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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

Page 740

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  This person was very muscular. He looked ordinary and friendly, without the special position marking on his uniform. It would be very hard for someone to think that this was a Grade C Super combatant of the Pugilist class.

  This time, a few colleagues doing the daily patrolling walked over and saw this buff man. Someone yelled, “Yo, Karlot, what are you watching that made you smile so brightly?”

  “Ah, I’m watching the news.” Karlot turned around and smiled.

  This person was the Beyond Grade A potential stock Han Xiao had once paid attention to, a peak Beyond Grade A Pugilist of the dynasty in his previous life.

  More than twenty years ago, he was still a child who was studying in the dynasty’s Super Academy and had yet to even awaken his class. Now that more than twenty years had passed, he had turned from a frank child to a frank adult who was just Grade C. His growth could not be considered fast; it was mediocre.

  Due to Han Xiao’s interference, his growth took a different path from before but still had the same overall effect. Karlot still joined the dynasty military after graduating, and after ten years or so, he was still a low-grade combatant who was rarely promoted if at all.

  This time, a few colleagues of his approached and saw the news about Han Xiao on the communicator.

  “His Excellency Black Star? Ha, as expected!” a colleague joked. “Sigh, sadly, you know Black Star, but Black Star doesn’t know you, his top fan.”

  “He does know me. When I was young, His Excellency Black Star once personally tried to recruit me. He…”

  Before Karlot finished his sentence, his colleagues were already laughing out loud.

  “Hahaha, you’re at it again!”

  “Keep going, don’t stop.”

  “The legendary man with so much talent that even Black Star personally tried to recruit… Poah, haha, I can’t do this. Let me laugh a while longer!”

  Seeing this, Karlot was not angry at all. He only scratched his head and smiled with resignation.

  Ever since he came into contact with Han Xiao when he was a kid, he had been paying attention to anything related to Han Xiao in the news. In time, Han Xiao had become his idol. A colleague had once asked him the reason, so he told the truth. However, to his surprise, no one believed him, which made him the king of jokes among his colleagues.

  Black Star would personally try to recruit an ordinary Grade C dynasty officer?

  Who would believe that?

  Position depended on strength. Even though Han Xiao had once personally tried to recruit him, more than twenty years had passed, and Karlot’s growth had proved to not match the word ‘genius’. This incident also got forgotten and not written in his resume. He had no intention of proving it to his colleagues. He did not care if others believed him, and he did not mind being made fun of.

  At the start, due to Black Star, the school had high hopes for him. However, after they realized he had ordinary talent, they gave up on him. Nonetheless, Karlot was not affected by it, nor was he in a hurry to prove himself. All he did was slowly and patiently train while enjoying the process.

  Throughout the years, even Karlot occasionally wondered if Black Star had made a mistake back then. However, this did not trouble him.

  The disappointment and derision of others had little effect on him, and he did not think it was something worth getting angry over.

  If he was destined to be ordinary, he would embrace it. He focused on the things he wanted to do; there was no need to force others to look up to him. This had always been the way Karlot lived his life.

  Shaking his head with resignation, Karlot ignored his colleagues who were laughing and looked at the communicator again. Seeing Han Xiao in the papers, he smiled from the bottom of his heart.


  Galaxy Calendar Year 730, February 18th. This was a day noted in history.

  On this day, Black Star fought a battle in the Flickering World that could rarely happen even every hundred years. Initially, the church and the federation’s assassination mission for Hila might have become the fuse to cause the conflict between the three Universal Civilizations to erupt, but Black Star singlehandedly extinguished its flames and caused a sensation!

  This news even surpassed the Flickering World. Even the competition and fighting stopped temporarily. The various organizations inside the free competition zone all maintained a low profile to see how things would go from there.

  Countless galactic residents knew that Black Star was a top tier individual in the universe, but as a ‘newbie’ who had only appeared a few decades prior, Han Xiao did not achieve a lot of notable things. In terms of his reputation, there was still quite a difference between him and Manison, Kasuyi, and those senior peak Beyond Grade As.

  This news, however, refreshed the image countless people had of him once again. His reputation universally skyrocketed.

  What happened on this day was given a nickname by the outside world—Black Star’s Godlike Battle—which surpassed all his past achievements and became the most notable deed on his resume.

  At the same time, the Wayne Card company once again made an announcement to drastically buff Black Star’s card in the next version, while at the same time introducing the memorial card sets with the ‘Black Star’s Godlike Battle’ theme. They were quick and familiar with benefiting from what was popular at the time.

  The other neutral Beyond Grade As were shocked by Black Star’s achievements. Thinking of what had happened to Gorutan, more people further confirmed the strategy to not become Black Star’s enemy but become his ally…

  While the incident was brewing and countless people were paying attention to the Black Star Army, Han Xiao returned right back to Black Star Palace and announced to the outside world that he would be resting for some time.


  Within Black Star Palace, Han Xiao did not chat much with the various officers, only greeting them simply before he quickly hurried back to his personal training location. He then closed the gate and locked himself inside.

  Feidin and Nero had been present earlier, and Han Xiao had already rubbed them.

  Inside the room, he opened the mission list with his hands covered in luck, took a deep breath, and prayed.

  After praying silently for some time, Han Xiao then clicked the ‘complete’ option on [Rescue Hila].


  [Rescue Hila] completed!

  You have received 92 Billion EXP, 4 Random Rewards, and 1 Blank Character Summon Card.

  You have received 1 Universe Legendary Point.

  Universe Legendary Point: Godlike Battle—You single-handedly fought twelve enemies and achieved a result that shocked the entire universe. From this point onward, your name shall be written into history and mentioned along with the strongest group of people in history. Your name will get passed on even if stars shift and seas dry up, as one of the symbols of peak individual greatness!


  Han Xiao was not surprised. He rubbed his hands and looked at the following notification.

  There were four Unknown Character Summon Cards. Given the fact that so many people participated in the battle, he did not know what he could get either.

  If he got those weak ones, it would clearly not be good, but if he got a Character Summon Card of someone strong, the chance of it having a powerful ability would also be much greater.

  Having looked at the notification, Han Xiao’s eyes sparkled with surprise.


  You have received [Character Summon Card: Kasuyi]!

  You have received [Character Summon Card: Sierron]!

  You have received [Character Summon Card: Gorutan]!

  You have received [Character Summon Card: Hila]!


  Chapter 1061 - Reward

  1061 Reward

  _____________________Character Summon Card—’Void Overlord’ Kasuyi: [Artificial Psychic Current—Frenzy Tide]

; By using Psychic attack on a large area, creates a long term aggressive Psychic Current that can be controlled in simple ways. Deals damage instances to all living creatures in the affected area. Damage taken will be judged three times every second. Basic damage each damage instance: (INT+MYS)*1.8. 170% Psychological Resistance penetration, a chance to give the target a random negative mind state. Uses: 0/2.

  Character Summon Card—’Star Shatterer’ Sierron: [Sixteen Arms—Shattering Fists]

  Single target melee range ability. Through quick consecutive attacks, send highly condensed Pugilist flames into the target’s body through a special method, shattering the target’s atom structure instantly. The target’s body will be annihilated. One Lethal Judge will be carried out, depending on the difference between the user and the target’s level, health, Energy Level, STR, END, and LUK. If the judgement fails, deals 500,000–800,000 True Damage to the target. Uses: 0/2.]

  Character Summon Card—”Beast Ancestor” Gorutan: [Body of the Beast Ancestor]

  +20% STR, +20%DEX, +40% END, +300% Pugilist Flame damage. Regenerates 2.5% of maximum health every second. Duration: 30 minutes. Uses: 0/2.

  Character Summon Card—”Goddess of Death” Hila: [Death Rejection—Awakening]

  When your health reaches zero, you will be immune to this death and instantly recover 25% – 50% of your health while refreshing your status. This can be gifted to another being, but it is only effective once on the same target. Uses: 0/6


  “Woah, these are nice!”

  Han Xiao was overjoyed after reading through all the effects of these Character Summon Cards.

  The quality of them was extremely high. They certainly matched up to those peak Beyond Grade As and the owner of a Super High Risk Esper Ability.

  Kasuyi’s Character Summon Card was a pure attack ability with good base damage. Han Xiao’s Intelligence and Mystery totaled about 30,000, so the basic damage every instance would be about 50,000. Three instances every second meant that this ability would deal about 150,000 damage every second. The 170% Psychological Resistance penetration meant that it would drastically reduce the effectiveness of the target’s psychological barrier. If it was used on a weaker target, the damage might even be close to becoming True Damage.

  If it was just a one-time attack, it would not be too big a deal. The powerful part of this Character Summon Card was that it would create a Psychic Current that would not easily dissipate. With good enough control, it would become a large-area AOE attack that dealt constant damage over time, which would add up to an enormous amount of damage.

  Sierron’s Character Summon Card was also an attack ability. Unlike Kasuyi’s AOE ability, this was a single target ability. Not mentioning how powerful the Lethal Judge mechanic was, the True Damage dealt even if that failed was still very high. If this dealt the maximum 800,000 True Damage every single time, just two to three hits would send Psyker to see God.

  However, this would not be effective against targets who had True Damage Immunity. If Sierron used this on Han Xiao, it would be the same as a tickle.

  Han Xiao nodded. “The single target damage a peak Pugilist can deal is still quite incredible for normal Beyond Grade As.”

  Gorutan’s Character Summon Card was an overall powerful buff that was very suitable for Pugilists. It was also quite good for Han Xiao, since it gave attribute bonuses and bonus health regeneration.

  The one that surprised Han Xiao the most was Hila’s Character Summon Card. This was the upgraded effect of the [Death Immunity] talent, which was basically a chance to revive. Even though he was already extremely tanky, this Character Summon Card still gave his life another layer of security.

  The shocking part was, this could be gifted to someone else, so that person would be immune to death one time as well.

  Character Summon Cards were created from the characters, meaning that Hila had this ability. However, Han Xiao had seen her interface before, and she did not have the ability to give others a one-time use Death Immunity in the past.

  “Could it be that this battle forced her potential out and made her awaken a new way to use her Esper Ability?”

  This seemed quite possible.

  During this battle, Hila had built a link with Aurora that ignored distance. Maybe this was partly the reason this ability appeared, which would explain why Hila did not have this ability in his previous life.

  Outsiders could only accept this ability once and could not be revived by Hila indefinitely. Nonetheless, it would still mean one extra life, which was amazing for the Black Star Army’s officers.

  “I used quite a number of Character Summon Cards. There’re still uses for Psyker, Ames, Mechanic Emperor, and Silver Shadow. The ones that are finished are only Perfect Mechanical Sense and Polar Channel Flow. I shall use the Blank Character Summon Card this time to restock the Perfect Mechanical Sense, so in the end, all I spent was Heber’s Character Summon Card. Receiving four more has made up for that.”

  Han Xiao had a joyful expression on his face.

  Character Summon Cards were just the appetizers, yet those already made him gain back the cost of the explosive power he used. The chance to draw abilities from the bonus mission was the main dish.

  He suppressed his excitement and looked at the notifications on the interface.


  Bonus mission requirements have been completed.

  You have received bonus reward: Randomly draw an ability/talent from each Beyond Grade A captive.


  He had captured five people this time—Tolaen, Womre, Jackornitz, Hades, and Gorutan—who were spread across Mage, Mechanic, Pugilist, and Psychic.

  Although their average strength was not as high as those whose Character Summon Cards he had received, the abilities he would obtain would be permanent.

  There were two noobs among these five, but at least they were Beyond Grade As, so there was a chance he would get something good.

  “I have to leave the best to the last.”

  Han Xiao decided to start drawing from the weakest.

  He hesitated between Tolaen and Hades for a while before going with Hades.


  Note: Hades is a Psychic. Part of the abilities/talents are adjusted according to your class.

  Randomizing… complete.

  Please select one from the five options below as the reward:

  1. [Will Resistance]—Ability: +35% Abnormal Psychological State Resistance. Cost: 0. Cooldown: 160s.

  2. [Calm and Relaxed]—Talent: +200 INT, +200 MYS.

  3. [Energy Control Proficiency]—Talent: -25% Energy Cost.

  4. [Psychological Barrier Enhancement]—Talent: +120% Psychological Resistance, +50% Abnormal Psychological State Resistance.

  5. [Squeezing Style Energy Recovery]—Ability: By spending 20,000 – 50,000 health, recover the same amount of Energy and temporarily reduce Energy Cost by 15%. Cooldown: 330s.


  Hades was a Psychic, so most of the options were related to psychic, which was expected.

  Not receiving any powerful talents, Han Xiao was not discouraged and took it as a consolation prize.

  He picked [Psychological Barrier Enhancement] without hesitation, which was not too bad.

  Throughout the years, Han Xiao had been consciously making up for his weakness in the psychological field and had already obtained quite a high resistance. However, when he saw Kasuyi’s Character Summon Card earlier, he knew that his current Psychological Resistance was far from enough for someone like Kasuyi.

  Since he had obtained a decent new Psychological Resistance talent, it was like filling up a gap for him.

  After adjusting his thoughts, Han Xiao then continued to draw the next ability.


  Note: Tolaen is a Mage. Part of the abilities/talents are adjusted according to your class.

g… complete.

  Please select one from the five options below as the reward:

  1. [High Level Energy Senses]—Talent: Increase your senses of all kinds of energy. You will be able to see more details the others aren’t able to see.

  2. [Magic Insulation]—Ability: When receiving magic attacks, the actual damage you receive will be decreased by 22%. Magic type controlling abilities last 17% shorter on you.

  3. [Super Overload]—Talent: Your body can endure an even greater load. Some buffs will last longer on you. +1,500 END, +15% maximum health.

  4. [Skilled Melee Combat Techniques]—Talent: You know a ton of melee combat techniques. Your attacks will occasionally deal damage in an area. +34% Melee Damage, +20% Critical Rate, +28% Block Chance, +23% Dodge Chance, +300 DEX.

  5. [Lightning Control]—Ability: Drastically increase Lightning and Electromagnetic Affinity.


  “… Well, I guess a Demon Race Mage who doesn’t put points into melee combat isn’t a proper Mage.”

  Han Xiao’s mouth contorted slightly.

  Among the five options, [High Level Energy Senses] was basically an ability all Beyond Grade A Mages had to have, which was what made them able to capture any strange movements of energy. [Magic Insulation] and [Super Overload] were abilities only buff-type Mages like Tolaen had. His body had to endure the load from a large number of enchantments so that the buffs applied on him would last longer.

  Without much hesitation, Han Xiao picked [Super Overload] directly. This was the most suitable for him, and its numbers were quite impressive.

  The 1,500 Endurance points made up for the shortage in his Endurance. He just had to put some of his Free Attribute Points into Endurance for it to be above 15,000, and he would be able to receive one more God’s Trait Transformation Point every Promotion.

  After this battle, Han Xiao had noticed that the important factor that made the difference between peak Beyond Grade As was the extent of their God’s Trait Transformation. Although his way of leveling up was different from the others, more God’s Trait Transformation Points would always be better.


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