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Page 4

by Anna White

  “Oh this is absolutely wonderful!” She began to clap her hands together tightly again. Nancy then ripped hers open to see a lovely navy number. It was bodycon and looked so soft. I reached my hand out to touch the fabric and I smiled up at her.

  “It will kind of match your eyes.” Her smile grew wider by the second and she held it against her perfectly slim body. Her legs will look so long in that.

  “My mum knows I like them shorter.” She gave me a cheeky wink and smiled. I stood to open mine and gripped my towel tighter. I unzipped the brilliant white bag and smiled to myself as I caught my breath. The slightly blush pink dress was silk in material and draped down at the back. The straps were like spaghetti and I flushed red. Nancy whistled and touched the dress.

  “That may be the best one yet.” I smirked at her and noticed the scrawled writing I recognised as Nancy’s mums.

  ‘Avaya, hold your head high you may be delicate but you are strong…’ tears welled in my eyes and I glanced at Soph. She smiled widely and flashed her teeth.

  “You’ll get some looks in that it’s beautiful.” I took a seat on her plush grey carpet and exhaled as I looked at my reflection.

  “Can you pass my hair curlers please?” I smiled at Nancy who was now throwing them in my direction.

  “Don’t burn the carpet my dad will fucking kill me. Its new” Soph made her way into the bathroom, I ran my fingers through my hair that had dried on it’s own and frowned to myself.

  “Thank your mum for the dress, it's wonderful.” I could hear myself gushing. I felt her sit behind me with a thud and she began to part my hair in order to curl it. It seemed as though she had had a shower and had sorted her hair out before she left for Soph’s.

  “I think she knew you needed a boost…” My eyes lowered at her comment “I mean like you had all that shit with Ben and it just feels like you haven’t been yourself this summer.” She spoke the truth. I hadn’t been the same since Ben turned out to be an arsehole. Seeing my mum once in a blue moon didn’t help it either and I shook my head.

  “Well it’s lovely, tell her I love it will you?” Her fire engine red hair swayed as she nodded.

  “I will don’t worry, what did the note say?” She probed me and I shrugged. She stood and examined her mother's scrawled out writing. I watched as a large smile crossed her mouth. The curlers suddenly beeped. Fuck don’t burn the carpet…. I picked them up swiftly off the floor and curled my hair softly. This would take a while.

  My girls looked wonderful. Soph’s hair was completely straight and almost touching her bottom. I exhaled before we entered the reception room. The building was old, castle like in appearance, men in suits were everywhere, women in wonderful dresses spilled out through the doors. I noticed the bride in the distance speaking to a large group of people. I felt two hands creep around my tummy before I jumped slightly.

  “Long time no see Av how are you!?” Harvey’s eyes were warm, just like Soph’s. I grinned at him as he leant down and pressed his lips against my cheek. “You look as graceful as always, I’m telling you if you were 5 years older I’d have scooped you up.” He flashed a wink at me and I grinned. He had always been this way, cheeky, flirty and full of life. He pushed his auburn hair from his slightly cherry red face and I laughed.

  “Harvey Kite are you drunk!?” I gasped.

  “Maybe, just slightly?” Soph nudged his arm.

  “Don’t be so filthy she’s too good for you anyway.” She scoffed out her words, he clutched his chest and laughed.

  “Fucking hell brutal you are Soph you never change.” I smiled at him as he released me from his grasp. Nancy was mingling away already with a group of the bridesmaids, their brass coloured dresses made them look even more tanned than normal. I recognised some of them from my mum's office. “Grace!” He called his wife over. The trail of delicate lace followed behind her, her hips looked just the right size and her face was glowing as she leant down to kiss my cheek. Her hand rested against my shoulder.

  “Hey Av, it’s lovely to see you!” She was beaming and her dark eyes admired her new husband. “You’re just in time for the wedding breakfast, did Harvey tell you?” He smirked as he nibbled her neck and Soph and I grinned at each other. They were so in love it was repulsive.

  “God you two get a room…” Soph rolled her eyes and Harvey winked at her.

  “I’ve been trying to get her in our room since she said I do.” Soph threw her fingers down her throat and turned on her heel to walk away, gripping my arm in hers as she dragged me off. I threw my head backwards and laughed.

  “Honestly I don’t know how she puts up with him, he’s so vulgar.” She seemed disgusted by her elder cousin but in all honesty I found him hilarious. I always had. I glanced up across the room to see Nance pushing her way through crowds of people to get to us, I held my laugh in and felt her hit us.

  “Jamane is here you know? What the fuck is he doing here? How do Harvey or Grace know who he is!?” She was struggling to find her breath and I shrugged at her. The last time I’d seen her run that quick was probably at the gym. I chuckled as I stared at her pools of blue. I pulled on her arm and guided her towards the room where the wedding breakfast was being held. She nudged me softly. “Av did you hear,” I interrupted her before she could start.

  “Yes I heard you Nancy but for now let’s just enjoy some food?” I gave her a reassuring smile. My eyes lifted to the bright white room, there were large round tables scattered throughout the room, huge martini glasses held a beautiful ball of white flowers. I took a deep breath inward and traced my hand over the table clothes.

  “C’mon let’s find where we are sitting.” Soph tugged against my silky dress and I followed her towards a table that was closer to the back of the room. The room filled almost as soon as we sat down with other guests, there was a smartly dressed older gentleman at the door who rang a slight bell, the chatting simmered as he began to speak.

  “Please welcome the new Mr and Mrs Harvey Kite!” There was a roar of cheers and clapping and I found myself joining in. Grace looked wonderful, her long blonde locks swayed as she held her new husband's hand and I grinned.

  “She’s too good for him.” Soph scoffed and I elbowed her softly.

  “Hey, don't be cruel, he's a sweet guy really.” I chuckled to myself and followed everyone else as they all took their seats.

  We were sitting with a few of Harvey’s friends from the law firm he worked for, the conversation had started to bore both myself and Nancy. I tried my best to engage as best I could in the conversation but I found myself drifting off. Glancing around the dimly lit room until we were finally allowed out of the room and we could join the bride and groom to witness their first dance. The DJ played ‘At Last’ by Etta James and my heart melted almost instantly. I adored this song and I found it quite fitting for them and their story, this wedding had been a long time coming. I smiled softly as I watched him whisper something into her neck, her face warmed and I noticed Nancy pulling me towards the floor to join them. I held my hands on her shoulders and smiled as she looked towards Soph who was swaying with some tall dark and handsome man she’d struck a conversation with at the dinner table.

  “She’s getting laid tonight.” Nance grinned at me and we continued to sway together and I huffed.

  “At least one of us will be.” I winked at her and she laughed quietly before staring at my eyes.

  “You’ve got no idea have you?” Her words were so soft as she spoke them and I shook my head. What the hell is she talking about? I pushed her softly and she shook her head at me.

  “Av, people are looking at you. They’ve been looking at you all night and now they think we’re lesbians.” I scoffed at her admission and glanced up at her. My skin tingled as I saw him and I cleared my throat. I’d know those eyes anywhere.

  “Can I have this dance?” His voice was deep and seductive, his smirk was almost mind consuming. I felt my face fill with blood as I released Nance for my grasp. He placed his
hand in mine as he pulled me towards him softly. I was sure there was a shock against my skin. The words ‘For you are mine at last…’ played around us and I knew the song was ending. I felt him twirl me around slowly, my dress flurrying out around me and then back to normal again, the familiar sound of ‘This is a man’s world’ now played around us, loud enough to block every other sound in the room. I was now back in his arms, I studied his eyes with intent in the darkness. My throat was closing up and I couldn’t speak. “I’m disappointed not to see you in my hoodie.” A giggle escaped my lips, I traced my hands up his arms towards his shoulders, feeling every single inch of muscle under his tailored blue blazer. I melted. I cleared my throat again.

  “I’m very sorry to have disappointed you.” I watched as his perfect heart shaped lips fought to contain a smirk. His hands still on my lower back as we swayed.

  “It’s quite alright, I suppose I’ll have to deal with seeing you in this perfect pink number.” I flushed instantly. I didn’t want this rendition of Joss Stone’s Man’s World to end. He pulled me closer towards him slowly so that our bodies were pressed against each other. I took a deep breath inward and gripped the back of his neck softly as he turned so that his back was now facing the idiot that had just nearly fallen into me. “You know you attract the most clumsy men?” His voice was full of charm and I bit my lip in defense.

  “Hmm, I hadn’t noticed?” His eyebrows raised and I smiled to myself. His grip eased as the song came to an end. People were clapping around us for the bride and groom but I was too fixated on his pools of blue to stop looking at them. He pulled his grip from around me and kissed my hand slowly. A shiver shot through my body as his soft lips pressed against them.

  “Thank you for allowing me to dance with you.” The smirk rolled across his full lips and I watched as Harvey tapped his shoulder.

  “I see you’ve met my lovely Avaya!?” Harvey was gripping him tightly. I nodded towards him and glanced back up at them both. ‘Vens’ must have stood at least 3 inches taller than Harvey. Even in heels I was only just above his chest level. I tried my hardest to steady my hands.

  “I have.” His voice seemed lower than it did before and sent sparks all over my body. I was finding it increasingly difficult to breath.

  “Isn’t she just fucking stunning? Her ex was a fucking idiot,” I watched as the tall, dark and handsomes lips parted as if he was about to say something but they closed swiftly, “I wish I’d have tried my luck.” I instantly frowned at him.

  “Harvey! You’re drunk don’t say things like that! Your wife is over there!” I shoved his shoulder with some force and watched Mr Elusive’s eyebrows raise. Fuck he’s sexy.

  “She knows you were the one that got away.” He winked and opened his mouth in an ‘O’ shape and I punched his left arm with force again. He chuckled loudly and patted the hunk of a man standing next to him. His presence was so strong and the smell of him clung to me. I inhaled deeply.

  “How do you know each other?” I questioned them both and watched as he stood taller.

  “Mutual friends.” He gave me a small smile which didn’t quite reach his eyes. I nodded and looked towards Nancy, hoping she would save me but she had her tongue stuck down some random’s throat. I rolled my eyes. That didn't fucking take long. “Could I buy you a drink?” His voice was soothing as he took my arm in his, slowly leading me away from the commotion of the dance floor.

  “I would love that actually.” He nodded in my direction as my hand slid on top of his strong forearm. He guided me through the small groups of people before we took our seats on some stools. Flashbacks of the night I met Conway slowly appeared in my head and I shook it slowly.

  “So what’s your name?” I gave him a small smile and flushed. He took his seat opposite me and straightened out his blazer. I gulped hard.

  “Haz,” his eyes wandered over my face and met my eyes. I closed them to blink momentarily. I could see him more clearly out here in the dim lit room and he was better than I remembered. I held my hands in my lap “Harvey’s really quite drunk isn’t he? Is he always like that with you?” His eyebrows danced and I fought the urge to hit him playfully.

  “He’s very drunk but he’s always like that, yes. I feel sorry for Grace.” I chuckled a little and watched as he stuck his arm out to the bar man and handed him a note.

  “Grace is just as bad.” I didn’t disagree with him. She really was. She was a major flirt and this was the reason she was so good at her job. Men loved her. “Where is the leggy redhead you were with?” I fought the urge to roll my eyes. How did I not click that he was probably trying to get his leg over. I pointed towards her playing tonsil tennis. He rolled his eyes and laughed. A big hearty laugh. My heart thudded a little harder when I listened to the sound. “Ahh right, that didn’t take her long at all.” I smirked and shrugged. It never does. I eyed the large piano, sat in the corner of the room and smiled to myself. “Do you play?” His eyes dipped towards mine and I nodded before I blushed.

  “I do, do you?” His Adam’s apple rose and fell and I gripped my wine glass tighter.

  “I haven’t in a long time.” Maybe this would have been a good time to see how rusty he was. I placed my wine glass down on the bar and offered my hand to his. I inhaled and braced myself for his touch. He gave me a devilish smile.

  “Well maybe now is the time to have a go again?” I raised my brow and felt him grip my hand. His hand was huge in mine and I tightened my grip before I placed myself on the piano stool. He was towering over me. My heart pounded against my chest and I scooted over before I tapped the space beside me. I exhaled slightly and watched as he placed himself down. “What song do you know?” A small laugh escaped his lips and god was it a delightful sound.

  “Er, that Scottish lad what’s his name?” I rolled my eyes. Was this man living in the dark ages? I started to play the cords to his song and began to hum. I closed my eyes softly and began to play the chorus. I heard the room begin to go quieter. I heard his breathing soften next to me and I opened my mouth,

  “Tell me more, tell me something I don’t know, Could we come close to havin’ it all? If you’re gonna waste my time, let’s waste it right,” I opened my eyes to see people staring with their jaws on the floor. Fuck how much have I had to drink? “Hold me while you wait, I wish that I was good enough, if only I could wake you up, my love, my love, my love, won’t you stay a while? I wish you cared a little more, I wish you’d told me this before, my love, my love, my love, won’t you stay a while?” There was a thunder of applause from around us. My face filled with blood. I glanced under my lashes towards him. His mouth was slightly open as if he was about to say something but his adam’s apple rose and fell. I moved my hands swiftly away from the piano and placed them in my lap. “It’s your turn now.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and watched as his fingers spread across the keys. He took a deep breath and shook his head towards me.

  “I can’t tonight.” He removed his hands from the keys and took mine in his once he had stood up. I glared at him and watched as he nodded down at me. My heart thudded harder as I took his hand. I had completely forgotten about the eyes around the room looking at every move we were making.

  “I know you can play, somebody who can’t doesn’t spread their hands across keys like that.” My statement was blunt. I watched as he smiled widely.

  “Hmm, or maybe I’m just good with my fingers Avaya?” I scoffed a laugh and nudged him slightly. I watched as he looked down towards his watch and his chest suddenly got bigger. “I think it’s about time I got back.” I tucked my wild hair behind my ear and nodded at his confession. “C’mon we should find your friends.” He tugged slightly on my arm and I shook my head softly, my hair had now moved and was swirling around my face.

  “No don’t worry, I’ll find them or I’ll find Grace.” I tried my hardest to remove my hair from my face when he did it for me. His fingers trailed along the length of my jaw before he tucked my hair behind my ear. I close
d my eyes softly and inhaled his expensive smelling aftershave.

  “You can keep the hoodie.” He muttered more to himself than me. His hand lingered for a split second and I traced my hand towards it. Please don’t leave. I opened my eyes again to see a tormented look spreading in his usual steady facial expression. I removed my hand and took a step away from him. He nodded at me and as he brushed past me to leave I suddenly felt as though I’d just been hit by a bus. I have to find Nance or Soph. Fucking hell. I can’t breathe. I couldn’t jog anywhere in these fucking heels but I no longer wanted to be alone with eyes on me.

  Vens - Sunday

  I didn’t sleep. I was tormented by her piercing sea green eyes staring through me like she could have fallen in love with me. I was bad for her. It took all of me to walk away from her. I closed my eyes again in an attempt to go back to sleep but the image of her perfect silhouette floating towards me in the silk dress, her dark waves cascading down her back and her eyes. Her fucking eyes. I shook my head as I sat up in bed. I shouldn’t have even been near her. Jay was missing. He’d done a fucking runner on his own and nobody knew where he’d gone. Not even Chloe. I groaned and ran my fingers across my phone. It was 6am. I could no longer lay here all day in self pity. My veins ached, my head ached and I was itching for another fix. I glanced around my cold and empty looking bedroom and made my way down the hallway to find Chloe. She would have figured out where he’d gone.

  I placed my hand against her bedroom door and began to knock. She answered before I could open it myself. She stood leant against the door frame. She had the same mud brown eyes as her brother, the type that was difficult to say no to and a platinum blonde bob. I smirked at her, stood there in just her underwear and placed my hands against her hips pushing her further back into the room.

  “Put some clothes on or you’ll get me in trouble again.” My words came out as a growl and I watched as her hands rested around my neck.


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