Fox in plain Sight
Page 13
The van, its engine running, was waiting for them. For a moment she wondered how that was possible, since she still felt the key to it in her pocket. But Yankee probably had a second one on him.
“Hop in, quickly!” Nick demanded, helping her into the van and jumping in behind her, then slamming the door shut.
The van was already in motion, making her stumble before she was able to sit on the bench.
“Get us outta here, Yankee!” Nick sat on the bench beside her and pulled her into his arms.
His erratic breathing and heaving chest mirrored her own.
“I thought I’d be too late.”
Michelle buried her head in his chest, still not being able to comprehend how she’d escaped certain death. “You came. You killed him before he could kill me.”
“Shame the guy’s dead. Would have loved to question him about this Smith character. Guess we blew our chance there,” Yankee threw in.
“Yeah, well, I had no choice,” Nick answered.
He put his hand under her chin and tipped her face up. His mouth was on hers a moment later, kissing her with a desperation she’d never felt from him before. When he released her moments later, he stroked his hand over her hair.
“You scared the shit out of me, Michelle.”
“I didn’t know he was gonna send an assassin. And I couldn’t know he’d be an hour early.” Then she looked at Yankee, who was driving fast. “Where are we going?”
Nick answered in his stead. “To a safe house.”
Relieved, Michelle exhaled. “What happened at Langley? Did you get the file?”
Nick grinned and patted his jacket pocket. “We got it, baby.”
After arriving at the safe house, they’d analyzed the files Nick had copied, which turned out to be a veritable treasure trove of information. The files identified over thirty Stargate agents. Mostly code names, real names, and pictures were there, but the files didn’t contain any mention of relatives or where the agents were from. However, there were other useful tidbits: hobbies, special skills, as well as the professions the agents had previously held. It would help Nick and his new friend in their search for the others.
Several hours after rescuing Michelle from the assassin and analyzing the files in the safe house, Nick kicked his apartment door shut with the heel of his boot and trained his eyes on Michelle who’d entered ahead of him.
She walked toward the sofa, sashaying her sweet ass for his benefit, making it hard for him to concentrate on what he had to get off his chest. When she turned and let herself sink into the cushions, resting her head against the backrest and blowing out a breath, Nick marched toward her.
His heart was still pounding out of control at the recollection of what had happened this morning. It had been close. Too damn close. And it had made him realize one thing: that he didn’t want to lose Michelle. Which was why it was so hard to do what he’d promised her. To help her get away. But a promise was a promise. She’d upheld her part of the bargain, and he had to uphold his.
She smiled at him, clearly oblivious to the turmoil raging inside him. And how should she know? He hadn’t told her even once what he’d started feeling.
“Something wrong?” she murmured, reaching for him.
Nick remained standing in front of her, searching for the right words. “I don’t think I’m able to uphold my end of the bargain about getting you out of the country.”
She shifted on the sofa. “But you promised to give me a new identity.”
“I did. But I can’t help you disappear.” He shook his head. “Not the way you were hoping to anyway. Smith has you in his crosshairs. And knowing what I know now, that one of our own turned bad and worked for our enemies, I have to assume that Echo wasn’t the only one. Smith might have other Stargate agents on their side.”
“But what’s that got to do with you giving me a new identity?”
“Everything. Any of those Stargate agents who’ve gone bad can have a premonition about you, where you are, what you’re doing. If I send you away to South America on your own, you’ll be without protection if one of them comes after you.”
“But the chances of that happening—”
“—are real,” he cut her off. And that made his blood curdle.
“But if I stay here as myself, he’ll get me, too.”
“If you stay here, I’ll be able to watch out for you. To protect you.”
To be close to you, he wanted to add, but didn’t.
He could see how the wheels in Michelle’s brain turned feverishly. Hesitantly, he said, “You’ll get a new identity, but you’d be staying close… close to me.”
Her eyelashes lifted, almost hitting her brows. Blue eyes stared at him with an intensity that almost knocked him off his feet.
Slowly, her lips parted, curving into a tentative smile. “So that’s what this is about.”
“What’s what about?”
“You actually want to go out with me. You want to be my boyfriend.”
“It’s just so I can keep an eye on you,” Nick said quickly.
Shit, he wasn’t good at talking about stuff like this. He’d much rather discuss some software code with Michelle than confess what he was feeling. Besides, what if she didn’t feel the same? After all, she barely knew him, he’d lied to her for half of the time they’d known each other, and he’d put her in mortal danger. Not exactly a good place to start from when applying for the position as lover and boyfriend. How was he ever going to overcome that kind of handicap?
She rose from the couch. “What exactly do you want to keep an eye on?” She unexpectedly pulled her black T-shirt over her head and tossed it on the sofa, casting him a saucy look. “My boobs?”
Nick’s breath caught as he stared at her black bra. Was she going to strip in front of him?
She kicked off her shoes, then opened the button of her jeans and pulled the zipper down. “Or are you more interested in my ass and legs?”
Before she could push her jeans down, he imprisoned her hands, stopping her.
“This isn’t about sex, Michelle.”
She lifted her chin. “Then what is it about, Nick? What is it that you want? Because unless you tell me, I’m not gonna know what you really want.”
“You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you?”
She nodded slowly. “Don’t I deserve that?”
He swallowed. “Oh, you deserve so much. It’s just, I’m not the kind of guy who’s used to talking about… well, about what he feels.”
“And here, I thought you were such a smooth talker, flirting with me so I’d sleep with you.”
“It’s different now.”
She took a step closer. “Yeah? What’s different?”
“After what happened today, after almost losing you…” He shoved a hand through his hair. “…I don’t think I could handle if something happened to you…” He sighed. “Damn it, Michelle, maybe you could help me a little here.”
“By telling me that I mean something to you?”
A soft smile that extended to her eyes formed on her lips. Her hand came up and she stroked his cheek. “Oh, Nick, the shy boy from Indiana. He’s still in there, isn’t he? And he’s afraid to say what he feels because he’s worried that he’ll be rejected, just like his parents rejected him.” She shook her head.
How could she know what was holding him back? “How do you—?”
“You told me so yourself, Nick. You told me that your parents didn’t really want to see you after the divorce. I don’t need to be a psychologist to guess what that would have done to that boy.” She ran her finger along his lower lip. “Now try again. Give me a reason to stay.”
Nick took a deep breath. “I’m in love with you. I know it’s happening too fast, but if you believe in love at first sight, then believe in this. Believe that I’ve fallen for you and that I’ll do everything in my power to protect you.”
Her fingers stroked gen
tly over his cheek. “Now, was that so hard?” She brushed her lips on his. “So does that mean I get to move in with you?”
He pulled his head back, grinning, his confidence at an all time high now. “I think you’re forgetting something.”
She looked at him quizzically. “What?”
“That you have to give me a reason to let you move in.”
She chuckled, and her breath tickled his lips. “What if I told you that despite you lying to me at every turn, you’ve managed to work yourself into my heart?” She paused for a moment. “And then there’s the fact that you saved my life, not once but twice. I think that needs to be rewarded.”
“Rewarded, how?” He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her against him.
“You get to choose your reward.”
Nick grinned from one ear to the other. “Well, in that case…” He lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.
“You’re very predictable,” she said, a soft laugh rolling over her lips.
“Yeah, well, I’m not really concerned about that right now.” He placed her on the bed and rid himself of his suit jacket. “Get naked, baby, ’cause I’m ready for my reward.”
Moments later, he joined Michelle in bed, both of them now naked.
He rolled over her, bracing himself above her. “As to your question about what I’m gonna keep an eye on most… That would be this part here.” He tapped against her temple. “Just to make sure you don’t come up with another brilliant idea that puts you in danger.”
“I did n—”
He drowned her protest with a kiss. Like a kitten, she yielded to him immediately. He pulled back for a second. “Now about that reward…” He rolled off her then pulled her on top of him. “I don’t think you’ve ridden me yet.”
She pushed herself up, her legs sliding to either side of his hips. “Are you sure you really want to relinquish control to me?” Her eyes sparkled and her smile was sinful.
Nick felt himself grow harder beneath her core. “Michelle, when it comes to you I never had any control to begin with. So why start now?” He rocked his hips upward, nudging her with his cock. “Can’t you feel what you’re doing to me? This shy boy from Indiana is at your mercy.”
She shook her head, laughing, and leaned toward the bedside table to snatch one of the condoms there. “Then let’s put this shy boy out of his misery.” With skilled hands she sheathed him, then got on her knees, adjusting her position above him.
He placed his hands on her hips. “Yes, let’s,” he agreed and thrust his cock upward, while pulling her down onto him at the same time.
A surprised gasp burst from her.
Nick pressed his head into the pillows, fighting against the intense pleasure that nearly sent him over the edge. Fuck! He’d never been so sensitive.
“I thought you’d given me control,” she said.
He flashed her a grin. “But you are in control, Michelle, because you’re the one guiding my body. You’re the one who’s making me thrust into you.” To underscore his words, he lifted her hips up again, then pulled them down onto him, once more impaling her on his shaft.
Michelle grabbed his wrists and pried them from her hips, then leaned forward and pinned them to the sides of his head. Her breasts brushed his chest, sending a thrill through his body.
“I don’t think you grasp the concept of giving control to somebody else. Now be good and let me teach you.”
“I can’t wait for that lesson to start.”
The moment Michelle started to rotate her hips, grinding her sex against him, moving up and down on him, he realized that he would thoroughly enjoy this lesson. She released his wrists, and he didn’t lose any time bringing his hands to her breasts. He caressed them and palmed the warm flesh, playing with her rosy nipples, turning them into hard peaks.
Like a goddess, she rode him, her movements smooth, her rhythm even, her tempo increasing with every minute. Her torso started to glisten, pearls of sweat beading on her skin, a rivulet of it soon trickling down between her breasts.
He feasted his eyes on her, drinking in her beauty, and reveling in the sensations she sent through his body. Her sex was slick and warm, her muscles tight around his erection. Her dark blond hair brushed against her shoulders with every movement, and her breasts bounced up and down, providing him with a tantalizing sight.
Unable to resist, he pulled her down to him, close enough so he could capture one nipple in his mouth and suck on the delicious bud. She moaned out loud then, and he moved to the other breast, inflicting the same treatment there, while he squeezed both breasts, kneading them.
Lower, his hips moved more urgently now, thrusting upward on each of Michelle’s downward movements, slamming his cock harder into her in a quest for more friction.
Her muscles tightened around him, sending a shockwave through his body. He expelled a breath of air, and with it, his climax unexpectedly broke over him.
“Fuck!” he cursed, unable to hold back now. He looked at Michelle’s face and saw how she’d thrown her head back, eyes closed, and moaned.
Then he felt her muscles spasm around him, and relief flooded him at the knowledge that she was climaxing with him.
He pulled her head down, his lips finding hers in an all-consuming kiss. He couldn’t stop devouring her. Couldn’t stop exploring her mouth and showing her what she meant to him, knowing that words would never be enough to express how Michelle made him feel.
Nick hung the towel over the rack in the bathroom and pulled on his shorts, glancing back at Michelle who was stepping out of the shower, water pearling off her perfect skin.
“Damn, you look tempting,” he said, letting his gaze roam over her curves.
“Haven’t you had enough for today?”
He grinned, already stalking toward her, his cock thickening again. “Apparently, you’ve given me an endless appetite.”
The ringing of the doorbell stopped him from pulling Michelle into his arms. He turned his head involuntarily.
“That’ll be the Chinese I ordered,” Michelle said.
He arched an eyebrow.
“Considering the calories we burned earlier, I figured we needed some food.”
He grinned. “You figured right.” He pressed a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll go down and get it.”
Nick snatched a T-shirt from the hook on the bathroom door and slipped it over his head, already walking into the hallway. He reached for his wallet and headed down the stairwell, leaving the door to his apartment ajar. The buzzer in his apartment had been broken for months, so he had no choice but to run down to the first floor.
“Coming!” he called out a few seconds before he reached the entrance door and ripped it open.
The guy standing there wore a baseball cap, kept his head down, and carried a white plastic bag with several food cartons bearing Chinese symbols. It was the food Michelle had ordered, all right, but the guy delivering it wasn’t working for the Chinese restaurant around the corner. He was neither Chinese nor the kind of guy who’d take a menial job like delivering food unless it was to gain access somewhere.
The stranger lifted his face, giving Nick a full view of his features now. It was confirmation of what he already knew, what he’d already sensed by the prickling sensation spreading over his skin.
“—a Stargate agent, I know,” Nick cut him off, darting quick looks up and down the street to see if they were alone.
“I came alone.”
“How did you find me?”
“Sheppard’s ID card. When it was activated, all kinds of alarm bells went off. I got an alert. Missed you when you left Langley, but I found you again.”
His pulse kicked up. “How? I covered my tracks.”
“Don’t worry, the only reason I was able to see your picture on Sheppard’s ID was because the alert came through the moment you activated it. When I got the second alert after the
system administrators disabled access, your picture was gone already.” Ace winked. “Lucky for me that I took a screenshot.”
Nick sighed a breath of relief.
“I hope you found what you were looking for at Langley.”
“Your father was a very clever man.”
The other man’s eyes widened. “You recognize me?”
Nick opened the door wider, motioning him into the entrance hall. “You’re Ace, Sheppard’s adopted son.” He offered his hand and Ace shook it. “I’m Fox. I recognize you from the picture in your father’s files.” Which was also the reason why he knew he could trust this man. Sheppard’s son was the person who’d loved him most and would have never betrayed him.
“You found his files?” Excitement shone in Ace’s eyes.
“I’m not the only one who has a copy of them though. Whoever killed your father knew about the files. He tried to delete them, probably copied them for himself first. But I was able to find a backup copy.”
Ace’s jaw set into a grim line. “So that’s how he’s been able to set those assassins on our tail. He knows who we are.”
“I’m in contact with another Stargate member, Zulu.”
“You trust him?”
“One hundred percent.”
“Good. We’ll need him. There is another one I know: Yankee. He’s in D.C. We’re working on a plan to bring Stargate back together.”
“That’s better news than I expected,” Ace admitted.
“We can do with a bit of good news, because the rest… Something bad is gonna happen.” He met Ace’s eyes.
“The inferno,” his fellow Stargate agent said without hesitation.
“Yes. We need to find out where and when it’s supposed to happen so we can prevent it,” Nick said.
“It won’t be easy.”
Nick smiled. “We have everything we need now: a list of agents with pictures and names, and four Stargate agents working together to find them. And once Stargate rises again, we’ll find the asshole who took out Sheppard and sent us running for our lives. And we’ll finish this.”