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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

Page 814

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  Bader and the Pope also gave some short speeches before entering the formal award process. One by one, the heroes came to the stage, accepting the honors and making a speech. Some also answered questions from the reporters.

  Before long, the ceremony approached the end. There was only one person left, and everyone’s eyes were focused on Han Xiao.

  “Black Star limited the outflow of the virus during the disaster and discovered the true character of the virus core at the critical moment, reversing our erroneous strategy and allowing us to reformulate our plan. He alone changed the course of the disaster. He later captured the virus core and destroyed it, completely eliminating any hidden dangers, putting an end to the crisis of a second outbreak of the Intelligent Plague, saving countless lives. His contribution is huge and thus needs to be rewarded.”

  After Urranrell spoke, Han Xiao stood up, stepping onto the stage and shaking hands with the leaders. Numerous news media reporters in the audience took videos and photos, turning the stage white with their flashes.

  “Black Star has many good qualities. He is determined, resolute, flexible, and strong in principle…” Bader gave a series of praise, finally coming to the conclusion. “In view of his achievements, we have decided to jointly award him the Galaxy Medal.”

  The moment he finished speaking, everyone in the audience paused.

  The Galaxy Medal, which was the highest symbol of honor jointly set up by the three Universal Civilizations since their establishment, was the golden glory of the explored universe. There were only a few winners of this medal in history.

  While many of them had this expectation in their hearts, they were still shocked to hear it. They always felt that although Black Star had great achievements, there was still a certain distance from this medal. Now it seemed that the factor behind this medal was if the three Universal Civilizations would support them.

  But no matter what they thought, the honor was real, and the audience burst into applause.

  Pa pa pa…

  Amid the warm applause, Urranrell took out a star-like dazzling medal, placing it in her palm, while the other two held it by the edges, handing it to Han Xiao.

  This image seemed to freeze, and the flashes under the stage flickered, recording this historic scene.

  The commotion lasted a long time, and it took dozens of seconds before all movement gradually ceased.

  Han Xiao reached out to accept the medal, pinning it on his chest before shaking hands with all three of them once more. He came up to the podium, clearing his throat.

  “Many thanks to the Crimson Dynasty, Federation of Light, and the Arcane Church. To be able to receive this award is an honor for me. As part of the explored universe, I have the responsibility and obligation to maintain our stability and prosperity…”.

  Reading from his prepared script, Han Xiao raised his head to gaze at the clock on the venue before smiling. “Since I’m the last person, it means that the ceremony is about to end. I won’t do a lengthy speech. Everything is about the same, and I feel that everyone here is already tired of hearing it…”

  The audience let out laughs.

  Han Xiao smiled as he nodded. “In short, what sort of person I am can be seen from my actions. I believe that society has its own views of me, and I don’t need to repeat it, so let’s skip that and go to the questions… Anyone?”

  Hearing this, many of the reporters raised their hands enthusiastically, hoping for him to point at themselves.

  Just as Han Xiao was about to pick someone, one of them stood up on his own and began to speak.

  “Your Excellency Black Star, I heard that the Mechanic Emperor Manison also made a great contribution to the Intelligent Plague. Without him, the three Universal Civilizations would not have been able to find the location of the virus core. Thus, it can be said that a third or even half of your Galaxy Medal belongs to Manison… but for this award ceremony, the Mechanic Emperor did not obtain anything, and you seem to have forgotten about it and ignored his merits, accepting the medal with a peace of mind. What do you think of this?”

  The originally enthusiastic venue suddenly seemed to have been doused in cold water, instantly quieting down.

  Everyone moved their eyes subconsciously to Manison, who had been sitting indifferently at the edge of the venue.

  Han Xiao narrowed his eyes a little as he sized up the reporter. He saw the cold smile on that person’s face, obviously wishing to embarrass himself and the three Universal Civilizations in public.

  Chapter 1147 - Only Interested in Causing Sensational News

  The moment he started to ask his question rashly, the meaningful gazes of Urranrell, Bader, and the Pope immediately landed on him.

  The reporter’s chest had his nametag, and he was called Porters, belonging to a news group in the Primeval Star River. His position was not low, otherwise he would not be responsible for the interview of the three Universal Civilizations on behalf of his media. Having participated in many press conferences for the three Universal Civilizations, his performance had been normal. To suddenly get into trouble, naturally someone had to put him up to it.

  Han Xiao’s thoughts spun. At first, he suspected the Mechanic Emperor, but he quickly banished that thought.

  The Old Man could not wait to pretend to be an ostrich right now. The more low-key he was, the better. This behavior of hiring people to question for himself was actually in some manner a self-damaging act… Manison was not so humorous and would not do such disturbing things.

  Thus, the most likely suspect would be the Super Star Cluster Alliance, who contradicted the three Universal Civilizations most openly. Not only did they wish to sow discord, they also wished to badmouth the three Universal Civilizations in public. It cost little to do so.

  All they had to take out was a sum of Enas, which would be astronomical in the eyes of ordinary people, and the reporter would naturally be tempted. In such a grand scene, the negative impact of an untimely question would be further magnified.

  The identity of a reporter acted as a shield for him, allowing him to add fuel to the fire. The three Universal Civilizations naturally did not wish to worsen the situation, and thus, they would not capture him or threaten him afterward. As the ruling party, a pawn was just a pawn to them. They had to show some class and go straight for the orchestrator behind the scenes.

  The surrounding reporters look at Porters in surprise and agitation.

  “Have you lost your mind!”

  “Quick, apologize and sit down!” “You don’t want to be in this business anymore!” Those who knew him whispered in low voices, wishing to pull him down, but Porters stood firm, staring straight at Han Xiao with a spirit of getting to the bottom of the matter.

  Han Xiao pressed both of his hands on the podium, slowly saying, “Dear reporter, I don’t seem to have invited you to ask your question.”

  “So, are you avoiding the question now?”

  Porters turned a deaf ear to them, his gaze sharp and his bearing aggressive. Oh, there’s a hint of a western reporter’s flavor in his attitude.

  “You guys, only thinking about sensationalizing news every day,” Han Xiao said with a smile that was not a smile. “I believe that the galactic society has a unified view of the Mechanic Emperor’s behavior, but looking at you, it seems like you wish to fight for him, huh?”

  “I’m just asking the questions that the public might be curious about, based on the professional ethics of a reporter.” Porters straightened his back, with a conscientious attitude.

  “Alright. This question is a little more sensitive. While I did not call upon you, I can answer this one.” Han Xiao tapped his fingers on the podium, his tone casual. “Manison did indeed make a contribution. This is an undeniable fact, but your statement is wrong. In fact, Manison discovered the problem of the virus core earlier than I did. This medal should have belonged to him, but he deliberately chose not to report it because of his selfishness. If it was not for me who revealed it
, he would not have revealed this key information. In this manner, the three Universal Civilizations would always have been kept in the dark, and the universe would still be shrouded in the shadow of the Intelligent Plague.”

  “So, you’re admitting that the Mechanic Emperor should be sharing the Galaxy Medal with you? You also think that it’s unfair he has not been awarded the medal?” Porters pressed on. “I only admitted that he has credit due in this area, not that he deserves the Galaxy Medal. Don’t distort my meaning at your own will. Moreover, Manison’s final decision is enough to make everyone here re-evaluate his motives.”

  “Your Excellency Black Star, please don’t digress. We are not talking about the Mechanic Emperor’s choice, only his objective achievements.” Porters was skilled in such evasive methods.

  “No, they are not separable. Part of my credit comes from my plan to stop the Mechanic Emperor. If he did not do anything at that time, my credit would be limited. If you think based on this logic, technically, he might deserve half of the Galaxy Medal. Hmm, that actually makes sense… but seriously, if we were to hand him a medal, then those not in the know would believe that he has done a good thing, and those who have worked hard for the universe would feel that this is unfair. I believe the three Universal Civilizations only made such a decision after great thought.” “But the Mechanic…”

  “I’ve answered your question. You may sit down now. There are still others waiting to ask their questions. Please do not flout the rules time and again, or I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

  Han Xiao indifferently cut off Porters.

  The other party’s goal was to create trouble, so whatever he said would make the atmosphere uncomfortable. He would only stop at his own explanation, never thinking of making the other party speechless. As long as an earnest attitude was shown, most viewers would naturally listen to it, and continuing to argue would not only be pointless but also damaging to his image. Seeing the nearby guards already eyeing him, Porters could only sit back down in anger.

  Ignoring the contempt, disgust, and complicated gazes of his peers around him, Porters suppressed the fear in his heart and tried his best to make himself look calm. He controlled the trembling in his hands and feet, secretly breathing a sigh of relief.

  Hu… I fulfilled the requirements.

  Most likely, the President of my broadcasting station is going crazy now. Luckily, it’s not my problem anymore. I’ll immediately resign once I return. Whether the station gets suppressed or not isn’t my problem. Why would I still work when I’ve gotten my remuneration?

  Dreaming of the future, Porters felt that a beautiful life was waving its hands at him.

  The memory in his mind was extremely clear. Not too long ago, a few mysterious people suddenly contacted him, offering him a huge sum of money to make him launch a verbal attack during today’s occasion.

  He knew that the moment he did this, his career would come to an end. Even if the three Universal Civilizations were too lazy to deal with him, the people below would act spontaneously and demand that the media industry ban him.

  He was mentally prepared for this. Not only was the amount raised enough to move him, but the other party also had huge backing. The moment they looked for him, he could not reject their offer, so he did not have much choice to begin with.

  While his actions would invite investigations and industry bans for him, his employer not only gave him money but also promised to arrange an escape route, allowing him to change his face and move to their territory to live, thus avoiding the grasp of the three Universal Civilizations.

  For the rest of his life, he would be a rich man and enjoy his limitless fortune… This was what Porters was looking forward to.

  Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Black Star’s answer, the atmosphere in the field quickly recovered. The reporters continued to enthusiastically ask questions, pretending that the episode just now did not happen.

  From start to finish, Urranrell and the other two’s expressions did not change one bit. Manison also remained silent, with no intention to interrupt, as though his soul had already left the venue, thinking about what he should get for dinner.

  No one else came to make trouble again. Han Xiao answered a few friendly questions before returning to his seat. The three Universal Civilizations’ leaders then spoke for a bit more before the award ceremony ended successfully.

  The guests left the area one after another, while the three Universal Civilizations’ leaders left the scene under the escort of their guards. Han Xiao also left by the VIP passage after exchanging a few words with the other Beyond Grade As.

  The moment he walked out of the venue, he received a call from Sylvia.

  “Army Commander, I watched the live broadcast. What should I do with that reporter, Porters?” Sylvia immediately got to the point.

  “What do you intend to do?”

  “Get rid of him?”

  “Let’s not. We can only get rid of our anger, and it will even give the Super Star Cluster Alliance an excuse to gain a bargaining chip. The three Universal Civilizations will definitely not allow him to continue living his original life. That’s enough.”

  “So, we just sit still and do nothing?”

  “Let me think…” Han Xiao thought for a while before an evil grin stretched across, “Monitor the flow of funds for all his accounts. The Super Star Cluster Alliance will definitely find a way to launder the money and put the reward into his account. The moment he receives a large amount of income, hack his account and donate all his money, including his savings.”

  “Let him work for nothing? Heh, evil enough. I like this idea.”

  Sylvia’s eyes gleamed, and she immediately cut the call.

  Han Xiao left the quantum network, not even putting Porters in his heart. He was not willing to stoop to such a low level to deal with a tool.

  He quickly threw this matter to the back of his mind, stretching out his hand to take off the Galaxy Medal and examine it closely.

  The item details on his interface showed that this medal would bring to him a Universe Legendary Point, (Galaxy Medal Awardee), as well as a bonus effect of solidifying the relationship between him and the three Universal Civilizations at (Respect). This was equivalent to 3,000 Contribution Points.

  “The number of faction points cannot beat even one Legendary Point.”

  Han Xiao nodded in satisfaction. He did not have much hope for this kind of medal anyways, so it was a surprise to obtain extra gains.

  At this moment, two dynasty non-commissioned officers walked out and stopped in front, as though they were there just for him.

  “Your Excellency Black Star, the three heads have invited you to meet with them.”

  Han Xiao’s feet stopped, and he nodded. “Lead the way.”

  At the same time, in the temporary base of the Flickering World for the Super Star Cluster Alliance, the messengers of each ally met secretly in the round table conference room through remote projection.

  A virtual screen was suspended, playing the live broadcast of the award ceremony.

  After watching the live broadcast, many of them shook their heads.

  “The effect was only so-so, not the level of influence we hoped for.”

  “An ordinary reporter can only reach this level. I told you not to hold high hopes.”

  “A little effect would be good. Right now, the prestige of the three Universal Civilizations has been consolidated once again, and hitting them will only bring us a weak effect.”

  “This is only a trivial matter after all. Strength is still the most important principle.”

  “That’s right, so let’s forget about this topic and return to the more important things. Come… what did we discuss previously?”

  “We talked about the various support for the organizations. It’s time to act collectively, like with those Immortals Organization. This time, we’re attacking preemptively. We cannot wait for the three Universal Civilizations to take action
before fighting back.” “The stowaways we sent out in the first phase of the exploration can now be officially activated. The three Universal Civilizations control the gateway to the Flickering World, while we’re alone. If we wish to obtain a steady stream of supplies and reinforcements, we must count on these buried chess pieces.”

  “The first batch of targets to occupy have also been selected. Our regular army will not move, and all the agents will first take action. Before the three Universal Civilizations formally intervene, we’ll try our best to seize the territory within the free competition zone.”

  “What did the Beyond Grade A Development union say?”

  “They basically choose to maintain neutral, but Black Star claims to have a private grudge with the Modo Civilization, so his attitude is currently unknown.”

  “Troublesome guy… Hey, messenger of Modo, wait until the conflict officially breaks out. We might not have the energy to take care of you guys, so you will have to come up with your own plans. If you really can’t do it, sacrifice yourself to hold Black Star back. The overall situation is the most important.”


  “Everyone, the success or failure of this operation will determine the future of our respective civilizations. To gain further opportunities or to be ruled forever… at all costs, we can only succeed!”

  Chapter 1148 - The Participation Requirements of the Three Universal Civilizations

  Han Xiao followed the two dynasty non-commissioned officers through the tightly guarded corridors to a large office, which had been refurbished for the three heads of state. Right now, the door of the innermost reception room was closed.

  The Secretary of the Dynasty Ruler put down the work on his hands, approaching them with a respectful tone.

  “Your Excellency Black Star, the three Rulers are still in discussion. Please wait for a moment.”

  “Alright, I’ll sit by the side.”

  Han Xiao casually found a place to sit down, while the Secretary assigned people to bring refreshments for him before sitting opposite Han Xiao.


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