Oh Snowy Night

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Oh Snowy Night Page 3

by Goode, Ella

  “Well, I don’t need you to kill anyone.” I roll my eyes. “That’s gross.” Blood and cops. A murder trial. I do love a good romance suspense book but I don’t think I’d dig the real thing. I tap my finger on my lips thinking. “But maybe this revenge sex thing will work. We could take cute pictures together. We could make it look as though we are a couple. Then my ex will leave me alone because he’ll see that I’ve moved on! Once he gets a look at your size...” I run my eyes all over his massive body. “He definitely won’t badger me anymore.” I lick my lips. I can’t help it. I have no control over myself around this man. He was the one who brought up getting it on.

  Maybe it will finally get my ex to stop blowing up my phone and showing up at random places that I’m at. That is one of the biggest reasons why I left. He was starting to really freak me out. I don’t understand it. He cheated on me but he still wants to be together? For some crazy reason, I am the one that feels bad because I think my stepsister is in love with him. Like I’ve said before, none of this makes sense, so the easiest thing was for me to leave.

  “What kind of Christmas sweaters do you have? I think our pic would be so cute if we matched. Bear and Smittens will also need something.” I’m about to start talking again but before I know what’s happening, his mouth is on mine. His hands dig into my hair as he takes my mouth, owning every inch of it. I press my body into his, wanting to be as close to him as possible. A small moan escapes my lips, causing him to release my mouth.

  I’m a little flustered from the whole thing, so I say the first thing that pops into my mind. “Is that a yes to wearing the Christmas sweater?” I breathe out. I have a feeling he doesn’t own one. “I bet I can make one with some Christmas lights and a sweater that you already have.”

  “What am I going to do with you?” He shakes his head as he puts me back down on the ground. I didn’t even notice that he’d picked me up when he kissed me. My lips still tingle. What would it be like if he kissed me other places with that mouth? It might not matter if he’s bad in bed with a mouth like that.

  “Just hear me out. I know it sounds crazy but I really think I can make a sweater with some Christmas lights. I mean you’ll have to stay plugged into an outlet but it’s just for the pictures.” I lick my lips to get another taste of him. I didn’t think he’d taste so sweet but he does.

  “Do you have cookies?” I ask, thinking I taste chocolate. My stomach growls, not remembering the last time I ate. It is a bad habit of mine. I either eat everything in sight or forget to eat at all. Nora says that I’m an all or nothing kind of person. I think she’s right. She normally is. Conn’s face suddenly goes back to that grumpy one that I shouldn’t be attracted to but I am. He’s moody, that’s for sure. Maybe he does need a little of what I’d offered him earlier.

  “I’m sure I-”

  “Oh I need to use your phone!” It dawns on me that I need to let Nora know I’m okay. I dart around him but I’m not quick enough. His arm wraps around my waist, picking me up from the ground. Bear lets out a bark. I look his way and Smittens smacks him, letting him know to knock it off. He falls back over onto the ground and she crawls onto him, putting him right in his place.

  “You aren’t calling him.”

  “Of course I’m not calling my ex.” I wiggle in his hold, enjoying being in his arms. In the past when my ex would try to get close to me, I would lean away. With Conn I am finding that I want to cling to him. Maybe even climb him like a tree. The closer I can be the better.

  “King.” He half growls. It might be a growl or that could be the way he talks in general. I’m not sure because I haven’t known him long enough to tell the difference. “I’ll call him.”

  “Ooookay,” I draw out because he can call King all he wants. They clearly have some history or something. “I need to call Nora. Can I call her first?” He walks over to the kitchen, putting me down onto the counter. He doesn’t step back though. He reaches for the phone, handing it to me.

  “Who is Nora?”

  “You’re kinda nosey,” I point out. If Nora was here she’d say something about glass houses but she’s not so I can get away with saying it.

  “I’m not nosey.” His brows furrow together as he thinks about it. He’s likely coming to the realization that he is a tad bit nosey. At least when it comes to me. “Your cat is bullying my dog.”

  I snort because his defense is lame. “Cute, isn’t it?” I say as I start to call Nora and let her know I won’t be making it to King’s. For tonight at least. It’s then I remember I don’t know her number offhand. I’ll have to get it from my cell phone. I have other plans to attend to.

  Who said revenge is best served cold? I’m thinking it’s best served with hot Conn on top of me.

  Chapter Seven


  I check the caller ID on the phone and confirm my first suspicion. It has been King calling to find out where his lost sheep was. He answers the phone on the first ring. “Why even have a phone if you aren’t going to answer it?”

  “It came with the house.”

  Silence greets me and then, a long, tired drawl. “Of course it did.”

  “Did you call to talk about home interiors or something else?”

  “What do you think?” There’s no need to reply so I don’t, which leads King to release an exasperated sigh. “I heard you went into town today. I was expecting a guest but the person did not arrive. When I went out to look for the person, the tracks went down your driveway. Rather than barge onto your property and be met with a shotgun in my face, I thought I would call first.”

  “She’s here.” Faith got her phone out to call her friend but was sidetracked by the animals. She’s crouched beside them, cuddling Smittens to her chest and petting Bear behind the ears.

  “Great. I’ll send someone over.”

  “No.” This time I get the silent treatment. “She’s fine here,” I explain but it’s not enough. King wants more.

  “The thing is, you’re not really the one who gets to decide whether she’s fine.”

  “Neither are you.”

  “Great. We’ve both established Faith’s independence so I’m going to send a car over and you’re going to let her go.”

  When you try to take Bear’s toy away from him, he crouches low, bares his teeth, and lets out a growl that could scare away a real grizzly. That same possessive noise rumbles through my frame. “The hell I will,” I bark and hang up the phone.

  “Who was that?” Faith asks, tilting her pretty head to the side.

  I stuff my anger and jealousy down where she can’t see it and march over to the refrigerator. “King. He’s glad you’re doing good.” I pull out two steaks and slap them on the counter. “You eat meat or you a veggie eater?”

  “Meat is good.” She pushes to her feet. “Whatcha making?”

  “Steak. Potatoes. Got a pie from the bakery.”

  “Mmm. Sounds delicious. Let me get my purse.”

  I grab her wrist before she can scamper away. “What for?”

  “For the food, of course.”

  I frown down at her. “What are you saying?”

  “I am going to get you some money for dinner,” she says, dragging out the syllables. “That’s how it works at King’s place. You pay for your food and lodging in either money or work.” She must catch sight of my thunderous expression because she waves her hand in front of my face. “Not that kind of work, but like gardening and cooking and stuff.”

  Only slightly appeased, I turn back to the steak. I unwrap the meat and start to salt it. “Sounds like King has some scam going on over there.” He’s got pretty girls showing up all the time and they do his housework for him? Sleep in his beds? Faith isn’t ever going over there. I slam the pepper shaker down on the counter so hard that Faith jumps, Bear barks and Smittens yowls unhappily. They all stare at me as if I’m nuts. I let go of the pepper shaker but then have to lunge for it again when the peppercorns start tumbling out of the cracked side.
  “I think I’ll call Nora now,” she says.

  “Yeah,” I say.

  She eyes the damaged pepper shaker and shakes her head a tiny bit before moving toward the fireplace. The two animals stare at me in disappointment.

  “Neither of you want her to go to King’s either,” I grumble. The two keep watching me as I light the gas range. While the pan heats up, I stab my fork into a couple of potatoes.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. No. I never made it to King’s. I had to pee so bad and I was afraid if I went outside, it would freeze. Remember we read something about that once.”

  Faith’s voice drifts over as if she were standing next to me. I glance up, expecting to see her across from the island but she’s still planted next to the fireplace. I guess the acoustics in this room are really good. I wouldn’t know because I live alone. The right thing to do would be to warn her.

  “No. I’m not going to King’s. I found someplace else. He’s a lumberjack. Oh, I don’t know if he does that for a living, but he chops wood and he’s burly and hot. I think he could lift me with one hand.”

  I could warn her, but I don’t.

  “I’m going to seduce him. He’s so hot, Nora. I just know he’s the right one to pop my cherry. Why should I keep it anymore? It’s not like I’m going to get married. Marriage is for fools. I want to have some fun. This is going to be fun. Okay, yes, I’ve heard that it hurts, but it’s just the once and then it’s great. It has to be because why else would anyone stay with anyone if the sex isn’t good? Why else would Trish be with my ex? It’s not like he’s interesting or even very attractive so she must like what he can do in bed, right?”

  Okay, that’s enough listening in. I clear my throat. “Dinner’s ready,” I boom.

  “Just a min! I gotta go, Nora. I’ll text you later.” Faith pockets the phone and hurries over. “Sorry. I meant to help you.”

  “I’ve got it.” I plate the meat and carry it over to the table. She smiles prettily. Is this part of the seduction? If so, it’s working. I’m ready to throw her down on the table. The plates feel heavy in my hands. I grip the edges tight. It’s hard to believe a girl this pretty wants to have sex with me. Part of me feels like I dreamed this up, but I heard her. She’s mentioned it several times. I should just flat-out ask her. If she turns me down, so be it. She’s still not going to King’s. “So...Faith—“

  She blinks like an innocent. “Yes?”

  I can’t wait to devour her. “About the sex. You really want it, huh?”

  She blushes but her eyes don’t waver from mine. “Yeah. I do.”

  I toss the plates onto the table. “Sit. Eat.”

  A crease mars her perfect forehead. “But… the sex.”

  “Dinner first. Revenge sex second.” She wants it and who am I to tell her no?

  Chapter Eight


  Chapter 8 -- Faith

  I moan as I take a bite of the steak. Conn saws at his so hard that I think he’s going to cut through the plate. “You don’t need a knife it’s so tender,” I tell him. It melts in my mouth like butter. He doesn't seem to care because he keeps on sawing at his piece of meat. “I’m never going to leave if you feed me like this.” I take another giant bite of my steak. I already know I’m eating too much and my stomach is going to hurt but I can’t help myself. I haven’t had a good meal like this one in a long time and I plan to eat every morsel of it.

  “You should eat more.” He cuts a piece of his steak off, dropping it onto my plate. I’m still not even halfway through mine.

  “I eat enough.” I take another bite of the steak that he dropped into my plate. I sure as heck am not giving it back. I am going to be stingy for once. I never get to be that way. I learned that growing up with stepsiblings. I always fell to the back of the line when it came to getting something. So today I’m going to live it up. I’ll eat all this steak and then hopefully take a bite out of Conn next. I lick my lips thinking about actually biting him. Why does it sound so appealing? I think I’ve read one too many vampire romances or something. I mean, I wouldn’t truly bite him, I’d only take a tiny little nip. Enough to leave a small mark on him.

  “Doesn't look like it.” He leans over a little so he can get a better look at me. I’m perched on a chair as I try to finish my dinner.

  “I thought you liked what you saw.” My eyes try and flick to the erection that he’s been trying to hide. It’s under the table so I can’t get a better look. It’s probably for the best because every time I get a peek of it, I begin to worry about how it’s going to fit inside me. Hopefully, Conn will be demonstrating that to me very soon. Even though it’s a tad bit scary it should work. I think. “You think I’m small because I’m short. You should see my stepsister Trish. Now she’s small. I don’t think I can fit one leg in her pants.” I continue to rattle on about this or that until Conn pushes back from the table.

  “I’m going to show you how much I like what I see.” He stands. “We’re going to have to skip the dessert. I need a piece of you now.” He must see my face fall because he stops in his tracks. He’s trying to keep his calm but he’s breathing a little faster now. It’s hard to believe how much he wants me. With my ex it was so hot and cold. I guess Conn is hot and cold too but more with his grumpiness. Not so much with his want to get it on.

  “Unless that’s not what you want.”

  I lick my lips, wanting what he’s offering but also wanting the pie he’d promised. Why can’t I have both? We have all night. I look up at him. The man is massive. Maybe I should be a bit more worried about how we are going to fit together. Compared to him I am small.

  “You promised me pie.”

  Conn walks toward me. When he gets to me, he leans down so that his face is only inches from mine. He begins to say something but stops immediately. He walks over to where Bear and Smittens are cuddled up and he places his hands over Smittens’ ears.

  “You offered me a piece of your pie hours ago and I plan to feast on it until you’re creaming in my mouth. Then I plan on fucking you until you scream my name over and over again.” Smittens purrs under his massive hands. I sit there in shock for a moment. The nervousness that had formed inside of me melts away. On second thought, I can eat the pie later.

  “Okay,” I agree but I don’t move. I’m not sure what to do next to offer him my pie? I should have asked Nora. There is no time to ponder it before Conn is moving and lifting me from my chair to carry me down the hallway. He tosses me onto a massive bed.

  “This thing is giant.” I wiggle on it, starting to sit up. It’s comfy too. I don’t get far in to exploring the bed or anything else because Conn pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his massive chest. My mouth waters at the sight. Yeah, he so is a lumberjack. He’s a solid man with muscles that I don’t think I’ve ever even seen before.

  “Wow.” I can’t stop staring at him. My eyes travel up his chest to meet his eyes. “I don’t look that good naked. Just putting that out there.” I don’t think he has an ounce of body fat. The corner of his mouth pulls up in a small smile.

  “I highly fucking doubt that.” His eyes roam over me. “If you like that sweater then you better remove it.”

  “I love this sweater.” Quickly, I pull it over my head, tossing it away. It would be hot if he ripped it from my body and all or whatever he planned to do, but it’s not a normal sweater. It’s my favorite Christmas sweater.

  I let out a small squeal before I fall back onto the bed as he pulls my pants down my legs, tossing them over his shoulder. I look back down at him. He’s already between my legs. He has them over his shoulders and he licks his lips as though he’s starving.

  “This is happening.” I stare wide eyed at him. “Bra, angel. Lose the bra.”

  I nod, doing as he tells me. His warm breath fans against me as he presses a soft kiss to the inside of each of my thighs. I relax at the sweetness of the act. His fingers dig into my thighs as he parts my legs wider to make more room for himself as
he stares between my legs.

  “I didn't know this would be happening. I should have shaved or I don't know. What do people normally do? Go all nude and shave it all? Maybe I should have had one of those landing strips.” His mouth comes down on me. I lose all thoughts of my rambling as my head falls back onto the bed.

  “Fucking perfect how it is,” he says against me. His tongue circles my clit. My hips try and come off the bed but his hands grip my thighs tighter as he lets me do it but controls my action. He guides me toward his mouth as he sucks my clit into it. My whole body buzzes as he gives me the greatest pleasure I’ve ever known.

  “I’m going to… to… to..” I can’t find the words. I’m so close. My eyes close tightly.

  “Come, angel,” he answers for me. I do. I cry out his name as the orgasm takes me. My whole body tries to come off the bed. A feeling like nothing I’ve ever felt before rolls through me. It’s all too much to take. I keep my eyes closed tightly as I try and catch my breath. So many feelings try and escape me. I don’t know what to do with them all. I don’t even know where they are coming from.

  Again, Conn kisses each of my thighs before I feel him move. He lifts me, moving me to the center of the bed. My head comes down on a pillow as he trails kisses down my neck ever so gently. I let out a small sigh. My body still tingles. I want more but sleep takes me. I’ll skip dessert every time for this.

  Chapter Nine


  The perfect thing would be for our bodies to be cocooned under my down comforter, our feet squished under the weight of Bear and Smittens, while I wait for my girl to wake up fully and I have my way with her before she can pass out on me again. But someone outside has a different opinion. A relentless pounding echoes down the hall.


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