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Pierced Hearts (Southern Charmers Book 1)

Page 27

by Ahren Sanders

  Connie opens her mouth to argue but has the manners to nod, stomping past us. I kiss my mom on the temple, whispering my thanks, and glance to see Darby with an encouraging smile as she twirls Maya around again to keep her distracted. Cole is still jumping in the pool without a care in the world.

  Crisis averted.

  I meet Connie in the kitchen, where she is glaring at Miller and Evin, who are at the table, drinking beer and shuffling cards. “Do they really need to be here?”

  “I’m not focused on them. I’m wondering why you need to talk to me.”

  “I’m sick of being the bad parent,” she claims.

  “We’ve had this discussion before. You need reinforcement with discipline, you call. If you need help with implementing rules in your time, you call. Problems with the kids, you call.” I end on emphasis, trying to implement Darby’s way of thinking in how I deal with her.

  “You think you have all the answers, that our kids will adapt to a broken home easily when you introduce them to the old love of your life and things will be perfect over here. But you have no idea what’s happening at my place. All they talk about is going on vacation, going to water parks, fancy dinners, and family parties. Today’s the perfect example! There are a hundred people out there dancing, singing, swimming, eating… Our kids should have their mom and their dad here!” she screams, and Evin sends me a look that speaks for itself.

  His sister will never be put in that position, ever.

  “Connie, your parents have a pool, they take you all on a family vacation every year, and you have enough money to give them a day at the water park. What’s important to them is spending quality time with you. We are not a broken home. You know this. Why bring it to me today?”

  “I don’t want Darby Graham in their life. If you’re stupid enough to let her back into yours, that’s your business. She ruined you once, she’s leaving again, and my children don’t need to witness the aftermath. This little fling you’re introducing them to is not healthy. You want to focus this on our children, and that is what this is. Me protecting the kids.”

  I stare at her closely, trying to figure out if she’s sincere or if she’s baiting me. Either way, she needs reminding my life with Darby isn’t going to affect my relationship with Maya and Cole. “Connie, this is not a fling. When Darby moves, it is not the end of our relationship. There will be no aftermath this time because I’m making it permanent. If you truly are concerned about their well-being, know I’ve got it covered on my end.”

  She holds my stare, and I watch as the meaning of my statement dawns on her. A spark of anger shimmers in her eyes right before they go cold. She, of all people, knows that trying to back me into a corner does not work.

  The stare-down is broken when Cole comes racing in, throwing his arms around her middle. “Hey, Mom!”

  “Hey there.” She kisses the top of his head. “You having a good day?”

  “The best! I beat all the other boys in the watermelon eating contest.” He beams.

  “That doesn’t surprise me at all.” She grins, ruffling his wet hair. “Where’s your sister?”

  “Right here. Hey, Mom.” Maya comes in, her face still flushed from dancing.

  “You guys ready to go?”

  “Do we need to change?” Maya holds up her backpack.

  Connie shakes her head. “We’re meeting Blaire and the kids at the fountains.”

  “Awesome!” Cole punches his arm in the air. “I love the fountains.”

  “I’ll walk you out.” I start toward the front door.

  They say their goodbyes, and Connie’s face flames when they hug Miller and Evin. On the walk to the car, Maya cuddles to my side. “This was a great day, Dad. I don’t think it’s ever been this fun.”

  “You still have a lot of fun ahead of you. Be good for your mom, and help make sure Cole doesn’t wander off.”

  “I will.”

  Connie doesn’t look my way again, driving away without a word, while the kids wave their way out of sight.

  “You buying her act?” Miller hands me a beer when I get back to the kitchen.

  “Connie loves the kids, and I’d like to believe she’s looking out for their welfare. But my gut says she’s playing at something.”

  “Your gut is right. That woman is the green-eyed monster of jealousy. Easy to spot the second she stepped into the yard. She wants this life with you, and from what I’ve been told, she’s been angling at it for years. Even before Darby left, she had her sights set. When you told her this wasn’t a fling and things were moving toward permanent, I saw the hatred in her features. Stay on your toes, man. I get the feeling she’s not giving up,” Evin tells me.

  “Darby tell you anything about my relationship with Connie?”

  “She didn’t give specifics, but I know it has something to do with impaired judgment and faulty condoms.”

  “That sums up my relationship perfectly.”

  “I hate to be a dick, but she’s known for going to drastic lengths to get her way. Don’t let your guard down,” Miller advises.

  I take a swig of the beer and nod, my eyes scanning the back yard to find Darby. She’s now sitting on the edge of the pool next to Andi, staring up to the house.

  “Evin, the instant Runner caught sight of Connie, he barreled straight for Darby. Have you ever seen him that protective before?”

  “Once, when Darby was visiting, a snake was coiled on the porch at the shed. Runner saw it first and went crazy. Darby screamed her head off until Dad got there and took care of it. It was a cottonmouth.”

  “Good to know that dog can sense trouble.”

  “He’s a big cuddler, but he’s fiercely protective of her. My guess is he felt the vibe Connie was giving off.”

  “Connie’s not going to be a problem. If you think that dog’s protective, you have no idea what I’m capable of.”

  “Let’s ditch the subject of that bitch and move onto something more important.” Miller’s voice is loaded with humor.

  “What’s on your mind?” I cock an eyebrow, slicing my eyes to him. Instantly, the hair on the back of my neck prickles at his shit-eating grin.

  “Tell me how in the hell you managed to fuck up a proposal you’ve had sixteen years to prepare for?”

  Evin drops his chin but not before I catch his lips twitching.

  “I didn’t fuck anything up.”

  “She say yes?” he pushes.

  “She will.”

  “I’d say that is a fuck-up. Losing your touch.”

  “We’re done here.” I flick him the finger, leaving them both laughing as I go to Darby. Miller may have been joking, but he’s right about one thing. I’ve had sixteen years to prepare.

  My patience has worn off.


  “God, I missed this,” Darby mumbles, snuggling closer and twisting her naked body with mine.

  “You’re the one who refused to sneak off to my old room.” My hand squeezes her ass.

  “I wasn’t talking about the sex, you feign. I was referring to the Fourth in Charleston. After we split up, I couldn’t bring myself to come home for this holiday. All holidays were difficult, but this one always felt like it was our special time.”

  A sharp pain stabs in my chest, and I center on the full moon until it eases. “I know. This is the first time I’ve brought the boat out to watch the fireworks since then.”

  “Really?” She props her chin on my chest.

  “That last summer, you were pregnant, and all I could think about was how the next year we’d be bringing our baby out here with us. Once you were gone, and after everything that happened, the thought of coming out here didn’t appeal to me anymore.”

  “This is still just ours?”

  “Yes, except for the fact that I finally got to fuck you under the stars like I wanted to all those years when Miller cockblocked me.”

  She smiles. “That is an added bonus.”

  “The added bonu
s is getting to strip you out of that black bikini.”

  Her leg glides higher, her knee scraping my cock, which stiffens on contact. “Careful,” I warn.

  She pulls her lip between her teeth and scales her fingertips along my length. “I don’t want to be careful. I want this.” She flashes a sexy grin, sliding her body down.

  Shit, I want this, too. The thought of her mouth on my dick, kneeling between my legs is almost enough to unhinge me. She circles my nipple with her tongue, sucking it lightly, then kisses a trail across my chest to the other side.

  I gave in to my own wants earlier, holding her as we watched the fireworks overhead, and the memories surrounded us. I couldn’t help the overwhelming need to have her right here on the deck, fucking her hard until we ended up tangled together. But, now, I have an agenda.

  Focus, Kendrick! I tell myself, threading my hands in her hair and easing her upward. She blinks a few times, her eyes locking with mine, and the hand on my bicep squeezing.

  “I watched you for weeks, talking with your friends, stretching on the mats, bouncing on that fucking elliptical… Wherever you were, I had my eyes on you. Every guy in that gym had their sights set, but I made my intentions clear. Every day, I’d wait for you to come in. It became my obsession. You became my obsession. I knew you were young but didn’t give a shit. It didn’t matter that you made me wait ten months to have you for the first time. You were mine.”

  “Pierce—” she tries, but I brush my lips across hers.

  “I could do this all night, reminisce about every day I’ve had you in my life and every day you were gone. It’s burned in my brain. I may have lived without you, but I wasn’t really living, not until that day in May when my heart started beating again because you were back.” I roll us to our sides, face to face, and press close. “I’m a dick, an asshole, and a stupid motherfucker, but I’m not stupid enough to lose this chance. You are going to want to kill me at times, but you’re never going to question how much I love you ever again. Our life together may have its ups and downs, but there’s no choice but to have you by my side.

  “Darby Rose Graham, I feel like I loved you before I knew you because that’s how much a part of me you are. Every fiber in my soul will always belong to you. Please, put me out of my misery, take the chance on this life, and say you’ll marry me.”

  She trembles, her lips quiver, and tears glitter in her eyes. The strong resistance she’s held on to is waning. There’s a chance I’m pushing too hard, but I keep going.

  “You leaving was the worst time of my life, and it changed me. I turned into a hard, cold, bitter man. I’m not proud of that. But, each day, I wake up a better person because you healed me. You have reservations and want more time, and that’s understandable. Your scars run deep. I wish I could give you that time, but the thought of losing another day is driving me crazy. Next year, I want to lay here with you, wrapped around me naked, on this boat, and finally call you Darby Kendrick.”

  At the mention of my name, she breaks. It’s the most heartbreaking and beautiful thing at the same time. Tears well up, and she blinks rapidly, drawing in a ragged breath. When she locks her eyes with mine, a vice clenches around my heart.


  A low, throaty growl rolls from the back of my throat. “Say it again,” I demand, needing to hear it over and over.

  “Yes, I will marry you, Pierce.”

  I tighten my grip on her scalp and bring her mouth to mine. “I’m going to take care of you.”

  “Right back at you.” She grins, her tears wetting both our cheeks.

  I roll to my back, bringing her with me. Without a word, she straddles my hips, positions herself, and slowly inches down my cock. A familiar bolt of lightning singes through my body.

  The first time we made love.

  The day we found out she was pregnant.

  The night I showed at the shed.

  Memory after memory rolls through my brain, all of them leading up to this moment. The final thought that races through my mind before she lowers her mouth to mine is if I can convince her to marry me in the next couple of weeks.

  Is that too much to ask?

  Chapter 27


  I swing into Pierce’s driveway, my stomach coiled in knots. His truck is already here, which means Cole and Maya are inside. I’d hoped to get here first and have time to set the stage, and possibly shoot back some liquid encouragement.

  It’s been ten days since Pierce and I got engaged, and we’ve sworn our families to secrecy until we tell the children. It was my advice for him to tell them alone in case they had questions or got upset. Of course, he didn’t agree and wanted to do it as soon as possible. Our schedules have been crazy, and Connie planned a small vacation that took them away for almost a week.

  Tonight’s the night.

  I twirl the ring on my finger, glancing down at the magnificent diamond solitaire surrounded by two outer bands of diamonds. Even though I haven’t been wearing it often, trying to keep our news under wraps, it feels like it’s a part of me. Runner paws up on the console and nudges my shoulder, whimpering. “Okay, boy, let’s do this, but be ready to scram if tears ensue.”

  He nods as if he understands me, jumping into the driver’s seat and trailing me out. I watch him sniff around the hedges and nearly jump out of my skin when I’m hoisted from behind. Pierce’s soft stubble tickles my neck as his teeth nip at my ear. “You get it out of your system?”


  “We were in the living room and saw you pull around. I got tired of waiting for you to get out of your truck. I’m assuming you were in freak-out mode.”

  “I’m not sure it’s all out of my system.”

  “Good thing I’ve got your back.” He squeezes and places me back on my feet. “Come on, Runner. Let’s go inside.”

  Runner’s the first one up the back steps, waggling inside like he belongs.

  “Darby’s here,” Pierce announces from the kitchen.

  “We know, Dad. We saw her pull up.” Cole calls back.

  “Well, get your butt up and come greet her.” Pierce keeps his arm draped around my shoulder.

  Maya makes it to the kitchen first, coming to give me a hug and edging her dad out of the way. “Hey.”

  “How was your vacation?” I get out before Cole runs in, tackling my other side.

  I’m completely engulfed with Kendricks, and my heart skips a beat. Could it be this easy? Was I worried over nothing?

  “It was fun. We didn’t go to the beach, but the mountains are cool,” Cole answers, stepping back, clearly done with the affection.

  “I love the mountains.”

  “Aren’t you about to move to the mountains?” Maya unlatches from me as well, moving back a few feet.

  “I guess you could say that. I’m going to be living at a ski resort. There are mountains everywhere.”

  “Dad says we’re going to come to visit and learn to ski. He’s going to try to bring us during Christmas break.”

  This is the first I’ve heard of it, but I’m not surprised. Pierce was not happy when I explained it would be impossible for me to come home for the holidays this year.

  “That will be awesome.” I lay my head on his chest.

  “I’m gonna kill it on the slopes.” Cole swishes his arms and juts his hips side to side to mimic being on skis.

  “When are you leaving?” Maya looks shyly at Pierce, who tenses.

  “In three weeks. That’s why I was a little late today. I had to ship some things.”

  “I thought you were driving your stuff?” Cole’s eyebrows pull together.

  “I am driving what I can, but I still have to ship a ton of boxes.”

  “What about your furniture?”

  “I’m moving into a fully furnished apartment on the property. My truck can only hold so much, and with Runner and whatever passenger I have, I won’t have much room.”

  The mood changes, the reality of my situation h
anging in the air. Pierce picks up on it, positioning me in front of him, pressing his front to my back, and linking our hands to wrap around my middle. His thumb runs across my ring. He does this often, as if he’s making sure it’s really there. They don’t seem to notice the subtle action.

  “Darby and I want to discuss something with you guys. Take a seat.”

  They climb on stools, fixated on him.

  “Darby’s move is not going to be permanent. We’re hoping the opportunity to return here comes next spring, but we’re unsure of the timeline.”

  “Cool!” Cole exclaims. “You’re not going away for good?”

  “No, but I’m sure my position will require some travel once I get established.”

  Maya’s shoulders sink in obvious relief. “Thank goodness,” she whispers.

  “What’s on your mind?” Pierce asks her.

  “I was unsure if you were going to move, too.”

  “No, that thought never crossed my mind.”

  She visibly perks up. “You’re coming back?” Her question is directed at me.

  “That’s the plan.”

  “There’s more. When she comes back, Darby is going to move in here. I’ve asked Darby to marry me.”

  I hold my breath for their reaction, waiting for what comes next. This isn’t exactly how I saw this conversation going. Thank God he’s supporting me because my knees threaten to buckle.

  They glance at each other and then back to us. “Like, she’ll be around forever?” Cole blurts.

  “Forever, buddy.”

  Cole looks back at Maya, and his little smile beams. “That’s awesome.”

  Maya, on the other hand, is torn. Her gaze falls to where he’s twirling my ring, and her face twists into an impassive expression that’s hard to read. My stomach drops, and I try to wiggle free, but Pierce holds firm. “Give her a second,” he murmurs.

  She slowly raises her eyes to him, avoiding me. “Yeah, that’s awesome.”

  The words are forced, and I want to leave them alone so she can voice her feelings freely. “Maybe I should go.” Pierce won’t loosen his grip, and beads of sweat pop up on my back. “Pierce, honey, you should have a few minutes with Maya.”


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