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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

Page 896

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  After the Crimson Dynasty announced the wanted order of Sorokin, Gaud’s case seemed to have finally settled. The dynasty did not do anything after that, and everything went back to normal.

  The focus of the galactic society shifted with it and back to the developments of the Flickering World. The fourth exploration phase had already finished, ending with the exit of the Super Star Cluster Alliance. There would still be the fifth phase, the sixth phase, and so on. All would be focused on developing peacefully. The developments afterward did not have much to do with the Beyond Grade A allies.

  A few months later, the Germinal Financial Group finally digested the ‘inheritance’ of the Limitless Financial Group and submitted a detailed report to Han Xiao.


  In his office, Han Xiao carefully read through the report on the screen. After a while, he finally nodded with satisfaction and looked at the remote projections of Sylvia and Iapetus in front of him.

  “You guys have done a good job consuming these businesses of the Limitless Financial Group. The army has taken a huge step in the progress of expanding its subdivisions in the various Star Fields, at least saving twenty years’ time.”

  “It’s all thanks to your guidance. You’re the lighthouse of the army, showing us the path.” Sylvia smiled lustfully.

  Han Xiao caressed the back of his palm and said, “I also saw on the report that we recruited some of Sorokin’s offspring. Some even actively chose to join us…”

  “That’s because no one can resist your charm.” Sylvia did it again.

  Han Xiao looked at her oddly.

  What’s going on with this woman today? Did her personality change?

  Han Xiao ignored her, turned to look at Iapetus, and said, “What do you plan to do with Sorokin’s offspring?”

  Iapetus rubbed his moustache and slowly said, “Although Sorokin escaped for his crimes, his offspring are innocent. Some of them were raised as elites and had high management positions in the Limitless Financial Group. They’re very capable, so taking these people in is great for the Germinal Financial Group. Of course, I’ll test them before giving them positions, limit the power they have, and split them up into different management positions.”

  “Hmm, do as you said.”

  Although Han Xiao felt like it might be immoral for them to join the person who caused Sorokin to go missing, he felt like given Sorokin’s personality, giving birth to offspring was probably just to raise trustworthy assistants; he would not be too emotionally attached to him.

  Beyond Grade As breeding offspring as assistants was very common. Most people would carry out group activities at most to increase efficiency. Beast Ancestor was the only one in this era who was so extreme about it.

  “Offspring are indeed good. They can be raised systematically from a young age. Maybe I should start to breed some babies,” Han Xiao mumbled.

  Sylvia’s eyes lit up instantly. “I’ll do it! Maternity leave is still leave. I don’t mind it!”

  Han Xiao almost fell down from his chair from shock.

  What, are you already this desperate for the sake of taking leave now?

  Not only do you want to take leave, but you even want to sleep with your boss! How do you think something that incredible will happen?

  Iapetus coughed on the side and whispered, “If you want to take maternity leave, I can help too…”

  Sylvia glared at him. “Keep dreaming!”

  Iapetus’s expression froze. Facing Han Xiao’s meaningful stare, he wisely went offline.

  Only two of them were left in the room. Sylvia suddenly smiled lustfully, shook her waist left and right, and walked to Han Xiao. She pressed her arms on the table, leaned forward, pressed her lips near Han Xiao’s ears, and whispered, “I wasn’t kidding. What do you think of me?”

  “Is today your estrus cycle? Looks like I have to remember this date and calculate your cycle so I can dodge you in the future.”

  Sylvia’s face twitched, and her smile became stiff. She did her best to not lash out and said with a suggestive tone, “Do you really not know just how charming you are? My admiration for you has flooded since long ago. Are you really going to treat me like this?”

  “Stop it. It’s not useful to me. Say what you want to say.”

  Han Xiao was unaffected. He pressed on Sylvia’s forehead and pushed her head away.

  Excuse me, I’m a righteous man. I have never practiced the “if there’s something to do, let the secretary do it; if there’s nothing to do, do the secretary” system.

  Usually, you were always dismissive of me, but today you suddenly turned into an emotionless praising machine. There’s definitely something you want from me today.

  Sylvia’s expression collapsed. She kicked Han Xiao’s leg heavily, then rubbed her feet while grinding her teeth with annoyance. “I’ve been the Chief Administrative Official for decades. You’ve always used me like a tool! I’ve had enough. I want to change my position!”

  Han Xiao thought it made sense. Although Sylvia was very loyal, she would not be happy about being a tool for so long, especially when the lifespan of Calamity Grades was far shorter than Beyond Grade As. She had basically given her youth to the army.

  He always said that the hairline was the durability of the officers, but Han Xiao considered himself to be quite flexible. As long as the request was logical, he would not really treat his officers like tools.

  “What do you want to do then?”

  “I want you to teach me to become a Beyond Grade A!”

  “Huh?” Han Xiao almost thought he had heard wrong.

  “I’ve given my heart and soul to the army, putting in my entire youth, but you’re not even willing to teach me!” Sylvia was angry.

  “No, no, that’s not true. It’s just that becoming a Beyond Grade A depends on talent. Even if I teach you, you don’t have too high a chance…” Han Xiao sighed.

  “I don’t care. I just want you to teach me!”

  Sylvia pulled Han Xiao’s arm and shook it like she was begging him. In front of others, she was a decisive, capable, and smart Chief Administrative Official. But in front of Han Xiao, she was still occasionally that little girl in the past.

  “Alright, alright, after you’ve finished the handover for your job, come back as my student.” Han Xiao agreed.

  Hearing this, Sylvia finally smiled brightly. She kissed Han Xiao’s cheek and ran away like a thief.

  At the door, Sylvia stopped, turned, and smiled like a fairy with a slightly blushed face. She said with a playful tone, “I really wasn’t kidding about what I said earlier.”

  Then, before Han Xiao could respond, she ran away.

  “Tsk, as if I’d believe you, you little minx.” Han Xiao shook his head and wiped away the lipstick on his face.

  In his previous life, after Sylvia’s father was sent into a prison, Sylvia could only wander in the universe without a goal. Now, the army had given her a home and a goal she could work for.

  Without him knowing, many people’s fates had changed because of him.

  “Sylvia’s potential shouldn’t be enough to reach Beyond Grade A, but nothing is absolute. Even garbage like Kohler and Beyoni can become Beyond Grade As, after all. With my teachings, Sylvia might not be completely hopeless… I shall teach her some knowledge from Jayz’s treasure trove.”

  Han Xiao nodded in his head.

  Beep beep beep!

  At this time, his communicator suddenly rang. He took it out and to his surprise. It was a call from Ames.

  Sylvia just left seconds ago and Ames already called?

  So coincidental, is this the sixth sense of woman?

  Han Xiao shivered slightly.

  He focused his mind and picked up.

  Ames appeared on the screen holding her cheek with her hand and smiling elegantly.

  “We’ve not met for quite some time. Do you want to come and have a chat? Aesop brewed a batch of new wine.”

  “That’s it? No, no!”
  “Also… I might slightly, a little tiny bit, miss you.” Ames blinked.

  “Let’s go.”

  Without hesitation, Han Xiao put on the King suit immediately.

  For the past few years, other than the plenary, he did not meet with Ames much. He had been busy with plotting and studying machinery. He felt a bit sorry for it. Furthermore, he had just dealt with a huge matter, so he also needed some soothing and stress relief.

  Chapter 1248 - Galaxy Calendar Year 780

  1248 Galaxy Calendar Year 780

  In Ames’ palace at the center of Floating Dragon Island, Han Xiao arrived through teleportation and saw a round table in front of him right away. Neatly arranged snacks and fruits were placed on top. Ames sat on a chair beside it.Ames was smiling at the communicator when he arrived, only hanging up when she saw him. She kept the communicator and shifted her eyes onto him, maintaining a faint smile.

  “I knew you’d come. Sit, the wine is ready.”

  Han Xiao walked up and sat beside Ames. He sighed and said, “I’ve been busy lately and didn’t come for quite some time. I’ve neglected you.”

  “When are you ever not busy?” Ames replied.

  Han Xiao shook his head, picked up a glass, and drank the wine. He tutted and said, “Why does it taste different from the last time?”

  “Aesop improved the recipe the last time he returned.”

  Ames controlled her force field and filled Han Xiao’s glass up.

  Han Xiao smiled and said, “Speaking of which, after Aesop was kidnapped, I was surprised you didn’t reject Aesop’s request to travel. I thought you’d ground him for a very long time.”

  “I wouldn’t have agreed if not for the Soul Swapper.” Ames snorted softly.

  After Feidin acquired the Soul Swapper, Han Xiao had come up with a plan for Aesop. After long consideration, Aesop had taken his suggestion and asked Feidin to temporarily swap his soul into someone else so that he could go out. It was secretive and safe. In the end, Ames agreed with his request.

  “The Soul Swapper is indeed nice. Sadly, Feidin is only at the Calamity Grade for now. The functions he can use are limited.” Han Xiao shook his head. He suddenly thought of something and said, “I have a gift for you.”

  “A gift?” Ames raised her brows.

  Han Xiao took out a pure white small sphere from his pocket. He passed to Ames, smiled, and said, “This is a Universal Treasure I happened to obtain. It can help Espers develop their ability. It’s for you.”

  Ames accepted the small sphere, toyed with it using her force field, and said curiously, “What’s this thing’s name? How do I use it?”

  “Just call it Esper Ability Enhancement Orb. It’s easy to use. Just apply energy to it every day. Basically, play with it.”

  Han Xiao briefly explained its effects.

  This was one of the Universal Treasures that Sorokin secretly collected and was seized by him. According to the item details on the interface, this thing could randomly enhance the various ability parameters of Espers. The effects would only be triggered if it was worn for a long time. The chance was unknown, and the magnitude of the enhancement each time was not high.

  At its maximum, it could at most increase the Esper Ability’s potential by one grade. After that, it would lose effects on the same user.

  However, the enhancement effects would not certainly occur. It might be completely useless too. According to the introduction, the chance of triggering the enhancement relied on Luck to a certain extent… Basically, it despised unlucky people.

  Han Xiao recalled that Ames’ Luck was quite high, so she should be able to trigger this treasure. After she was done using it, given her relationship with Hila and Aurora, why would she not lend it to them? It was perfect.

  “I’ll take it then, thanks.” Ames toyed with it for a while and put it away.

  In the past years, Han Xiao had given her gifts frequently. A few years ago, he had even secretly given her the entire set of Esper class knowledge. She almost thought Han Xiao hacked into the dynasty’s database.

  The two of them chatted while eating snacks.

  Most of the time, Han Xiao was speaking, and Ames was listening with a smile, staring at Han Xiao and holding her chin with her hands.

  After chatting for some time, Ames suddenly interrupted Han Xiao and said, “I’ve realized you’ve had a lot on your mind in the past few years.”

  Han Xiao was stunned for a moment. “How did you notice?”

  “I know you too well.” Ames smiled. “Do you want to talk to me about it?”

  Han Xiao sighed.

  Indeed, after he found out about the Sanctums, he had been feeling more stressed mentally. He had been spending all his time studying machines and becoming stronger in the past few years, keeping himself busy and not slacking off.

  Han Xiao thought about it and said with a deep voice, “In the past few years, I’ve been thinking about one question. What if our world is just an illusion that exists only in the past and the things we see are only mirages in a cell?”

  “Why did you suddenly have this thought?” Ames was curious.

  “… I just happened to discover some information and made some connections.”

  Han Xiao’s answer was ambiguous. Of course, he was not going to easily share the information about the Celestial Star Alliance, the iterations of the universe, and the Sanctums.

  Actually, he had been suspicious of this since long ago. He had only buried it because he knew it was very difficult to find the answer for it. He only had more speculations after finding out about the Sanctums.

  Although Ames did not understand what Han Xiao was talking about, he could sense the pressure from Han Xiao’s tone. It sounded somewhat distant, and she felt something she rarely ever felt from Han Xiao. He sounded a tiny bit lost.

  Most of the time, Han Xiao was very confident. She rarely ever saw Han Xiao like this. Although she did not know what caused Han Xiao to be so stressed, to her, it did not matter. What mattered was that she knew this man needed her comforting.

  Having thought of that, Ames smiled.

  “It doesn’t matter. I know that our breath is real, the warmth I feel is real, and your touch is real…”

  While saying, Ames held Han Xiao’s hand in her hands and whispered, “And I’m real too.”

  The two of them looked into each other’s eyes for almost twenty seconds.

  “… Ahem, we’re not in the secondary dimensions.”

  Han Xiao suddenly coughed and pulled his hand away.

  “Hehe.” Ames laughed softly with unknown meaning.

  The two of them both skipped this topic without saying anything and chatted for a few more hours before Han Xiao bade farewell and teleported away.

  Looking at the empty seat, Ames suddenly sighed.

  After spending so much time with Black Star, she had long found out that although Black Star looked like he had many friends, for some reason, he always kept his heart locked up and would not let anyone walk into it.


  In the place where Gaud was ‘raised’, a spaceship stopped at the port, and the hatch opened. Two rows of people appeared, one boarding it and another alighting. Most of the people in the former were dejected, while the people in the latter looked full of confidence.

  This was a transport ship that carried a new batch of students in. It was also in charge of taking away the students who were disqualified from the training base.

  Karlot was in the row of people boarding the ship. He could not help but glance back at the training base.

  For all the time, Karlot had been on the edge of the disqualified list every term. If not because of what Gaud said back then, he would have been kicked out by the manager of the base long ago. Now, however, Gaud was nowhere to be found, so what he said, of course, became meaningless. The manager of the base no longer gave Karlot special treatment and placed him on the disqualified list in this term, no longer giving him advanced training.
  “I’ve studied for almost a decade here. It’s a shame I couldn’t remain here…”

  Karlot sighed softly.

  He was not really down, just felt it was a pity.

  He had worked hard for so long and only just discovered the right training method of the Super system, but before he could change the way he trained, he was kicked out…

  “Never mind. At least the studies I did in these ten years had not gone to waste. As long as I’ve learned something, it’s good enough.”

  Karlot shook his head, turned back to look at his front, and walked up the spaceship in big steps. The vibe he gave off was completely different from the dejected crowd around him.


  After the dust settled on Gaud and Sorokin’s cases, the galactic society finally entered a period of stable development.

  The Super Star Cluster civilizations defeated in the Flickering War quietly licked their wounds, while the other organizations who took part in the war continued to rest and digest the profits of the exploration. A time of stability was needed after the leader of the Crimson Dynasty and the Federation of Light changed. On the other hand, the Beyond Grade A Association was continuing to build the profit network.

  While all sides peacefully developed in this calm atmosphere, the fifth, sixth, and the rest of the exploration phases of the Flickering World were smoothly completed. The Flickering World was finally added to the map of the explored universe, making the galactic society even more prosperous than before, bringing in countless business opportunities.

  Even a pig could fly with a strong enough wind. The development of the Flickering World bred many new organizations. New consortiums appeared in the Flickering World every once a while.

  After the Black Star Army consumed part of the Limitless Financial Group’s businesses, it grew even quicker and expanded rapidly in the various Star Fields. Its force became larger and larger, and Han Xiao’s position increased along with it.

  The two hidden threats, Gaud and Sorokin, had been dealt with, and Manison was accumulating strength with a low profile, so no one in the universe dared to mess with Han Xiao in this period. He finally entered the longest peaceful development period he had ever experienced.


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