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Pierced Hearts (Southern Charmers Book 1)

Page 33

by Ahren Sanders

  “I’m concerned about my kids.”

  “That’s understandable. Why won’t you talk to me about it?”

  “Because you have much bigger things happening.”

  The memory of our trip to the airport weeks ago snaps in my head, remembering the emotional vulnerability that came out. He’s keeping all this to himself to protect me. “Please, don’t shut me out. I’m your partner. You can’t keep telling me only the good things happening and keep the bad hidden. That’s not how this works.”

  He searches my face, dragging his lip through his teeth. I know I’ve made my point when his stormy eyes clear and he nods. “Okay.”


  “But, for now, this conversation is over. We have a celebratory party to get ready for. She’s not ruining that for us.”


  “Before we go, are you absolutely sure I can’t fuck you on that table?” He waggles his eyebrows suggestively.

  I slap his chest, shaking my head furiously. “No! Let’s get you out of here before someone hears you.”

  He sweeps my feet off the ground and spins me around, his lips against mine. The heaviness evaporates but not before I make a mental note to call my mom tomorrow.

  It’s time she goes on Connie watch.

  Chapter 32


  Connie: Our plans changed. The kids will not be able to join you today.

  Each time I reread the message, my blood boils hotter. This was expected, but there was hope she’d follow through. Plans changed my ass. Technically, it’s her week, so I can’t do shit, but seeing as it’s Thanksgiving, we agreed that I could have Maya and Cole for a few hours. In return, I would do the same at Christmas while they were with me.

  Not only did she do this on purpose, she played me. I was headed back to Aspen for the holiday. The only thing that could change my plans was the chance to have time with the kids today and enjoy it with my family.

  She’s waiting for a response, wanting me to explode. As much as my fingers are itching to blow up her phone, it’s not worth it. She doesn’t get that satisfaction. A simple response should do the trick.

  Thanks for letting me know.

  Then, I shoot off a quick message to Maya, telling her we’ll have our own version of Thanksgiving Sunday night. She responds with a heart. A fucking heart.

  Gotta love the life of communicating through emojis.

  As if she can sense something is wrong, Darby’s name pops up on my screen.


  “She reneged on the deal.”

  “How’d you know?”

  “Connie’s not exactly reliable, and it was too much to hope she’d quit her ploy for revenge for a day. Please, tell me you didn’t ream her ass.”

  “You’d be proud.”

  “Good boy.”


  She laughs, and the sweet sound strips the tension from my body. “God, I miss you.”

  “How much do you miss me?” The sweet is gone, replaced with a sexy rasp that speaks directly to my cock.

  “Like a starved man who hasn’t seen his fiancée in nine weeks.”

  “Like a man that would fly across the country for a booty call?”

  “Booty call?”

  “Well… I made contingency arrangements with the speculation Connie would pull this.”

  “And this contingency plan has to do with a booty call?”


  “I’m listening.”

  “You know, our concierge is also a travel coordinator. She waved her wand, reached out to a contact, and viola. You now have a ticket waiting for you if you’re interested. Flight leaves at seven, so you can still make it to Jill and Warren’s for dinner.”

  I’m on the move, barging to my closet and throwing a bag together in record time while she chatters away. “Pierce, are you listening?”

  “Didn’t hear a word you said after a ticket’s waiting for me.”

  “That means you’re coming?”

  “Hell yes. I’m fucking lucky you’re presumptuous.”

  “It’s called proactive.”

  “Still a lucky man.”

  “I need to warn you; this place is nuts. Booked to full capacity, and guests are raving about the slopes being perfect. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “It won’t bother me.”

  “Pierce, that isn’t the only thing guests are raving about.” The tone of her voice drops, and I stop, a rush of adrenaline speeding through my system. I know this tone.

  “You did it,” I state, aware of what she’s going to say.

  “I did it.”

  “Give me the details, baby.”

  “I can’t share exact numbers yet because there is still a week left, but preliminary numbers show we surpassed the budgeted goal by thirty-four percent. DG Creations officially had the largest month of my career.”

  “I knew you could do it. This is only the beginning.” I picture the beaming excitement on her face.

  “I was going to wait and surprise you, but it was impossible to keep inside.”

  “Makes this trip all the more special.”

  “I’ll meet you in baggage.”

  “I don’t want you driving in the snow at midnight.”

  “I won’t be. I have a Brasher driver and car tonight. It’s one of the perks of being management and working the holiday weekend.”

  I know how hard Darby’s been working and hasn’t had a full day off in three weeks. On top of the resort’s normal business, she’s had weddings, parties, and preparation for this weekend. Most mornings, she starts at daylight and doesn’t end until well after dark. I’m not happy about the long hours, but she was working toward a goal. A goal she crushed.

  “Pierce, are you really okay about this thing with the kids?”

  “I’m good. There’s no doubt they are disappointed, but we’ll get through it.”

  “I need to get back to the kitchen. Call me when you get to your gate.”


  “Love you.” She disconnects.

  I do a walk through my house, making sure everything is locked, grab my bag, and hit my truck. I’m the last to arrive and find Annie and Mom in the kitchen. Mom’s face falls when she notices it’s only me.

  “She-devil strikes again,” Annie mumbles.

  “We knew to expect this,” I point out.


  “Look at the bright side. We won’t be shuttling back and forth at Christmas.”

  “I guess.” Mom half-shrugs.

  “Mom, you knew this was probably going to happen.”

  “Yes, but I was hoping she’d stop the battle for one day. She has to know this will backfire. And Maya and Cole, not seeing their mom on Christmas, I can’t even imagine.” She shudders dramatically.

  “What do you suggest I do? Chase her down and beg her to give me a few hours today? Can you imagine the satisfaction she’d get out of that? It’s best I play it cool.”

  “You’re right. We’ve come too far. You’re doing the right thing by going the legal route and letting the lawyers handle this.”

  “Mom, make no mistake. Connie wants money and vindication. John told me Connie’s lawyer presented him with a market housing report comparing the value of my home to Connie’s.”

  “What did she hope to gain by that?” Annie scoffs.

  “Most likely to show that I have equity? Try to go after it? Who knows how her mind works?”

  “Are you going to have to sell your house?”

  “Not because of Connie. If Darby wants something different, then absolutely.”

  “You shouldn’t spoil her so much. She’s turning into quite a diva.”

  I raise an eyebrow and stare Annie down.

  “No, really, Pierce. Her ego is growing by the day. I tried to call her this morning, and she rushed me off the phone. Doesn’t even have time for her mama on a holiday. What kind of daughter did I raise?” She’s throwing
in the dramatics to hide her hurt feelings.

  Mom coughs to conceal her laugh, covering her mouth with her hand.

  “Annie, they are expecting to serve Thanksgiving dinner to over a thousand people today.”

  “It’s a buffet, and it’s not like she’s doing the cooking.”

  “No, but she’s responsible for a portion of the desserts.”

  “Whatever. She’s lying to me, too, telling me she had a meeting. No manager schedules a meeting today.”

  I’m not as polite as my mom and don’t cover my smile at Annie’s grouchiness. “Annie, she didn’t lie to you. She got word this morning. She did it.”

  Her sullen expression lights up, and her eyes gleam. “She did it,” she repeats, knowing what I’m referring to.

  I fill them in on my conversation and plans to fly out tonight. “Now that you are up to speed with my life, I’m going out back.”

  Dad, Miller, Edward, and Evin are sitting out under the outdoor cabana, drinking beer and watching football. All of their eyes roam behind me. Miller shakes his head in disgust, but no one says anything about me being alone. “The beer is stocked.” He tips his bottle.

  I grab one, sit by Evin, and clink my bottle to his. “Darby call you yet?”

  “Not yet, figured we’d touch base before she goes to the employee dinner tonight.”

  I repeat the story and my travel plans. Similar to the incident in the kitchen, Darby’s news overshadows the frustration with Connie’s trick.

  “You really think the hotel here will be ready by spring?” Warren’s question strikes me as odd coming off the news I shared.


  “And she’ll be back.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “You think she’ll always have to work this grueling schedule around the holidays?”

  “Knowing Darby, she’ll volunteer to put in the hours, especially until she has a solid team in place.”

  He nods thoughtfully, squinting his eyes and dragging his hand over his chin.

  “What are you getting at, Dad?” Evin breaks in.

  “She’s not getting any younger, and seeing as the holidays next year are going to be crazy, I’m thinking Pierce needs to get busy on making me and Annie a grandchild.”

  The beer lodges in my throat, and I choke, the burn working its way down painfully. Evin slaps me on the back, maybe a little too hard, until I catch my breath.

  “Don’t you think I need to get her down the aisle first?”

  “Y’all bucked that tradition once; why hold out for it now?”

  “Jesus.” Evin drops his head.

  Miller and Dad erupt in laughter, and I stare at Edward. He’s serious. Dead serious. His lips may be twitching, but his eyes give away his intent.

  “You want me to get her pregnant? Now?”

  “Now’s as good a time as any.” He ticks his fingers, mouthing something, then looks back at me. “I figure, if you do the job right, we’ll have a baby next August. That’ll work for us.”

  Like I said… he’s dead fucking serious.

  “We’re the same age. She has plenty of time.” Evin sounds panicked at the thought of his dad encouraging me to get Darby pregnant without being married—again.

  “We’re working on you next,” Edward tells him.

  “You’re on your own here. I’m not wading into this clusterfuck,” Evin utters.

  Nothing about Darby being pregnant terrifies me. It didn’t scare me twelve years ago, and it doesn’t scare me now. What does put me on edge is thinking about her carrying my baby so far away. I’d be a madman.

  “Maybe I should have this conversation with Darby.”

  “Having a conversation with Darby means you give her time to process and come back with an argument. It took you weeks to get her to accept your proposal.”

  At this reminder, all the men burst into laughter. I grind my teeth, knowing I’ll never live that down. They take aim at me every chance they get.

  “My point is, don’t discuss anything with her because we’ll lose time that we don’t have. You obviously know what you’re doing when it comes to the biology involved, so I need you to make this happen, like tonight.”

  He didn’t say Connie’s name, but the reference to her pregnancies is there. He’s not insulting me; he’s driving home his point. Edward Graham is playing hardball. I chug the rest of my beer before responding. “You’re giving me permission to knock up your daughter? Are you drunk?”

  “Sober as a goat. I figure, this time around, you’re not letting her get away. Which means we’re stuck with you forever. It’s time to make yourself useful.”

  “Jesus Christ, what’s happening here?” I mumble under my breath.

  “It’s a little late to look afraid. Darby has always wanted to be a mom. If it happens sooner than she planned, she’ll adapt. It’s a win-win.”

  “You can stop talking now. I’m pretty sure this is not a conversation to have my future father-in-law.”

  “Probably not, but you need a push.”

  I eye the cooler, considering calling an Uber to take me to the airport. Getting drunk may be the only way to get me through this afternoon.

  “At least, tell me you’ll consider what I’ve said.”

  “I’m not agreeing to that out loud. Darby would castrate me.” I fling him a look like he’s crazy. Or crazier.

  “Speaking of Darby, let’s pretend this conversation never happened. I’ll act surprised when you make the announcement.”

  “I’m already scrubbing my brain and hoping I don’t have nightmares for the rest of my life.” Evin rubs circles on his temple.

  “Just for the record, Jill and I would love a baby in August,” Dad throws in his first words since this insane conversation started.

  “I’m going to get the fryer ready for the turkey.” Miller rounds the cabana and stops on my other side. “A piece of advice.”

  The amusement in his voice sends a prickle over my skin. He’s having far too much fun with this. “No, I don’t want any advice from you.”

  “Too bad, because now that he’s planted the seed, I’m on board. But you need to get it out of your head. It’ll mess with your success.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “With your track record, it’s best you keep not trying. Avoid pregnancy at all costs. Stick with that mindset and put in the extra effort.” He smiles wide, thinking he’s clever and proud of himself.

  Evin chuckles behind me.

  I have the decency to yank Miller’s phone out of his pocket before I send him flying into the pool.

  Take that, shithead.


  “This is a much better plan.” Darby nestles in between my legs, leaning back against my chest. “No wonder the brochures always include couples in front of a sparkling fire pit.”

  “It wasn’t my idea to ski today.”

  “I wanted to get the whole experience and see what all the hype is about. Apparently, I need a lot more practice. My butt is going to be black and blue. You made it look easy.”

  “I used my athleticism to my advantage.”

  “You’ve been doing that a lot since you arrived.” She wiggles in exactly the right spot to graze against my balls. I’m hard instantly.

  “You’re athletic where it counts.” I thrust my hips so she can feel what she’s done.

  “Maybe we should try again tomorrow morning?”

  “Baby, you spent more time on your ass and back than you did actually standing. I can think of much better things to do when you’re on your ass and back.”

  She whips her head to the side, giving me a dirty look. “You’re making fun of me. You think it’s funny I made a fool of myself.”

  I take a sip, hoping to hide my grin.

  “Oh my God, stop smiling.” My attempt fails.

  “You were adorable and highly entertaining. I have video to prove it.”

  “I’m going to take
lessons. Next time you’re here, I’m going to ski like a pro.”

  “You’re not taking lessons unless you find a female instructor.” Her instructor from today pops into my head. He enjoyed picking her up off the ground too much.

  Her eyes narrow into slits. “Why is that?”

  “That guy today couldn’t take his eyes off of you and not because it was his job. It was easy to tell what he was thinking. Darby, you want to learn, I’ll help you next time.”

  “He was a boy! And I was a marshmallow.”

  “Even under all those layers, you can’t hide your level of sexy. He noticed. Since you’ve never had any other man in your life, you haven’t been introduced to the playboy lifestyle. And that’s what that guy lives. No doubt he gets a laid a lot.”

  “I’m not naïve, and you honestly can’t think any of those boys would hit on me.”

  “Any man with a pulse, who thought they had a shot, would hit on you. Let’s not give them the opportunity.”

  “You’re ridiculous.” She turns back to face the fire. “I’ll find a female instructor.”

  I kiss over the soft knit of her cap and brush my lips on the shell of her ear. “I’m protective and jealous, always have been when it comes to you. Don’t act like it’s a surprise.”

  She relaxes with a short nod. The small band on the outdoor terrace begins to play, and people file out from the lobby. Darby was right; the resort is a new experience this trip. It’s not only the difference in appearance with the onset of winter but the whole atmosphere. Every member of the Brasher staff has perfected the art of making their guests happy.

  “Pierce, would you consider putting in a fire pit in your backyard?”

  “For you, I’d do anything. Tell me where you want it, and I’ll build it next week.” My hand covers hers with my fingers going to her ring.

  “Did I tell you that, when Dave and Martin found out Stephanie, Scottie, and Billy were coming for New Year’s, they invited themselves?”

  “Are they staying with you?”

  “We’ll have to make it work. The resort is full, and there are two weddings that week. It’s going to be crazy, but I can’t wait to see them.”


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