
Home > Nonfiction > Run > Page 16
Run Page 16

by Anna White

  “I didn’t have you down for a KOL fan?” She was watching my every move.

  “I like them. They’re different.” She flashed a smile and I watched as she placed her head back on her hand and went back to looking out of the window. I desperately wanted to reach for her hand and say sorry about last night but I was scared. I was scared she was going to make me promise I’d never do it again and I couldn’t do that. I didn’t have control over myself when I was that far gone. I shook the thought away. I pulled onto the extremely long car park which was full of cars and smiled as she tried to suss out where she was. “We all used to come here a few years ago, before Alf opened the Top Hat.” She still didn’t look at me. I swung the car into a space and watched as she exited the car. She was so steady in heels and I wondered where she learnt that skill. She didn’t work in them all day.

  “It looks beautiful.” She stopped walking and stood looking at the old pub. They had recently changed up the exterior, it had a fresh coat of cream paint and the beams where a light mauve colour. I stood next to her and felt wrapped her hand in mine. I ran my thumb over it slowly and it was like all of my problems evaporated. She looked up in my direction, her sea green eyes were twinkling in the light of the car park and I pulled her inside. We took our seats on a small table at the bar, a man placed his hand against my arm and smiled.

  “Long time no see! How are you!?” Luis was smiling so brightly at us. It had been a long time and he’d matured, his cheeks were still chubby and red but it seemed as though he’d learnt how to fix his beard a little better. I smirked as I shook his hand.

  “I’m good thanks Luis how are you?” I was shocked as I found myself genuinely intrigued by how his life has been while I’ve been running around all over the country.

  “Oh you know still the same, I’m still here,” he chuckled a little and I smiled before I glanced towards Avaya, she was tucking her hair behind her ear and that was her biggest give away that she was uncomfortable. I placed my hand in hers and squeezed before I looked back at Luis.

  “This is Avaya by the way.” His eyes lit up and my brow furrowed. He was like a deer in headlights.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she offered him her hand and he took it. He was like a lovesick puppy and I decided I’d let him have his moment.

  “Likewise.” I watched the sweat beads forming on his forehead and held in my chuckle. “I’ll get you both a table shortly and I’ll be back.” He disappeared quickly into what I can only presume was the kitchen and glanced at Av.

  “What did I do wrong?” She whispered up at me, her eyes almost looked sad.

  “Nothing, from the sweat on his forehead after you shook his hand, I don’t think he’s ever going to wash it again.” She scoffed a laugh and nudged me softly.

  “Oh don’t be ridiculous!” I shook my head and placed my water to my lips.

  “I’m not, I’m being serious. I think you just made him flustered, you're a beautiful woman Avaya.” She didn’t look convinced by my compliment.

  “So are you gonna tell me the lowdown with you and Rava?” She glanced up towards me and I exhaled before I instinctively ran my hand across my forehead.

  “I’ve told you he’s my business partner.” She raised her brow at me and I smirked.

  “Then why does he hate you and why did he make my skin crawl?” Her green eyes are breathtaking and I struggled to lie to her. I couldn’t tell her the real reason why.

  “We’ve never seen eye to eye,” That was the truth. Sort of “maybe he made your skin crawl because you have eyes for somebody else?” I placed my pint glass against my lips and smirked at her doll-like expression. Her eyes lowered to her wine glass and I softened instantly.

  “Maybe,” her voice trailed off and I reached to grab her hand in mine. She looked towards me and smiled a little. Her perfect heart shaped lips looked better when they were pulled up at the sides. I ran my thumb over the back of her hand and watched as Luis made his way back over. He was a little flushed in the face as he looked at our hands on the tabletop.

  “Ready to order?” He pulled his pen and pad from his back pocket and looked towards me, Av released my hand and pointed at the menu.

  “I want that burger, garlic bread? And maybe some battered mushrooms?” She moved her hair behind her ears as she beamed towards me and I smiled softly. He wrote everything down in a rush and I smiled before I opened my mouth to speak. “Oh could I have a top up of lemonade please?” She tapped the top of her glass and I chuckled to myself. Luis smiled as he nodded.

  “And for you?” I glanced down at the menu and pointed towards the steak he nodded. “Anything else?” I tapped my pint glass and I felt her nudge me underneath the table. Her brow furrowed.

  “You’re driving?” She looked so angry, I smirked up at Luis who was grinning.

  “I like you.” He pointed at her and she chuckled.

  “I’ll have a coke then please.” I rolled my eyes and watched as she smiled at me. Her face was full of blood and I watched as she slid off her jacket. I was hoping that she’d start the conversation but she didn’t, she simply reached for her phone and I leant back watching her. She tapped away furiously, she had a small wrinkle between her eyes and a line across her nose when she frowned. It was endearing.

  “You seem annoyed?” I muttered in her direction, she looked up from her phone and shook her head.

  “It’s my friend, she was supposed to be coming down months ago but she’s pushed it back to December.” She almost looked sad.

  “Where is she from? Maybe I could take you up to see her instead?” The words ran out of my mouth quicker than I could register what I was saying.

  “She lives in Manchester, she’s at uni but she said she’s been taking a little break? She said she’s been offered a job this way by a friend that she can’t deny but she won’t be ready to move back until December.” There is an uncertainty in her expression.

  “That’s great isn’t it?” I watched as her shoulders tensed.

  “She doesn’t have any other friends down here? I’d know them?” She was worried and it was written across her face. She looked paler than usual. Luis placed our food on the table and I watched as she smiled at him. His eyes sparkled as she smiled.

  “Maybe she’s met them online or something?” I stabbed my fork into a mushroom and watched as her mouth dropped slightly.

  “They are mine Haz.” She placed a fork in one and placed it in her mouth. I smirked and shrugged.

  “They looked nice?” She smirked and shook her head.

  “I’m just worried about her that’s all.” I nodded.

  “She’s a big girl? She can make her own choices?” I examined her eating her garlic bread next and watched as she leant backwards slightly.

  “Big girls make mistakes too you know.” Her eyes lowered. Ouch! Is she making reference to me being a mistake!? I inhaled deeply and looked towards my steak.

  “That hurt my feelings Miss Holt.” I looked back towards her and watched her face twist.

  “I didn’t mean you,” she opened and closed her mouth as though she was trying to search for the right words and I smiled at her.

  “I’m joking Avaya.” She closed her mouth for good now, well until she’d polished off her food.

  I wasn’t stuffed but I guessed she was. She had turned down desert and was sititng slightly more relaxed. Her eyes ran over my face and I smiled softly. She was so naturally beautiful it took my breath away. I watched the way her hair fell behind her shoulder and she sipped on her third glass of water.

  “You ready to leave?” I questioned.

  “Don’t we have to pay?” She went to pull her purse out.

  “Don’t worry about the bill it’s been sorted.” I paid that when I told her I needed to take a visit to the little boys room. I watched her flush and smiled as I placed my hand out for her to grab.

  “Thank you for dinner.” She placed a warm kiss against my cheek and it tingled against my skin. I squeeze
d her fingers in mine softly and felt her move to beside me. She was still holding my hand. Hers seemed so tiny in mine. “So where too?” She questioned as I held the door of the restaurant open for her. The wind taking her hair and spreading her scent through the air.

  “Wanna go and watch a film?” She glanced towards my Audi and then back towards me.

  “Not in a theatre? Somewhere else maybe?” Her voice was steady, tainted with want and excitement and I could feel my pulse racing. She was leaning on my bonnet slightly and I was in awe of her.

  “We can’t go back home? They will be back in a few hours.” Her eyes traced my chest and I squeezed my eyes shut. She pulled on my jacket slightly, I placed my hand next to her leg on the bonnet and placed my face centimetres away from hers.

  “Wanna grab a room somewhere?” Her eyes seemed hazel in colour while she ran her lips against mine. Fuck yes. I was now internally battling demons. I swore once that turned into twice and now I wanted her again. She ran her fingers around the back of my neck and ran them over the hair in the nape of my neck. I’d never seen her so calm. She was a wreck usually. I kissed her softly, I could feel her smile against them and pushed slightly on the bonnet.

  “We can if you’d like to?” I decided on putting space between us, I needed the space to be able to think sort of clearly. She was now flushing and she jumped in my car. I looked down at the slightly hard dick between my legs and re-adjusted myself before I joined her. She rested her hand on my leg, her slightly glazed over eyes looked down at my dick and I turned on the engine. I smirked and shook my head as I drove away from the car park.

  I decided to drive a little further out to Exeter; she was smiling as she glanced at me. I watched as she placed her hand towards the volume button on the radio and cranked it up two digits. It was an old R&B playlist on my Spotify and she seemed to enjoy it. I chuckled as she sang along.

  “I loved these when I was younger.” She admitted as she placed her head back on her hand. “Nancy loves this music. Most of her dances are to this.” She gestured at the radio and I smiled widely at her.

  “I used to love dancing to it too.” Her eyes saddened as she glanced towards me.

  “You’re really good? Why did you stop?” Her question was sincere and I placed my eyes back on the road.

  “Drugs.” I stated bluntly. It was the truth, drugs took over. The weekend binges turned into weeknight sessions and the high from Coke wasn’t as good as it once was so I dabbled in more and more and I got lost. I lost myself. They numbed my thoughts around my actions. I was lost in thought and found her hand resting on mine on the gear stick. I pulled up on the car park of our hotel and watched her as she ran her thumb over my hand. It was comforting. She leant towards me and kissed my lips softly. Her lips lingered there for a second and I reached to hold her face in my hand. My heartbeat quickened and I ran my nose across hers.

  “Shall we watch a really crap film and order room service?” I said against her lips and felt her nod.

  “That sounds perfect.” She whispered as she kissed the hand that was holding her face. I kissed her again slowly and watched as she left the car. I followed her and we walked together towards the Hilton hotel that was in front of us. She squeezed my hands as we walked past the doorman in a top hat. It had been a while since I had visited or stayed here but not a lot had changed. The white marble floors swept out in front of us, she glanced up at the glass chandelier that was hanging from the ceiling between the stairs and I smiled at her.

  “This place is beautiful?” She almost gasped when I walked her up to the check in desk. The blonde haired lady stood behind it and smiled cheerfully at us.

  “Can we stay in the penthouse?” I muttered towards her, Avaya wasn’t paying any attention, she was like a child that had just been brought her favourite gift on Christmas Day and I smiled towards the blonde. Her eyes were wide.

  “For how long?”

  “Unfortunately just the night.” I watched as she flushed blood red and smiled at her. She tapped away at the computer and gave me the key card.

  “Lift right to floor 35, you will have to swipe the card for the doors to open.” I glanced at the blue card and nodded.

  “Thanks.” I handed her my bank card and watched her place it in the holder, I placed in my 4 diget code and smiled down at Av. She was still taking all of the building in. I pulled her hand a little and she looked into my eyes.

  “Thank you Mr Vens.” The blonde said as she handed me my card back. I nodded and placed the key card in my pocket and walked towards the lifts. She was so quiet.

  “Honestly this place is wonderful?” She offered me a weak smile and I placed my hand in hers. We slipped into the lift and I hit the 35 button. Her eyes widened and I kissed her slowly. Her head was against the mirrored back and I heard her little moan from the depths of her throat. She ran her hands down my arms until we heard the lift ping. The doors opened and I moved to glance at the older couple.

  “Up or down?” The older man dressed in his best suite said, I grinned slightly and watched as the old lady gave Av a wink and smirked.

  “Up.” He nodded as the doors closed Av chuckled, she held her mouth and smiled more. Within seconds the lift pinged again and I reached in my pocket for the key card. I swiped the lift and watched the doors open. There was a door directly in front of us. It was a large white double door and I swiped for it to open. Her face dropped almost instantly as she took in her surroundings. The bed was in the middle of the room overlooking the view of Exeter. She walked over to the floor to ceiling height windows and pressed her hand against the glass. I made my way towards her, making my way past the long dark grey corner sofa and past the super king sized bed. I smiled to myself. She was so beautiful. The moonlight trickled through the windows and shon off her cheeks. I ran my hands underneath her shirt, over her stomach muscles and kissed the side of her neck slowly. Her breathing stopped as I kissed her and her hands came up to clutch mine that were on her stomach. I ran my lips against her shoulder and felt her squeeze my hands.

  “Why did you ask me out tonight?” She whispered, her voice was barely audible.

  “Because you deserve an apology,” I was lost in the smell of her, the taste and the touch of her. I traced my fingers along the top of her jeans and heard her inhale sharply,

  “Then why didn’t you just say sorry?” She turned to face me, running her fingers up my chest and towards my neck. Her eyes didn’t open as I ran my hands over her arse and my lips across hers.

  “I’m sorry for hurting you,” I placed a kiss against the corner of her full lips, “I’m sorry for promising you it would only be once,” I kissed her jawline as she ran her fingers through my hair. I gripped her arse in my hands. “I’m sorry that I can’t keep that promise.” She tilted her neck so that my lips were resting on hers.

  “I don’t want you to keep it, I never have.” Her words were a whisper but they made me explode. I placed her underneath me on the huge bed, her arms fell either side of her head and her legs coiled around my waist.

  “It was never going to be a one time thing. I can’t get enough of you.” I kissed her frantically. It was open mouthed, hot and steamy. Her tongue tasted sweet. I needed her. She rolled so that she was now over me on the bed. She had pinned me underneath her, I watched her eyes darken again and ran my hands over her hips. Her hair surrounded her face. “Take it off.” I ran my hand down the buttons of her blouse and watched as she did as she was told. I drank in the site of her. My cock grew the more her skin was being revealed. Her black bra was on full display. She was becoming more and more red with colour and I sat up slightly. I kissed her slowly and knocked the straps of her bra off her shoulders softly before undoing the clasp at the back. Her fingers traced over the buttons on my shirt and I felt her undoing them. I moved her hair from her neck softly, my fingers brushing her back and planted kisses all the way down it to her collar bone. She was feather light in weight on my lap and shy. Painfully shy. I helped her ge
t rid of my shirt and pulled it off my arm, it flew to the bedroom floor and I watched as her eyes studied me. She wasn’t looking at my face, just my shoulders and chest. She was hiding hers with her arms. I smiled sweetly as I kissed her lightly again. “Don’t be shy?” I whispered and felt her flush. “You’re beautiful. Everything about you is perfect.” There was no need to lie to her. She was absolutely perfect. I’d never seen another woman like her and I’d seen my fair share of women. I placed her underneath me again and held her arms softly so that she was no longer covering herself. Her nipples stood to attention as the cool air of the room hit them and I placed my lips around them softly. Her back arched as I sucked gently, I glanced down at her face and her eyes fluttered open revealing her beautiful eyes. My heart stopped as I looked in them. She wriggled her hands from my grip and pulled my chin up towards her lips. She gave me a sultry smile and kissed me once softly. I smiled. She made me want to be better and I was convinced that I needed her more than I needed anything else. I ran my lips down her body towards her jeans and unbuttoned them. I watched as she wriggled out of them and placed herself back over me after pulling mine off. She was greedy. She placed her hand against my shoulder softly and I leant back on my hands. She wasn’t messing around this evening. She glanced up at my eyes and ran her thumbs over my shoulder.

  “Do you have anything with you?” She looked down at my length and I nodded before I grabbed my jeans from off the floor. She was still on my lap and she chuckled a little as I pulled out my wallet from the pocket. I watched as she raised her brow at me and I ripped the packet open with my teeth. I lowered it over my length and watched as she mimicked it’s movement. “Shit Av.” I groaned. My eyes closed as she got deeper. Her fingers gripped my shoulder and as I opened my eyes I looked to see hers shut too. I kissed her chin softly as she softly rolled her hips. I held her hips softly as I watched her rise and fall on my length. Her moans were soft and sexy and were driving me wild. She rocked her hips in unison with mine, I was deep, so deep and I was beginning to think maybe in more way than one. She held the back and my hair in her hand and she pressed her body against mine. Her voice was husky.


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