Pierced Hearts (Southern Charmers Book 1)

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Pierced Hearts (Southern Charmers Book 1) Page 37

by Ahren Sanders

  “Yes, and if she does anything to screw it up, she’s fucked.”

  Stephanie was right; Connie held no credibility after what happened. The judge granted me seventy-five percent custody, and Connie lost all financial support. If I have any suspicions of her manipulating the kids or backhanded activity while they are with her, she’s losing them for good. We tried to keep what happened back in January quiet, but it was impossible. Connie received most of the backlash. On top of losing her kids, she ruined her reputation and found herself dropped from all social circuits. Plus, her lavish lifestyle came to an end.

  Connie’s scheme was eventually fully exposed for what it was all those years ago and leading up to trying to destroy my relationship with Darby. She came after me with intentions of getting pregnant and took measures to help that along. All our families, including hers, know the truth, except for the part of how Cole was conceived. That is a secret that will never be disclosed.

  I didn’t give a fuck. What I did care about was the kids’ transition, but Cole and Maya had no problems. I worried how Darby would adjust, moving into a house that was insta-family, but she was dead set this is what she wanted. And now we’d have a whole new set of grandparents to step in when needed.

  “We’re going to make a detour. If you need to make any calls or texts, I suggest you use this time to do it.”

  “What detour?”

  “I have something for you.”

  “You mean our families aren’t already waiting to swarm us when we drive up?”

  “Not unless they’re aiming for a death wish. Today and tonight are mine. We made a compromise.”

  She lets out a laugh. When I glance over, she’s turned in her seat, facing me with raised eyebrows. “Compromise? When did you learn to compromise?”

  “I’m a very reasonable man.”


  “I’ll amend. I’m a very reasonable man when people see things my way.”

  “That sounds more like it.”

  “Make your calls.”

  In the twenty minutes it takes us to get to our destination, she speaks to her parents and Evin, who didn’t put up an argument about postponing Darby’s homecoming once they knew my plans. My secret can’t stay hidden for much longer, not with our families bursting to squeal. Especially Cole and Maya. That’s why everyone agreed to give me this time.

  That and I threatened to physically remove anyone that stepped foot on my property before tomorrow afternoon.

  “What did you do exactly? Even my mom didn’t give me a hard time. That’s highly unusual.” Darby drops her phone in her purse.

  “I didn’t do anything,” I reply with my best innocent face.

  She eyes me skeptically but is distracted when I pull up to the familiar brick building. “Why are we here?”

  I don’t answer, getting out and whistling for Runner to follow. He sniffs around while I go to help her out. She takes in the few changes from the outside. “New landscaping, fresh asphalt, a delivery bay,” she assesses.

  “I thought you might want to see what the new owner did.”

  “Okay, but we’re the only people here.”

  I shrug, leading her by the elbow to the door, taking her finger in mine to punch in the code on the security pad. Her sharp intake of breath is all I need to know she recognizes the number sequence. It’s the date I walked up to her in that gym years ago.

  “We can change it to whatever you want, but it stuck with me,” I whisper into her ear.

  “You bought this building?”

  “I have an investor.”


  “Open the door, baby. You’ll see.”

  Her hand trembles in mine as she twists the handle and nudges it open. The smell of new construction assaults us. Paint, drywall, sawdust, grout, all of their smells mingle together in the newly renovated space.

  “Oh my God,” she gasps, now clutching my whole arm.

  “Welcome home, beautiful.”

  “You bought me a bakery as a welcome home present?”

  “No, I bought this as your wedding present then decided it wasn’t nearly romantic enough. It’ll have to do as a welcome gift.”

  She swivels in all directions, her eyes scanning rapidly, her lips parting in awe. Walls that once separated this building are open to make it one large workspace. The old bathroom that was on her side has been renovated for her personally. The other bathroom was enlarged to accommodate separate men and women’s facilities. I took every conversation and observation Dad, Miller, Evin, and I had with Darby into consideration while in the construction phase. The walls are painted a warm blue-grey, and the white cabinetry and open shelving are topped with the grey-veined marble Darby once mentioned she had in Charlotte. The industrial appliances were supplied by Brasher and resemble what they have in their kitchens. The prep tables are larger, and the small sitting area she once had is twice its size to accommodate more people.

  It’s ready for her to move in and add her own special touches and decorations to make it hers. Runner scoots by, sniffing at the new tile, wandering the room. He finds the bed I placed in the back corner and plops down.

  “I can’t believe this,” she marvels, eyes still sweeping around. “It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Believe it.”

  “But why?”

  “Because DG Creations was technically established in Charleston, and you needed a place to reflect that.”

  “But I have a kitchen at the resort.”

  “You have a small space for limited quantities. This is where you’ll spend the majority of your time. It’s built for you to have staff and also serve as a training facility if needed.”

  Her nose scrunches in confusion, and she opens and closes her mouth a few times, still surveying. “Is Brasher your investor? This had to cost a fortune.”

  “Not exactly. Evin is the investor until I buy him out.”

  “Why is Evin involved?”

  “It goes back to him and Stephanie brainstorming last summer. He knew about Brasher’s resort expansion, knew Mr. Baldwin wanted to sell, and he saw an opportunity. After Stephanie witnessed you and I that morning on your porch, she saw the bigger picture that included me in your life. She worked the legal side of things and made this possible. When Evin shared with me, I purchased the building. I bought it for you.”

  “We weren’t even together! There’s no way you could have known what the future held for us.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her so she can’t squirm away. It’s my turn to cock my eyebrows with an amused grin. “We were together, and I knew exactly how things were going to work out.”

  She’s not nearly as amused. “That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard!”

  “Depends on who you ask. I think it was brilliant.”

  “I work for Brasher Resorts.”

  “No, you work with Brasher Resorts. You’ve proved your worth to them a thousand times over. They’re not going to do anything to jeopardize that partnership. But in the off chance you want out, this will always be yours. In the meantime, they’re paying rent for you to keep creating masterpieces for their resort.”

  “They’re paying for me to have my own space outside of their building?”

  “Another perk Stephanie worked out.”

  “I can’t believe this.”

  “I told you thirteen years ago I’d build you a bakery. Hopefully, it’s up to standards.”

  “Pierce, I love it, but I think I’m in shock.” One side of her lip quirks, and her eyes gleam the shade of copper. “You built me my bakery,” she repeats, her voice husky and filled with emotion. “Guess this explains all the questions and unusual interest in my workspace over the last few months. I can’t believe I didn’t catch on.”

  I skim my mouth across hers, kissing the corner of her lips and walking her backward. “There’s one more surprise.”

  “Is this where everyone jumps out cheering?”

“Fuck no, and in case they got any ideas, I changed the code on the lock so they can’t get in.”

  My foot kicks open the door, and I spin her to the room. This is the only place where I added personal items.

  She walks to her desk, zoning in on the frame I took the risk of putting there. It’s at her and Evin’s graduation. I’m holding her in the air, and we’re smiling at the camera as our parents took endless pictures.

  “I can’t believe you still have this.” She skims a fingertip along the glass.

  “It’s one of my favorite things in this room.”

  She raises her gaze to mine, and I know she’s remembering that day and moment. “I love it all. It’s perfect.”

  “It’ll be perfect when you get done with it.”

  She nods, putting the frame back, and slowly strolls around, taking in the details. “Did you make this shelf?”


  “Hmmm,” she mutters, kicking off her heels. “And where’d you find these?” She motions to the articles and write-ups hanging.

  “Annie got them to me, and I had them specially done.”

  “And all these other ones?” She waves to the other frames of her with family and friends placed on various surfaces.

  “Some of them I took; some of them I found.”

  “Very thoughtful.” She stops, this time eying the corner bench seat. “Is this custom, too?”

  “Yeah.” My answer comes out rough as she does something with her hands at her hips, and a scrap of pink tumbles down her legs. My cock springs to life, growing rock hard as I catch onto her game.

  “Is it sturdy?” She props a foot on the bench, her dress riding up and exposing her inner thigh.

  “Absolutely.” I tear my shirt over my head, ready to tackle.

  She flashes a coy grin, wrenching her hand behind her back. The unmistakable zing of her unzipping pounds in my ears. Her dress pools at her feet, and she breaks our stare to step over it.

  I toe off my shoes and socks, rip off my shorts, and zero in on the curve of her ass as she continues her strut around the room in only a bra. My dick now screams for relief, all the blood in my body racing to my cock and balls. It’s been a long time since he’s felt the soft, silky heat of being inside Darby. My visit over spring break seems like a year ago with the way my body is reacting. She turns, running her hand over the back of her sofa.

  “And what about this? Last time I knew, it was in storage in Charlotte, along with several items in this room. How’d it get here?”

  “I went and got it all,” I bite out, palming my dick through my boxers.

  “You did all this for me?”

  “I’d do anything for you.”

  Her eyes roam over my body, an appreciative shine forming when they meet mine. “You know it is a sofa sleeper?”

  “I’m aware. I moved it in here for a reason.”

  With a flick of her finger, the front of the bra is unclasped and gone.

  “Darby.” Her name comes out gruff as my cock thickens, pulsing against my hand.

  She comes to me, moving my hand and replacing it with hers. “You’re a little wound up.” She grips me tighter, rubbing her chest to mine.

  “I’m about half a second from fucking you.”

  She leans up, nipping my lip and stroking down my shaft. “Are you finally learning the art of self-control?”

  “Teasing me isn’t a good idea. Hope you’re ready,” I grind out.

  “I’m ready, dripping, hot, wet, whatever you want to imagine. I want it hard, fast, and wild, but I want it all night, so I should start by taking the edge off.”

  She lowers down, taking my boxers with her. Her tongue darts out, licking the crown, circling the rim, and running up and down the entire length before she sucks me in as far as she can. My hands fist through her hair, tugging and flexing as she works me with her mouth.

  My eyes drop in time to see her angle her head and take me fully down her throat. A low animal growl rumbles from my chest. She hums, the vibration shooting to my balls, making them grow heavy.

  Jesus, Pierce, don’t fucking pump and dump.

  I tense, holding back as long as I can until she glances up at me through hooded, glowing eyes. Her lips are wrapped around me, her head moving up and down, and her jaw is tight with the right amount of pressure as she swallows my dick with each bob. Her hand snakes up my thigh slowly and then clasps around my balls, rolling them between her fingers.

  Dripping, hot, wet rolls through my brain. That’s all it takes to shatter my discipline. Feral need scorches through my bloodstream, and my hands grip her scalp as I drive into her, fucking her mouth without reserve. She notices the change, scraping her nails against my sac and increasing her speed.

  I’ve relied on the image of Darby sucking my dick to get me through countless nights. The years without her, I learned no one could give head in a way that could drive me insane.

  This is proof. It’s not the fact that I haven’t had a release from anything other than my hand for over a month. It’s the fact that Darby knows my body, knows how to work me, worship me, and bring me to the brink of madness by working her mouth around my cock like it was made for her.

  I pump in and out, and she moans her approval, stroking, rolling, sucking, and opening wider so I can drive harder. Through my haze, I spot her free hand sliding down her torso and disappearing between her thighs.

  Dripping, hot, wet… The hitch in her throat awakens the beast in me. I’m the one to take care of her, and that’s happening now.

  I tear my hands through her hair, wrap my hands around her biceps, and yank her high in the air. She smirks knowingly, hooks her ankles around my hips, and throws her head back when I impale her. I get us to the sofa, collapsing on top of her, and drive in harder.

  “Every surface, every wall, every single inch of this space needs to have our mark on it,” I ground out.

  “I assumed as much.” Her hips arc, bringing me so deeply, I know I’ve found her spot.

  She writhes with the recognizable signs of struggle. She’s holding back, waiting for me. I’m ready, right there with her, but I want more. With superhuman effort, I find the ounce of willpower left and slow my strokes. She whimpers at the change of pace, locking her ankles around my back. “Every time I slide inside you after being apart for so long, I’m a madman with no restraint. Today, I want more.”

  Her lips part, and the wild hunger in her eyes melts. I rise, gliding my lips over hers, kissing a path down the column of her throat and chest. Her nipples are hard, begging for attention. I run my cheeks and chin over one, using the bristle of my stubble to taunt her. My palm covers the other, rolling the stiff peak with my fingers, mimicking what she did with my balls. She arches her chest, silently begging for more, and when I close my mouth and suck, she grips my head, holding me in place.

  I lick, nip, squeeze, and savor, worshipping her tits and leaving my mark. My tongue craves the taste of her, but there’s no way I can pull of out her. I know my limits.

  “Pierce, please,” she whines desperately, bucking up.

  I lean back, glancing over her naked body in front of me, and grin proudly. She’s going to be pissed when she sees the purple and blue splotches, but I don’t give a fuck. I spread her thighs so I can watch myself thrust in and out of her. She reaches behind her, gripping the arm of the couch, powering against me. Possession fires through my veins, and I increase my speed, ready to hear her scream.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy it is to see your pussy stretched around me?”

  “Mmmmmm,” she moans, lifting her ass in the air and ramming up.

  I circle her swollen clit, tracing the nub with feather-light touches until Darby is writhing and panting. Her face is flushed, her eyes are wild, and her body strains as she meets my strokes.

  “Come for me.” I roll her clit with my thumb, and she flies apart, crying out. A gush of wet heat coats my dick, and my eyes dart between her face and her pussy. Once a
gain, my mouth waters to taste her, feel her squirm against my face.

  This thought annihilates my control, and I thrust harder. Her eyes lock with mine at the same time she clenches her muscles, closing around me. She grins smugly, releasing the couch and trailing her hands down to cup her tits. My cock thumps and throbs, swelling inside her.

  “Give me another one,” I demand.

  She shakes her head defiantly, caressing her nipples, playing with herself.

  My pace quickens, and I try to grind my way out of her clutch, but it’s useless. She’s holding me in.

  “Darby,” I growl, plunging until I hit so deep her chest curves.

  The sound of our bodies slapping together fills the air, and her eyes begin to glaze. Shockwaves fire off, my balls tightening. This time, I know there’s no stopping, no turning back.

  “Baby, I need you with me.”

  “Yes! God, yes!” she answers with a stuttered cry.

  I grind my teeth as sweat drips down my chest, my heart thundering against my ribcage. My thumb swipes back over her clit while I rock into her. She curls up, screaming so loud the walls echo. I follow, exploding inside her with such force it sends tremors down my spine. My cock throbs with each pulse jetting inside her body.

  Darby’s body spasms against mine, our hearts racing in sync. “It’s fucking great to have you home,” I tell her.

  Chapter 37


  “Any reason you’re hovering?” I don’t have to open my eyes to feel his body heat above me.

  “You’re burning. I should rub some suntan lotion on your back.”

  “I’m not falling for that again. You rubbed lotion on my back an hour ago, and I still have sand in private places.”

  “Let me carry you to the ocean, and we can rinse you off. Or, better yet, let’s go shower.”

  “Don’t you need downtime?

  I roll to my side, raising my glasses, and almost swallow my tongue. Pierce looms over me, dripping wet, muscles rippling, his bulge outlined in his swim shorts, and he’s glaring at me with raw hunger.

  “Did you take a pill? The kind that has warnings about erections lasting more than six hours should contact a physician?”


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