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Page 9

by Anna White

  Avaya: Ohh I’m sorry Soph.

  There was no further reply. I realised how lonely I was without them. I shrugged to myself and began to tap Anya’s name in my phone book. She moved away up north to go to uni. She was the first of us to flee the nest. It rang, and rang and rang before she finally picked up.

  “Oh thank God you’ve answered.” I sighed and lay back on my bed again. Laughing came from the other end of the phone.

  “What’s going on?” I knew I could tell her everything and anything but it had been so long since I’d seen her face to face I was just nervous about what she’d think of me. “I saw that gig you did last night it was brilliant.”

  “Thank you,” I began and suddenly stopped. I couldn’t tell her the specifics.

  “Spill it Av, what’s going on?” I exhaled and shook my head.

  “I think I’ve accidently caught feelings for someone,” I heard her take a deep breath “actually I take it back. I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. He kinda you know,” I flushed, picturing him between my legs and pressed my thighs together.

  “What? He what?” I closed my eyes.

  “He went down on me.” I cringed the second the words left my mouth.

  “Fuck off! Have you done it then like finally? Did you return the favour?” I imagined her short dark hair wobbling as she spoke and laughed a little.

  “No I haven’t done it. We just kinda kissed and then he told me to take my knickers off and well,” I cleared my throat. He was so sexy. “So yeah he got lost for a little while.” I heard her giggling on the other end of the phone.

  “Did he make you squirm?” I smirked as the memory of my orgasm came to the forefront of my mind.

  “I think I had an orgasm. It was like a wave rolled through my body.” She was quiet for a while.

  “Back up, this guy was that good with his mouth he made you cum?” I blushed as she said the word.


  “Wow…” We were quiet again for a little while and I smiled to myself. “Is this the same guy as tall, dark and handsome from the coffee shop?” Oh fuck how am I supposed to explain this?

  “Well no not exactly… he’s a friend of his but I’ve only just found this out.”

  “Oh my god Avaya what have you turned into these last few weeks?!” I scoffed back a laugh.

  “Nancy and Soph I think…” She giggled too.

  “Well just don’t get hurt. I’m coming to visit soon. I’ve taken a gap year to travel so I wanted to see you before I flew off.” Sadness went through me and I nodded.

  “That sounds nice. When were you planning on coming back?” I sensed her uncertainty from the end of the phone.

  “I’m not sure yet, just be safe yeah? I’ve gotta run. Love you.”

  “Love you too” I placed the phone down and grabbed my bag. I needed to get out of this house.

  Shopping was at best a 25 minute train ride from where we lived and sometimes I enjoyed the commute into town on the train. Especially when I was alone. I enjoyed my day alone, browsing through the shops and having a wander around. I placed my phone in my hand and ear phones in. I closed my eyes and tried to forget what happened last night. My phone buzzed and I looked down to see a text from Conway.

  Conway: Alf said he’s got your wages from last night

  Come and grab them from Top Hat tonight?

  My mum would kill me if I was out all night again and I go to type my response.

  Me: I can pick them up but can’t stay need to catch up on uni stuff?

  Conway: Ok? :(

  Me: Don’t sad face me. I do have a life outside of partying you know…

  Conway: Well I was gonna tell you we were having a gathering at ours afterwards and you were invited. You should bring your friends? ;)

  Me: Aww has Nancy caught your eye?

  You know she isn’t shy. I’m sure she’d love a piece of you.

  There was a while before he responded.

  Conway: Are you jealous?

  Me: Absolutely not :)

  Conway: Gutted for me then eh?

  Me: See you tonight :)

  I shook my head in disbelief. It was the truth. I wasn’t jealous that Nancy wanted him. Was he upset that I’d rejected him? I held my arm as the train halted at my stop and jumped down onto the platform below. I couldn’t tell Soph or Nance about what had happened the previous night. Haz didn’t seem to be in a rush to tell Jay. There must have been a reason? My head hurts…

  I didn't want to call my friends, I didn’t want them involved. Only because both of them would know I had the hots for his best friend and Nancy had a huge mouth that she couldn’t keep shut. I’d go on my own to collect my wages. I placed a nude gloss over my lips and made sure my mascara covered my eyelashes. I stood and walked towards my tiny white, nearly falling down wardrobe with all my dresses neatly lined up inside it. I sighed as I looked at them and placed myself on the edge of my bed. I glanced to my right to spot my mum resting herself against the door frame.

  “What’s wrong?” She made her way towards me and I tried my hardest to smile.

  “Nothing I’m okay?” She rested her and against my shoulder as she sat next to me and looked towards the wardrobe.

  “Where are you going tonight?” I shrugged and glanced at the sadness in her eyes. My mood must have been rubbing off on her.

  “Just going to get my gig money and then I think some of my friends are having a few drinks there?” She nodded and started to route through my mounds of clothes. There were some that had never even been placed on my back. She pulled out a few, they were all short and I chuckled.

  “God mum no.” She smiled widely and then pulled out a nice casual dress. I nodded. This might work… She threw it in my direction.

  “Try it. It’s nice enough with a pair of heels.” She eyed up the bag next to me and grinned. “Possibly that you brought today?” I giggled and nodded.

  “Thanks mum.” She leant down and planted a kiss on my forehead. I relaxed slightly and reached up to give her a cuddle. I could always count on her to lift my spirits. I pulled my dress over my head, it was cream in colour and asymmetric. My only criticism was that it was a little low cut. I frowned at my appearance in the mirror. I placed on my heels and grabbed my clutch bag before I sprayed my perfume. I pulled the high bun out and let my natural waves fall around my face. This will have to do… I exhaled and made my way to The Top Hat before I had a chance to change my mind.

  My plan was simple. Say hi, gather my gig money and sneak away. None of them would even notice I’d gone. There were bouncers at the doors again and they opened them for me. Huge gangster looking bouncers. The types you see in Hollywood films. The bald older guy had been on duty the night before and must have recognised me. I ushered my way through a sea of people. I realised that it was a Sunday night but there were people in every spare space. I finally made my way to Alfie at the bar. He was serving again. He looked rushed off his feet. He smiled behind me and I noticed two familiar hands rest upon my stomach. The smell of him surrounded me.

  I instantly turned to see his large pools of blue staring down at me.

  “You’re wonderful aren’t you? " My eyes didn’t move off his and I shrugged. I had never been called wonderful by anyone before.

  "Not really, just average." He stared down at me, a smirk crossed his handsome face and my stomach tightened.

  “There is nothing average about you.” He looked serious. I took in a breath and tucked my hair behind my ear. He leant down and placed his lips against my ear. I felt a familiar warmth between my legs and closed my eyes tightly. "It really is no wonder he kept you quiet you know?" My breathing suddenly stopped. Whatever power he had over women, I was no exception to the rule. I shook my head softly. Confused by his honest outburst I blushed and pushed his chest slightly to try and put some space between us before I self combust. "He has a soft spot for you." I laughed awkwardly and looked away from him before I cleared my throat.

  "I doub
t he'd admit that one." I finally had enough space between us to think clearly. I watched as he shrugged and smirked down at me. My hand slipped down his chest and he caught my hand in his, running his thumb across the palm of my hand.

  “You really are beautiful.” I shook my head at him and blushed a deep shade of red.

  “And you must be blind." I whispered eventually. I watched him shake his head.

  "Far from it actually, 20/20 vision. Perfect eyesight." I rolled my eyes. Of course they're perfect. You are perfect. I took a step back from his grasp, unwillingly.

  "Did you come to torture me for any particular reason?" He held his hand on his chest and gripped it. His white loose fitted t-shirt crumpled underneath his grasp.

  “Not really.” He flashed his pearly white teeth and me and I smiled to myself. He winked at me and released my hand. I leant into his a little and tiptoed up towards his ear.

  “That’s a shame I thought you were going to finish what you started last night.” I ran my lips across his ear and I was sure his breathing stopped after he gasped. I smirked and waved towards Alfie. He looked at the small gap between where Haz and I stood and tilted his head towards a younger looking lad. I followed his line of sight and noticed that the young dirty blonde haired lad was giving me what I could only describe as come to bed eyes. I cleared my throat and raised my eyebrows at him. His eyes lingered towards my chest and he pushed a beer mat towards me. I read the scrawled writing. ‘What's your name?’ I smiled politely in his direction. He looked as though he had just left college, his face was youthful and his dirty blonde hair was rugged. I looked at what he was wearing. He was smartly dressed in a shirt and some form of suit trousers; they were too formal for a place like this. Or maybe he had just come from a meeting? I dropped my gaze from him and felt a familiar overpowering presence. Jay was now standing next to me.

  "I got you a drink.” His tone was sharp and I turned to stare at him. What the fuck have I done to upset you!? I frowned deeply at him as I took my drink from his grasp. His eyes were dark and I noticed the tense atmosphere between us all.

  "How are you keeping Arlo?" I turned my head to glance behind me where Haz was standing. His tone was cool and blunt and sent shivers down my spine. I felt my arse rest just below where his crotch was and I gripped the bar that was in front of me.

  "I'm fine thank you Harry. How are you doing?" This sweet boy's tone was as cold as ice. Harry? His name is Harry. Who is this lad? Why the tense atmosphere?

  "I'm very well thank you. Is your brother in town?" I listened eagerly to the conversation, trying my best to keep myself upright. Haz was stronger than I’d realised, the force of him standing behind me was making my wrist ache from gripping onto the bar.

  "Yes, as a matter of fact he is. He's planning to visit you both soon." A smug expression flashed across his face before he turned his attention back to me. I blushed under his gaze and swallowed the lump growing in my throat. "Who is this?" I glanced up at Jay, maybe he’d know what to say.

  "She's one of Chloe's friends from uni." Jay answered before Haz or I could and I closed my mouth.

  "Well she's too old for me then..." He began to chuckle and I tried to hold in my laugh too. I had to keep the wine in my mouth. "I wonder if she's to Rava's taste." He continued to laugh but now I had stopped. I got an eerie feeling that filled me with goosebumps. Something isn’t right.

  "Don't go there Arlo." Haz snapped, I felt his hand rest against my hip, he ran his thumb over it and I closed my eyes for a split second. The feeling of him touching me in a possessive manner turned me on no end. I opened my eyes and glanced back towards him. He looked angry, so fucking angry. I ran my fingers over his softly in an attempt to calm him down and watched as he glanced in my eyes. I couldn’t read him.

  "Ahh is it like that?" He glanced at us and I blushed. Fuck.

  "No it's like nothing." He removed his hand from my hip slowly but kept the spacing the same. A grin stretched across young Arlo’s face.

  "Go and find Chloe beaut." Jay gestured at Chloe who was standing laughing with Jamane, our dance tutor and I looked back at Jay, his eyes said all I needed. 'Get out of here while you can Avaya.' I nodded and began to walk towards her. I made a point of not looking back towards where they were standing. Had Jay noticed Haz’s hand on my hip? Did he know? I shook my head and stood next to Chloe. She looked up towards me and her expression changed. She went from being happy and laughing to concerned.

  "What is wrong with you?" She chuckled. I shook my head and thought about the scary blonde lad.

  "Nothing," I began, "actually, who the hell is Arlo?" I heard a small gasp come out of Missy’s mouth and watched as Chloe looked towards the bar. "And who the fucking hell is Rava?" I couldn’t stop the questions from flying out of my mouth.

  "Oh shit." I watched as Chloe made her way away from where we stood towards the bar, she didn’t take Missy with her. She simply stood in silence next to me. My mind was racing. I peered at Missy who’s colour had drained. She looked ghostly white even beneath her mahogany tan.

  “What’s going on?” I questioned her. She didn’t make any eye contact with me; she simply shook her head.

  "If I were you Avaya I would go, and I wouldn’t come back." Her words of warning didn’t sound vicious. There was an air of concern. Concern for me. She took a seat in the booth next to where we stood and began to rub her wrists slowly. She did not once look at me. I found myself feeling sorry for her. I knew she didn’t like me. She never had done. Even whilst we were in school but at that moment I felt sorrow for her. Something had happened to her. Something bad and she was warning me away. How could I leave now? I took her towards the ladies bathroom as she was clearly in some form of shock. She still didn’t look directly at me as she continued to rub her wrists.

  "Go back out Avaya, I'll be fine just send Chloe in yeah?" I felt like I should stay but I knew she had a short fuse so I followed her request. My chest felt tighter and tighter by the second as I left the ladies bathroom.

  Vens - Sunday

  She was standing outside, it was fucking freezing out there. I looked towards her and she looked deep in thought as she stared out towards the beach. This wasn’t the first time I’d seen her do this. She did the same thing that first night at Alfie’s. Since Arlo showed up the night had gone all wrong. He wasn’t supposed to show up. Jay fixed Rava when he went to Italy. He wasn’t supposed to be over here. Not now. I knew that Missy hadn’t left the ladies all night and I didn’t blame her. If I were in her shoes, I would have probably been too scared to leave them too. A deep sigh escaped my lips, I leant against the Top Hat’s exterior wall and watched her. Her hair was swirling around her as the wind blew and I walked towards where she stood. I braced myself for touching her. She felt like fire. I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her towards the wall where I was leaning. She screamed and I placed my hand softly against her mouth.

  “It’s only me.” I muttered. Her eyes changed from horrified and scared to relaxed. I never wanted to see that look in her eyes again but me being involved in her made that probability high. He was going to find out eventually they all would. I felt her push my chest. I didn’t move.

  “Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?” She said breathlessly after I removed my hand from her mouth. She seemed so helpless in my grip and as I ran my lips across her collar bone I felt her heart beat quicker.

  "No, you're trying to get me into trouble, well you will if you continue to scream like that." I doubted that she’d have noticed my antagonistic tone but she smiled and wriggled from my grasp.

  "Why are you here?" She sounded confused and she cocked her head to the right, gazing at me with those beautiful fucking green eyes.

  "I came to find you?" The colour rose in her face and I leant down to place a kiss against her lips but she stopped me in my tracks.

  "I was just about to head home." Ouch. I raised my eyebrow at her and that’s when a shy smile crept across her expression.r />
  "If you want to go home, you should have said? I can take you back to Alfie's? It's not a problem?" I smirked down at her and watched as her breathing faltered. I stood my ground close to her and was shocked by her response. She nodded.

  "That would be very nice of you." Her voice was rough and sexy. The look in her eyes was the same one that she had given me the night I made her toes curl and I could feel my dick rising to her attention in my pants. I cleared my throat and started to walk towards the beach. She glanced from the corner of her eye at me and I smirked at her. She giggled a little. It was the sweetest fucking sound.

  "What's so funny?" I quizzed as I took my blazer off to give to her, her lips were turning blue in colour and I placed my blazer over her tiny shoulders. She simply shook her head.

  "No nothing, I'm fine..." She glanced out towards the sea again which gave me time to take her in. I really fucking wanted this girl. "Who was that Arlo? Who is Rava?" I smirked as I shook my head. Chloe said she was always full of questions. You should leave some things left unturned Avaya. I wanted to warn her away but I couldn’t.

  "Rava is our business partner, Arlo is his younger brother." I sensed that my words may have come out as sharp and harsh yet she didn’t flinch. I watched as she continued to walk. I watched her cogs turning in her head and smirked to myself. I lifted her over the gate once we reached Alfie’s house. She still didn’t say a word. As we reached the entrance, I tapped down my pockets and began to search for my keys. I watched as the corners of her perfectly shaped mouth curled upwards. I placed my hands on my keys and opened the door. She made her way inside and shrugged off my blazer before she hung it up on the coat rack by the entrance of the house. The sound of her heels hitting the floor echoed around the hallway. She gave me that look again and I clenched my hands into fists.

  “Are you coming up?” Her eyes drifted towards the stairs and I nodded.

  “I’ll make sure you’re settled before I leave.” My words were cool and I felt her place her hand in mine. I watched as she climbed the stairs gracefully. Her arse wobbled the right amount. I closed my eyes briefly to try and regain some sort of control of my emotions. She’s off limits. I exhaled when we hit her room. She pressed down the handle with her elbow and pulled me inside her room softly. I examined the look on her face. She was blushing and I ran my fingers across her cheek.


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