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Collected Poetical Works of Kahlil Gibran

Page 24

by Kahlil Gibran

Could I but be consumed and pass from time’s memory

  Into the emptiness of nowhere!


  Listen my brothers, my ancient brothers.

  A youth in yonder vale

  Is singing his heart to the night.

  His lyre is gold and ebony.

  His voice is silver and gold.


  I would not be so vain as to be no more.

  I could not but choose the hardest way;

  To follow the seasons and support the majesty of the years;

  To sow the seed and to watch it thrust through the soil;

  To call the flower from its hiding place

  And give it strength to nestle its own life,

  And then to pluck it when the storm laughs in the forest;

  To raise man from secret darkness,

  Yet keep his roots clinging to the earth;

  To give him thirst for life, and make death his cupbearer;

  To endow him with love that waxeth with pain,

  And exalts with desire, and increases with longing,

  And fadeth away with the first embrace;

  To girdle his nights with dreams of higher days,

  And infuse his days with visions of blissful nights,

  And yet to confine his days and his nights

  To their immutable resemblance;

  To make his fancy like the eagle of the mountain,

  And his thought as the tempests of the seas,

  And yet to give him hands slow in decision,

  And feet heavy with deliberation;

  To give him gladness that he may sing before us,

  And sorrow that he may call unto us,

  And then to lay him low,

  When the earth in her hunger cries for food;

  To raise his soul high above the firmament

  That he may foretaste our tomorrow,

  And to keep his body groveling in the mire

  That he may not forget his yesterday.

  Thus shall we rule man unto the end of time,

  Governing the breath that began with his mother’s crying,

  And ends with the lamentation of his children.


  My heart thirsts, yet I would not drink the faint blood of a feeble race,

  For the cup is tainted, and the vintage therein is bitter to my mouth.

  Like thee I have kneaded the clay and fashioned it to breathing forms

  That crept out of my dripping fingers unto the marshes and the hills.

  Like thee I have kindled the dark depths of beginning life

  And watched it crawl from caves to rocky heights.

  Like thee I have summoned spring and laid the beauty thereof

  For a lure that seizes youth and binds it to generate and multiply.

  Like thee I have led man from shrine to shrine,

  And turned his mute fear of things unseen

  To tremulous faith in us, the unvisited and the unknown.

  Like thee I have ridden the wild tempest over his head

  That he might bow before us,

  And shaken the earth beneath him until he cried unto us;

  And like thee, led the savage ocean against his nestled isle,

  Till he hath died calling upon us.

  All this have I done, and more.

  And all that I have done is empty and vain.

  Vain is the waking and empty is the sleep,

  And thrice empty and vain is the dream.


  Brothers, my august brothers,

  Down in the myrtle grove

  A girl is dancing to the moon,

  A thousand dew-stars are in her hair,

  About her feet a thousand wings.


  We have planted man, our vine, and tilled the soil

  In the purple mist of the first dawn.

  We watched the lean branches grow,

  And through the days of seasonless years

  We nursed the infant leaves.

  From the angry element we shielded the bud,

  And against all dark spirits we guarded the flower.

  And now that our vine hath yielded the grape

  You will not take it to the winepress and fill the cup.

  Whose mightier hand than yours shall reap the fruit?

  And what nobler end than your thirst awaits the wine?

  Man is food for the gods,

  And the glory of man begins

  When his aimless breath is sucked by gods’ hallowed lips.

  All that is human counts for naught if human it remain;

  The innocence of childhood, and the sweet ecstasy of youth,

  The passion of stern manhood, and the wisdom of old age;

  The splendour of kings and the triumph of warriors,

  The fame of poets and the honor of dreamers and saints;

  All these and all that lieth therein is bred for gods.

  And naught but bread ungraced shall it be

  If the gods raise it not to their mouths.

  And as the mute grain turns to love songs when swallowed by the nightingale,

  Even so as bread fo gods shall man taste godhead.


  Aye, man is meat for gods!

  And all that is man shall come upon the gods’ eternal board!

  The pain of child-bearing and the agony of childbirth,

  The blind cry of the infant that pierces the naked night,

  And the anguish of the mother wrestling with the sleep she craves,

  To pour life exhausted from her breast;

  The flaming breath of youth tormented,

  And the burdened sobs of passion unspent;

  The dripping brows of manhood tilling the barren land,

  And the regret of pale old age when life against life’s will

  Calls to the grave.

  Behold this is man!

  A creature bred on hunger and made food for hungry gods.

  A vine that creeps in dust beneath the feet of deathless death.

  The flower that blooms in nights of evil shadows;

  The grape of mournful days, and days of terror and shame.

  And yet you would have me eat and drink.

  You would bid me sit amongst shrouded faces

  And draw my life from stony lips

  And from withered hands receive my eternity.


  Brothers, my dreaded brothers,

  Thrice deep the youth is singing,

  And thrice higher is his song.

  His voice shakes the forest

  And pierces the sky,

  And scatters the slumbering of earth.


  (Always unhearing)

  The bee hums harshly in your ears,

  And foul is the honey to your lips.

  Fain would I comfort you,

  But how shall I?

  Only the abyss listens when gods call unto gods,

  For measureless is the gulf that lies between divinities,

  And windless is the space.

  Yet I would comfort you,

  I would make serene your clouded sphere;

  And though equal we are in power and judgement,

  I would counsel you.

  When out of chaos came the earth, and we, sons of the beginning, beheld each other in the lustless light, we breathed the first hushed, tremulous sound that quickened the currents of air and sea.

  Then we walked, hand in hand, upon the gray infant world, and out of the echos of our first drowsy steps time was born, a fourth divinity, that sets his feet upon our footprints, shadowing our thoughts and desires, and seeing only with our eyes.

  And unto earth came life, and unto life came the spirit, the winged melody of the universe. And we ruled life and spirit, and none save us knew the measure of the years nor the weight of years’ nebulous dreams, till we, at noontide of the seventh aeon, gave the sea in marriage to the sun.

bsp; And from the inner chamber of their nuptial ecstasy, we brought man, a creature who, though yielding and infirm, bears ever the marks of his parentage.

  Through man who walks earth with eyes upon the stars, we find pathways to earth’s distant regions; and of man, the humble reed growing beside dark waters, we make a flute through whose hollowed heart we pour our voice to the silence-bound world. From the sunless north to the sun-smitten sand of the south.

  From the lotus land where days are born

  To perilous isles where days are slain,

  Man the faint hearted, overbold by our purpose,

  Ventures with lyre and sword.

  Ours is the will he heralds,

  And ours the sovereignty he proclaims,

  And his love trodden courses are rivers, to the sea of our desires.

  We, upon the heights, in man’s sleep dream our dreams.

  We urge his days to part from the valley of twilights

  And seek their fullness upon the hills.

  Our hands direct the tempests that sweep the world

  And summon man from sterile peace to fertile strife,

  And on to triumph.

  In our eyes is the vision that turns man’s soul to flame,

  And leads him to exalted loneliness and rebellious prophecy,

  And on to crucifixion.

  Man is born to bondage,

  And in bondage is his honor and his reward.

  In man we seek a mouthpiece,

  And in his life our self fulfillment.

  Whose heart shall echo our voice if the human heart is deafened with dust?

  Who shall behold our shining if man’s eye is blinded with night?

  And what would you do with man, child of our earliest heart, our own self image?


  Brothers, my mighty brothers,

  The dancer’s feet are drunk with songs.

  They set the air a-throbbing,

  And like doves her hands fly upward.


  The lark calls to the lark,

  But upward the eagle soars,

  Nor tarries to hear the song.

  You would teach me self love fulfilled in man’s worship,

  And content with man’s servitude.

  But my self love is limitless and without measure.

  I would rise beyond my earthbound mortality

  And throne me upon the heavens.

  My arms woud girdle space and encompass the spheres.

  I would take the starry way for a bow,

  And the comets for arrows,

  And with the infinate would I conquer the infinite.

  But you would not do this, were it in your power.

  For ever as man is to man,

  So are gods to gods.

  Nay, you would bring to my weary heart

  Remembrance of cycles spent in mist,

  When my soul sought itself among the mountains

  And mine eyes pursued their own image in slumbering waters;

  Though my yesterday died in child-birth

  And only silence visits her womb,

  And the wind strewn sand nestles at her breast.

  Oh yesterday, dead yesterday,

  Mother of my chained divinity,

  What super-god caught you in your flight

  And made you breed in the cage?

  What giant sun warmed your bosom

  To give me birth?

  I bless you not, yet I would not curse you;

  For even as you have burdened me with life

  So I have burdened man

  But less cruel have I been.

  I, immortal, made man a passing shadow;

  And you, dying, conceived me deathless.

  Yesterday, dead yesterday,

  Shall you return with distant tomorrow,

  That I may bring you to judgment?

  And will you wake with life’s second dawn

  That I may erase your earth-clinging memory from the earth?

  Would that you might rise with all the dead of yore,

  Till the land choke with its own bitter fruit,

  And all the seas be stagnant with the slain,

  And woe upon woe exhaust earth’s vain fertility.


  Brother, my sacred brothers,

  The girl has heard the song.

  And now she seeks the singer.

  Like a fawn in glad surprise

  She leaps over rocks and streams

  And turns her to every side.

  Oh, the joy in mortal intent,

  The eye of purpose half-born;

  The smile on lips that quiver

  With foretaste of promised delight!

  What flower has fallen from heaven,

  What flame has risen from hell.

  That startled the heart of silence

  To this breathless joy and fear?

  What dream dreamt we upon the height,

  What thought gave we to the wind

  That woke the drowsing valley

  And made watchful the night?


  The sacred loom is given you,

  And the art to weave the fabric.

  The loom and the art shall be yours for evermore,

  And yours the dark thread and the light,

  And yours the purple and the gold.

  Yet you would grudge yourself a raiment.

  Your hands have spun man’s soul

  From living air and fire,

  Yet now you would break the thread,

  And lend your versed fingers to an idle eternity.


  Nay, unto eternity unmoulded I would give my hands,

  And to untrodden fields assign my feet.

  What joy is there in songs oft heard,

  Whose tune the remembering ear arrests

  Ere the breath yields it to the wind?

  My heart longs for what my heart conceives not,

  And unto the unknown where memory dwells not

  I would command my spirit.

  Oh, tempt me not with glory possessed,

  And seek not to comfort me with your dream or mine,

  For all that I am, and all that there is on earth,

  And all that shall be, inviteth not my soul.

  Oh my soul,

  Silent is thy face,

  And in thine eyes the shadows of night are sleeping.

  But terrible is thy silence,

  And thou art terrible.


  Brothers, my solemn brothers,

  The girl has found the singer.

  She sees his raptured face.

  Panther-like she slips with subtle steps

  Through rustling vine and fern.

  And now amid his ardent cries

  He gazes full on her.

  Oh my brothers, my heedless brothers,

  Is it some other god in passion

  Who has woven this web of scarlet and white?

  What unbridled star has gone astray?

  Whose secret keepeth night from morning?

  And whose hand is upon our world?


  Oh my soul, my soul,

  Thou burning sphere that girdles me,

  How shall I guide thy course.

  And unto what space direct thy eagerness?

  Oh my mateless soul,

  In thy hunger thou preyest upon thyself,

  And with thine own tears thou wouldst quench thy thirst;

  For night gathers not her dew into thy cup,

  And the day brings thee no fruit.

  Oh my soul, my soul,

  Thou grounded ship laden with desire,

  Whence shall come the wind to fill thy sail,

  And what higher tide shall release thy rudder?

  Weighed is thine anchor and thy wings would spread,

  But the skies are silent above thee,

  And the still sea mocks at thy immobility.

  And what hop
e is there for thee and me?

  What shifting of worlds, what new purpose in the heavens,

  That shall claim thee?

  Does the womb of the virgin infinite

  Bear the seed of thy Redeemer,

  One mightier than thy vision

  Whose hand shall deliver thee from thy captivity?


  Hold your importunate cry,

  And the breath of your burning heart,

  For deaf is the ear of the infinite,

  And heedless is the sky.

  We are the beyond and we are the Most High,

  And between us and boundless eternity

  Is naught save our unshaped passion

  And the motive thereof.

  You invoke the unknown,

  And the unknown clad with moving mist

  Dwells in your own soul.

  Yea, in your own soul your Redeemer lies asleep,

  And in sleep sees what your waking eye does not see.

  And that is the secret of our being.

  Would you leave the harvest ungathered,

  In haste to sow again the dreaming furrow?

  And wherefore spread you your cloud in trackless fields and desolate,

  When your own flock is seeking you,

  And would fain gather in your own shadow?

  Forbear and look down upon the world.

  Behold the unweaned children of your love.

  The earth is your abode, and the earth is your throne;

  And high beyond man’s furtherest hope

  Your hand upholds his destiny.

  You would not abandon him

  Who strives to reach you through gladness and through pain.

  You would not turn away your face from the need in his eyes.


  Does dawn hold the heart of night unto her heart?

  Or shall the sea heed the bodies of her dead?

  Like dawn my soul rises within me

  Naked and unencumbered.

  And like the unresting sea

  My heart casts out a perishing wrack of man and earth.

  I would not cling to that clings to me.

  But unto that that rises beyond my reach I would arise.


  Brothers, behold, my brothers,

  They meet, two star-bound spirits in the sky encountering.

  In silence they gaze the one upon the other.

  He sings no more,

  And yet his sunburnt throat throbs with the song;

  And in her limbs the happy dance is stayed

  But not asleep.

  Brothers, my strange brothers,

  The night waxeth deep,

  And brighter is the moon,

  And twixt the meadow and the sea

  A voice in rapture calleth you and me.


  To be, to rise, to burn before the burning sun,

  To live, and to watch the nights of the living

  As Orion watches us!


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