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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

Page 847

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  In general, the Golden Alliance had the biggest advantage. The guild alliances such as the Galactic Business Alliance suffered large losses on the first day, so they clearly became much more cautious.

  As for the Three Universal Civilizations Faction led by the Golden Alliance and the September Conference, they did not organize any large-scale battles, only smaller partial battles. Instead, the scattered neutral factions were the ones that had fought most intensely so far. The scattered neutral factions had the most players. Many smaller guilds formed small alliances. Not only were they fiercely fighting each other, but some daring players even formed teams and attacked the strongholds of the big factions such as the Black Star Army Factions. Most of them were defeated, but a small percentage of them managed to take over some strongholds from the three mainstream factions.

  In similar events, cleaning up the scattered players was normally the first thing that needed to be done. However, that was not the case here. The war was extremely brutal, and the revival count that basically no players cared about usually now became the most crucial resource.

  The three mainstream factions had the ability to eliminate any scattered factions they wanted, but doing that without taking at least some damage was impossible. The players were fearless and would never give up resisting. Even the three mainstream factions would certainly incur some losses. To them, using the crucial revival counts on these scattered players was an utter waste.

  Furthermore, attempting to cleanse the scattered players on a large scale would most likely cause them to unite and fight back. By then, they would have shot themselves in the foot and gotten trounced by the scattered players.

  Although the rules did not state a time limit, everyone had an unspoken agreement to decide the results of the war in six days. Otherwise, their revival count would refresh again by then, which would be extremely costly for the guild alliances.

  Although the players could revive again, their resources would undoubtedly deplete as time went on. If they were to fight another round, the inventory of the guild alliances would suffer tremendously. Furthermore, normal players would not be willing to go through the death penalty too many times.

  In his exclusive workshop in Black Star Palace, Han Xiao stored away a newly built King mechanical suit, casually opened the forums, and browsed through the battle reports for today.

  ‘Golden Alliance 8 Hours Report: Continued Increase in Win Probability’ – By Bun-Hit-Dog: “The Golden Alliance has carried out forty-one battles in the past eight hours, four are million level battles, eleven are five hundred thousand level partial battles, twenty-two are a hundred thousand level partial battles, and four small group battles. No ten million level battles. Of them, the Golden Alliance won twenty-nine and lost twelve, winning 70.73% of the battles, a 3.16% increase compared to yesterday. The overall average death count increased from 2.375 to 2.814, maintaining at the top of the average survival leaderboards, further increasing their lead over the second in place. The difference now has already reached 0.703!”

  ‘Flying Stone Cliff Quick Report’ – By Galaxy Times (Chinese Zone): “Today, the Galactic Business Alliance and the Northern Battlefront’s stronghold in Haywood Valley was assaulted by the September Council and Denland. As their teleportation arrays were disrupted, the Galactic Business Alliance and the Northern Battlefront dispatched the closest forces to travel to the Haywood Valley stronghold as reinforcements. However, when they passed by Flying Stone Cliff, they fell into the Golden Alliance’s ambush and suffered heavy losses. According to reliable sources, the Golden Alliance secretly dispatched a team there and had them log off. By logging in at the Flying Stone Cliff, they took the enemies by complete surprise, achieving a huge victory!”

  There were many similar reports, Han Xiao scanned through them with a smile to see which guild alliances were eliminated for about half an hour before exiting the forums.

  Beep beep beep! At this time, his communicator rang. It was surprisingly the dynasty exploration army’s Marshal, Brother Tarrokov.

  Han Xiao accepted the communication and asked with a smile, “Yoho, Old Tar, what’s


  “Have you been paying attention to the war between the Immortals?” Tarrokov’s tone was serious.

  “Hehe, I have a ton of Immortals under my command. How can I not pay attention? Come on, do you have to test me like this? Did the dynasty upper echelons send you?”

  Han Xiao had a rough guess of what Tarrokov’s intentions were.

  “Hmm…” Tarrokov did not deny it and slowly said, “What I want to ask is, how much do you really know about the Immortals?”

  “Be more specific.”

  “Alright… the Intelligence Department and the Dynasty Science Institute have never stopped observing the Immortals. One of the earliest batches of Immortals appeared on Planet Aquamarine, which were almost all recruited by you. You seem to have a very deep understanding of them. We’d like to know, why do the Immortals disappear every so often? Why does all of their strength increase after appearing again after they disappear? Does this strength increase of theirs have a limit? Can they really be fully controlled?”

  A chain of questions was thrown at Han Xiao. He did not immediately respond. He felt the attitude change of the Crimson Dynasty.

  The three Universal Civilizations had always been studying the Immortals, and now they finally came to him, who was an ‘expert’ in this matter on the surface. This was clearly because of the World Server War. It had made them take the Immortals even more seriously!

  The nickname ‘Cancer of the Universe’ had existed for more than half of the version. The players had always been active in different events everywhere. Even though there was the Black Star Cup not long ago, that was just a competition. This time, however, was the first time the various organizations finally witnessed a large-scale battle only Immortals took part in.

  The weapons and fleets they used were nothing extraordinary, nor was the scale as marvelous as the galactic battles. The only thing that was shocking was how fiercely the Supers fought. The Immortals from different factions had fought before too, but this time, it was much bloodier and more brutal. The advanced civilizations were only shocked, but those smaller organizations were almost spooked!

  So, this is what a war between the Cancers of the Universe is like. We still underestimated the violence of these people!

  Thinking about the specialties the Immortals had shown in the past, the dynasty no longer had the leisure to slowly carry out their studies, so they approached Han Xiao, hoping to obtain more detailed information.

  “I don’t know them that well. You guys probably already know what I know…”

  Of course, Han Xiao was not going to tell the entire truth. He casually said some things. Most was information the others could also obtain, nothing rare or new. “Is that all you know?” Tarrokov was not convinced yet.

  “What else? I was only able to find some patterns before others. I’m not an Immortal. How can I know everything?” Han Xiao joked.

  “You’re right…” Tarrokov nodded.

  Actually, the Crimson Dynasty had suspected that Black Star was an Immortal decades ago.

  However, no one had been able to kill him, so there was no way to know the truth.

  Then, since Black Star did not disappear periodically like the Immortals, the dynasty had let go of this suspicion.

  After Tarrokov was gone, Han Xiao wiped off the smile on his face and looked serious.

  He opened the interface, looked at the EXP gauge, and made an estimate.

  “At this rate of harvesting EXP, when this fight is over, I’ll have more than enough EXP to complete the level 340 Promotion before the Pro League starts… Hmm, I can use the Evolution Cube again this time.”

  Han Xiao frowned slightly.

  As the strength of the players increased, the state of the universe would become more and more chaotic. He would only be able to deal with all kinds of changes by becomi
ng stronger as quickly as possible. By then, no matter how the advanced civilizations responded, he would be able to deal with it.

  The players of the Limitless Financial Group were also part of the World Server War. They were one of the large forces among the scattered factions.

  Sorokin was also paying attention to this battle, but not just to observe it-he had other plans.

  “This seems like a good opportunity to attract Immortals…” Sorokin’s eyes flickered.

  He had always been passionate about recruiting the Immortals. Although he did not know the truth about the players, the path Han Xiao had taken gave him some ideas.

  Sorokin had carefully studied the Black Star Army’s history, especially the methods the Black Star Army used to attract the Immortals. By concluding what had happened in the past, he had found quite a lot of patterns.

  By now, Sorokin felt like he had already mastered Black Star’s methods.

  “This war between so many Immortals is a good opportunity for the Limitless Financial Group to make a name for itself among the Immortals. If the Immortals of the Limitless Financial Group win in the end, it should attract more Immortals…”

  Usually, the Limitless Financial Group Immortals did not have an edge. In order for them to win, he had to interfere. Anyway, he was not restrained by his reputation like the other Beyond Grade As. Even if word of him, a Beyond Grade A, shamelessly interfering with a war between Grade B supers got out, his reputation would not be affected because he never had one to begin with. As a Beyond Grade A, even without using his full strength, he would be able to decide the results of battles at this level. Furthermore, his methods were extremely sneaky. He believed that these Grade B Immortals would not be able to discover them.

  “Looks like this is worth a try. I shall do it…” Sorokin made up his mind.

  His speculation actually made sense. However, he could not see the forums, so he lacked the most crucial piece of information… He had no idea the players were fighting, and more importantly, he was completely clueless about the fact that the rules forbade NPCs from interfering!

  The players of the Limitless Financial Group did not dare break the rules. They had invested a ton of resources and worked hard trying to maintain the good results they had achieved.

  What they would never have expected was that their own faction leader was preparing to get them instantly disqualified.

  Chapter 1188 - That’s Not How the Script Was Written!

  Within Mount Gold, a large base was embedded in the mountain, with the sky around it hovering with battleships and a team of mechanical guards, tightly guarding the area.

  This was the main base of the Apocalypse Foundation, the largest guild alliance belonging to the Limitless Financial Group. Sixty to seventy percent of the mountain itself had been transformed into mechanical defense facilities, and relying on this main base, they had also cleaned up the surrounding small areas to continuously expand. In the middle of the third day of battle, the Mount Gold stronghold sent three ace troops to conquer the Hex Armed Forces of the Wind Hunting Valley. This was another large guild alliance that occupied the area. The two of them had been fighting for regional supremacy.

  The Hex Armed Forces had long detected that their enemies would attack and thus pulled out their troops. Both sides fought fiercely outside Wind Hunting Valley, neither side willing to extricate themselves.

  Just as the fierce battle between the two were raging, another guild alliance called the Reverse Crusade launched a raid on the Mount Gold stronghold.

  They had planned this for a long time and stationed their troops to hide and ambush the area a day and a half in advance. They had even erected a secret resurrection point in the area. Using the opportunity when the main forces of both sides were in battle, they attacked the relatively empty base camp of the Apocalypse Foundation, intending to steal the other’s base.

  The Apocalypse Foundation was at the disadvantage of fighting on two fronts. They actually intended to withdraw the troops attempting to conquer Wind Hunting Valley. However, the Hex Armed Forces seemed to have anticipated the emergence of the Reverse Crusade and entangled the main force of the Apocalypse Foundation, not allowing it to separate from them.

  At this moment, the stronghold at Mount Gold had turned into another fierce battlefield. A large number of artillery battleship and combat machinery were fighting in the air, fireworks constantly dotting the sky, and the ground was full of players fighting in the hills and plains.

  The Apocalypse Foundation had basically dispatched all their trump cards at this point and did not have many of their elites to guard their base. Most of the members in the base were their periphery members, and faced with the attack of the elites in the Reverse Crusade, they could only steadily retreat from the base.

  A flood of unfavorable battle reports was sent back to the main command room of the stronghold, causing the leader of the Apocalypse Foundation, Sisyphus, to feel beleaguered.

  “No wonder the Hex Armed Forces suddenly provoked us. It was all to lure us into falling into their trap! They’re indeed devils!”

  Sisyphus hurriedly contacted his Vice President, who had led the team to attack the Hex Armed Forces, through the guild channel.

  “Quickly come back to reinforce us. This old man here can’t hold them back for long!”

  “Boss, we can’t withdraw at all. The Hex Armed Forces are chasing us too closely. Unless we all die, there’s no way for us to return. The average number of deaths in our main force has reached 5.14. If we go up by one more point, we’ll be even more passive. Right now, even if we manage to go back, our ships and weapons will also be captured by the enemy!”

  “We’re already at this stage. If we lose a bit, it can’t be helped. It’s more important to protect our base!”

  “We can’t! The enemy has already made preparations in advance. If we all try to return via dying, then they’ll definitely push the momentum to attack our home base, joining hands with the Reverse Crusade!”

  Hearing this, Sisyphus frantically scratched his head.

  As they had been caught off guard, the situation now was two against one, and the Apocalypse Foundation alone could not handle it. He could only ask for help from the other guild alliances that were on the Limitless Financial Group’s front.

  “I hope that our reinforcements can arrive in time. This time, I really suffered a huge loss…”

  With a heavy heart, he refocused his eyes back to the real-time battlefield projection, but he froze on the spot.

  “W-what is this situation?”

  Turning to look at his members and commanders, he found that everyone had the same expression of shock, as though they had come across a ghost.

  In the monitoring screen showing the frontal battlefield outside the Mount Gold stronghold, one of the squads of the Reverse Crusade had broken through the defense line and slammed into their troops.

  “Instagib[1] them!”

  The death squad prepared all their abilities, ready to collectively blast the whole lot of them.

  At this moment, all their movement stopped, as the light on their bodies disappeared due to being interrupted.

  Not only did it apply to the death squad, but all the Reverse Crusade players had the same reaction, as though the freeze button was pressed simultaneously for them. All their actions were halted, causing the troops to be instantly disconnected and the lineup torn.

  On the interface of these players, the same notification appeared.

  Sorokin (Manifestation) has used [Mind Shock] on you!

  Judgment is in progress… Judgement successful. You cannot control your body for the time being

  Your skills are forcibly interrupted, and you have been afflicted with the (Stiffness] status.

  In that instant, the situation went through a plot twist. The Reverse Crusade, which was originally beginning to see the light of victory, suddenly plummeted into the abyss, their psychological states suffering a great shock.

/>   At this moment, there were only curses echoing in their heads.

  You even called out a Beyond Grade A?

  This is cheating!

  Are the guilds of the Limitless Financial Group such sore losers?

  The short (Stiffness) status condition turned the tides in an instant. The Apocalypse Foundation players did not stop, setting off a burst of explosions to take out a large portion of the players from the Reverse Crusade, reclaiming their battlefront.

  The Apocalypse Foundation players were also in shock, not because of the sudden stop of the Reverse Crusade players, but rather because of a notification that they received on their interfaces.

  Sorokin (Manifestation) has used (Spiritual Inspiration) on you!

  You have entered the [Inspired) state. +10% all Attributes.

  Sorokin (Manifestation) has used (Combat Excitement) on you! +18% to Damage, +12% to Defense

  “What’s happening?”

  “Where did the bonuses come from? Did someone use a Character Summon Card?” “That’s not right. Even if the Character Summon Card is used, the name of the user won’t be changed!”

  The troops at the frontline could not understand it, but this was not the time to think. They hurriedly struck to kill the enemy instead.

  Before long, most of the troops from Reverse Crusade had died. Everyone thought that this was a desperate situation but did not expect to solve the threat in such a manner.

  Sisyphus had yet to recover his wits. At this time, a call came from his Vice President, his tone one of surprise. “President! We beat the Hex Armed Forces! I don’t know why, but their movements suddenly halted!” “It can’t be, right?” Sisyphus hurriedly asked the various commanders, only then figuring out what had happened. He was bewildered. What situation is this? Did Sorokin arrive? But we didn’t call him! Why did he come to join in the fun?

  Could it be that he saw us in danger and took the initiative to help?

  Sisyphus’ eyes widened. There was nothing on his face that represented the joy of making a successful counterattack.


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