Oh Snowy Night

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Oh Snowy Night Page 2

by Goode, Ella

  “You happen to notice the snowflakes are right over your tits?”

  I lift my hands, covering my breasts as if they are showing. He quirks a smile. His first and it’s drop dead gorgeous. I try another one of my glares that only has him shaking his head.

  “Come on, Bear.” He pats his leg but the dog doesn't move. Smittens stands up, feeling around and making herself comfortable again in a new position on top of the dog.

  “Yeah, Smittens kinda gets what she wants.”

  “This is my house.” He pats his leg again. Bear doesn't move an inch.

  I look to my Smittens. “Not anymore.”

  Chapter Three


  My house has been invaded. My space has been...violated by a girl who doesn’t come up much higher than my chest and an even tinier cat whose name is Smittens? Who in the hell names anything, let alone that evil creature, Smittens?

  “I’ll lend you my car,” I declare. I can’t have her stay here much longer. Already the scent of the house is changing. It’s getting...sweeter. I hate sweet shit.

  “For what?”

  “So you can drive over to King’s place.” The last thing I want to do is get involved with King’s women. They’re all some kind of mess. I live out here in the woods to avoid messes—and people.

  “I don’t know how to drive a truck.” She edges closer to the fireplace. “I think you need a special license for that. I only drive cars and specifically my car. You know that every car has its own personality. Mine—her name is Minnie, by the way—is very temperamental. She doesn’t like extreme cold or extreme hot. She also is not very good at filtering pollen but despite all that, she always comes through when I need her. Like today, even though it was snowing and I don’t have those special tires for the snow, she made it to your place just fine.”

  I squeeze the bridge of my nose. This isn’t going the way I think it should and I’m not sure what to do. I can’t remove her physically because I’d have to touch her and she’s such a hot piece that if I put my hands anywhere on her body, especially near her spectacular rack, I know I’m going to end up laying her down on the first horizontal surface and fucking the daylights out of her.

  But short of picking her up and putting her in my truck, how in the hell am I going to get her out? She settles down in front of the fireplace and starts scratching Bear behind his ears. He lets out a pitiful whine and lays his head on her leg. His nose isn’t that far away from the girl’s pussy and I have this sudden, irrational surge of jealousy over my own damn dog. This is a nightmare.

  “I’ve got a car.”

  She cocks her head. “What’s that?”

  From this angle, I can see the top of her tits, all rosy and bouncy. I lick my lips. She’d taste good. I know that for certain. Her tits would taste like peaches and her cunt would taste like cream. I wonder how sensitive she is. Would she come right away or does she need a little work? I don’t care either way because both are good. If she comes right away, I’d eat her again and if she needs a little work, all the more pleasure for m—I give myself a shake. I do not need to be traveling down that path. My work pants already feel tight. What was I saying? Oh, yeah, my car. My baby. My classic, custom-built 1967 Shelby Mustang worth a cool $2 million. It’s got 427 horsepower and while it probably handles like ass in the snow, it’s got enough engine muscle to propel her all the way to King’s.

  The girl in front of me looks like she belongs in that Mustang. There’s not much of a backseat so the best place to do her would be the hood. I’d have to push her tits onto the hood, pull down those pants of hers, and kick her legs apart so that her cunt was open and ready for me. She’d be turned on, of course, because it’s the Shelby and who wouldn’t be turned on by that? Cream would be dripping down her leg and I’d rub the head of my cock in her cum until I was slick with her juice. Then I’d slam into her and make those tits bounce on her chest. I’d push her ass up high until she was on her tiptoes and had to rely on me for balance. The only thing that would be keeping her upright would be my hard cock in her wet cunt.

  The girl clears her throat. “Um, before you get any ideas”—she sends a pointed gaze toward my crotch and my dick twitches happily in response—“maybe we should introduce ourselves. I’m Faith.” She thrusts her hand in my direction.

  I wonder what she’d do if I took her palm and laid it on my aching dick. Yeah, it’s obvious through my loose fitting canvas work pants that I’m currently at full attention. Plus, even shaking her hand is going to be dangerous. I turn abruptly and cross over to a small row of hooks near the door separating the kitchen from the garage. Grabbing the Shelby keys, I return and toss them toward her. She makes no move to catch them and they fall to the floor by her feet. Bear’s in dog heaven and doesn’t even look in my direction. The cat gives a wide yawn, the tiny tongue curling in disdain before Smittens resettles her head on her paws.

  Faith presses her pretty lips together and shakes her head. “I’m too warm to leave now. Plus, I’m sure it’s probably a crime to make someone leave a fire, a dog, and a cat. Even if it isn’t an actual crime, we both know it would be completely immoral so I’m going to pretend like there aren’t keys to some car I’ve never heard of before lying at my feet.” She pats the rug beside her. “Come on over and take a load off. You must’ve meant to sit by the fire, right? Or why else would you light one? I’ll tell you all about my awful weekend and you can tell me about yours.”

  I launch one last desperate offensive. “If you don’t leave, I’m going to fuck you on the rug in front of Bear and Smittens, so you either take the keys or take off your clothes.”

  Chapter Four


  I cover Smittens’ tiny ears. “Don’t talk like that in front of them.” I can’t fight my reaction to his crude words. I am oddly attracted to the grumpy lumberjack who still hasn’t told me his name but has said he’d fuck me. I should be appalled. I don’t think anyone in my whole life has ever talked to me like that.

  My eyes flick to the keys that are still lying on the floor next to me. I weigh my options. I could take the car and get out of here or take Mr. Lumberjack up on his offer. He grabs the keys before I can tell him my answer. I look up, meeting his eyes that now seem filled with desire.

  “Too late.” He shoves the keys into his pants pocket. “King lost his chance.”

  “I already paid the month’s rent. I don’t think he’s losing anything.” This King guy likely doesn't care if I show up or not. He already has his payment for the cabin rental. “Besides, I’m taking your offer.” I nod, having made up my mind. “After we put the kids to bed.” I lift my hands from Smittens’ ears, kissing the top of her head.


  I look back up at him. I think I may have shocked him a little bit with my acceptance of his proposal. “You've got yourself a deal, Jack.” I swear, he and I don’t speak the same language but I think sex is universal, so it doesn't matter.

  “Name’s Conn,” he corrects me.

  “Hmm.” I debate which name I like better. “But you look more like a lumberjack.” I study his face. His jawline is hard. His facial features are sharp. I let my eyes roam all over him, taking in every bit of him. “Yeah, I can see Conn too. I guess I’ll call you that.”

  “I’d prefer you call me by my name when I’m fucking you.”

  I put my hands back over Smittens’ ears. “You’re going to get it,” I hiss at him. I’m really only teasing him. Of course Smittens has no idea what he's saying but I’m trying to get Conn here to crack a smile. Even if it’s only a tiny one.

  “You’re right. I am going to be getting it.” He clears the last few steps between us. In one swift movement he’s lifting me off the ground. “You know what you just agreed to?”

  “Revenge sex.” He stops midstep. I’m not real sure where he is heading. Maybe to his bedroom so that Smittens and Bear don’t see the sexy times. I’ve never done anything like this before in my life but after the
way everything went down back home, I’m going to throw caution to the wind and enjoy this big lug of a man. He looks as though he’s exactly what I need to forget that my life is a mess.

  “Revenge sex?” he questions. His facial expression changes. It’s hard to tell if it got more grumpy. Was that possible?

  “Yep. Isn't that what they call it? To get over one guy, you get under another?” Wait, does it count if I was never even under my ex? Conn drops me down onto the sofa. He once again pinches the bridge of his nose. He looks to be frustrated but I’m not sure why.

  “I want to get this straight before I lose my shit.”

  “You kinda look like you’re already past that point.” I can tell Conn is fighting some kind of inner battle with himself. I just don’t know if it is about him doing the dirty with me. I don’t see why it has to be a battle. I am down to lose the V card to this sexy lumberjack. I was looking for an adventure. Something to get my mind off my family and that’s exactly what I’ve found. Even though he’s big all over, somehow I know he’s going to make this good for me.

  “Can you stop talking for two minutes?”

  I nod my head. I think I can handle that. Smittens isn’t having it, though. She meows as she again makes a bed out of Bear. He keeps peeking over at me. I know it’s because he wants me to come back over to the fire and pet him some more.

  “You dating King?” I shake my head no. “Then why were you heading out to his place?” I look at him, thinking it’s only been about thirty seconds of my two minute be quiet time. “You going to answer me?” I open my mouth then close it. He’s trying to trick me into talking. I stay quiet because I’m competitive and I’m not losing this.

  “You can speak.” He growls. For some reason I’m not the least bit shocked when the sound comes from him. The growl is rather fitting of him. It also doesn’t help with my hardening nipples. I can’t blame that on the cold. The fireplace had done a good job of warming me right up but it was his dirty proposition that had me hot all over.

  “I’m renting a cabin from him,” I answer. Do I fall back under the two minutes of not talking rule? I'm not sure so I just sit there with my mouth shut. “I’ve already explained this to you.” I cross my arms over my chest in frustration. Obviously, he’s thick all over, not just his body. God, those thighs probably hold the power to drive any woman to orgasm.

  “Don’t cover up.” His eyes take me in from head to toe. I keep my arms over my chest because I’m getting annoyed with him now. I don’t like being told to not talk. My sister always said I talked too much. That I rambled on.

  “Don’t talk, don’t cover up, don’t stay here,” I say tartly at him because he’s driving me crazy. I put my hands on my hips until I realize that I inadvertently listened to him. Then I lift them and cross them over my chest again. I swear that I see his lip inch up a tiny bit. I head back over to the fireplace and put my hands over Smittens’ ears. “Are you going to take my virginity or not?”

  Chapter Five


  The phone rings before I can answer her. I knew I should have never had any technology installed in my house.

  “Wow, a landline. You have an actual phone on your wall.” She hops up from the floor and scurries over to the kitchen to inspect the infernal machine. “And it’s a rotary dial! Where did you get this?”

  She acts as if she didn’t just ask me to fuck her. I scratch behind my ear and look on in confusion as she inspects the phone.

  “It came with the house.” I stride over and hang the car keys on the hook. The sun’s almost down. Bear gets to his feet and pads to his bowl. He nudges the empty stainless steel container with his nose. I reach into the fridge and take his dog food out. Smittens must smell the meat because she comes scurrying over as well, winding her tiny body around Bear’s legs.

  “Aren’t you going to answer it?”

  “No.” I dump the meat mixture into the bowl and then search for a smaller one for Smittens. “What’s your cat eat?”

  “What if it’s important?”

  “They’ll call again.” Right on cue the rings cut off. “What’s your cat eat?” I repeat.

  “Oh, um, cat food.” Faith sidles up to me. She pokes a finger against a piece of raw meat. “This is dog food? I think your dog eats better than me. What’s in here? Peas, carrots, steak?”

  She smells like a fruit tree. I want to unhinge my jaw and swallow her whole, but she’s out here asking me for dog food recipes. “Oatmeal,” I grunt.


  “Fatty acids. It’s got egg yolks, steak, carrots, peas, spinach and oatmeal.”

  “That is better than I usually eat. Yum.” Her little tongue snakes out.

  She’s on the small side but maybe that’s because she’s not getting enough to eat. Her car is a late model foreign edition—dependable but not fancy. Her clothes look decent. I mean, her sweater lights up and I figure that can’t be cheap, right? Maybe she spends all her money on clothes and doesn’t have enough for food. I guess I should feed the girl before I do anything else, whether it’s fucking her or sending her down to King’s. The thought of sending her down to King’s pisses me the fuck off so I go with focusing on food.

  “You okay with me giving your cat some?”

  “I don’t know. What if Smittens eats this food and then refuses cat food? I’m a terrible cook and can’t make a meal this good for myself, let alone my cat. But maybe she’d understand we’re on vacation and you always get something special when you’re on vacation. Although, to be honest, we really aren’t on vacation. I’m running away.”

  I clench my fist around the small bowl I grabbed for Smittens. “What’d you say?”

  “Erm? That I’m a bad cook?” She lifts the bowl and sniffs it. “It doesn’t even smell like dog food. Are you sure this is what Bear eats and not you? Maybe you took the wrong bag out of the fridge.” She waves a hand in front of my face. “Do you have bad eyesight? That would make sense to me because you have to have flaws. You can’t be hot with perfect vision, right? God has to leave some material for the rest of us.”

  The lightning quick change of topic and the unexpected compliment leaves me speechless. She thinks I’m...hot? I don’t think anyone’s ever said that about me. Grumpy. Yes. Asshole. Also yes. Not neighborly. Double yes. Maybe she’s the blind one. That makes sense to me but I set that aside because there’s something more important to address. This girl is in danger.

  I pour a little of the dog food into the small bowl that’s now slightly lopsided from being squeezed too hard in my fist and set it on the floor with Bear’s. I wait until the two pets start to eat before confronting Faith. “You mentioned revenge, King, and running away. All those things say to me that you’re in trouble, so start talking.”

  She flaps her hand. “It’s no big deal. Just my ex cheating on me with my stepsister is all. It’s not like I loved him. I’m not even sure I liked him much. Trish, that’s my stepsister, was the one who hooked me up with him in the first place. Why she did that when she wanted him herself, I don’t know. It really doesn’t make sense, does it?”

  I shove the food back into the fridge and then stomp over to the door.

  “Hey, where are you going?”

  “To kill your ex.”

  Faith flies across the room and plasters herself against the door. “Noooo. I don’t want that. I didn’t tell you so that you could feel sorry for me or avenge me.”

  “You said you wanted revenge.”

  “No. I said I wanted revenge sex.” She bats her eyelashes at me. “That was my way of saying that it’s okay if you want to sleep with me because you’re hot and if I need to lose my v card, it should be with someone who is ungodly unattractive. Although, maybe because you’re hot, you won’t be good in bed. I’ve heard very attractive guys have both tiny penises and don’t know how to work them.” She taps a finger against her cheek. “But that’s not true for you because I’ve seen—“ She cuts herself off with a small cough.
Pink tints her cheeks. “Well, you know what I’ve seen.”

  If she’s referring to the wood in my pants about ten minutes ago, then, yeah, I know what she’s talking about. The monster is already waking up again at her offhand reference. “Still want to kill him,” I tell her.

  “It’s a terribly nice thought, but he’s not worth your effort.”

  I don’t buy it. Because rumor says that King’s is the place you go when you’re in trouble. The address isn’t given out to just anyone and it’s always to females. You see them in town from time to time but they stick to themselves, not talking much to anyone. They stay for a while, sometimes only a few weeks, and then they’re gone. Some people in town think he’s running a whorehouse and they are all prostitutes. Some think he’s grooming female spies. But I’m fairly sure it’s a hideout for women that are in danger. “Why are you running to King then?”

  Chapter Six


  “What’s your deal with this King guy?” I stare up at him. My best friend, Nora, told me I could trust King and now I’m starting to feel a little protective over him. I don’t understand why this big ole lumberjack is asking all these questions. The only thing I know is that he has a cabin and he was more than happy to rent it out to me. In fact, King had told me if I didn’t have the money that I could still come. I’d insisted on paying my way because right now, I have the money. It didn't feel right not to pay when I could afford it. I’ve never met the man but I have to hope his intentions are good.

  “You don’t need King. I can fix whatever problem it is you are having.” He clips. He folds his arms over his broad chest. Every time he does that I get all tingly inside. Gosh. He’s handsome. One look at him has me forgetting whatever I’m saying or doing.


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