Pierced Hearts (Southern Charmers Book 1)

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Pierced Hearts (Southern Charmers Book 1) Page 38

by Ahren Sanders

  He rocks back, clenching his fist with no hint of amusement. “I don’t need a goddamned pill.”

  “There’s no shame in it.” I wink.

  “I can fuck on demand when it comes to you.”

  “Oh, I know.”

  “I have a fucking job to do, and I’m not going to fail.”

  “We’re on our honeymoon. Neither of us is supposed to be working,” I throw back, enjoying the way his jaw sets and his eyes slit.

  “Dammit, wife, I gave you the wedding. I fulfilled my end of the deal. Now, you have to fulfill yours.”

  I smile, reaching my left hand to the sky. Diamonds sparkle so brightly I drop my glasses. He’s right. He gave me the wedding.

  He gave me the most spectacular, outrageous, talked about wedding of the decade. Possibly the century. It had everything any bride could dream of. Brasher Resorts pulled out all the stops and created the perfect wonderland—dancing under the stars and twinkling lights, endless champagne, open bars with every martini ever made, anything and everything I could ever want.

  It was beyond remarkable. Hundreds of people agreed.

  Pierce takes my suspended hand and crouches next to me, bringing the diamonds to his lips. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m having flashbacks. Trying to figure out my favorite part of the wedding.”

  “You’ve been doing that a lot.”

  “There’s a lot to reminisce over. I think I’ve narrowed it down.”

  “Why don’t you share them with me while I’m balls deep inside you?” He tugs.

  “We have this private house for a week, and you’ve barely let me outside in two days. Let me enjoy the Costa Rican sunshine for a while.”

  He glances up at the house, scans the property, and dips his chin. My jaw drops when he tears his trunks down and climbs on the bed of the cabana, pulling the back curtains to shield us from view behind us.

  “Those are sheer. Anyone looking can make out body forms.” I gawk at his boldness.

  “They see my ass, no big deal. I’ll handle hiding you.” He covers my mouth with a quick but wet kiss, stirring up the already active butterflies in my stomach. “Like you said, this is a private house. We are alone except for the women prepping for our evening.”

  It would be useless to deny him, considering he had me on my back under the hut an hour ago. I was less inhibited because that was completely hidden from view, but this is much more open.

  “Let’s go back to talking about our wedding.” He takes my hand back to his lips. “I had many favorites, but one sticks out the most.”

  “Ripping my dress to shreds the minute the hotel door closed?”

  He smirks. “That one’s at the top but not exactly number one.”

  “Almost flattening my dad to get to me before he could officially give me away?”

  “That should have been expected. One look at you, and he should have known to stand back.”

  I grin with him, thinking of one more possible instance. “Was your favorite part being able to usher the kids down the aisle?”

  We—well, mostly Pierce—decided to have an all-adult wedding party. Stephanie and Renee stood with me, while Miller and Evin were at his side. Renee was a new addition to our group since she decided to transfer to Charleston. During the months leading up to my wedding, she and I had grown close. She was the polar opposite of Stephanie in personality, but when those two got together, it was like the three of us fit.

  I was scared Scottie would have his feelings hurt that we didn’t have him at the altar, but he was honored to usher the moms down the aisle and sat proudly by my mother’s side with his partner, Billy, next to them.

  Pierce’s decision to have Maya and Cole sit with Jill and Warren was solely his. I’d mentioned having them as attendants, and it was the only source of tension that ever came up during our planning. Finally, it became clear he was protecting us all in his own way, with a few selfish motives.

  He wanted it to be him and me, with no trace of Connie while we said our vows. At the same time, he found a sliver of sympathy left in his soul for Connie. He knew how badly it would sting her for their children to stand in support of him marrying me. He didn’t want that for them or her. Thankfully, the kids didn’t care because they were included in every festivity leading up to the event. And it worked out beautifully.

  “Ushering them was a memory that’ll stay with me forever, but my favorite part was slipping that band on your finger and getting mine in return.” He brings my hand to his chest.

  “Yes, that was a good part.” I visualize the moment. “And it’s very close to my favorite, too.”

  He rolls us over, positioning on his knees between my things, and slides his hand into my bikini bottoms. A whimper escapes when a finger slips inside.

  “You’re ready.” He pulls the material to the side and thrusts in. “Okay, now that I’m balls deep, tell me what you’ve decided on.”

  “When the minister announced us husband and wife. Before you kissed me, you whispered Darby Kendrick to my lips. It was official.”

  “Yes, it was.” His eyes soften, remembering along with me. “And when we get home, there’s going to be something else that’s official, too. I can’t fucking wait.”

  He rocks in and out of me slowly, holding our stare and clenching my hand to his heart. I no longer care that we are out in the open, and I’m letting him have his way with me under the sun.



  3 Weeks Later

  “Pierce, stop pacing. You’re making me dizzy.” Darby covers her mouth and stands, rushing to the bathroom.

  I’m at her side, holding her hair back as she bends over the basin. Nothing happens, and when she looks up, her face is flushed.

  “It was just a wave of nausea. It’s probably nerves.”

  “We’re going to add that to the list of things to talk to this doctor about,” I grumble, helping her back to the table.

  “Honey, the test this morning was positive. We already have our confirmation. These things are expected.”

  “You didn’t have morning sickness the first time.”

  “I was a younger woman. Things change.”

  Before I can respond, Dr. Jenkins walks in, her blinding smile set on Darby. “It’s about time you come back. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” She looks over at me, flashing me the same smile of recognition.

  I haven’t seen her in years, but it’s impossible to forget how comforting she was to us throughout our ordeal. She also probably knows the events that happened afterward and leading up to our wedding.

  “All right, let’s get to the good stuff. Tell me what you know.”

  “I took a test at home this morning that was positive, and my overexcited, impatient, and out-of-control husband insisted we see you immediately. We think I’m still early, possibly seven weeks,” Darby fills her in.

  Dr. Jenkins reviews the folder in her hand, flipping through what I assume are labs. Her lips pinch together as her eyes move furiously. An uneasy feeling twists in my gut, and I sit on the table behind Darby. “Is there something wrong?”

  “Why do you think you’re so early?”

  “My last period was around May fifth,” Darby answers.

  “I assume you’re off all forms of contraception?”

  “Stopped taking the pill back in January. I was told it could take a year for it to work out of my system.” I drop my eyes to her, wondering why she didn’t share this sooner. A year? If I’d have known that, I’d have increased my efforts.

  “And what happened afterward?” Jenkins goes on.

  “I had unpredictable cycles, mild cramping, and random bleeding.”

  “All that sounds normal and an indication of why your timing is off. Our labs show you are much farther along. I’m going to estimate closer to eleven weeks.”

  Darby’s whole body tenses, and she gasps. I can’t help the chuckle that slips out of my mouth. Soon, I’m flying of
f the bed and stumbling to catch myself as Darby shoves me off the table.

  “Eleven weeks! I was pregnant at our wedding? I was pregnant on our honeymoon?”

  I throw up my hands in defeat, having the sense not to gloat… too much. Although I do feel a touch guilty for not letting her sleep a full night.

  “I’ve eaten forbidden foods and drank alcohol. How could I not know I’m pregnant?” she screeches, clawing the table and looking desperately at Dr. Jenkins.

  “Have you had a lot on your mind?”

  “In the last eleven weeks, I’ve uprooted my life, again, created a top-to-bottom business plan for a brand new hotel, moved in with Pierce, planned a wedding, had a wedding, went on a honeymoon, and came back to working twelve-hour days.”

  Dr. Jenkins squeezes her knee in support. “I think that’s exactly how you may have missed the signs. You may have thought you had a cycle in May, but it was probably something else.”

  I’m at her side again, this time standing with her curled into me. “Baby, you have to calm down.”

  “How can I be calm? I may have done it again!”

  The weight of her words slams into me, and she’s in my lap before she can lose it. “You didn’t do it again because you didn’t do it the first time.”

  “How can you know?” The panic in her voice kills me.

  “Because I know.”

  “Pierce is right. All your labs look on track, and I think taking a look will help with your concern.” Dr. Jenkins gloves up and grabs the long wand attached to the machine at Darby’s side. I’ve been through this before and know I have to let her go to lay back, but fuck if I want her out of my arms right now.

  Reluctantly, I slide away, laying her down and keeping her hand tucked in mine.

  “Relax, Darby, and you shouldn’t feel much pressure if we’re right about our timing.”

  I wince watching the wand disappear under the cloth, knowing where it’s going.

  “We could do an abdominal ultrasound as well, but this could tell us what we need to know right now,” Jenkins rattles on as my heart rate soars. This may be common to her, but our world is about to change.

  Her voice fades off as a loud whoosh-whoosh fills the air, and it all comes into view. Our child. So small and so beautiful at the same time. A racing heartbeat thrums through the room.

  “Yep, the baby looks fine,” Dr. Jenkins confirms, leaning toward the screen. “Wait.” She clicks a few buttons, zooming in and squinting. “Never mind.”

  “What the hell?” I roar. “Never mind what?”

  “I thought I saw another ticker, but it is a finger. I can never be too careful, knowing Darby has a high chance of carrying twins.

  I glance down at her and wink. “Maybe next time.”

  I howl when Darby wrenches her hand free and punches me low, grazing close to my cock.

  “Don’t even joke. Pierce, I’m serious. This will be our only one if you start thinking about twins.”

  I don’t stop the smile that spreads, not replying.

  “Can you stay for a bit? I’m going to get the sonographer in here for a more detailed exam. Plus, you need to set up a series of appointments.”

  She talks to Darby, and I recognize a few of the terms, but it’s like a whole new experience. Staring at what she’s pointing to on the screen, I fall into the chair, laying my chin on Darby’s shoulder and paying close attention.

  “In my medical opinion, this fetus is around eleven weeks, three days.”

  “How can you be so precise?” I question.

  “Because I’ve been doing this long enough to pinpoint within a few days.”

  I mentally calculate back and know exactly. “April eighth.” The day Darby came home. We married six weeks later.

  This most likely happened in her new office.

  I glance at her and can see she shares the thought.

  The next hour is a whirlwind of ultrasounds, more blood tests, and a long session assuring Darby the baby seems fine. But it isn’t until I mention our active sex life that Darby’s worry lines ease, and she bursts into laughter. As we leave the office, I’m ready to conquer the world.

  “When we get home, you’re going to lie down, and we’re going to talk about your schedule. You’re going to have to cut back,” I tell her when we’re in the truck.

  “We can’t go straight home. We need to swing by the resort and the bakery.”

  “This is what I’m talking about. You can’t keep these long hours and grueling days.”

  “We have plenty of time to argue about my schedule over the next few months. For today though, I need to grab my laptop and get an idea of the event schedule. Renee keeps a master calendar. With this baby due during the holidays, I’ve got to get my life in order.”

  I nod and pull her to me for a quick kiss before driving in the direction of the bakery.

  “How do you want to tell our families?”

  “I want to wait,” she surprises me.


  “Just until after the testing comes back. I’ll pay for a rush on the results, but we have to be able to keep the secret for at least another few weeks.”

  I study her, understanding why. She wants to pass the fourteen-week mark. “Whatever you want.”

  “And I’d like you to bar our doors and keep my parents away. Mom is going to know the second she sees me.”

  “You got it.”

  She holds my hand and stares at the dozen pictures. “This time, it’s different,” she admits softly.

  “How so?” I have a feeling what she’s going to say but need to hear it.

  “The baby actually looks developed, healthy, strong.”

  “I agree.”

  “Is it stupid to think he’s smiling?”


  “Uhhh, yeah. Did you not catch the little rod in this picture?” She waves the grainy shot at me.

  No, I didn’t catch it because my eyes were glued to my glowing wife. “I can promise you, if it’s a he, it’s not a little rod.”

  She throws her head back, shaking until tears run down her face. “You are such a guy!” she gasps.

  “I’m a man, baby, and in about five minutes, I’m going to be the man buried inside you.”

  She laughs harder, clutching the pictures to her chest. “I’m in so much shock that I can’t even be mad at you for knocking me up, again, before we were married.”

  “I’m ready to scream it from the rooftop.”

  “Such a good baby daddy.”

  We both remember that day from long ago. I’m floating on a high when Miller calls.

  “You’re on Bluetooth with both of us,” I greet him.

  “Great, where are you?”

  “Headed to the bakery.”

  “Where have you been?”


  “You not showing at work this morning has everyone scrambling.”

  “I’m a newlywed and spent the morning with my wife. That should speak for itself.”

  “I get it, but this baby watch gig is serious business.”

  Darby covers her mouth to muffle her laugh.

  “Do you know how fucking crazy that sounds?”

  “Not my fault. You’re the one who committed to five more kids, and you’re not getting any younger.”

  This time, Darby gasps. “You did what?” she screeches. “Five? I agreed to three!”

  “Oops, take it you haven’t let her know?” He chuckles.

  “I’m hanging up now, asshole.” I punch the button on my steering wheel and feel the heat of her stare.

  “If I wasn’t so happy, I’d strangle you.”

  “Lucky for me, you’re happy.”

  A few minutes later, I’m pulling into the bakery. “What the fuck?”

  Miller is leaning against his truck with Evin at his side. Then, I figure it out. He tracked my phone.

  “Oh no,” Darby whispers.


  “Evin knows.”

  “How? There’s no way—” I shut up when she quirks an eyebrow and purses her lips.

  The twin thing.

  I’m barely parked when they’re opening Darby’s door.

  “What have you got there?” Miller motions to the pictures in her hand, smirking.

  She hands them over without a word. I crowd into her, resting my hands on her stomach, and watch our brothers scan the pictures.

  “I know nothing about babies, but is this normal size?”

  Darby tilts her face to me, her eyes shining bright, and gives me a quick nod.

  “The growth is normal for almost three months.”

  Their heads jerk, eyes flying between Darby and me. “Three months?” Evin questions.

  “Eleven weeks to be exact,” she clarifies.

  “Holy shit. You didn’t know?”

  “No. Let’s just say my body was going through changes, and I didn’t have any signs.”

  “Is everything okay?” he asks with concern written all over his face.

  “Yes. As you know, we were trying, so I stopped drinking when we got back from our honeymoon, thank goodness. All signs show the baby and I are healthy.”

  “Come here.” He holds out his arms, and she falls into his embrace.

  “Congrats, brother.” Miller offers his hand, and I take it, pulling him into a one-armed hug. “You have to be fucking excited.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “This time’s going to be different, and I’m glad to be a part of it.”

  I step back and read the meaning in his words. This time will be different for many reasons.

  “Seeing as she’s so far along and neither of you knew, I can assume you took my advice?” He wiggles his eyebrows, speaking low enough for only me to hear.

  “Pleading the fifth.”

  “When are you going to tell everyone?” Evin asks.

  “We’re going to wait until we hit the—”

  “Actually,” she breaks in, coming back to my side and curling into me. “I changed my mind. I don’t want to wait. Let’s give our families another reason to celebrate.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m not scared anymore.”

  “All right, your choice. When?”

  “Right now.” She looks to her brother. “Evin, can you send a text to everyone to meet us here? Since they’re all on baby watch, I’m sure it won’t take long.”


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