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Pierced Hearts (Southern Charmers Book 1)

Page 19

by Ahren Sanders

  I close my eyes and think hard about what may help. “Keep telling her you love her and Cole. Don’t ever let her hear you and Connie fight because both will feel they need to take sides. Be honest with them, but be delicate with her. Puberty is hard, and she’s going through a stage where emotions are uncontrollable. Connie should know this, but she’s choosing to use it as a weapon. Make sure to surround them with stability when they’re with you. Don’t change your routine when you have them, and never ever let them think I’m more important.” I finish and open my eyes to find him grinning.

  “I think it will help when they meet you.”

  I jerk so fast, he has to reach out and catch me before I hit the floor. “Did you not hear what I said about keeping a routine? I’m not in the routine.”

  “You’re in my routine.”

  “No, I am not.”

  “Meeting you will be a good thing.”

  “No, it won’t! That will never happen.” My loud pitch bounces off the walls, and sweat trickles down my back. I know what’s coming and am helpless to stop it. This has only happened a few times in my life. The unmistakable spike in my pulse makes me dizzy.

  “Jesus, Darby, you’re pale as a ghost.”

  “It’s hot in here.” I fan my face and try to escape his hold. My heart races double time, and panic swells low in my chest. “Let me go.”

  “Baby, what’s happening here?”

  “Please.” I squirm frantically.

  “Breathe, Darby.” His arms lock around me, forcing me to fall into him. I try to push away, but I’m trapped.

  “Please, let me go,” I beg into his shirt.

  “Calm down, beautiful,” he says gently into my ear, his arms loosening enough for his hands to massage my shoulders. “Breathe deep. I’ve got you.”

  Sharp pains throb in my temple, and dark spots cloud my vision. There’s a loud ringing in my ears that drowns out his soothing words. Everything goes black, and I draw in quick breaths, trying to drown out the panic. After a few minutes, the familiar scent of everything Pierce fills my senses. It soaks into my skin, and sudden tranquility sweeps through me. He continues to massage my tight muscles, and the tension eases a bit. “I’m okay,” I rasp hoarsely.

  “Want to tell me why your heart’s still thundering against my chest?”

  “It’s slowing.”

  We stay pressed close until I know my color has returned and my breathing is under control. He helps me straighten up, his hands moving to frame my face. “We need to talk about this.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  “I can still feel you trembling down to my bones. One minute, you’re fine, and at the mention of meeting my kids…” He trails off, and a fresh wave of emotions washes over me as realization dawns on him. The bright blue in his eyes vanishes. “You have no plans to meet my kids, do you?”

  I can’t stand the disappointment in his voice. Guilt and shame lodge in the pit of my stomach. “I don’t think I can.”

  “The thought of meeting them triggered a panic attack. How am I supposed to deal with that?”

  “You aren’t. I’m sorry it happened.”

  “How often does this happen?”

  “Not often.”

  “When was the last time?”

  “Pierce, I don’t want to go over this now. You have enough going on.”

  “Darby, don’t make me ask again. I need to know. When was the last time you had a panic attack?”

  “The morning you came to visit me at the shed. That kiss, and then you demanding I tell you why it was a mistake.”

  His pupils flare, and he pulls his lips into a hard line. “Are these panic attacks brought on by other types of stress in your life? Or is it all based around Connie and my children?”

  I drop my eyes in shame, not able to hold his gaze any longer.

  “Fucking shit,” he hisses, bringing his forehead to mine. “Baby, you’re breaking my heart.”

  I can’t respond because, if I did, it would be to say something ridiculously silly and juvenile about him breaking mine. With all that’s happened in the last month, we’ve finally found a way to move forward. Finally, “I’m not ready to meet your children, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready. And there isn’t a point in confusing them, considering I’m moving. Why do that to them?” comes out.

  “There’s no confusion. They deserve to know the woman their dad has loved for most of his life. Before you try to spout your usual response that we’re not going to work, you need to know that’s not all, Darby. My kids deserve to know the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  If he wasn’t holding my face, my jaw would drop. Instead, my eyes fly to his, and the air leaves my lungs. His eyes are blazing in a way that sends heat racing through my veins. Sincerity, passion, honesty—all glow back at me.

  “Do you understand where I’m coming from now?”

  I give a short nod.

  He watches me with his lips curling smugly at the corners. “Now, I hate to leave with all this hanging in the air between us, but I have to go. When do Stephanie and Scottie leave?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  “That gives them all night to listen to you ramble about why we can’t be together, and hopefully, they can serve you enough wine to see things my way. I look forward to hearing your new excuses on Sunday night.”

  I begin to respond but find myself crushed to him, his tongue sliding urgently inside my mouth and silencing all protests.


  “She is some piece of work!” Stephanie howls as I plop beside her on my sofa.

  “It’s not that funny. Pierce was irate,” I grumble, not holding back my own irritation at the situation. I tried to act indifferent when he told me what happened when he showed up at the restaurant to meet Connie. It would only add fuel to his already boiling temper.

  “Here, you need this.” Scottie hands me a wine glass filled almost to the top with a bubbly pink concoction.

  “What is it?”

  “An experiment.” He gives one to Stephanie and holds up his own glass in a solute motion. “Drink up.”

  I sip cautiously, knowing all too well that Scottie is a master mixologist but is known for his heavy pours. The tangy taste hits my taste buds, and I hum in appreciation. “This is lush.”

  “Of course, it is. Now, sit back, stop scrunching your face, and tell us all about it.”

  “She was drunk, Darby. Fucking lit like a fire and ready to go at it. Her so-called friends from work scattered and left her to me when I showed up at the restaurant. I was responsible for that bitch as she caused a scene. Then, she decided to play dirty, so fucked-up she thought she was being sexy. Grabbed my dick, sidled up to me, and offered herself in the goddamned bathroom—thinking that would ever happen again. I had to pay her damn tab, practically haul her out of there, and get her home. I considered putting her in a goddamned Uber but knew her ass was too drunk for even that.”

  I repeat his words from a few minutes ago. His voice shook when he called to tell me this. I worried about him driving, but even more, I worried about his state of mind when he got to his parents’ to pick up Maya and Cole. There’s no way he could tone down that type of rage.

  “She grabbed him in public?” Scottie sounds appalled.

  “That’s what he said.”

  “This crazy bitch is klassy with a ‘k’.”

  “Forget that part. What’s with offering herself in the bathroom and it never happening again?” Stephanie’s eyes dance with excitement and curiosity. She senses a juicy story.

  “I’m not going into details, but let’s just say Pierce and Connie’s brief sexual encounters weren’t exactly traditional and romantic.”

  “Scandalous,” she chirps.

  “More like sketchy and sleazy.”

  “What did he do next?” Scottie asks, scooting to the edge of the chair and bending forward.

  “He said he left her at her front door, dodgin
g more advances, and walked away with her screaming at him.”

  “She sounds unstable.”

  “Which is exactly why I can’t be involved. Pierce doesn’t need this type of stress in his life, and he won’t listen to my reasoning. Even after this afternoon, when I had a mini-panic attack, he keeps pushing.”

  Their eyebrows shoot up, and their expressions are identical. “Something we need to know?” Stephanie’s giggly mood turns serious. There’s no way to miss the concern in her tone. She’s well aware of what triggers my anxiety-induced panic attacks.

  “I told Pierce today that I’m not interested in meeting his children.”

  “How’d he take it?” Scottie asks.

  “He didn’t say much, but I get the impression that he didn’t accept it.”

  “Start from the beginning.”

  I take a large gulp of my drink and do as Stephanie demands, telling them about my visit from Pierce this afternoon. Neither of them moves a muscle, keeping their attention on me during the story. When I finish, they exchange a long glance, swing their heads back at the same time, and spear me with a glare that sends a shiver down my spine.

  “Will you stop gaping at me and one of you say something?”

  “What should we say?” Scottie asks cautiously.

  “You two obviously have something on your mind.”

  “I wanted to hate him. No matter what Stephanie told me, when we showed up in Aspen, I was dead set on despising the bastard. He wasn’t getting my forgiveness. All the time you stood in front of that room, I was torturing him in my mind. Then his hand slid around your waist, and I witnessed a miracle. You melted. My gorgeous Darby actually melted. To the untrained eye, it was invisible, but I saw the small quiver of your body, the flush of your cheeks, the sparkly light in your eye. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever witnessed. My resentment toward him vanished. A few minutes later, after seeing him holding you and that kiss, I knew this was it for you. Forever. Being around you and Pierce the last week has been an experience unlike anything I ever imagined,” Scottie says gently.

  “He told you he never stopped loving you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He also said he’s going to battle for you. That can’t be easy for him,” Stephanie adds.

  “I didn’t ask him for any of this. I never should have come back.”

  “You can try to lie, but we don’t believe that for a second. I was scared to death of the fallout of your return to Charleston, but I took one look at Pierce Kendrick and knew I had come face to face with the man that would heal you and give you a future of happiness you deserve.”

  “You have to agree there’s no longevity here. This thing with Pierce is supposed to be temporary. We cleared the air, admitted our mistakes, and found a way to have peace.”

  “Darby, you aren’t stupid enough to believe that. To Pierce, there is nothing about this that’s temporary. He’s going for it again, and you’re the only one standing in the way.”

  “That’s not fair, Steph. There are obstacles everywhere. His daughter thinks I’m a floozy, and her mother is a making life hell on them because of me!”

  “He’s going to handle Connie. I have faith in that.”

  “What about Maya and Cole?”

  “How much do you love him?” Scottie asks

  “That’s an odd question.”

  “Humor me.”

  “I love him more than I ever imagined possible. All these years, I held on to what we had. But this time is different. When we were in Aspen, I saw a side of Pierce I didn’t know existed. He was always an affectionate boyfriend, but there was something about him that went even deeper. It’s hard to explain.”

  “I’ve been your friend for a long time, Darby, and I’ve witnessed a side of you that I didn’t know existed. In Aspen, it was easy to see why. You two belong together.” There’s tenderness in Stephanie’s voice that she uses when she thinks I’m being unreasonable.

  “Guys, I’m moving my business across the country.”

  “Yes, but what if you weren’t? Would you be more apt to move forward with Pierce?”

  “There’s no what if. I am leaving.”

  “Are you going to drive away, leaving all memories behind, and forget about him?”

  “That’s not possible.”

  “You’ve convinced yourself a life with Pierce is impossible. Do you see yourself marrying and having children with a man you settle for?”

  The thought of getting married and having children with another person causes my heart and stomach to seize at the same time. I can’t look at either of them as my eyes and nose begin to sting.

  “I didn’t think so. But it seems you’re dead-set on not only devastating him but torturing yourself. And we’re not going to let that happen,” Scottie speaks up.

  “There is no chance here. You asked how much I love him. Well, I love him enough to stop making a mess of his life. He doesn’t need to fight with Connie, Maya, or anyone over me. It’s not fair to him.”

  “You’re not paying attention if you think you’re making a mess of his life. That man isn’t going to stop, and you need to trust him to make the right calls when it comes to Connie and Maya.”

  “I’m mo—”

  “Yes, we know all about you moving. Stop repeating it.” Scottie flings his hand in the air dismissively. “But I’m guessing you didn’t read your contract with the keen eye of a legal expert.”

  “No, I trusted you two to highlight the major points. That’s what I pay you for.”

  “Good thing you did trust us because if you did read the finer points, you’d see that your move to Aspen doesn’t have to be a permanent relocation.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “He’s saying I’m brilliant, and you will have options down the road. It’s time for you to let go of all these shitty reservations and believe in Pierce,” Stephanie states bluntly.

  “Is that all you’re going to tell me?”

  “For now. Just know that we all love you and have nothing but your best interests in mind.”

  “I need more than that.”

  She gives me an icy hard stare that essentially shuts down the conversation.

  “You’re both suggesting I forget the fact that I’m moving my entire life across the country. Instead, I need to deepen my relationship with Pierce, meet his children—which makes me want to vomit—and trust that the impossible is going to work out, that there may actually be a future with the first and only man I’ve ever loved?”

  “Yes, sounds right.”

  “Some friends y’all are. There’s a psychiatrist out there that’s going to make a fortune on me when my heart breaks this time.”

  “Nah, I have faith this time will be different.” His eyes glimmer, and he winks at Stephanie.

  A little voice in my head springs to life, reminding me these are two of my closest friends and most trusted people in the world. Through thick and thin, they’ve been by my side and would never do anything to hurt me. I blow out a loud breath, admitting defeat, and their faces break out with wide grins.

  But I know what I’m doing tomorrow after I drop them at the airport. I’m going to lock myself in this shed and read through every line of that contract to find out exactly what my options are down the road.

  Chapter 19


  Darby opens the door before I clear the last step, and my cock grows hard instantly at the sight of her. Her hair hangs down loosely in thick, shiny waves, and her skin sparkles brightly with the glitter in her body lotion. She’s wearing the same black silky pajamas she wore the morning I showed up here, but this time, I can truly appreciate it in the daylight. It’s a simple short set, probably not meant to be sexy, but the way it molds to her body, showcasing her long legs and hugging her waist, screams seduction. She flashes me a smile, her lips shimmering with her favorite lip gloss that I know tastes like raspberries.

  “You’re earlier than I expected.”

>   “And you’re fucking spectacular.”

  She sucks her lower lip between her teeth, her cheeks blushing. There is no doubt in my mind that I want to come home to this every day for the rest of my life and wake up to it every morning. Darby can push back and deny this thing between us, but it’s time to break her resistance. A wave of possession and need crashes into me, and my primal instinct remerges.

  I wrap my arm around her waist, lifting her gently, and cross the threshold into her place, kicking the door shut and reaching behind to click the lock. Runner greets me by rubbing along my calves but easily gets the hint that my attention is on Darby.

  “Is everything okay?”

  My hands go to her ass. “It took one look for everything shitty about my day to flee from my mind and my body to come alive.” I thrust my hips, my dick pressing firmly against her. “Feel that? I need you.”

  She tries to step in the direction of her room, but my grip tightens. “Right here, right now, naked.”

  She studies me a brief second, her eyes glowing bright amber and burning into mine. She pulls the tank over her head, her nipples instantly pebbling. I bend in, lowering my head and sucking one into my mouth, rolling the tip of my tongue around the edge. Her hands grip my biceps, and she goes up on her toes, giving me easier access, and whimpers when I nibble lightly on the sensitive flesh. My lips kiss across her breastbone and do the same on the other side. Her soft skin is like velvet on my tongue.

  Her breathing becomes louder, and one leg automatically slides up my thigh, hitching around my waist. She grinds slowly. My dick, now a steel rod, throbs against the friction. There’s a coiling low in my groin, and I feel like a teenage boy about to fucking blow in my pants. It’s only been a few days since I’ve been inside her, but it might as well be years with the way my cock is pulsing.

  I give her nipple one last pull and look to find her watching me. Her eyes are filled with red-hot heat and desire that smolders through me. Knowing no other man on this earth has ever gotten this from Darby, and no other man ever will, drives my addiction.


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