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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

Page 671

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  Does he mean that he will become a Beyond Grade A like me? This fellow is pretty confident.

  He then committed Gaud to his memory before shifting his gaze away.

  After chatting with the others casually, he brought out his universal ‘I will treat you to a meal next time’ ending phrase, and the various commanders went offline.

  Only Han Xiao and Tarrokov were left behind, and they continued to patrol the entire spaceship under the guide of the soldiers.

  The Kunde Race civilians were all held in the same place while the upper echelons were locked up separately. Han Xiao first patrolled the civilian region with Tarrokov.

  It was just like a refugee camp.

  Countless Kunde Race civilians were gathered together with fear and unease in their eyes.

  Before the start of the war, many of them were unwilling to leave and felt that the enemy was only imaginary.

  But now, the civilians were filled with fear in their hearts. They were like prey awaiting the descent of the butcher’s knife.

  Before this, they were the race ruling over the entire Star Cluster. However, they were now reduced to captives.

  After patrolling the civilian district, both of them went to the district where the upper echelons were locked up. They stood outside the interrogation room of the Kunde Race leader and looked at the other party through the window.

  Although he was already a captive, the Kunde Race leader still stood up straight and maintained his cool. His eyes were currently shut in meditation.

  “I will just listen by the side when you are interrogating him,” Han Xiao said to Tarrokov.

  The main interrogator was Tarrokov; he was only there to watch. Besides, the Kunde Race leader probably would not recognize him.

  Tarrokov then nodded and said to the soldier beside him, “Open the door.”


  In the interrogation room, the Kunde Race leader was seated down and trying his best to sit up straight.

  He was not as calm as he looked, but he needed to maintain his cool. In his eyes, he was the final representative of the Kunde Race.


  The door opened, and the Kunde Race leader opened his eyes to watch two figures walk in.

  One of them was the military commander Tarrokov, whom he had seen before, and the other was extremely foreign to him. He was dressed in a black windbreaker and looked like a bigshot.

  “This is the second time that we have met,” Tarrokov said with a poker face. “Our party has already fulfilled our side of the promise and didn’t massacre your race. You now have to tell me everything that you know, including your thoughts and logic when deciding to attack us, the reason for your attack, and everything related to this attack. Remember that your answer will determine our attitude toward how we choose to deal with you. You’d better not hide anything, or the one to regret it definitely won’t be me.”

  Virtual Technology could steal information for them, but they would not be able to understand the other party’s thought process through it. This was the main point of their interrogation today.

  The Kunde Race leader knew that it was only a matter of time before he was interrogated and did not dare hide anything. At the same time, he did not have any intention of hiding anything and said everything that he knew with a heavy heart.

  Upon hearing the other party narrate his story, Tarrokov typed out a report. From time to time, Han Xiao looked over and saw a few negative terms such as ‘xenophobic ideology’, ‘native arrogance’, ‘vengeful culture’, and ‘unsuitable for living together’.

  These aren’t good terms… Han Xiao blinked.

  This interrogation report would definitely affect the decision of the dynasty, and these words were dangerous.

  After a while, the Kunde Race leader finally finished what he had to say.

  “Your existence would take away our room for growth, and we are thus willing to find a new homeland that won’t be disturbed. We aren’t willing to live together with all of you as it will only limit our growth and development.”

  Upon hearing that, Tarrokov nodded and said without hiding anything, “You are right. We will never allow you to rise up.”

  None of them were saints, and the Crimson Dynasty did not explore the Flickering World so that they can live harmoniously with the natives. They were not planning to let the natives develop and only planned to give them some space to survive.

  For most of the natives, it was not a bad thing. The three Universal Civilizations would educate them, and they would receive advanced technological knowledge. However, to the Kunde Race, which had a certain scale, it was a calamity.

  The three Universal Civilizations were not interested in having more civilizations eyeing their positions and would definitely restrict their growth.

  The Crimson Dynasty did not hate the actions of the Kunde Race. After all, that gave them the best excuse to subdue the other party with military might.

  “However,” Tarrokov added, “I think that you understand that the spaceship wreckage that you obtained was provided by one of our competitors. They were only making use of you to deal with us.

  “They armed you with technology to strengthen your military but fed you false information about the dynasty. They did not tell you the strength of the Crimson Dynasty, which made you think that you had the strength to retaliate.

  “The spaceship wreckage was like a poisonous fruit. The technological skill was the sweetness of the fruit that hid a deadly poison.

  “As such, all of you thought that the psionic energy, hyperdrive, stargate technology that you received would fill up the gap between both parties. You thought that you had received the weapons that we had. However, the truth is that our weapons are generations ahead of the ones that you received.

  “You have already seen the outcome. We had the chance to live together. Although you would have lost the opportunity to develop, you would have retained your independence. At times, losing something may not be a bad choice.”

  Upon hearing that, the Kunde Race leader shook his head and said, “Doing nothing as we watch our road to development get blocked isn’t the style of the Kunde Race. We would rather take a gamble.”

  “Well said. A civilization without ambition has no future. I can understand your actions.” Tarrokov nodded with agreement before saying, “However, your only mistake was that you chose the wrong opponent.”

  The Kunde Race leader then lowered his head.

  He did not regret his choice, but he was still filled with hatred.

  However, he did not hate the Crimson Dynasty the most but the masterminds who had made use of them!

  They were the true people who had caused their destruction!

  “Alright, we shall stop here today. Thank you for your cooperation.”

  Tarrokov then stood up and was prepared to leave the interrogation room.

  “Wait a moment!” the Kunde Race leader suddenly said. “You guys won’t wipe us out but plan to rear us, right?”

  “There is such a possibility. However, we will not follow your actions and limit your intelligence. We will only educate your race with our culture.”

  The Kunde Race nodded with understanding and took a deep breath. “So… I will have to die for sure, right?”

  Tarrokov paused for a moment and chose not to hide the truth. “You will become the target for your race to vent their anger and go down as a lesson in history. You will be the best tool.”

  Han Xiao shook his head upon hearing that.

  These people liked to speak in riddles. Thankfully, he understood what they said.

  If the dynasty wanted to educate the Kunde Race, they needed to choose a puppet leader. However, this puppet leader definitely would not be the current leader.

  This Kunde Race leader would be treated as a puppet to put on a show.

  The end of this show would definitely end in his execution.

  “I understand. There needs to be someone to shoulder the blame, and I do
n’t mind leaving behind a name of shame.” The Kunde Race leader was already prepared to die. “I can work together with all of you to put on a show, but I have two requests… Don’t look at me like that. I know that I do not have the right to bargain, but I can only say these words to you. You can just treat it as a wish of mine.”

  “… then please speak.”

  “First, we have already surrendered, and it won’t matter if you kill me. I hope that you will take care of my race and not kill anyone else. Second…” The body of the Kunde Race leader suddenly began trembling, and he said with a malevolent voice, “I want the people who made use of us to pay the price!”

  Tarrokov then walked out as though he did not hear anything.

  Upon seeing that, the Kunde Race leader lowered his head silently.

  He knew that the other party would not accept his request, but this might be the last time he could say such words.

  Right at this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

  The Kunde Race leader looked up, and it was the black figure who had not said a word since he entered.

  The words he heard then shocked him.

  “I agree to your request.”

  The Kunde Race leader was shocked.

  Tarrokov paused and looked back with a puzzled look.

  Han Xiao continued with a calm expression.

  “I will write a petition to the dynasty for the members of your race to be placed in my territory. As for making the masterminds pay, it isn’t a difficult matter.”

  He would not do this if there were no benefits for him. When the Kunde Race leader said his final wish, a new mission had popped up on his interface.

  Upon seeing the Mission Requirements and reward, he decided that he had to accept this mission!

  “Who are you‽”

  Upon hearing that, the Kunde Race leader finally could not help but ask about Han Xiao’s identity.

  “You can call me Black Star. As for who I am… you just need to know one thing.”

  Han Xiao smiled.

  “I am someone who can get rid of your entire race single-handedly.”

  Chapter 982 - Proof of Leadership

  “You…” The Kunde Race leader was stunned as he looked at Han Xiao.

  You would be able to get rid of my entire race alone? This was the first time he had heard such a tyrannical introduction.

  Just what kind of a background did this stranger have‽

  His reaction was disbelief, but he quickly remembered that the other party came from an advanced civilization that had Supers. Everything was possible, and he had to throw away his old-fashioned thoughts.

  He did not understand Han Xiao’s identity in the dynasty, but since the other party dared to say something like this, he was definitely a bigshot!

  Thinking about it this way, this self-introduction of his was truly fantastic. Han Xiao immediately got the other party to understand his identity.

  Why would a bigshot that he had never met agree to his final request?


  Was it pity?

  Or was the other party only pretending to agree to ensure that he played along?

  He was filled with doubts.

  When he first raised the request, he did not have much hope and never expected the other party to truly agree.

  All of a sudden, the Kunde Race leader was filled with disbelief and did not know what to say.

  “Are you worried that I am joking?” Han Xiao looked at the Kunde Race leader. “There isn’t a point for me to lie to you. Since I promised you, I will definitely complete my promise.”

  The Kunde Race leader then could not help but ask, “Why do you want to help me?”

  “Good question.” Han Xiao chuckled. “I am a person full of care and concern. I enjoy helping others and am a benevolent individual. Just treat it as me pitying the Kunde Race. This matter isn’t a big deal to me.”

  By the side, Tarrokov’s face twitched slightly.

  Brother, can you be less shameless?

  You have at least half the responsibility for the defeat of the Kunde Race! You are making it sound as though we are the evil ones!

  His skin is probably thick enough to tank a psionic cannon… Oh, it seems as though it really is possible.

  Tarrokov cursed in his heart while the Kunde Race leader was extremely moved.

  It was as though he had come to the end of the road and descended into pitch black darkness. However, a sudden ray of light came into the world, and a helping hand was extended to him.

  “Thank you…” The Kunde Race leader clenched his fists and said with agitation, “It is a blessing to have met someone like you at the end of my life. It is a pity that I don’t have anything to pay you back with.”

  “Ah, it’s nothing. I don’t need any payment.” Han Xiao chuckled and could not even believe his own words.

  Upon hearing that, the Kunde Race leader was even more moved.

  This individual called Black Star was truly the best person in the universe!


  Tarrokov face palmed and was completely speechless.

  The scene before him was truly too ridiculous.

  The other party is responsible for your race’s defeat, but you are still full of gratitude toward him‽

  I am truly resigned. After committing murder, you are actually able to let the victims be grateful toward you.

  At this moment, Tarrokov came to a conclusion.

  Black Star is indeed perverse.

  I’d better stay far away from him. I am going to retire soon. I don’t want to be led astray by him.

  Han Xiao chuckled and left the room together with Tarrokov.

  Walking out of the room, Tarrokov turned around and asked with doubt, “Black Star, why did you agree to him?”

  He truly never expected this to happen. He originally thought that Black Star was only there to kill time but never expected the other party to do something like this. He also could not understand Black Star’s motives.

  Han Xiao then waved his arms and said, “I am in a good mood and wish to be a good person.”

  “So, you weren’t teasing him just now?”

  “Of course not. I am being very serious. Wait a moment, are you misunderstanding something?”

  Ignoring Han Xiao’s words, Tarrokov began to frown.

  “But didn’t you just say that you won’t interfere in the way the dynasty deals with the Kunde Race? Are you trying to say that you are prepared to change your attitude and support keeping these captives?”

  “Ha, there are no constants in the universe. Can’t I change my mind?” Han Xiao raised his brows.

  “Alright.” Tarrokov nodded. “I will convey your wishes to the Ruler. As for whether your face is useful, that isn’t something that I can consider.”

  “This is enough.” Han Xiao smiled.

  At this moment, Tarrokov looked around and suddenly said in a hushed tone, “Tell me the truth. What is your intention?”

  “Hmm? Didn’t I say that it was because I am in a good mood?”

  “Ah.” Tarrokov had a ‘don’t try to bluff me’ look on his face.

  Upon seeing that, Han Xiao shook his head with resignation and said, “Alright then, I shall be honest. The population of the Kunde Race is at the level of a Star Cluster. Although it will take a long time to educate them, their population will be a treasure chest after the education. If I can arrange for them to stay in my territory, they will be my manpower for the future. The dynasty doesn’t need the population of the Kunde Race, but it is an opportunity for my development.”

  Upon hearing that, Tarrokov revealed a smile that said, ‘I knew it!’

  That’s right, this is the Black Star that I know. How could he possibly have such a good heart?

  You truly live up to your reputation.

  After thinking for a while, Tarrokov felt that Han Xiao’s plan was not bad. If the dynasty wanted to keep the Kunde Race, they would have to think abou
t where they should arrange for the race to stay. The size of the population would be an important resource, and many allies would eye on this piece of meat. The way he saw it, Black Star was only asking beforehand.

  As for agreeing to his so-called wish, he understood Han Xiao too well and felt that it was probably no more than an excuse.

  Han Xiao took a peek at his interface while Tarrokov was in thought.


  You have triggered the mission [Kunde Race Leader’s Last Wish].

  Mission Introduction: The Kunde Race lost in the war, and their entire race is now the captives of the dynasty with their future unknown. The Kunde Race leader is prepared to die and has told you his final wish.

  Mission Requirements: 1. Settle the Kunde Race down and provide them with protection during the education period. 2. Take revenge against the mastermind that made use of the Kunde Race to deal with the Crimson Dynasty.

  Failure Condition: Population of the Kunde Race less than 80% of the population at the start.

  Complete the first requirement. Reward: 6,000,000,000 Experience, +10,000 Kunde Race Favorability (Current Favorability: -1500, Relationship: [Hatred]), 2 Random Rewards, +4 Political Assets (Kunde Race)

  Kunde Race will enter into the [Awakening Era], +10% chance of becoming a Super.

  Complete the second requirement. Reward: 12,000,000,000 Experience, +15,000 Kunde Race Favorability, 1 Designated Character Summon Card, talent [The Enemy], talent [Proof of Leadership], and special skill [Kunde Rage].

  [The Enemy]: The greater the loss of your health, the higher your damage. Maximum bonus 25%. Effects will be refreshed after leaving combat state. You can use summoned creatures and machinery during the effect.

  [Proof of Leadership]: You will receive an all-round bonus when you are the leader of a race. The bonus will be dependent on the size and level of the faction. No upper limit.

  [Kunde Rage]: After activating the skill, -5% health/s for a maximum of 40s. x2.0 Psychological Resistance, +5% damage, -5% INT, -20% CHA, -10% LUK. You will also be immune to all mental status effects apart from [Rage]. Cooldown: 5 min. Let rage fill your head!


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