’ll have the dog, and she wants to be there a few days early to get settled. She’s got it in her mind to ride out on August fourth or fifth.”

  His eyes connect with mine, and it’s easy to tell he’s thinking the same thing I am. School starts on August eighth. Since Cole started school, we have an ongoing tradition. The week leading up to the beginning of school is always my week. In the past, I’ve even given into Connie joining us for a few things in order to give the kids some normalcy. Nothing ever gets in the way of this.

  Until now.

  “How are you going to handle that?”

  “Fuck if I know. There’s no way she’s driving across the country by herself, but I can’t be in two places at one time. Somehow, I’ll figure it out.”

  “If she knows your obligations with Cole and Maya, she’ll agree to leave a few days later and log more driving hours in the day.”

  “Maybe, but it’s also a landmine. This is exactly the kind of excuse she’ll use to remind me that we can’t overcome the obstacles in front of us.”

  He blows out a low whistle, and I also know too well what that means. “Go ahead and say it, Miller.”

  “No, because saying that I think you’re fighting a losing battle may give you the impression that I’m not on your side. A few days ago, that was how I felt. But seeing you two last night changed my perspective. All I’m going to say is I hope you have a plan.”

  “There’s a plan.”

  “Want to share?”

  “Darby’s going to leave Charleston. I wouldn’t let her give up this opportunity for anything, especially me.”

  “That’s doesn’t sound like a plan. It sounds like you’re going to lose her to Colorado and wherever else they send her next.”

  The image of Darby standing in my kitchen that night, crying as she relived the horrible events of what happened many years ago fills my head. There’s the rage I felt toward Miller and the hurt she lived with for so long. Then, the image is replaced with her leaping in his arms last night as she let it all go. I was prepared to take on this challenge by myself, but he came through for me last night, proving he’s on my side.


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