
Home > Nonfiction > Run > Page 15
Run Page 15

by Anna White

  “He’s so jealous,” she chuckled and I joined her.

  “He really is, isn’t he?” Their dance finished and there was more applause. I hadn’t realised how sexual it actually was and my eyes narrowed. I felt a small dig in my ribs.

  “Are you sure you two haven’t been you know,” she wriggled her eyes “fucking?” The water that was in my mouth dribbled down my chin as I coughed. I raised my hand to my mouth in an effort to stop it but it worked to no eval.

  “I heard that.” I watched his eyes lower as he looked at her. “And no we haven’t.” He gave nothing away. If I hadn’t have known better I’d have believed him. I wiped away the beads of sweat that were falling from my head and glanced at him. He winked once Chlo had looked away and my stomach tensed.

  The class was over and people started to leave. Obviously the girls in the group wanted Haz to teach again. I couldn’t blame them. Chloe was sitting on her phone scrolling through her Facebook and I stood next to her.

  “I didn’t know he danced?” I muttered towards her. She looked up and had a huge dirty grin on her face.

  “There’s a lot he can do.” She smirked and I flushed. I wasn’t sure if it was an innuendo or she was just stating a fact but I didn’t probe her. I felt Jay’s arms around my shoulders from behind and turned my head to face him. His stubble tickled my cheek.

  “I’m glad you’re alright?” He squeezed slightly before he released me from his grasp and I nodded.

  “I’ve been good actually.” He smirked and wriggled his arms from side to side in an effort to dance. I watched as Nance looked at him in horror and laughed.

  “Oh dear god.” She mumbled and hugged him.

  “I think you need some lessons…” he grinned as he leant down to kiss her. My stomach churned watching them. Gross.

  “Fucking hell you two get a room!” Chloe grimaced and threw a full water bottle at them. I chuckled and pulled Chlo to stand up. “Playing tonsil tennis is Soph’s forte! I thought higher of you Nancy!” Nancy was no longer listening, she was too busy sucking Jay’s face off. I rolled my eyes with her. I leant down and picked my bag up from off the floor, I watched as Chlo was leaving the room and smiled up at Haz. He had a familiar look in his eyes and I hid my smile.

  “You’re all singing and dancing aren’t you?” I scoffed at his remark.

  “Yeah should have worked in Vegas hey?” I watched as he smirked and tried to hold in a laugh. I chuckled and felt Nance grip my shoulders.

  “You did so well!” She examined Haz and frowned as she must have noticed his bruising. “I suppose you were good too Mr Elusive.” She winked at me as she watched my colour change. His brow wrinkled as he shot me a look. I’m going to kill her. I placed my bag on my shoulder and glanced towards the three of them.

  “I’ll meet you at The Top Hat if you want?” They nodded in unison and I chuckled to myself. I needed a shower.

  When I hit the bar the vibe wasn’t laid back and mellow it was absolutely bombing for a Wednesday night. It was student night and there was music blaring from every single angle. It was dark, so dark the only light was from the strobes and I felt the base thudding in my chest from the speakers. Jay waved me over towards the bar and I made my way through the crowds of people to get to him. The women around him glared at me when I leaned up to hear what he was saying.

  “There’s a table up the back,” he pointed towards the booths at the back and I nodded “Nancy and Chloe are up there.” He shouted over the music.

  “You know it’s a Wednesday night right?” My voice was raised.

  “You’re a student aren’t you? This is what life’s about.” He held up a beer in my direction and started to chug it. I laughed as I saw a dribble down his cheek and then rolled my eyes before I made my way towards the booth. I spotted Nancy and Soph waving and a blonde sat with them talking to some of the other people around the table. Oh shit that’s Natalie. She’s a professor at a student night. I fought the urge to laugh and joined them all. Haz was sitting next to her, his beer was in his hand and he was gripping the glass tightly. My whole body ached. She placed her blonde head on his shoulder and kissed his jaw. Jealousy flew through my veins, I didn’t take my eyes off his and he held my gaze. I had to sit and watch her lips graze his stubble. I noticed glasses being placed on the table, I reached my arm towards one of the tiny red jelly shots and downed it in one.

  “Jesus Av you up for a hard night?” Nance laughed and I smirked as I held his gaze, his eyes burned as he looked down towards my lips.

  “Could say that.” I muttered more to myself. I held up the wine glass towards him and smiled. He touched his beer with my glass and took a sip of his as I took a sip of mine. This is going to end terribly tonight. My subconscious was hissing at me. People from around the table had suddenly gone very quiet. I heard a familiar piano sound and watched as Nance stood up.

  “Oh god c’mon let’s go and dance this is your jam!” The beat of the song Afterglow played and I gripped her hand before I stood with her, the cramp in my leg not going unnoticed as my heel hit the floor. Shit shit shit. I took her hand and pulled her towards the dance floor full of sweaty uni students.

  I took my place in the que at the bar. The staff were running around like headless chickens and looked rushed off their feet. I exhaled loudly and felt somebody tall and warm behind me. I knew his presence and it wasn’t him. I tensed almost instantly and felt the hairs on my neck stand up. Please god don’t touch me up. I smelt his alcohol tainted breath against my neck and gripped the money in my hand.

  “Can I help you?” I questioned him sternly as I turned to face him. He was taller than me at a guess he was just 6ft, his hair was jet black and they matched the colour of his eyes. My skin crawled.

  “Do you want a drink?” There was an accent in his voice and I couldn’t place what it was. He wasn’t British. I rolled my eyes and looked back towards the bar. Alfie was leaning over it. His eyes flited left and warmed instantly. Haz was there. I breathed a small sigh of relief, I instantly felt safe again.

  “Can I help you Rava?” His tone was ice cold. It was the same tone that he had used with that blonde guy here once before. That’s where you know his name from. The memory of the blonde fresh faced young man entered my head. ‘wonder if she’s to Rava’s taste.’ I shuddered at the image in my head and glanced back at him.

  “Who is this then?” He glanced towards me, his eyes wandered over me and I instantly turned to look at Haz.

  "A friend of Chloe's." He lied, he lied so well I believed him for a split second. “Why are you over here? I thought we sorted everything out when we came over to see you?” I felt Haz’s hand on my waist and felt him move me to the other side of him. Right so he’s in business with this guy? Is he the reason for the black eyes? I was now in a world of my own imagining crazy scenarios in my head.

  “Things have changed.” His accent made all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and not in a good way. The guy creeped me out. He studied my face again and I watched as he nudged his slightly taller friend who was standing next to him. He looked at me too and wolf whistled. The atmosphere instantly went dense and I shifted slightly. I was uncomfortable.

  “She’s beautiful Harry.” I realised now Haz stood smiling at me.

  “She is.” He stated bluntly, I warmed and then he dropped his gaze before he made eye contact with Rava again. Alfie popped from nowhere with a glass of wine and winked at me. I looked back towards the table and saw the girls having a wail of a time. I touched Haz lightly on the shoulder.

  “I’m going to head back to Chlo?” He just nodded. I clutched my hand around my wine glass and placed my hand over the top of it as I carried it back towards the table. My earlier joy, now gone. I couldn’t for the life of me understand the connection between the two. How could business partners hate each other so much? I shook my head as I hit the table and slumped next to Nance. To add to my problems now my feet hurt. I kicked off my heels and closed my eyes with r
elief. They thudded as blood pulsed around them once more, no longer constricted by my 5 inch heels. Haz re-joined the table and took his seat next to Natalie again. I wanted to smack the smug look off her face but I didn’t have the energy. Haz’s eyes looked blank now as he sat staring at the bar, sipping his pint and I felt Nancy rest her head on my shoulder.

  “Jay’s just told me not to go very far? Why?” I shrugged at her question, I didn’t know for definite but I guessed it had something to do with Rava and his mates. I closed my eyes momentarily and I was suddenly tired. So tired.

  As the evening wore on the drinks flowed more and more. The girls got more and more wasted as time went on. Nancy had dragged me down towards the dance floor once again but this time Chlo joined us. Jay nodded with approval. I followed her and watched as she danced. Though every bone in my body ached I danced with her. Nance raised her fist in the air as Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody blared through the speakers and I watched as Chlo air guitared. I belly laughed at the sight of them. Soph popped up from nowhere, she was a tiny bit drunk. I watched as she screamed the words of the song.

  “Ohhh baby! Just gotta get out of here baby!” She slurred her words and waved her head around. She stumbled slightly and grabbed Nancy’s arm, who then grabbed Chlo’s who then grabbed mine. It was a domino effect. We all landed on a heap on the floor, there was an explosion of laughter around us and I watched as Chlo held her belly.

  “I bet Foley thinks we’re so mature!” I laughed at her comment. I bet she does…


  My head didn’t feel attached to my body. I was pretty sure the room spun for a short period of time when I opened my eyes. Am I still pissed? I held my head as I sat up and kicked Nancy who was passed out on the end of my bed, hugging a bucket and groaning.

  “Fuck off Av.” She gripped the sick bowl tighter and heaved. I closed my eyes again slightly before I opened them again. We weren’t at home, we were at Alfie’s. I didn’t remember getting back here. I moved slowly in an attempt to keep myself from throwing up. I didn’t think I’d been sick though I wasn’t 100% certain. I carried myself towards the main bathroom in search of paracetamol or ibuprofen. I rummaged through the cabinet and heard the door open slightly. I placed my head on the sink and wrapped my arms around my pounding head.

  “Rough night?” His voice was husky too and I jumped slightly before I stood up straight. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and blushed. My brown waves were far from smooth and I was pretty sure I had no make up left on my face. I looked deathly white and I opened my dry mouth.

  “I slept well.” I shook my head a little, the words that left my mouth made absolutely no sense and I bit my lip to hold in my laughter. He smiled widely at me in the mirror.

  “Hmm,” He walked closer to me and placed his hands on two pain killers “here, take these you’ll feel fine in like 20 minutes I swear.” I looked down at the tiny white pills in my hands and frowned.

  “They aren't like speed or some crazy drug are they?” He nearly choked on his laughter.

  “No! What do you think I am a monster?” I smiled widely at him and shrugged.

  “Nah I suppose you’re alright really.” He ran the cold water tap before he placed a small glass on the side.

  “They’re just ibuprofen but they’re the best for headaches.” He winked at me and as I laughed a sharp pain sprawled through my head. He held my arms in his hands and ran his fingers over them. “I’m sorry if I seemed odd last night?” I couldn’t remember much of the night at all. I shook my head at him and smiled. I leant across to reach for the water and swallowed the tablets. The feeling of liquid in my mouth felt so good.

  “It’s fine.” I examined the look on his face, he was lost in his own little world and I reached out to his chest. I felt him remove it gently and lowered my eyes. “Sorry,” I whispered a stab of hurt coursed through me.

  “No it’s just sore that’s all.” He offered me a weak smile and I took it. He stood staring at me for a while.

  “Why was he over here if you went over there?” He shrugged. I watched him from the mirror.

  “Like he said maybe things have changed?” I didn’t believe a word he was saying. My brow furrowed and he smiled softly. “Take a bath you’ll feel better when you have.” He turned on his heel and I watched him leave the room.

  I tried not to think about my headache. I exhaled as I placed my head in Nancy’s lap. She smirked down towards where I was lay and bobbed out her tongue. She looked fresher than me. I closed my eyes and glanced over at Chlo and Soph who had their heads resting on each other. The huge living room looked even bigger when it was just us in here. They seemed miles away even though they were sharing the same sofa. I needed to get home and back to some sort of normality.

  “I need a drink,” I exhaled and made my way down the hallway towards the kitchen. There were muffled voices coming from it.

  “No Nat it’s not not working,” there was a pause before he spoke again. “No it’s not because of her…” my gut twisted slightly as I entered the kitchen he was slumped over the island “look I have to go.” I could hear how upset she was on the other end of the phone and grimaced. I poured the boiling hot water into a cup and let it steep for a few seconds before I pulled open the fridge. He didn’t say anything and I knew his eyes were following me around the kitchen.

  “Would you like to go out for food tonight?” I was trying my hardest to not make eye contact and pulled the sleeves of the long sleeved oversized T-shirt over my hands before I poured the milk in the cup.

  “I think that’s the plan?” I turned to face him and watched him smile slightly, one side of his face lifted as he shook his head.

  “I meant with me?” I gripped the tea in my hand a little tighter and watched as he leaned back against the slate worktops, he rested his weight on his hand and I just stood staring like a complete idiot.

  “Just you?” I raised my eyes and watched him shrug.

  “Yeah,” his fingers ran through the front of his shiny mouse in colour hair and my heart thudded “unless you want to go with everyone else?” I shook my head and leant against the island. The coolness of it shocked me and I moved forward an inch or two in shock. He smirked at me as we stood there.

  “No I’ll go with you?” My face flushed red and I looked down at my steaming tea. “How are we going to get around that then? What lie will it be this time?” My brow furrowed as I felt my heart pound in my chest.

  “I have some stuff I need to get done tonight and you need to go home, don't you? Got uni tomorrow?” Lies rolled off his tongue so naturally it was scary. I simply nodded and began to leave the room, holding my tea and stopped when he reached for me.

  “Chloe has lots of clothes you can borrow if you wanted to?” His blue eyes twinkled and danced as they examined my choice, or lack there of clothing. He bit down on his lip discreetly and I raised my brow.

  “What?” I glanced up at him and watched him shrug softly.

  “I like it when you wear my clothes.” I pulled my arm out in front of me and examined my T-shirt.

  “This is yours?” I questioned. He nodded.

  “Yup.” I flushed bright red and felt him lean to kiss my cheek softly. “Looks better on you though,” the feeling of his stubble lingered against my skin and I quivered “though it may be a little short.” His hands pulled on the back of the shirt and he rested his hand there for a second. I cleared my throat and placed my free hand against his chest softly to push him away. I needed my head space. He dropped his hands and smiled at the door. I turned around quickly to see Jay leant against the doorframe. Oh god how much has he seen?

  “You going home or coming with us?” His face seemed twisted with an emotion. I was convinced it was anger but maybe confusion? I shook my head at him and watched as Haz made his way out of the kitchen and up the stairs, my eyes following him as he walked away.

  “I’m gonna go home?” I don’t look back towards him but feel him step closer to

  “Is there anything going on with you two?” He raised his brow in the most charming way and I laughed slightly. I planted my half full cup on the side and I reached up towards his face. I gripped his chiseled jaw between my hands.

  “Absolutely not, he’s a prick.” Lying was getting easier the more I did it. He simply smiled and as I loosened my grip on his face, his shoulders relaxed instantly. His eyes looked darker today, more tired and this made me worry. My sibling like feelings towards him grew stronger the more I was around him and I planted my head on his shoulder as I hugged him. His hands wrapped around my back and I inhaled the smell of his clean clothes. They smelt like washing powder and his shampoo and I smiled. He coughed a little and I squeezed him slightly. “Please look after yourself Jay? I don’t like seeing you so tired?” I heard his breathing lower and felt his chest constrict.

  “I know.” His voice sounded like it was underwater because my ear was so tightly pressed against his neck. He loosed me and I rubbed his shoulder softly. He offered me a weak smile and I watched as he pinched my chubby cheek between his thumb and finger. “Stay safe.” He turned away from me and made his way upstairs too. Stay safe? What’s that mean? My heart was beating at a steady pace until he said stay safe. Safe from what? Or who?

  Chapter Four

  Vens - Thursday

  We got into my car and I drove for around an hour, maybe longer. Her bravery had completely written me off. I had her pinned to a wall, raising my voice at her, I was high and she was still sitting next to me. I glanced across at what she had chosen to wear. Her jeans were a lighter denim with some rips here and there, her top was a loose black blouse and she had paired it with heels. I liked her in black but I loved her in white. I fought off a smile from my lips. The radio was playing a Kings of Leon album and she was singing. One for my favourite sounds.


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