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Prowling Their Mate

Page 9

by Tamsin Baker

  Tyler let go of my arm slowly, as though expecting me to bolt again. “Animal shape-shifters. All of my family can turn into mountain lions.”

  Shock had my mouth gaping open before I closed it with a snap. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  Tyler shook his head. “No. It doesn’t change who we are, it’s just... an extra skill we have. We have full control over our lions when we shift. We’re not dangerous to you at all. Promise.”

  I stared at him as I struggled to wrap my mind around what he was saying. I blinked and waited for the apparition before me to disappear. “I...ah...don’t know what to say, Tyler.”

  Tyler stepped away, lifting his hands in supplication. “Don’t say anything yet, just keep an open mind. We would never hurt you.”

  I nodded numbly, my mind falling all over itself to assemble the broken jigsaw puzzle in front of me. They’d had me alone more than once, and if they’d wanted to hurt me, they could have. As far as my safety was concerned, I believed I could trust them.

  “Um, what time should I come over?” Seeing is believing, after all.

  His story was crazy, but what proof did I have that he was lying, other than my belief in the normal laws of biology?

  But then again, there were many things in this universe that I didn’t understand, and I’d been wrong before.

  Tyler stepped closer. “Do you want to come for dinner at seven?”

  I opened my mouth to agree, to get this lunacy sorted out, then my memory kicked in and flashed up my schedule for the day. “Crap. I’m doing a late shift tonight.”

  I frowned and tapped my foot again, thinking quickly. “Okay... let me work this out. I brought something to eat from home, so I’ll eat before my last surgery and head to your place after. I should be there about eight-thirty.”

  Then I could sort this shit out, once and for all.

  Why do all the good-looking ones have to be crazy?

  Tyler’s mouth quirked up into a half grin. “You won’t regret it, Laura.”

  Hmmm, not so sure about that.

  “Can I kiss you goodbye?”

  I shrugged and looked away, not sure how I was feeling and whether I wanted him to touch me at the moment.

  Tyler’s warm hands cupped my jaw and tipped up my head, his touch instantly soothing my nerves. His soft lips touched mine with a reverence that made my resistance melt into a puddle at my feet.

  Then he pulled back and kissed my nose in a protective way.

  I sighed and reached out for him, holding onto his waist, and resting my head against his shoulder as that strange wave of contentment stole over me.

  Tyler stepped away after too short a moment and I looked up, wanting him back as soon as my hands held nothing but empty air. Despite everything that had been said, my heart still yearned for this man.

  “See you tonight, beautiful.”

  Tyler turned and walked away.

  I couldn’t help the way my gaze dropped to his ass. Those buttocks clenched and moved in his jeans in such a way that made him just delicious.

  My belly gave an almost vicious clench and I groaned, pushing myself away from the wall and heading toward the front door of the clinic.

  It was going to be a long afternoon.

  Chapter Eight


  I soaped up my hands and massaged my balls, groaning with the ache that throbbed in my gut. I needed a fuck. A good, long screw.

  “Then why the hell did you turn Stacey down again, you idiot?” I muttered to myself and rinsed the soap off the rest of my body.

  Stacey was hot and she was easy. I just flipped her over and fucked her whenever I wanted, and best of all, she came all over me when I did it.

  It was always satisfying, but also, pretty fucking dirty.

  Yeah, and not in the good way.

  I growled in disgust at my own inner monologue and stepped out of the shower, toweling myself down and heading into my bedroom.

  “What time did she say she’d be here?” I called out to my twin, my voice deep and rough.

  I’d never felt this unsettled before, even when I was twenty-one and wild. I wanted to run. I wanted to fight, and oh, God, did I want to fuck!

  Adrenaline raced through my blood like a cancer, strong and persistent and insane.

  This is all Laura’s fault.

  “About eight-thirty,” Tyler called back.

  I looked at the clock. Eight twenty-two. Not much longer and she’d be here. In our home, where she belonged.

  I pulled on some new, tight jeans and a white tank top that clung to my chest, foregoing any underwear. That’d only slow her down.

  I glanced in the mirror and flexed my biceps to make the muscles bulge. Laura liked my body, so I may as well show it off to its best advantage.

  I adjusted my stiff cock in my pants and groaned as pleasure tingled over me. “I think she’s here.”

  I closed my eyes and tilted my head to listen. I could hear an engine being shut off, a door opening, then closing, and shoes moving on our path out front.

  The doorbell chimed.


  I opened my eyes and rolled my shoulders, as though getting ready for a sparring match. She’d better be worth all this torture.

  Tyler had headed to the front door so I padded out into the living room, feeling my cat raise its head and purr. She was here.

  Laura stepped into the hallway, walked along the hall and stepped into the sunlit living space. My heart kicked out like a horse’s hoof against a barn door.

  I groaned with discomfort and pressed a hand to my chest. Why did this woman make me feel like this?

  Laura’s lovely, long hair was tied up, harshly drawn back away from her face. Her usually glowing skin was pale and slightly sweaty, yet I couldn’t imagine her looking more beautiful.

  “Hey, Brandon.” She cocked her head, as she did when she was thinking. “You okay?” Laura asked, concern written all over her face.

  She dropped her bag and stepped toward me.

  My shifter leapt up and took control of my mind.

  I hadn’t been expecting it and I gasped as my throat began to close. I pushed down with all my strength, but for the first time in over a decade I lost the battle. My control slipped through my fingers like a dream disappearing into the night.

  “Tyler!” I called to my brother, hoping he’d be able to handle what I was about to do to my mate.

  I groaned with pain as I staggered back, feeling the shift come upon me.

  My shirt began to rip and the jeans I was wearing were going to fall straight to the ground.

  Every inch of my skin heated and changed, golden fur sprouting out as I fell to my knees, my human limbs morphing into the lean legs of a mountain lion.

  I looked up to see my brother holding our woman. She was staring at me, her mouth gaping open but not speaking.

  I stared at her through my lion’s eyes, damning myself for slipping like that. Such an adolescent move.

  I dropped to the floor and lay down like a domestic house cat, the least threatening position I could manage, then I flicked my eyes up at her.

  Laura continued to stare at me and something within my shifter self stirred to life. I began to purr with happiness, my lion content to finally be within reach of her.

  “It’s okay, Laura. I’m sorry, I meant to explain before Brandon shifted, but he obviously couldn’t control it.”

  Laura stared at me unblinkingly and I stared back. I didn’t dare move in case I spooked her. I’d never forgive myself if she ran now.

  “He...what?” Laura began to shuffle, moving back and forward on her feet like someone deciding whether she wanted to run or stay.

  Please stay, sweetheart. I need to feel your pussy around my cock at least once.

  I was feeling calmer now that I was in my lion form. My blood was cooler, and I could feel my humanity within reach. It was time to shift back. We needed to talk.

  I leaned back on my hind l
egs and let it happen naturally. Watching my brother with Laura in human form made me yearn to touch her, too, with my hands.

  I rolled up and into my body, feeling my bulk stretch and fill out my skin. My clothes were in a puddle on the floor and I didn’t want to step back into them.

  Laura screamed and bolted around the couch, holding onto the leather seat backs with both hands as she glared at me. “Don’t you ever do that again without warning me first! Do you understand?”

  I laughed, shocked into it by Laura’s characteristically unusual reaction. Fuck, I loved that woman.

  No! Oh, hell no.

  I sobered quickly and nodded. “Yeah, okay.” The fact that she was referring to the future made me smile, but I tried to remember how strange it must be for her to see such a thing.

  Laura blew out a breath and stood up straighter, her hands relaxing their death grip on the couch. “Okay, wow. Okay...”

  I looked to my brother for help. What were we supposed to do now?

  “So, okay. Your family—all of them? They can all do that?” Laura rattled off the questions, her voice high and squeaky. I watched her with pride. She was obviously confused and freaking out, yet she was still here. She got major credit for that.

  “Ah, yeah, they can.”

  “Okay, okay...” Laura began to pace, muttering to herself. “So, it really is true. My... whatever you guys are... you turn into mountain lions. I can deal with that. Surely, I can. I am a vet, after all.”

  A hysterical giggle burst forward and she turned to stare at me with wide, bright eyes. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable standing in the middle of the room, naked. If we weren’t going to get into anything, I’d better cover up.

  “Oh, wow.” Laura’s eyes ran up and down my body with greedy intent and my cock began to react. I groaned as heat and blood flowed to my groin and I began to harden.

  I released a gasp and reached a hand out to the woman who supposedly was my perfect match.

  Let’s see how you handle this, beautiful.

  “You gonna help me out with this? Because I’ve been hard for you since the minute I laid eyes on you.”

  Laura’s tongue snuck out and wet her full pink lips, making them glisten. I may be pushing her a bit too fast, but I needed her and I wasn’t afraid to ask.

  When she didn’t step forward, I reached down and began stroking myself. Hot, hard flesh ran between my hands as I stared into Laura’s green eyes.

  She looked hungry and aroused. Why wasn’t she moving?

  Tyler cleared his throat. “Brandon, I think you need to go fix that yourself. Laura’s in shock.”

  My heart sank. I’d hoped that Fate would send me a woman who was perfect for me. A woman who could handle every part of me, especially my high sex drive. I let my cock go and my erection immediately began to fade with the rejection.

  I turned away from them and began to move toward the hall, disappointment like a lead weight in my gut.

  Laura stepped across the floor and cut me off.


  She reached up to cup my face and narrowed her eyes. “I still have so many questions.”

  Was that a yes to my earlier request?

  I ran my hands down her arms, fighting the need to take her hard and fast. “I’ll answer any questions you have later, sweetheart. You just need to give me a kiss first.”

  Her worried expression cleared and she tilted her face up for a kiss. I met her halfway, tasting the delicious nectar of her mouth and letting go of all restraint. I pulled her into my naked body and let the moan escape as she opened her lips and let me in.

  Laura pushed on my chest and pulled back.

  I let her go. If she wanted to stop there, I’d go take a nice, cold shower.

  “You okay?”

  She nodded and reached for my dick, gently stroking the shaft up and down, and watching me with huge eyes. “Should we take this to the bedroom, my big lion?”

  No words had ever sounded so sweet.

  I heard Tyler’s growl of approval.

  Laura smiled. “You look a little wild.”

  I huffed out a laugh and took Laura’s hand in mine. I couldn’t speak, so I tugged her out of the living room, hearing Laura’s giggle as she jogged behind me to keep up with my stride.

  “You know my legs are shorter than yours, right?”

  I guided her down the hall and into the end bedroom. I’d never take Laura to my old bedroom. I’d had other women there.

  Laura was ours, and she’d always be loved in this room where no ghosts lay.

  Not love! You’re screwing her, remember?


  I shook away the internal thought as we entered the bedroom and I turned to pull Laura into my arms. No matter what word I placed on it, I was going to be inside her tonight.

  “I want to feel your pussy wrapped around my cock.”

  Laura shivered in the circle of my arms and looked up at me with trusting eyes.

  “You want that too, don’t you, beautiful girl?” I waited for the affirmation, a part of me needing to hear the words that would solidify what her actions had already shouted.

  “Yes.” The word was whispered, but in the quiet room she may as well have screamed it.

  I crushed her lips with mine, my hands grabbing her luscious ass and dragging her against my naked body.

  Tyler’s hands slid around her breasts, making her moan, and kissing her neck.

  Laura pulled back suddenly and dropped to her knees.

  I couldn’t help staring at her.

  That was unexpected.

  When she looked up at me, my stomach tightened with an emotion I couldn’t identify.

  “I want you too much, Brandon. I know this first time should be a bit slower, but I’m aching.”

  I nodded and gripped her head, drawing her toward me. What a thing to hear from my mate! I didn’t care if it was slow or fast, long or short, I just wanted her.

  “You can have anything you want, you gorgeous woman.”

  Laura moaned as she slid her hot, wet lips around me and sucked hard, drawing me in like quicksand.

  “Oh, fuck. Laura.” I couldn’t drag my eyes away from her face as she swallowed down my cock.

  She moved with an enthusiasm I’d never seen, and I couldn’t look away from the picture she made. She was addictive and my orgasm dragged on my control already.

  Fingers of pleasure danced along my spine as she moaned and moved on me. She looked so damned innocent as she gazed up, making eye contact while her mouth was full of my dick.

  What a contradiction!

  I pulled my cock out of her mouth with a quick jerk, my body so close to coming that I made it by a mere second. I blew out my breath, my body still throbbing in the strain of having to stop the inevitable topple into orgasm.

  “Up. Now.”

  I didn’t care if I sounded like a caveman, uttering single-word sentences in a tone lucky to pass for human. I wasn’t afraid to admit how primitive I felt.

  It obviously didn’t phase Laura as she jumped to her feet and looked at me with a cheeky grin on her face.

  I kissed her again, unable to stay unconnected for a single moment.

  She moaned and opened her lips, meeting my seeking tongue with her own. Her orange-flavored taste exploded through me as I pressed my cock against her belly. I needed to be inside her, feel the very core of the woman who had bewitched me.

  I pulled back and tore at her clothes. I’d been dreaming about her lush curves and gorgeous cunt all week. Work had been a fucking nightmare when I’d been fighting an erection all damn day.

  “I need you naked, Laura.”

  Laura stepped back and with a few fast moves, she had her work clothes pooled at her feet. Now, she stood in front of me in red underwear, the lacy bra cups enticing my hands to lift and caress her huge boobs.

  “My turn.” Tyler stepped around me, now naked, and I stifled the growl that rose. I’d forgotten for a moment that my brot
her was even there.

  I stepped towards the bed and sat down to watch the erotic show happening in front of me.

  Tyler unhooked Laura’s bra and was slowly revealing her curves, licking her skin and suckling on her nipples when they came into view. She panted and moaned, leaning back and holding Tyler’s head as he feasted on her.

  I couldn’t resist reaching for my cock, stroking it slowly as I watched Tyler pleasuring our lover. Not one pulse of envy passed through me. If anything, my arousal continued to simmer, holding strong, yet waiting for my turn to burn.

  Tyler knelt on the floor, pulling her lace panties down and delving his hand eagerly between her thighs. He stroked her gently, exploring her flesh. “You’re so wet for us already.”

  His ground-out words punctuated Laura’s moans as Tyler moved his thumb over her clit to make her pant and gasp. Her panties hit the floor and I inhaled, the air rich with the scent of Laura’s arousal.

  Tyler pressed open her thighs and she spread her legs for him. He set his mouth to her clit and she reached for his head, her knees looking like they were about to buckle.

  Better step in.

  I stood up and walked around them, pressing into Laura’s back for support, wrapping my arms around her indented waist.

  She cried out and leaned back against me, gasping her pleasure as Tyler continued to lave her clit with his tongue.

  “Oh God... Oh, Tyler.”

  I slid my hands up and cupped her full breasts, tweaking her nipples as she screamed out her orgasm.

  She shuddered in my arms and I kissed her shoulder, my own body throbbing in need for this sensual woman Fate had chosen for us.

  When she relaxed and settled against me, Tyler kissed her small patch of dark hair and stood up, pressing his lips to hers in a reverent caress.

  “Let’s get her on the bed,” Tyler spoke to me over her shoulder and slid his arms around her, lifting her easily and laying her down on our bed.

  She smiled and stretched her arms above her head like a cat who’d eaten the cream.

  I grinned down at her. We aren’t done with you yet.


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